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School SD
Subject English
Class/Semester 5/2
Competency 1. Listening: Understand very simple classroom instructions
Standard by doing actions.
2. Speaking: State very simple information related to things
and people in the classroom context.
3. Reading: Understand very simple English texts and
descriptive texts using pictures related to class
4. Writing: Spell and write (copy) very simple English texts
related to class environment.
Basic Competence 1.1. Repeat to classroom instructions using actions.
1.2. Respond verbally to very simple
2.1. Making conversation which includes:
- Giving examples in doing something,
- Giving instructions,
- Giving directions.
2.2. Making conversation which includes:
- Asking for and offering help,
- Asking for and giving something.
2.3. Making conversation which includes:
- Giving information,
- Making suggestion,
- Asking for clarification.
2.4. Stating politeness which includes the following
- Do you mind … ?
- Shall we … ?
3.1. Read aloud words, phrases, and sentences using the
correct pronunciation and intonation.
3.2. Understand very simple sentences and texts.
4.1. Spell very simple expressions consisting of words,
phrases and very simple sentences (using
punctuations) correctly.
4.2. Copy simple texts correctly such as greetings and
Meeting/Unit 21-25 / 5
Duration 5 x 35 minutes (more or less)
Lesson Objective Students will be able to:
Meeting 1: To talk about family trip.
Meeting 2: To talk about weather.
Meeting 3: To understand about simple past tense.
Meeting 4: To understand very simple descriptive reading
texts with pictures.
Meeting 5: To review the lessons.
Materials New English Parade – Middle East Series 1, Unit 5, SB page
42 – 51.
Aimed Characters Curious, Independent, Creative, Hard-working, Disciplined,
Democratic, Responsible, Appreciating Achievement, Loves
Reading, Generous.
Techniques of Repeating after the teacher / Audio
Delivery Doing written exercises
Making dialogs
Meeting 1

Lesson Objective: To talk about family trip.

Opening activities (5 minutes):

1. Teacher greets students.
2. Teacher asks students the questions provided on the activity “think and

Core activities (25 minutes):

3. Teacher asks the students to look at the page 42.
4. Teacher says the letter on page 42 and asks the students to repeat after him.
5. Teacher asks several questions about students’ experience related to the
- Why did the deer come to Karl’s tent?
- Have you ever been scared by an animal?
6. Teacher reads the lyrics on page 46 and the students repeat after him.
7. Teacher sings the song and asks the students to follow him.

Closing activities (5 minutes):

8. Teacher divides the class into several groups and asks them to sing the song
in front of the class.
9. Teacher wraps up the lessons and closes the class.
Meeting 2

Lesson Objective: To talk about weather.

Opening activities (5 minutes):

1. Teacher greets students.
2. Teacher asks students “How’s the weather?” or “Is it sunny?".

Core activities (25 minutes):

3. Teacher reads the lyrics on page 43 and the students repeat after him.
4. Teacher sings the song and asks the students to follow him.
5. Teacher asks the students to describe the weather at Loch Roy based on the
pictures in activity 3 and do activity 4 on page 43.
6. Teacher asks the students to mention ‘new words’ in the article about storm
on page 43. Teacher has the students guess the meaning and gives some
correction (if needed).
7. Teacher says the article and the students repeat after him.
8. Teacher asks the students to share their understanding about the content of
the article.
9. Teacher plays a weather report from the recording.

Closing activities (5 minutes):

10. Teacher asks the students to fill the chart about the weather at Loch
Roy yesterday.
11. Teacher wraps up the lesson and closes the class.
Meeting 3

Lesson Objective: To understand about simple past tense.

Opening activities (5 minutes):

1. Teacher greets students.
2. Teacher reviews the previous lesson by asking “Beautiful day, isn’t it?” or “Is
it hot or cold?” Teacher repeats the question several times with variations.

Core activities (25 minutes):

3. Teacher asks the question “What did you do yesterday?” Teacher repeats the
students’ answer with some correction (if needed).
4. Teacher writes down several sentences using simple past tense. Teacher
makes sure the students realize that:
- We need V2 to express the past event.
- In past tense, there are two kinds of verb, irregular and regular.
- In regular, we can form V2 just by adding ‘-ed’ after the V1. However, in
irregular, there is no rule for the changing.
For example: go went
read read
5. Teacher asks the students to give examples of simple past sentences.
6. Teacher asks the students to look at the page 44.
7. Teacher has the students answer the questions on activity 6.

Closing activities (5 minutes):

8. Teacher asks the students to complete Karl’s letter to Tony by changing the
verbs on the Word Bank into V2.
9. Teacher wraps up the lesson and closes the class.
Meeting 4

Lesson Objective: To understand very simple descriptive reading texts with


Opening activities (5 minutes):

1. Teacher greets students.
2. Teacher reviews the previous lesson by asking “What did you do last
weekend?” Teacher repeats the question several times with variations.

Core activities (25 minutes):

3. Teacher leads students to reading a story titled “My trip to Oman”
4. Teacher tells the story on page 47. Teacher asks the students to repeat it
after him.
5. Teacher asks some questions about the story to check comprehension.
Why does John want to be a lifeguard?
What did they find in the wadi?
6. Teacher asks the students to look at the pictures of Ted and Sue’s Adventure
on page 46.

Closing activities (5 minutes):

7. Teacher divides the class into six groups and asks them to describe the
pictures of Ted and Sue’s Picnic Adventure. Teacher has each group describe
one picture.
8. Teacher wraps up the lesson and closes the class.
Meeting 5

Lesson Objective: To review the lessons.

Opening activities (5 minutes):

1. Teacher greets students.
2. Teacher reviews the previous lesson by asking “What is it like out there?” or
“What did you do last holiday?” Teacher repeats the question several times
with variations.

Core activities (25 minutes):

3. Teacher explains how to do activity on page 51 and asks the students to do it
4. Teacher asks the students to work in pairs and describe the pictures on page
50 as many pictures as they can.
5. Teacher has the students share their story about those pictures in front of

Closing activities (5 minutes):

6. Teacher asks the students to do the project about weather on page 49.
7. Teacher wraps up the lesson and closes the class.

Aspects to assess:

Listening/ Speaking : Pronunciation and Intonation

Reading : Pronunciation, Comprehension
Writing : Content and spelling

Assessment Techniques : Written Test

Classroom Observation
Teacher’s assessment

Assessment Sample
Technique : Written Test
Format : Students describe pictures on page 40 and do the
project activity on page 49.

School Principal SD …… English Teacher

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