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Software project




Roll No: 15

Regd No:3470070083

Sec :K27B1

Q.1 Draw an activity diagram using activity on node network conventions for the following

Activity Precedents Duration(days)

A - 4
B A 2
C B,F 2
D C,L 6
E D,H 6
F A 1
G K 1
H G,L 2
K A 5
L F,K 3

Also identify the critical activities on the network along with the Critical Path.

Ans: 4 2 6 6 2 8 12 6 18 18 6 24
8 4 10 10 4 12 12 0 18 18 0 24
0 4 4 4 1 5 9 3 12 12 2 14
Start Finish
8 8 12 12 8 13 13 4 16 16 4 18
4 5 9 9 1 10
10 6 15 15 6 16

The critical activities are D and E because the float is zero and the critical path is ABCDE,

Q.2: Calculate free float and interfering float for each activities in activity network
produced in Q1.

Ans: We know that ,

Free float = earliest start date of the next activity – latest end date of previous activity.
Now by using the following equations we find that
A = 4-0 = 4 F = 5 – 12 = -7
B = 6 – 12 = -6 G = 12 – 15 = -3
C = 12 – 13 = -1 H = 18 – 16 = 2
D = 18 – 16 = -2 K = 9 – 12 = -3
E = 24 – 18 = 6 L = 12 – 15 = -3
Total Float = Latest start date – earliest start date
A=8-0=8 F = 12 – 4 = 8
B=8–4=4 G = 15 – 9 = 6
C = 10 – 6 = 4 H = 16 – 12 = 4
D = 12 – 12 = 0 K = 10 – 4 = 6
E = 18 – 18 = 0 L = 13 – 9 = 4

Interfering float = total float – free float
A=8-4=4 F = 8 – (-7) = 15
B = 4 – (-6) = 10 G = 6 – (-3) = 9
C = 4 – (-1) = 5 H=4–2=2
D = 0 – (-2) = 2 K = 6 – (-3) = 9
E = 0 – 6 = -6 L = 4 – (-3) = 7

Q.3: What are limitations of the precedence and CPM activity network notations?
PERT is a method to analyze the involved tasks in completing a given project, especially the
time needed to complete each task, and identifying the minimum time needed to complete the
total project.

The critical path method (CPM) is an algorithm for scheduling a set of project activities. It is an
important tool for effective project management.

limitations of the precedence and CPM activity network notations are discussed below:-
 Clearly defined, independent and stable activities.
 Specified precedence relationships.
 Over emphasis on critical paths.
 Subjective time estimates.


Q:-4) Identify five risks that might affect the success of the UMS of our university. Suggest
strategies that the university management might consider for dealing each one of them.

Ans:-4) Five risks that might affect the success of the UMS of our university:-

a) Unrealistic time and cost estimates.

b) Developing the wrong software functions.

c) Developing the wrong user interface.

d) Late changes to the requirements.

e) Real-time performance shortfalls.

Strategies should be considered for dealing each one of them are:-


Unrealistic time and cost estimates. Multiple estimation techniques, design to

cost, incremental development, recording and
analysis of past projects.

Developing the wrong software functions. Improved software evaluation, formal

specification methods, users surveys,

Developing the wrong user interface. Prototyping, task analysis, user involvement.

Late changes to the requirements. High change threshold, incremental


Real-time performance shortfalls Simulation, benchmarking, prototyping and

technical analysis.

Q.5: In a large project, why it might not be satisfactory to leave the responsibility of task
allocations entirely to the discretion of the team leader?
Ans:. Risk is a structured approach to managing uncertainty related to a threat, through a
sequence of human activities including: risk assessment,strategies development to manage it, and
mitigation of risk using managerial resources.

The strategies include transferring the risk to another party, avoiding the risk, reducing the
negative effect of the risk, and accepting some or all of the consequences of a particular risk.

The objective is to reduce different risks related to a preselected domain to the level accepted by
society. It may refer to numerous types of threats caused by environment, technology, humans,
organizations and politics. On the other hand it involves all means available for humans, or in
particular, for a risk management entity (person, staff, organization) therefore large project must
not be leaved to team leader.

Q.6: If you have access to a project planning computer application, find out whether or not
it supports the PERT model.

Ans: It use 3 activities:

• Most likely time:- the time we would expect the task to take under normal
circumstances. It is denoted by m.
• Optimistic time:- the shortest time in which we would expect to complete the activity. It
is denoted by a.
• Pessimistic time:- the worst possible time allowing for all reasonable eventualities. It is
denoted by b.
PERT uses these three estimates to calculate a single expected time duration, t e, using the
formula te = a + 4m + b

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