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Respiration in plants

1. What is respiration?
Respiration is a catabolic activity taking place in the bodies of all living plants and animals
all the time where glucose is broken down to carbondioxide and water with the release of
energy in the form of ATP and heat. C6 H12 O6 + 6 O2 --------- 6CO2 + 6H2 O + Energy.
2. Important characteristic feature of respiration
 Break down of glucose into co2 and water is not carried out in a single step, but in a
series of steps. All these steps can be divided broadly into two phases.
 Each step in respiration is carried out with the help of specific enzymes.
 The process of respiration is the same in both plants and animals.
 All these reactions takes place inside the cells in the body of a living organism.
 Energy released during respiration is in the form of ATP and heat.
3. What happens to ATP when it is used up?
When energy in the form of ATP(Adenosine Tri Phosphate) is used up, The ATP gets
converted to ADP( Adenosine Di Phosphate). ADP gets again reconverted to ATP when
energy from respiration is available. One glucose molecule yield 38 ATP molecules.
4. Briefly explain the two phases of respiration
 The first phase in which glucose is converted into pyruvic acid or pyruvate.
 It does not require oxygen and is anaerobic
 It takes place in the cytoplasm.
 It is common in both aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
 This phase occurs after glycolysis where pyruvic acid is converted into CO2 and H2O.
 It require oxygen and is aerobic
 It takes place in the mitochondria.
 It occurs in aerobic respiration only.
5. Why is ATP called the energy currency of the cell?
As it is the immediate source of energy for all the life activities in a cell.
6. What is metabolism? Explain the two types of metabolism.
Metabolism is the sum total of all the chemical reactions taking place inside a living cell. It is
of two types 1. Catabolism or destructive or breaking down process: - where complex food
substances are broken down into simpler substances and energy is released. Ex respiration 2.
Anabolism or constructive or biosynthetic process: - simpler substances are build up to from
complex substances and energy is used up or consumed. Ex photosynthesis.
7. Name the parts of the plant through which exchange of gases occur.
1. Stomata:- In leaves
2. Lenticels:- In stems
3. General surface: -In roots.
8. Farmers plough the soil while they plant the crops. Why?
Ploughing makes the soil loose and airy so that air gets trapped in the soil and the roots get
good supply of oxygen than compact and water-logged soil, that cannot hold oxygen.
9. It is good to sleep under a tree at night and during mid-day?
It is good to sleep under a tree at night as the amount of carbon dioxide inside the room will
be more than open air and during mid-day plants photosynthesize and oxygen is produced so
we get oxygen and coolness due to transpiration
10. Describe the similarities and differences between respiration and burning.
Respiration Burning
1. Energy is released
2. Carbondioxide and water are produced
1. Occurs in a series of chemical steps Occurs in a single step
2. Carried out by enzymes at body temp Carried out by high temperature.
3. Biochemical process Physico-chemical process
4. Energy is liberated as heat and ATP Energy as heat and light
5. No light energy is produced Light energy is produced
6 Occurs inside the living body cells Non-cellular process.
11. Write the differences between Aerobic and anaerobic respiration
Aerobic/oxybiotic Anaerobic/Anoxybiotic
1. Oxygen is required Occurs in the absence of oxygen
2. End products are CO2, H2O and End products are ethyl alcohol, CO2 and
energy energy.
3. Complete break down of glucose Incomplete breakdown of glucose
4. 38 ATP are produced 2 ATP are produced
5. Occurs normally through out the Occurs temporarily for short periods
12. Write some differences between photosynthesis and respiration
Photosynthesis Respiration
1. Anabolic process Catabolic process
2. Glucose is produced Glucose is broken down
3. Oxygen is produced Oxygen is used up
4. Occurs in day time in the presence of Occurs all day and all night
5. Occurs in green plants that contain Occurs in all living organisms
6. Carbondioxide and water are the Carbondioxide and water are the products
7. Results in gain in weight Results in loss of weight
8. Light energy is converted into Chemical energy is converted into heat
chemical energy energy and ATP
13. Difference between respiration in plants and respiration in animals
Respiration in plants Respiration in animals
1. Exchange of gases takes place It happens through particular part of the body in
through all parts of the body multicellular organisms
2. So transport of gases is not Gases need to be transported from the organ of
needed respiration to all parts of the body and back for
usage and elimination
3. End products are ethyl alcohol End product is lactic acid
and CO2.
4. Very little heat is produced More is compared to plants
14. Why is it usually difficult to demonstrate respiration in green plants?
In plants as respiration and photosynthesis happens the amount of oxygen and carbondioxide
taken in and given out in respiration cannot be accurately measured as the carbondioxide
given out during respiration will be utilized for photosynthesis and during photosynthesis
oxygen is released and it may be used by the plants for respiration.
15. Can respiration occur in any organism at a temperature of about 650C? Give reason.
No respiration cannot takes place at this high temperature as the enzymes required at each
step in the chemical reactions of respiration are proteins and these enzymes will be destroyed
or denatured at this temperature and even at a temperature above 450C.
D LONG ANSWER TYPE (Text book questions)
1, 2 and 4 . Refer notes. QN 3 refer text
1. (a) C6 H12 O6+6O2---6CO2+-------+38ATP Ans) 6H2O
(b) C6 H12 O6--------( C2 H5 OH)+2CO2+2ATP
2. (a) KOH absorbs carbondioxide.
(b) Coloured water rises to a great level in 1 as the oxygen in the tube and test tube has been
used by the seeds for germination and hence to occupy that space water rises up.
(c) Boiled peas is soaked in disinfectant like carbolic acid or formalin to prevent bacterial
decay, which would release carbondioxide that may alter the result of he experiment.
(d) Respiration of germinating seeds.
(e) Definition of respiration (Given earlier in the notes).
3. (a) Five flasks (b) Lime water absorbs carbondioxide and turns milky. (c) Test tubes C, D
and E lime water turns milky as leaves(stomata), pieces of stem(lenticels) and roots(general
surface) respire due to which carbon dioxide is produced. (d) It is a control experiment as it is
the experimental set up in which the condition under study is missing. (e) We can conclude
that all parts of the plant like root, stem and roots respire and they take in oxygen and give
out carbon-dioxide.
4. (a) Respiration- Germinating seeds give out carbon-dioxide during respiration.
(b) Soda lime absorbs carbon-dioxide from the air that enter the conical flask. Lime water in
B is an indicator of CO2.
© In bottle D lime water lime water turns milky due to CO2 given out from germinating
(e) Bottle c should be covered with black paper as the seedling may photosynthesize and the
results of the experiment may be affected.
(f) There will be rise in the temperature in the thermometer as the germinating seeds give out
heat. When the germinating seeds respire to get energy for cell division and cell growth heat
is also produced along with ATP.

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