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What would the Earth be without Microorganisms?

In the absence of microorganisms, the blue and green planet that is known as Earth would be a disease
free and hallow Earth. Empty, no substance and pure shell.
According to Biocote Team, microorganisms or microbes were describe as something that could be found
anywhere, both in the inside and outside the body there is the presence of microorganisms. And it was first
proposed by Charles Darwin that microorganisms were the “universal common ancestor” meaning a single-
celled organism is the ancestor of all living life on Earth this also implies that without the first single-celled
organism the possibility of not obtaining the present Earth is plausible.
A world without microorganisms is a world without bacteria, archaea, protozoa, algae, fungi, viruses, and
parasite or helminths.
The bacteria are unicellular microorganisms that lacks nucleus. bad bacteria is detrimental to the health
of other organisms however good bacteria is beneficial to mankind, they help in the decomposition of dead
organisms in order to released the stored carbon on their tissues and nitrogen fixation is a process done by
some bacteria that are present in the soil to convert gaseous nitrogen into the soil, both products produce by
these processes are utilized by plants to create their food that could sustain life on the planet.
The archaea are non pathogenic prokaryotic cells that live from extreme environments and just like
bacteria archaea could bring harm and benefits to other organisms and the ecosystem. An example of which is
the methanogens that are found in the intestine, rectum and vagina of man and domestic animals which
maintain the normal flora in the body that if not for archaea a great number of flora could lead to diseases and
a low number of flora could allow the entry of different ppathogens.
The protozoa are unicellular aerobic eukaryocytes that could cause diseases and benefits to other
organisms. According to Puja Mondal of the website Your Article Library, Protozoans serves as food for many
small aquatic animal and help other organisms to survive an example of which is termites protozoa live inside
the termites and converts the cellulose into carbohydrates that the termites used in order to function an
dsurvive. Thus protozoans help in the survival of other organisms.
The algae are unicellular or multicellular eukaryotes that obtain nourishment through photosynthesis
they often found in damp, watery environment. They are often to blame for the depletion of oxygen on water
reservoir thus causing the death of the aquatic animals. However on land, algae greatly affects the soil for they
serve as fertilizers (Large brown and red algae), helps in the fixation of nitrogen and carried out about 50% of
total carbon fixation on the planet.
The fungi are eukaryotic cells with true nucleus. Most fungi are non pathogenic to plants, animals and
man however there are few that are disease causing fungi that could lead to the destruction of man especially
with those individuals who are immunocompromised.There are fungi that greatly affects man and ecosystems
in a positive manner. Fungi helps plants to survive, according to Lumen 80-90 percent of trees and grasses
would not survive if not for their fungi-partner in their roots. Fungi also plays a role in the livelihood of man
especially in the production of beer, wine and bread that is considered as a staple food of man.
The viruses are particle made of DNA and RNA and are acellular microorganisms meaning they don’t have
cells. Viruses are often associated with diseases and often viiewed as disease causing microorganisms that
could be harmful to mankind however according to Ben Kim, DC of Toronto, Canada he explained that fluc olds
and influenza virus often attack the cells in the body that are often weak which is beneficial for the body
because a weak cell will not have much function in the body and the destruction of it will give rise to younger
stronger cells in the body that in turn could help strengthen the immune system.
The helminths are considered parasites and parasites are known to greatly affect their host negatively.
The presence of helminths could lead to the deterioration of the health of the host at a fast rate. However
according to sheena faherty, the philadelhphia inquirer, there are studies wherein the use of helminths to cure
diseases is on the rise, viewing helminths in a positve outlook than its negative entanglement.
A world without microorganisms is a world without diseases which mean a world without death which
results to man living longer but the Earth would be over populated for the reason that the number of birth rate
is high while the number of death rate is low, an imbalance flow in the hemeostasis in the environment.
Diseases are the factors that pushes man to evolve and be immunocompetent organisms and diseases are the
factors that balanced the population. The absence of microorganisms could also mean that the survival of
other organisms will stop because there would be no microorganisms that will help to assist the growth,
maintain, convert and will serve as food for other organisms and because the survival of other organisms
death will occur.
The absence of microorganisms could also mean that the Earth would be accumulated with dead bodies
because there are no microorganisms that will decompose the dead. No microorganisms that will released
carbon from the dead. The Earth would be enveloped with very foul odor, a very rotten odor.
The absence of microorganisms could also lead to the stop of different medical expeditions and different
researches that could help in making better the life of man and the planet. There would be no basis for
advancement and therefore there would be no evolution, the planet and man would be stagnant, unmoving
and still.
What would the Earth be without microorganisms ? The Earth would be a dull looking planet no longer
blue and green filled with a foul odor that were emitted from the dead bodies and as much as there would be
no diseases and the possibility of overpopulation on the rise, life would be very impossible to obtain. Without
microorganisms life on the planet would be impossible.
Inside the body there are bacteria that helps man to function an example of which are the bacteria that
digest complex sugars into structures that the body can use. As much as some bacteria could bring harm into
other organisms such harm is being overpowered by the benefits that some bacteria could provide to other
organisms which results to the proper functioning of the ecosystem. If there would be no bacteria there would
be no diseases and there would also be no possible life on earth considering that plant greatly benefits from
them and man are dependent on plants in order to survive.

and the cessation of such would mean a disease free Earth and this also means that man could live longer
however the Earth would be over populated for the reason that the number of birth rate is high while the
number of death rate is low, an imbalance flow in the hemeostasis in the environment.

As years goes by, man often chooses Earth as the subject of extreme inventions that brought prosperity
to mankind but destruction to the planet that we considered home. And man often forgot that in this living
planet, man is not alone. There are organisms even bigger and smaller than man. Organisms that both helpful
and deadly to man. Organisms that interact with one another to be able to maintain a certain balance, a
homeostasis how ever out of these hundreds, thousands, millions of organisms on this planet there is one
group of organisms that were very fascinating. For they were considered small but they play vital roles and has
big impact on the functioning of both the man and the planet. They have lived millions of years and were
considered as the first form of life here on this living planet, they are known as microorganisms.

This destruction could have a domino effect with other factors that could disrupt the flow of life on the
living planet. One of which is a factor that is not so very ordinary for it requires a special instrument in order to
be observed, studied and understand. A factor that is so very little yet deadly and at the same time very
helpful. A factor that is very ancient
As man evolves and become more advanced the plausibility of eradicating microorganisms

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