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– your global solar partner

Powered by the power of the sun, VISSOLIS is a developer and
integrator of world-class solar electric generating systems
– financing, engineering, procurement, construction and operation.
VISSOLIS – the power of the sun
We are developers of world-class solar electric generating systems – financing, engineering, procurement, construction,
and operation. In physics, power is the rate at which energy is transferred, used, or transformed. At its core, Solar power
is about harnessing the power of the sun and converting sunlight into electricity. VISSOLIS (Latin for “the power of the
sun”) is focusing the latest in photovoltaic solar energy technologies and applying their vast and promising potential
for a safe and sustainable future- independent from all kind of fossil fuels and uranium. Empowered and energized by
Ronnie Deveza Tony Alberto
the sun, we want to be your EPC (“Engineering, Procurement, and Construction”) General Contractor and PV operator of
Ronnie has 34 years of banking Tony Alberto has more than thirty years
experience in Credit Management, of experience in banking, energy and
Retail Banking and Risk Management, government in the Philippines and US.
from The Manila Banking Corporation He heads a core group of California-
(TMBC), Rizal Commercial Banking based Filipinos working with VISSOLIS
Corporation (RCBC) and Allied Banking Corporation (ABC) until it to bring renewable energy technologies to the Philippines. Previously
Michael Volz merged with the Philippine National Bank (PNB). He is currently Tony was part of a team involved with the production and applica-
the CEO of St. Rondael Management and Marketing Corporation tion of thin film and building-integrated PV under the auspices of
Before joining VISSOLIS GmbH, the parent corporation headquartered in and active in civic, social and religious organizations. Ronnie is the US Department of Energy. He also served as Legislative Staff
Germany, Michael served for many years as a consultant for large solar also former National Executive Board member of Alpha Phi Omega Officer and consultant for several members of the Philippine Senate
companies in Germany, primarily responsible for project management and International (APO). and House of Representative and as a practitioner in the marketing
financing. As the former director of a leading, international bank in Ger- of bank and financial services.
many, he spent several years in China to build up the banking business
from the first moment that China opened its borders and markets to
European trade and finance. He is co-founder and managing director of
Solmotion GmbH, the majority shareholder of VISSOLIS GmbH.
Tim Hayes Keith Gordon
Tim Hayes leads development, design Keith Gordon, Esq., LEED AP started
and construction of investor-owned working with vis solis in October of
solar photovoltaic power plants. 2010 and became its general counsel
Tim developed his first commercial in February of 2011. Keith’s duties
Carlos Mayer photovoltaic system in 2000 and has include facilitating the drafting,
provided executive leadership for public and private development negotiating and execution of all Letters of Intent, Power Purchase
Carlos is co-founder of VISSOLIS GmbH, Germany, the parent company of VISSOLIS Inc.. and construction organizations for more than twenty years. In ad- Agreements, Leases, Asset Purchase Agreements, and any and all
He implemented the skills and experience that VISSOLIS had applied in the European dition to solar, his experience includes development of coastal wind additional documents needed for Solar PV project completion. Ad-
market to the United States and moved to Tennessee to oversee US operations. Before farms, sustainable technology parks, green buildings, and facilities ditional duties include overseeing the due diligence process for the
transitioning into solar development, he worked for many years as a consultant and entre- for PV manufacturing. Tim has awards from the US Conference of examination of potential projects and the ultimate sale of investor-
preneur in various areas of the renewable energy business, including wind and biomass. Mayors, National Association of Counties, The Conservation Fund, grade solar projects. Keith has significant real estate development
Carlos started his career in the late 80’s as Certified Public Accountant with one of the US Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, and US EPA. He is experience having served as in-house real estate management for
largest multinational firms in Düsseldorf, Germany and Kansas City, MO. Carlos’ broad a graduate of the University of Colorado, a member of the American two national corporations. In addition to being an attorney, Keith is
experience in accounting, financing, and project management has been a real asset to Institute of Certified Planners, a licensed General Contractor, and a a LEED AP, an accreditation indicating proficiency in green and sus-
both the European and global growth of VISSOLIS. He is certified by the North American PV Installation professional certified by NABCEP, The North American tainable development by the Green Building Certification Institute.
Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) in PV Technical Sales. Board of Certified Energy Practitioners.

– 02 – – 03 –
VISSOLIS – the company VISSOLIS – Strategies and Values
Our vision is to convert the power of the sun – the most abundant sustainable energy resource on The key success factors of VISSOLIS are experience, competence, and quality while combining
earth – into competitive, reliable and environmentally friendly electricity to consistently meet the global resources with local focus. Through the leadership and professional experience of Michael
energy demands of a modern industrial and ecologically responsible society. and Carlos, with the expertise of Tim and Keith, VISSOLIS has grown from scratch in the US to
become a leading EPC contractor in the Tennessee Valley. Joining forces with Ronnie and Tony,
Phillipines based operations are located in Makati City with offices in Puerto Princesa and Iloilo. VISSOLIS is now emerging as a solar energy leader in the Philippine Islands.
Our US based operations are located in Franklin, Tennessee, just south of Nashville.
In University classes, engineers will learn the principle “form follows function”. Michael and Carlos
The Philippines is rich in natural and cultural resources, including abundant sunshine. One of the – the banker and the accountant – are convinced that “form follows financing”. Based on their
biggest challenges currently facing us in the Philippine nation is to convert our powerful solar resour- professional experience and competence, the senior management of VISSOLIS teams up with highly
ce into a strong and sustainable supply of electricity to energize a growing economy and inclusively qualified professional engineers and attorneys to get the right job done right, bankable, accountable,
raise the standard of living. The vision, mission and core strengths of VISSOLIS PHILIPPINES are technical, and legal. This is the difference between theory and practice and a key success factor of
aimed at bringing all of the necessary components together to generate a growing supply of VISSOLIS. Oops, now we have shared our secret of success.
affordable, clean, renewable and distributed electricity to power the families, businesses, schools,
governments and industries of a thriving Philippine nation. VISSOLIS PHILIPPINES combines the VISSOLIS focuses on quality. We source and procure key components and balance-of-system material
the expertise, the financing, the technology, the sites, and the legal requirements to plan, build and from leading global manufacturers who are known and proven for their quality, services, and bank-
operate the best and most affordable solar electric power plants to meet the nation’s energy needs able guaranties and warranties. We strongly believe in decentralized power and local job generation.
and transform the Philippines into a global solar energy leader. Solar energy is a worldwide economic engine and local job booster for engineers and installers. The
combination of global materials and local labor is the symbiosis for best quality at competitive prices
Recognizing the Philippine’s critical need to rapidly develop a robust supply of domestic energy, the for the benefit of both the utility rate payer and the owners of the system.
nation has embraced the solar opportunity. Through the National Renewable Energy Act and the
implementation of policies like the renewable Feed In Tariff and Net Metering, the Philippines has Based on what you have read about the professional background of the company’s management you
opened the door for the deployment of solar power plants to supply electricity for the use of individual would have expected it: Quality means not only labor and material, but also bankability and accoun-
businesses, institutions and homeowners as well as to feed electricity into the grid to provide energy tability for its equity and debt investors. Many module manufacturers promise 25-year performance
alongside traditional sources of generation. VISSOLIS is pleased to bring its expertise and resources warranties without financial backup. We focus on manufacturers who back up their products with
to be part of the energy solution for the Philippines now and for the future. quality manufacturing practices and a strong financial history, and more importantly reinsure the
warranties by leading reinsurance companies.

Research and development, work force training and public education and demonstration, manufactu-
ring and assembly are very important to us. We partner with leading Universities and search for open
dialog on sustainable growth and reduction in fossil fuel use with Research and Technology Centers.
We build bridges between manufacturers and universities and have participated in the Transatlantic
Climate Bridge between United States of America and Germany. Now VISSOLIS is building transpacific
bridges and we are pleased to join with our Filipino partners to generate more power from the sun
and contribute to a more energy secure future for the Philippines.

– 04 – – 05 –
“ Hindi bukas kundi ngayon! (Not tomorrow, but
today!) Through its partnership with VISSOLIS, VISSOLIS 78 kWp dc
Puerto Princesa City is now producing its own
clean, renewable, lower cost solar electricity. SOLAR ROOFTOP POWERPLANT
This is power of the people for the people.“
Mayor Lucilo ”Cecil” Bayron

global resources, local focus

Project lead: This project is part of the worldwide dena Renewable Energy Solutions
Program coordinated by Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena) –
the German Energy Agency – and co-financed by the German Federal
Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) within the initiative
„renewables – Made in Germany“.

Case Study – Puerto Princesa City Solar Showcase – Palawan, Philippines

Project location VISSOLIS, in partnership with the local government of Puerto Princesa, is taking VISSOLIS has financed, designed, and installed the Puerto Princesa City Solar Project Details:
the lead in meeting Palawan’s sustainable energy needs. The City Hall rooftop Showcase on behalf of the local government and will operate and maintain the
The Puerto Princesa City Solar Showcase is situated high atop the New City Hall solar array is the first step toward the goal of powering Palawan with 100 percent system over the next twenty years through a build-lease-transfer contract. Through Location: Puerto Princesa New City Hall,
complex overlooking the Puerto Princesa Harbor. Puerto Princesa is the provincial renewable energy. this arrangement Puerto Princesa has the advantage of its own clean, renewable Palawan, Philippines
capital of the Island of Palawan, in the southwestern Philippines. Located about energy source without the burden of any upfront costs. Best of all, the City pays Installed Capacity: 78 kWp dc / 60 kW ac
ten degrees north of the Equator between the West Philippine Sea and the Sulu Sea, The Puerto Princesa City Solar Showcase is made up of three hundred 260-Watt substantially less per kilowatt hour for its own solar electricity than it does for ener-
Annual yield: Approximately 105,000 kWh per year
Palawan is a rare global treasure. Puerto Princesa is an attractive destination for photovoltaic (PV) modules that convert the bright sunlight of the region directly to gy purchased from the outside electrical grid. Bottom line, the Puerto Princesa City
a substantial and growing number of domestic and international eco-tourists who electricity for the use of the City Hall Complex. In total the solar array has a peak Solar Showcase is good for the environment, good for the economy and good for the Modules: 300 Astronergy ASM6610P-260 Watt dc (Made in Germany)
are seeking out the remote unspoiled natural beauty and wonders of the island capacity of 78 kilowatts dc and produces about 105,000 kilowatt hours of electrici- people of Puerto Princesa and Palawan. The global resources of VISSOLIS together Inverters: 3 SMA Sunny Tripower 20,000 TLEE 10
highlighted by excursions through such places as the caves of the underground ty each year. Three solar inverters transform the direct current of the modules into with the local sunshine and innovative local government leadership are creating a Racking: Schletter Rapid2+ – FixT System
river and the many uninhabited islands of Honda Bay. Creating a sustainable, alternating current and match the grid frequency of the electricity circulating in bright future for Puerto Princesa and Palawan.
ecofriendly and affordable source of energy is vitally important to meet the econo- the City Hall Complex. All of the key components of the project are manufactured in
mic and living needs of Puerto Princesa while protecting its thriving ecosystem. Germany. The PV modules are manufactured by Astronergy, the inverters by SMA,
and the racking and attachment system is manufactured by Schletter.

– 06 – – 07 –
“Hit the ground running“

“Global resources combined with local Balance of

System and Labor made this project a success story
Carlos Mayer, Executive Director VISSOLIS, Inc.

Project team
(Patrick Lindstädt , Michael Volz, Keith Gordon, Carlos Mayer)

Case Study – Utility-scale project in the Solar Zone of UA Tech Park in Tucson, AZ

Experience – Hit the ground running Competence – Playing with the big boys Quality – Fitness for purpose Project description

Only a few weeks before year-end 2011, VISSOLIS was approached by the PV module VISSOLIS structured, financed, and managed the installation of the utility-scale Before the installation had commenced, the project was financed through equity System AC Rating (kWAC): 5,000
manufacturer Astronergy to save a stalled project. It was developed by an unrelated project and interacted with the leaders of the industry. The 6.1 MW ground- of a private investor and a bank loan from the North American Development Bank Module Type: Astronergy CHSM 5031T (LR)
party and was in danger of being cancelled because of the lack of financing, mounted project is located in the Solar Zone of University of Arizona Tech Park in (NADB). On behalf of the bank, professional third party consultants audited and Module Nameplate Rating: 6,119 kWp DC (125 Wp and 130 Wp)
expiration of the Power Purchase Agreement and the termination of the land lease. Tucson, Arizona. The University of Arizona received the Green Innovator Prize of the verified all our undertakings from dawn to dusk and from dusk till dawn. Without
Number of Modules: 48,006
Within only a few weeks, VISSOLIS managed to restructure the project, brought it Year 2012 for its Solar Zone development. The electricity is being sold through a quality control and quality management, VISSOLIS would not have sustained and
Power Purchase Agreement to Tucson Electric Power (TEP). The Solar Electric Power Inverter Type: 10 x 500 kW Advanced Energy Solaron 500E
back on track, financed it with both, equity and bank loans, procured material and sold the project at the end.
Association (SEPA) has recognized TEP as the Investor Owned Utility of the Year Annual Generation (MWh /year): 11,565
commenced with the installation of a significant nature before year-end. Not only
the project was saved, but also the 1603 Grant was safe harbored. 2012. Close to completion of the installation, the project was sold to Duke Energy, DC Capacity Factor: 21.6%
the largest utility in the United States. Annual Yield (kWh/ kWp): 1,890
Performance Ratio: 80.9 %

– 08 – – 09 –
Case Study – Small Commercial Sun Studio Case Study – Utility Scale Project Lincoln Farms
VISSOLIS installed a 50 kW system on the roof of the tanning industry of tanning indoors rather VISSOLIS structured, designed, financed, installed, and owns and manages the Lincoln Farm pro-
a sun tanning studio in Fayetteville, Tennessee. than tanning outside is the amount of control jects. Technically, they are four projects of 750 kW each but since they were built the same time and
We found it ironic that the PV project converts the tanner has. We don´t know what the doctor with the same stakeholders in the project, we consider it to be a 3 MW project. It was the first project
solar power of sunlight into electricity which is recommends but VISSOLIS appreciates the for VISSOLIS in the USA. The power is purchased be Tennessee Valley Authority over 20 years under
used to power tanning beds to provide cosmetic business and supports the initiative: More solar a Power Purchase Agreement (Generation Partners Program). The energy feeds into the grid through
tan while sun bathing. A benefit claimed by energy to power sun studios! Fayetteville Public Utilities. FPU became, literarily speaking, overnight a leading solar utility, ranking
3rd in the nation in 2011 in terms of Solar Watt installed per customer. In 2012, FPU moved even up
to rank number 2 in the Unites States. VISSOLIS is proud to have contributed to the success.

Consulting and Operating Management

Case Study – Large Commercial Retail Shopping Center
The VISSOLIS team facilitates the development, installation, and financing of photovoltaic projects.
VISSOLIS installed 200 kW on a retail shopping center roof in Lenoir City, Tennessee. The owner, Phil- We also offer consulting services like due diligence and project management as well as asset ma-
lips Edison Company (PECO), a Real Estate Investment Trust owns and operates over 225 shopping nagement services. VISSOLIS manages and monitors currently over 10 MW as O&M service provider
centers with over 25 million ft² in 35 States. for our clients. We use a comprehensive service package of professional remote monitoring from a
leader in the market and provide regular inspection and maintenance services to achieve maximum
After the first successful installation in May 2012, VISSOLIS was chosen to be their EPC contractor of yield security.
choice for all PV installations. As part of their Green Technologies and Sustainable Building Practice,
VISSOLIS contributed significantly to achieve corporate sustainability marketing goals. The green
movement among the retailers and shopping centers is moving forward with momentum way beyond “VISSOLIS fully commit to US solar PV downstream service by “Phillips Edison, through its Green Options initiatives, is excited
dwindling resources, energy and climatic changes, for many good reasons: It is about responsible “ VISSOLIS would like to say „thank you“ for utilizing their professional skills and knowledge. Astronergy to have found a strategic partner in VISSOLIS for implementing its
property investment and following lifestyle changes of their customers. Using unused roof spaces the Trust, Empowerment, Appraisal, and really appreciate for VISSOLIS flexible but high efficient ca- nationwide push for solar rooftop installation on its shopping center
of shopping centers creates additional income and good public relation. Following the leadership of Motivation we received from our business pability in designing and execution for couple of PV projects.” developments. Phillips Edison is committed to making a dif-
Phillips Edison, VISSOLIS installs now more and more systems for PECO and other retailers throug- partners. This is really what TEAM stands for.“ Dr. Chuan Lu, Vice President, Board Secretary Astronergy, CA ference in its communities and its impact on the environment.
hout the United States. VISSOLIS shares this same desire and is a perfect partner
Carlos Mayer, Executive Director VISSOLIS, Inc.
“The VISSOLIS team is very professional and efficient, and a to Phillips Edison in its continuing energy efficient and eco-
pleasure to work with. We have provided them with racking friendly practices. We see a bright future with VISSOLIS.“
“BC Wood Properties is excited to partner with VISSOLIS in the equipment and support on several successful flat roof PV pro- Eric Richter, Vice President, Property Management, Phillips
“VISSOLIS demonstrated competence and experience when doing the first retail shop-
installation of solar rooftop systems on our shopping centers jects to date, with more on the way. Our philosophy is to build Edison & Company
ping center roof. The door is now wide open for more projects to come.”
and is happy to have had 100 kW installed so far by VISSOLIS true partnerships with successful developers, and we have
Richard Jones, awarded 2011 Nashville Business Journal Retail Broker of the Year in 2013. VISSOLIS was careful to take into consideration our accomplished that with VISSOLIS.” “VISSOLIS is a highly professional group of people to
concerns as the owner of shopping centers, our tenants, and Chris Amsbary, Regional Account Manager of PanelClaw, MA work with. They keep in mind the highest standards of
the integrity of our roofing system. We would welcome working excellence for their customers, which shows in their
with VISSOLIS on future solar installations.“ “Tim Hayes and Carlos Mayer are 2 of the most dedicated and attention to product quality and tight delivery schedules. Schlet-
King Offutt, President and Chief Operating Officer BC Wood hard working individuals developing green energy today! The ter looks forward to a continued partnership in the future.“
Properties, KY team of VISSOLIS have accomplished and continue to execute
Case Study – Agricultural Rural Horse Farm project after project with a small team of dedicated people.
Martin Hausner, CEO Schletter USA

“VISSOLIS is one of the most competent, dedicated, and pro- With the amount of work it takes to find, develop, plan and “VISSOLIS has demonstrated a deep knowledge and commit-
VISSOLIS installed a 50 kW system on the roof agricultural business. By adding the additional fessional development teams I’ve worked with. From their ma- execute to completion a Solar project, VISSOLIS does more ment to the solar industry of TN. It was remarkable how VIS-
of the 19,000 ft² indoor arena on the Riverdale capacity, the horse farm even became a net nagement team to their technical team, they were engaged, with less than any other company I have ever had the pleasure SOLIS implemented our DEGERenergie Dual axis technology
Horse Farm. The horse farm is well known exporter of electricity and feeds electricity back responsive, and knowledgeable. The project was completed on to work with.” into their Oak Ridge Laboratories project. It was a pleasure
in the state for its breeding, boarding, and into the grid. Agriculture is one of Tennessee´s time and on budget. It was a pleasure working with VISSOLIS, Tom Kosto, Horn Brothers Corporation, NC to work with Mr. Carlos Mayer & Mr. Tim Hayes and I’m looking
training facilities. The property owner already major industries. Agricultural customers have a and I highly recommend them.” forward for more challenging projects together with VISSOLIS
had installed and invested in a 200 kW ground lot of land available which could be used for PV Carmine A. Tilghman, Director – Renewable Resources & “As a real estate broker, I am excited to be working with VIS- in the USA.”
mounted system for his own in 2012. VISSOLIS projects even without disturbing and disrupting Programs of Tucson Electric Power, AZ SOLIS on the installation of solar panels on both roof tops and Adam Glapiak, Sales Manager USA DEGERenergie
leases the roof space and manages installa- the farming operations. excess land for shopping center owners throughout the coun-
tion and operation. This was at no cost for the “My experience with VISSOLIS proved to be both positive and try in this dynamic growing income generating vehicle for the
encouraging, paving the way for a continued relationship. The shopping center industry. vis solis has a proven track record
“VISSOLIS is easy to work with and they deliver what entire team is dedicated to ensure every aspect of a project of solar panel installations throughout Europe and I am hono-
is promised.” has been critiqued and polished. They are world class people red to be a part of bringing this „green“ energy to America by
Barry Brown, Brown Construction, Fayetteville, Tennessee
with world class motivation.” helping to reduce our carbon footprint.”
William B. Brown, Owner Brown Construction, TN Richard Jones, Owner of World Realty, TN, voted by the Nash-
ville Business Journal as Retail Broker of the Year in 2011

– 10 – – 11 –

4th floor Pac-Atlantic Centre

2917 Finlandia St.
Makati City, Philippines 1234

phone 63.2.843.6689
fax 63.2.843.7080



256 Seaboard Lane, Suite E-106

Franklin, TN 37067 USA

phone 011.615.796.3512
fax 011.615.807.1468


Project lead: Hosted by: This project is part of the worldwide dena Renewable Energy Solutions
Program coordinated by Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena) –
the German Energy Agency – and co-financed by the German Federal
Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) within the initiative
„renewables – Made in Germany“.

September 2014

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