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Baa a ea newer Shot No, Sig. of Candidate, Sig, of Invigilator. PHYSICS SSC-I SECTION — A (Marks 12) Time allowed: 20 Minutes NOTE: Section-A is compulsory. All parts of this section are to be answered on the question paper itself. : It should be completed in the first 20 minutes and handed over to the Centre Superintendent. Deleting/overwriting is not allowed. Do not use lead pencil. Q.1 Circle the correct option i.e. A/B/C! D. Each part carries one mark. () — 0,0000000081 = nm. ae A 0.081 B. 0.81 Cc. 84 D. 81.0 ~ (i) 108 kmh" = ms pass A 10 B. 20 Cc. 30 D. 40 (ii) Change in position is called ca A Speed B. Velocity c. Displacement D. Distance ae (wy) What is S/ unit of coefficient of friction? _ A Metre B.- Kilogram Cc. — Second D. — Nounit (v) Mass of a body is 2000 g, Its weight on the surface of earth Is: po A 20000 N B. 2N c. 20N Dz O2N ~ () If F=200N and @ =30° with horizontal then what will be'the value of F ? A. 50N B. 100N © 1732N D.—-200N (vil) ‘The value of g on moon's surface is 1.6 ms" What will be the weight af a 100 kg body on the surface of the moon? A “100N B 160N c.: 1000N D. —1600N - (il) A body of mass 50 kg is raised to a height of | m. What sits potential energy? ie A 500d B 100d 15004 D. 1604 (i) Pressure of 76 om of mercury column is Pa. = A 10,300 B 13,100 c. 104,100 «B® 104,300 oe (&) _ Inwhich ofthe following the molecules do not leave their mean position? AD > Solid B. Liguid c. Gas D. . Plasma ae ‘cl, On Fahrenheit scale, the interval Between lower and upper fixed points is divided into 7 equal parts. i A 180 B82 c 22 Decors ( 1000N 160N oy i Sine VBL am: ay 1505 ~ 1500) ac 10005, ~ 500) -wa -etePa Agsssfpskt6em (i) 101,300 a 101,100 -& 13,100 10,300 a SL ne PAO aU ALK Ctate) Meee © (%) Weiss wo ol we ue were Ueda Sol Ay Bi Aes — oi) 2730 22. -& 32 ye 180 ah SeLeSIE LE — (xi) Work a Wk og Wae'ie ae We! ah Ab fh 184 1907) — Time allowed: 2:40 Hours NOTE: ‘Answer any eleven parts from Section ‘B’ and PHYSICS SSC-I 1? Total Marks Sections B and C: 53 y two questions from Section ‘C’ on the separately provided answer book. Use supplementary answer sheet i.e. Sheet-B if required. Write your answers neatly and legibly. Note: as ‘SECTION - B (Marks 33) Answer any ELEVEN parts. The answer to each part should not exceed three to four lines, (11x 3= 33) 0 ® aw Co) wy (wi) wi) (vp w oo) (xi) (xf) (a) (xiv) ox) b Define ‘base quantities’ and ‘derived quantities’. Also give one example of each, Express the following quantities using prefixes: a 000g b 200000017 ce 52x10 kg Draw distance time graphs for an object: a Atrest b. Moving with constant speed c. Moving with variable speed A body of mass 5 kg is moving with a velocity of 10 ms”. Find the force required to stop it in 2 seconds, Friction is a necessary evil. Why? Two children are sitting on the see-saw such that they cannot swing. What is the net torque in this situation? What isthe relation between stablity and position of centre of mass? How can you say that gravitational force is afield force? What is chemical energy? Explain briefly. A girl carries a 10 kg bag upstairs to a height of 18 steps, each 20 em high. Calculate the amount of work she has done to carry the bag. (g = 10ms™) “The weight of a metal spoon in-air is 0.48 N, its weight in water is 0.42 N. Find its density, What is up thrust? Explain the principle of floatation. Why is water used jn cooling system of automobiles? How does bimetallic strip work? Deserts soon get hot during the day and soon get cold after sunset. Why? SECTION ~ C (Marks 20) Attempt any TWO questions. All questions carry equal marks. (2x10=20) ‘What is a physical balance? Explain. (03) Derive 248 (04) ‘A body has weight 20 N. How much foree is required to move it vertically upwards with ‘an acceleration of 2ms™ 7 (03) What is meant by stable arid unstable equilibrium? Explain (2¥2) Derive an expression for the orbital speed of an artificial satelite: (04) ‘A motor boat moves ata steady speed of ms”. Water resistance acting on It is 4000N. Calculate the power ofits engine. (02) ‘Write a note on hydraulic braking system in vehicles. (03) ‘Acontainer has 2.5 litres of water at 20°C. How much heat is required to boil the water? (03) Write a note on application and consequences of radiation (22) = 188 1907 1 — bgecstloml S34 £240 53 ral endo AE Ds Ute Awe a Lt prio al Azt(At LL pote atop Qhnd Sra rtonLow£ pr ob pp sed Pip Lnbttiocde E ey Singd A bisneot Byes 741 349) poo (11x3=33) re Buyrrpe fLAz1 (ye deter de aude sib tiiuAarlmiiiiroe 0 sea Aifuurbiow — (i) 52x10 ke 20000007 5000g wil witrstr Lidl ero id cn heeding oe enti feds sil Ih EL i LHL fee Poe SNS AO ms Peaicys wy code (Necessary evindiasxAles — Sete (Net torque) Sturtomcie Pir dicitiseesanive» — (vd) te Peay ol sei fi MN ESL wil) TVG (o) ABS Sp LL ph gh Sabet 1 DoembgiS Trg PNG SEAL OGIAL (g=l0ms? Bye Fab (denis FBS ya 04D DL Be OBI MESmtIC — 00 wp Fern lPLh steve iasig! (aid seer hee iui Gai) ted hikgzde» ov) Ligne BLP poi tl capri” ow) oA) (ra (2x10=20) Cpe Lure Ei » dD (03) forte ES -t ndb (04) fil oe (03) Gren ASAAFLE Lh i pSeplerce PIAL 2ms* Mg 20ND (22) we forte le (04) wp Poe re L be POU (02) Fobra SEE pig AON DSI WHE Ae Fe Bee PMS Ams (03) (03) te hair P esd LEW Syne WC Eb Pe (2+2) 184 1907 ) ‘Anewor Shoot No. Sig. of Invigilator. PHYSICS SSC-I SECTION — A (Marks 12) Time allowed: 20 Minutes NOTE: Section-A is compulsor All parts of this section are to be answered on the question paper itself. It should be completed in the first 20 minutes and handed over to the Centre Superintendent. Deleting/overwriting is not allowed. Do not use lead pencil. Q.4 Circle the correct option i. o @ iy ™ “ (vi) (wil) wil) to, A/B/C/D. Each part carries one mark. 480000077 MW. A 4800 8B. 480 Cc 48 dD 48 32x10* in standard form is equal to: A 32x10" B. 3.2x10° c. 32x10" D. 3.2x10° Acartravelling at 10ms"* accelerates uniformly at 2ms“, What willbe its velocity efter 5s? A 10 B50 c 20 dD 40 ‘A boy jumps out of a moving bus. There is @ danger for him to fal ‘A Towards the moving bus “B. Away from the bus ©. _ Inthe direction of motion of bus D. Opposite tothe direction of motion of bus if F =200NV and @ = 30° then what willbe the velue of Fy? A SON B 100N © 1732N Dd. -200N Centre of gravity of a uniform triangular sheet lies atthe point of intersection of its: A Lines B. Comers —«C._—sMedians.«=—«(,—_iagonals Near the surface ofthe earth, the gravitational feld strength is: A SNigt B 10Nig! oc. Dd. 20NAg™ ‘The altitude of geostationary orbits in which communication satellites are launched above the surface of the earth is: A 880km B. 1000 km: Cc, 8400 km D. 42,300 km Acyclist does 12 joules of useful work while pedalling bike from every 100 joules of food energy which he takes. His efficlency is precent, A 12 B88 c. 12 5. 120 (%) Young's modulus ¥ is equal to: nae pe eee c. D LAL ‘AL, (xi) ‘SI unit of latent heat of vaporization Is: A 7 B. Kg ©. Jeg D. Jig" (xi) Eagle, hawks and vultures are expert climbers. A Electric B. Chemical Cc. Potential D. Thermal For Examiner's use only: Total Marks: 2 Marks Obtained: 188 1907 (ON) — Roll No. Answer Shest No. Sig. of Candidate: Sig. of Invigilator leas onal ont S58 C248) Jato 20 ete Pithg f ereSbuwhicvLwl ALE tend ef nLlreaneceluteuinie ed Me AL AEB rte Phang ene IN Glog IHF BEL WAU 480000077 = MW. @ Motes “a 480 4800 ae Sete Ape bes 32x10" iy im 3.2x10° 2 32x10" 3.2109 oe 32x10" at sSeubStinl He LAM SIS ms" Se dietre HpieyL ms i) — 40 ~ 20 + 50 10 wil ot Seka herblige SHOAL — (w) ue Refit oe LAE at is RAiled 9 eC htelo Rt shee df ry3A=30° wiF=200n wy ee 200N 1732N 100N SON 5H a HAE pL eelgt, Lun Mitresetpt! — wi) (Diagonal) = Bey Wb oe FY ath i Pitch bas wi) = 20N kg" a 1SNkg" & 10N kg" zi SMe! Lt te dnke titpateue terri ke tists (ull) as PER230 Seq00 PEO owe PEO - acd, SES tag Sina ILL CLA L EID 10D eH L! 7 120 ~ 12 & 88 1.2 i ae geteeIE — ) an FL, AAL FAL FA wl FL, a ~~ hae 7 ne Dregs iA i) - Jkge ~ Jk Ke we Sa a wutdwnr, prose Fite (xi) Poa —i8A 1907 (oO — az Note: a3 PHYSICS SSC-I lowed: 2:40 Hours Total Marks Sections B and C: 53 ‘Answer any eleven parts from Section ‘B’ and any two questions from Section ‘C’ on the separately provided answer book. Use supplementary answer sheet j.c. Sheet-B if required. Write your answers neatly and legibly. ‘SECTION ~B (Marks 33) Answer any ELEVEN parts. The answer to each part should not exceed three to four lines. (11x 3= 33) (i) Define the term prefixes and write four prefixes commonly used. cy Write the following in standard form: a 11.68x10 m b. 32x10's © 725x107 kg (ii) Define gravitational acceleration. Give its SI unit and value, (iv) How are vector quantities important to us in our daily life? () — Acyclist of mass 40g exerts a force of 200.V to move his bicycle with an acceleration of 3s". How much is the force of friction between the road and the tyres? (vi) How does oiling the moving parts of a machine reduce friction? (vi) Name three objects that work by the turning effect of forces. (viii) Why is there a need of second condition for equilibrium if a body satisfies first condition for equilibrium? (x) Can you determine the mass of moon? If yes, then what you need to know? (%) On reaching the top of a slope 67 high from its bottom, a cyclist has speed of 1.5s™’. Find the kinetic energy and the potential energy of the cyclist. The mass of the cyclist and his bicycle is 40kg (<) What is meant by the efficiency of a system? (xii) Write three features of kinetic molecular model of fatter. (xi) Why Is water NOT suitable to be used in barometer? (viv) Convert 100°F into the temperature on Celsius scale, (ov) Briefly explain why does land breeze blow from land towards’sea? SECTION — C (Marks 20) ‘Attempt any TWO questions. All questions carry equal marks. (2x10 =20) a (On what factors does the accuracy in measuring a physical quantity depend? (03) b. Derive: §=Vit+ 3 at? (04) ©, A bullet of mass 20 g is fired from a gun with.a muzzle velocity 100 ms“. Find the recoil ‘of the gun ifits mass is § kg. (03) a. Differentiate between centre of mass and centre of gravity. (02) b. Calculate the value of g at an altitude of 1000 km. The mass of the earth is 6.010 kg The radius of the earth is 6400 km. (04) c. What are fossil fuels? Explain. (04) a Explain construction and working of hydraulic press. (04) b. —_Anelectric heater supplies heat at the rate of 1000/3. How much time is required to raise the temperature of 200g ‘of water from 20°C to 90°C ? (03) ©. Which measures caf be taken to save energy in houses? (03) 188 1207 (ON — Tee Uae! nal Sa 83 pri cao AP L200 se “Ain ayn ef a prime ARAN LL pre ag Gh SlpentboteL ew pr al py eid ey Labrrrtecye L wtleediege Absnect ety 3343) pre Wer fypope BLaz1 (Me He tbiow (11x3=33) Ath Abgrp shi ndierusacdaterina BAS Ay TSK 32x108s awe of tvalue)ediptteysib su ATAse suit elaine cu py rd0kgd Lb te SAbe RHEL 3s se Ap PES AE Dg eo SoA Spo8 sGnerPSBI IAN AELIE NG IE EP BI PGW Sang Sms" bebe MA ty ibge ce ELI id sof we 4OkQ UE Usa ee rte SifereP ESBIE SL oct ert yefdh £ LE EA 100°F te HG RE 20h) prio (2x10=20) Cure Lump edur » Jd) (03) se reg MMs nen LEASES (04) sarrrzar lai (08) ep SE FSI Sriie Ons BR WATE 20.41 (02) UE Storia irainst> (04) ng 400M ALK s'e 6.010" RG ah et eB Sg gSeul 1000km (04) wp fer tt VAT (04) on Fer lin tp tatesteS tg Suey ALLL IOC 2 20°C Exe lip! 200-¢ bree LAS 10008" HL (3) Sekine (03) tutpbetiia ws LeslbA 18h 1907 (oN) — dir 0 w ~ ii) - w w wi) wil) wii ~ (9) fe 08) oi) ci) ei) - xiv) a ro) a wh de “ - ~~ wah ody & _

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