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The delimitation of competencies and powers between the bodies and officials of the state has been known for a long time, but not all world
states follow this. Nigeria has three arms of government, and they have different features and functions. What are the arms of government and
why are there three branches?

The federal state of Nigeria has three levels of state power. There are state, federal and local levels of government.


The three-level structure implies that the life of society is managed on various levels. Such a division into levels makes it possible to
divide responsibilities, and it allows the government to manage the country more efficiently. Without separation of powers and an appropriate,
effective system, there can be no rule of law.
death. The Constitution obliges the head of state to hold regular meetings with the Vice-President and members of the government about
the development of the main directions of domestic and foreign policy.

The president also, at his discretion, makes appointments to the posts of special adviser, permanent secretary of ministries and heads of

The Legislature
National Assembly represents The Legislature. Senate is the upper chamber, and it consists of 109 senators. The lower Chamber of
Legislature is The House of Representatives. It consists of 360 representatives elected for 4 years term of office. The primary function of this
government arm is lawmaking. The Legislature possesses supremacy and independence in the sphere of establishing the legal principles of
state and public life. It ultimately determines the entire judicial system of society. The dominant position of the legislative bodies determines
the supreme legal force of the laws they adopt.

The Judiciary
The most respectable judicial body among the arms of government is The Judiciary. Chief Justice of Nigeria heads the Supreme Court of
Nigeria. The primary function of the judiciary is the interpretation of the law and strengthening the rule of law, ensuring compliance with
legislation and developing democracy. The judiciary also performs checks on the power of the executive and the legislature.

The Supreme Court acts as the highest appellate court in the country, considers certain categories of cases, reviews judicial acts of the
Court of Appeal. Supreme Court headed by the Chief Judge, and there are 21 associated judges. The Supreme Court also deals with issues of
tax law, finance, property rights, trade, transport, customs legislation, criminal offences in these areas of activity. It also includes the
consideration of cases of high treason.

The Judiciary is the guardian of the Constitution. Of course, even this system has its drawbacks, but the independence and cohesion of
all three branches of the government still show good results of teamwork. In this way executive, legislative, judiciary structure is a symbol of
the organizational hierarchy. The three arms of government do everything necessary to maintain law and order in the state. Each branch has
its drawbacks, but a lot of people every day work to eliminate them.
Organs of government and their main functions

There are three main organs of government in Nigeria, they also called arms of government. This structure helps the government to
manage society at three different levels and division helps to implement the management in a more efficient way because each organ of
government has its own functions and responsibilities.

Organs of government and their main functions

There are three main organs of government in Nigeria, they also called arms of government. This structure helps the government to
manage society at three different levels and division helps to implement the management in a more efficient way because each organ of
government has its own functions and responsibilities.

Three organs of government in the country are:

 Executive

 Legislature

 Judiciary


The executive organ of government is headed by the president, who is the head of the country and main commander of the army. The
main functions of the president are to approve laws and ensure proper safety level for every citizen of the country. President works in
collaboration with his cabinet. The three arms of government in Nigeria and their functions Federal ministries are also part of the executive
government. The executive arm of government is also responsible for healthcare, education, finance and welfare services. The Vice-President is
also part of the executive.

Among other main functions of government at executive level are

 to initiate laws and bills into parliament;

 to ensure the implementation of laws; to prepare a budget for the country;

 to maintain law and order with the help of police;

 to manage day to day running of the administration.

The legislature

The legislature is represented by the National Assembly of Nigeria. This organ of government consists of two parts: Senate (109 senators)
and House of representatives (360 representatives).

The main functions of this arm of government are: Lawmaking; approves the annual budget; approval to nominees of chief executive;
Carries out investigations on the issues related to public interest.

The main functions of this arm of government are:

 Lawmaking;

 approves the annual budget;

 approval to nominees of chief executive;

 Carries out investigations on the issues related to public interest.

The Judiciary

The Judiciary is a special arm of government in the country. The Supreme Court of Nigeria is managed by Chief Justice. Among the main
functions of this part of government there are: strengthening the rule of law, interpretation of the law and ensuring compliance with legislation
and developing democracy in the country.

Major functions of government in a state

Everyone knows that there are some functions of government and it deals with them every day. But who knows what are they explicitly?
If you are one of those who have no idea what the government does for its population, then you are just in time to find it out. Everyday the
governments from all over the world do dozens of assignments in order to keep their state united and stable and make the country prosper for
the sake of its citizens. But few of us know all the list of government functions to understand the whole picture. And, today we are going to
improve this situation together.
What is the meaning of functions of state government?

The functions of government reflect its dynamic characteristic. They show what it should do to achieve and implement the goals and
objectives that it faces in a particular historical period. However, the functions of the state as the main directions of its activity should not be
reduced to the activity itself, since in practice the state sometimes shies away or distorts these directions. The functions reflect not only the
directions of the selective influence of the state but also the coordination and comparison of the management activities of the country with
similar activities of other public associations. Therefore, the functions of government are objectively determined by the laws governing the
functioning of this political and legal system, the peculiarities of interaction between society and the state, actual goals and objectives
confronting them throughout the entire history of government existence and in a particular historical period.

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