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Module 1 - Evaluate

_therapy if the patient is critically ill and requires acute
intensive therapy.
Oxycodone is under what classification of the drug Opioid analgesics
_therapy, used for end-stage or terminal illnesses to make
the patient as comfortable as possible.
What type of drug interaction occurs when two drugs that
Additive effect
produce the same effect are given together?
Alprazolam is under what classification of the drug. Antianxiety
Drug interaction is when a drug increases or diminishes the action of
another drug
How a drug is absorbed or excreted is called: Pharmacokinetics
Which of the following is NOT an action of the body on a
A patient is complaining of severe pain and has orders for
morphine sulfate. The nurse knows that the route that PO
would give the slowest pain relief would be which route?
Ranitidine is under what classification of the drug Anti-Ulcer agents
Verapamil is under what classification of the drug Calcium Channel Blockers
Which of the following routes of administration has a
bioavailability of about 80-100%, is usually very slow Transdermal
absorbing, and has prolonged duration of action?
The nurse knows the importance of administering the right
medication to the patient and that drugs have many names.
It is therefore most important that drugs be ordered by
which name?
Famotidine is under what classification of the drug Anti-Ulcer agents
Which of the following routers of administration is the most
convenient, although may have a bioavailability anywhere PO (oral)
from 5-100%?
Chemical name. describes the molecular structure of a drug
Generic name begins with a lower-case letter
The nurse recognizes that drug dosages in older adults are
On body weight and organ function
based on which factor(s)?
The nurse is giving a medication that has a high first-pass
effect. The physician has changed the route from IV to PO. Higher because of the first-pass effect.
The nurse expects the oral dose to be:
Lidocaine is under what classification of the drug Local Anesthetics
Which of the following locations has high blood flow and is a
site of excretion?
A postoperative client is receiving morphine sulfate via a
PCA. The nurse assesses that the client's respirations are
depressed. The effects of the morphine sulfate can be
classified as:
Pharmacokinetics is the effect of the ____ and
Body on the drug; Drug on the body
pharmacodynamics is the effect of the
Bupivacaine is under what classification of the drug Local Anesthetics
Systemic Action drug is carried via the bloodstream throughout the
Contraindications means drug should not be taken
Which of the following enteral administration routes has the
SL (sublingual) ?
largest first-pass effect?
therapy, to replenish or substitute for missing substances in
the body
The nurse will question the health care provider if a drug
with a half-life (ty) of more than 24 hours is ordered to be Once daily
given more than how often?
You are caring for a client who has diabetes complicated by
kidney disease. You need to make a detailed assessment
when administering medications because this client may
experience problems with:

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