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Individual Assignment 2

Academic Year 2020/2021

Term- Second Summer
College/Department of Business Administration

Course Title International Companies Management

Course Code 0501422

Commence Date 28th July 2021

Due Date 4th August 2021

Student Name

Student ID.

Section# 1

CLO No. CLO Mark. Student’s Score

1 5

3 5
Total 10

Note: Students should focus on the Given Case Study. In the case of using any external
reference to support your answers, please make sure the reference/s is/are added to the
submitted work.
Note: Pay attention to the plagiarism
Individual Assignment 2 Instructions:

After a careful reading of the case study IKEA, you are required to answer the following

Questions (5 Marks):

1. How would you describe IKEA’s overall approach to international expansion? What
were some of the important successes and challenges it experienced along the way?
(CLO1:5 Marks).

2. What motivation, leadership, and international HR approaches has IKEA pursued to

achieve its international success and effective decision? (CLO 3:5 Marks).

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