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Theory and Applications of Mathematics & Computer Science 10 (2) (2020) 96 – 103

Strongly Invariant Submultigroups

Usman Adamua,∗, Musa Adeku Ibrahima
Department of Mathematics, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeria.

In this paper, strongly invariant submultigroup idea was introduced as an extension of strongly invariant subgroup
and its properties are presented. Specifically, it was proved that fully invariant direct factor of a multigroup is strongly
invariant while on the diagonal submultigroup the reverse is the case. The idea was investigated on torsion, mixed
and cyclic multigroups and established that every submultigroup of a torsion multigroup is strongly invariant, the
intersection of torsion part of a mixed multigroup A is strongly invariant in A and a multigroup over a cyclic group of
prime order is strongly invariant simple.

Keywords: Multigroup, Submultigroup, Strongly Invariant Subgroup.

2010 MSC: 93C42, 93C10, 37M05.

1. Introduction
Over the years, several concepts and results in classical group were developed. Since multi-
group is a generalization of group, extension of the concepts and results in classical group to
multigroup framework is an inspirational research area. Recently, the notion of fully invariant (f-i)
subgroup was studied in different perspective in (Birkenmeier et al., 2001), (Chekhlov & Danchev,
2015), (Chekhlov, 2017a). The concept of strongly invariant (s-i) subgroup was introduced in
(Cǎlugǎreanu, 2015) as an extension of f-i subgroup and present its properties on some special
types of abelian group; torsion, torsion-free, mixed, divisible and reduced abelian groups. A sub-
group N of a group G is called strongly invariant, if for every group homomorphism α : N −→ G,
α(N) ≤ N and a group without proper strongly invariant subgroup is called strongly invariant sim-
ple. In (Chekhlov, 2017b) and (Chekhlov & Danchev, 2019) the properties of s-i subgroups were
further studied for abelian groups. In (Adamu & Ibrahim, 2019) some properties of s-i subgroup in
a torsion, and mixed abelian groups, direct product of two subgroups and cyclic group was studied

Corresponding author
Email addresses: (Usman Adamu), (Musa Adeku
U. Adamu et al. / Theory and Applications of Mathematics & Computer Science 10 (2) (2020) 96–103 97

as an extension of some of the results in (Cǎlugǎreanu, 2015).

The term multigroup (mgroup) has been defined in (Marty, 1934), (Dresher & Ore, 1938),
(Barlotti & Strambach, 1991) and (Nazmul et al., 2013) in different perspectives. To date, research
in various aspects of mgroup defined with respect to multiset (mset) analogous to classical group
is still on going. The notions of submgroups, normal submgroups and abelian mgroups were intro-
duced in (Nazmul et al., 2013). In (Awolola & Ibrahim, 2016) contained the first, second and third
isomorphism theorems as related to mgroup. Also, the analogous form of Lagrange’s theorem in
mgroup framework was proposed in (Awolola & Ejegwa, 2017) and the concept of characteristic
subgroup was extended to mgroup context in (Ibrahim & Ejegwa, 2017). In this paper, we extend
the concept of s-i subgroup to mgroup framework and presents some results in mgroup setting
taking note of some results in (Adamu & Ibrahim, 2019) and (Cǎlugǎreanu, 2015).

One of the fundamental restrictions in Cantorian (standard or classical) set is the insistence of
non-repetition of elements in a given universe. In real life situations or for the purpose of wide
range of applications of set theory, this condition hinders its full usefulness. Relaxing this state
to accommodate finite multiple or so of objects gave rise to generalization of the notion of set
called multiset. Multiset is a function from a given finite set X to the set of natural numbers N.
Symbolically presented as f : X −→ N. Alternatively, a multiset A over a set X is a pair hA, f i
such that f : X −→ N is a function where N is a set of natural number.

Multiset is one of the several proliferations of non-classical sets developed over the last fifty-
five years. Other forms of variants sets as noted in (Blizard, 1989) are; ”... Boolean- and Heyting-
valued set theory, Zadeh’s fuzzy set theory, Vopenka’s alternative (or semi-) set theory, Church’s
set theory with a universal set, intuitionistic and constructive set theory, quantum set theory, da
Costa’s paraconsistent set theory, and most recently, Pawlak’s rough set theory, Tarski’s set the-
ory without variables, and Aczel’s non-well-founded set theory (or, what Barwise calls hyperset
theory)”. Also, we have Soft set that takes note of the attributes of the elements of a given set.
Recently, many hybrid sets (combination of two or more nonclassical sets) like fuzzy multisets,
fuzzy soft set, intuitionistic fuzzy multisets, rough multisets and soft multisets were introduced.
Details of fundamentals of multisets and applications can be found in (Blizard, 1989), (Hickman,
1980), (Knuth, 1981), (Meyer & McRobbie, 1982) and (Singh et al., 2007).

2. Preliminaries
Definition 2.1.(Nazmul et al., 2013) Let X be a group. An mset G over X is said to be an mgroup
over X if the count function G or CG satisfies the following conditions:
i. CG (xy) ≥ [CG (x) ∧ CG (y)], ∀ x, y ∈ X;
ii. CG (x−1 )) ≥ CG (x), ∀ x ∈ X.
The set of all mgroups over X is denoted by MG(X) and G∗ = {x ∈ G : G(x) > 0}.
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Definition 2.2.(Nazmul et al., 2013) Let A ∈ MG(X). A submset B of A is called a submgroup of

A denoted by B v A if B form an mgoup. B is called a proper submgroup denoted by B @ A if
B v A and B , A. B is said to be complete if B∗ = A∗ , B is said to be incomplete if B∗ , A∗ , B is
said to be regular complete if it is complete and C B (x) = C B (y), ∀ x, y ∈ X, B is said to be regular
incomplete if it is incomplete and C B (x) = C B (y), for x, y ∈ X.

Definition 2.3.(Awolola & Ejegwa, 2017) Let A ∈ MG(X). The order of A denoted by o(A) is
defined as o(A) = x∈X C A (x).

Definition 2.4.(Awolola & Ejegwa, 2017) Let A ∈ MG(X). Then if there exists a positive integer
n such that ∀ x ∈ X, C A (xn) = C A (e) then the least such positive integer is called the order of an
element x with respect to A. If no such n exists, x is said to be of infinite order with respect to A.
The order of an element x with respect to A is denoted by oA (x).

Definition 2.5.(Nazmul et al., 2013) Let A ∈ MG(X). Then A is said to be abelian or commutative
if ∀ x, y ∈ X, C A (xy) = C A (yx).

Definition 2.6.(Ejegwa & Ibrahim, 2017) Let X and Y be any two groups and let θ : X −→ Y be
a homomorphism. Let A and B be two mgroups over X and Y respectively. Then the image of A
under θ denoted by θ(A) is an mgroup over Y defined by

∨ x∈ f −1 (y)C A (x), f −1 (y) , ∅ f or y ∈ Y

C f (A) (y) = 

 otherise

Definition 2.7.(Ejegwa & Ibrahim, 2017) Let X and Y be any two groups and let A ∈ MG(X) and
B ∈ MG(Y). Then a homomorphism θ from X to Y is called a weak homomorphism from A to B
if θ(A) ⊆ B and θ is called a homomorphism from A to B if θ(A) = B.

Definition 2.8.(Nazmul et al., 2013) Let A, B ∈ MG(X). The product of A and B denoted by A ◦ B
is defined by C A◦B (x) = ∨{C A (y) ∧ C B (z) : y, z ∈ X, yz = x}.

3. Internal Direct Product of Multigroup

Definition 3.1. Let A ∈ MG(X) then A is said to be an internal direct product of its two submgroups
H and K if the following conditions are satisfies:

i. A∗ = (H ◦ K)∗ .

ii. C A (hk) = C A (kh), ∀ h ∈ H, k ∈ K.

Remark. If an mgroup A is an internal direct product of its two submgroups H and K such that
C A (h) = C H (h), and C A (k) = C K (k), ∀ h ∈ H, k ∈ K. Then A = H ◦ K
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Definition 3.2.(Vasishtha, 1960) Suppose H and K are subgroups of a group G. Then G is called
an internal direct product of H and K denoted by G = H ⊗ K if

i. every element of G is uniquely expressible as a product of an element of H by an element

of K.

ii. every element of H commute with every element of K.

Theorem 3.1. Let A ∈ MG(X) and H, K v A. Then A is an internal direct product of every
complete submgroups of H and K if A∗ = H∗ ⊗ K∗ .

Proof. Given that H, K v A ∈ MG(X) and A∗ = H∗ ⊗ K∗ . Let B and C be complete submgroups of

H and K respectively. Then |B∗ | = |H∗ | and |C∗ | = |K∗ | =⇒ B∗ = H∗ and C∗ = K∗ , from definition
2.8 and the fact that A∗ = B∗ ⊗ C∗ we have A∗ = (B ◦ C)∗ . Also, bc = cb, ∀ b ∈ B, c ∈ C,
=⇒ C A (bc) = C A (cb). Hence, A is an internal direct product of B and C.

Definition 3.3. Let A ∈ MG(X). Then a submgroup B of A is called fully invariant if for every
endomorphism α : A −→ A, Cα(B) (x) ≤ C B (x), ∀x ∈ X.

Definition 3.4. Let A ∈ MG(X). Then a submgroup B of A is called strongly invariant if for every
homomorphism ϕ : B −→ A, Cα(B) (x) ≤ C B (x), ∀x ∈ X.

Theorem 3.2. Let B, C v A ∈ MG(X) such that A = B ◦ C and B∗ ∩ C∗ = e. If N is an f-i

submgroup of A then N = (N ∩ B) ◦ (N ∩ C).

Proof. Let B, C v A ∈ MG(X) since A = B ◦ C and B∗ ∩ C∗ = e there exists projection mappings

α : A −→ B and ϕ : A −→ C defined by α(bc) = b and ϕ(bc) = c respectively, ∀ b ∈ B, c ∈ C
and so Cα(A) (x) ≤ C B (x) and Cϕ(A) (x) ≤ CC (x). ∀ x ∈ X. Since B, C v A we extend the mappings
α : A −→ A and ϕ : A −→ A. Given that N is an f-i submgroup of A, Cα(N) (x) ≤ C N (x) and
Cϕ(N) (x) ≤ C N (x). Also, since N v A we have
n = α(n)ϕ(n) =⇒ N = α(N) ◦ ϕ(N). Clearly, we have Cα(N) (x) ≤ C N∩B (x) and Cϕ(N) (x) ≤ C N∩C (x).
=⇒ Cα(N) (x) = C N∩B (x) and Cϕ(N) (x) = C N∩C (x). Hence, N = (N ∩ B) ◦ (N ∩ C).

Theorem 3.3. Every complete submgroup of an mgroup over a group X is s-i.

Proof. Let B be a complete submgroup of an mgroup A ∈ MG(X) and α : B −→ A be a homo-

morphism. Then α(B) v A and since B is a complete submgroup of A we have |B∗ | = |A∗ | =⇒
|B∗ | ≥ |α(B)∗ | =⇒ α(B) ⊆ B. Hence, Cα(B) (x) ≤ C B (x), ∀ x ∈ X.

Theorem 3.4. Let H, K v A ∈ MG(X) and N be an s-i submgroup of A such that A = H ◦ K and
H∗ ∩ K∗ = e. Then N ∪ H and N ∪ K are not s-i submgroups of H and K respectively if and only
if N ∩ H and N ∩ K are nontrivial submgroups.
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Proof. Let H, K v A ∈ MG(X) and N be an s-i submgroup of A. Suppose N ∪ H is s-i in H then

N ∪ H v H. This implies
C N (x) ≤ C H (x), ∀ x ∈ X (1)
Given that N ∩ K is nontrivial and H∗ ∩ K∗ = e. Then there exists a ∈ X such that C N (a) > 0 and
C H (a) = 0. This implies
C N (a) > C H (a) (2)
Therefore, from (1) and (2) N ∪ H is not s-i in H. Similarly, N ∪ K is not s-i in K
Conversely, suppose N∩H and N∩K are trivial submgroups. Then since A = H◦K and H∗ ∩K∗ = e
by theorem 3.2 we have N = {e}. Also, by theorem 3.3 N ∪ H and N ∪ K are s-i submgroups of
H and K respectively, which is a contradiction. Therefore, N ∩ H and N ∩ K are nontrivial subm-

Definition 3.5. A submgroup B of an mgroup A ∈ MG(X) is called direct factor of A if there is a

submgroup C of A such that C A (a) = C B◦C (a), ∀ a ∈ X and C B∩C (a) = 0 for a , e.

Definition 3.6. A submgroup D of an mgroup A ∈ MG(X) is called diagonal if there is a subm-

groups B, C v A such that C D◦B (a) = C A (a) = C D◦C (a), ∀ a ∈ X and C D∩B (a) = 0 = C D∩C (a). for

Theorem 3.5. Every f-i direct factor of an mgroup is s-i.

Proof. Let B be any f-i direct factor of an mgroup A ∈ MG(X) and α : B −→ A be a homo-
morphism. Then ∃ C v A such that C A (a) = C(B◦C) (a), ∀ a ∈ X and C B∩C (a) = 0 for a , e.
Also, since B∗ is a direct factor of A∗ there exists a projection mapping ρ : A∗ −→ B∗ defined by
ρ(bc) = b, ∀ b ∈ B∗ , c ∈ C∗ . This implies ρ : A −→ B is a homomorphism and so α ◦ p : A −→ A
is an endomorphism. Thus, we have Cα◦ρ(B) (x) ≤ C B (x), ∀ x ∈ X. Hence, Cα(B) (x) ≤ C B (x).
Theorem 3.6. Let A ∈ MG(X) and B, C v A such that A = B ◦ C. Then the diagonal submgroup
of A is not s-i in A.

Proof. Let D be a diagonal submgroup of an mgroup A ∈ MG(X) and B, C v A such that A = B◦C.
Now, suppose D is s-i then from theorem 3.2 we have D = (D ∩ B) ◦ (D ∩ C). Also, since D is a
diagonal submgroup we have C D◦B (a) = C A (a) = C D◦C (a), ∀ a ∈ X and C D∩B (a) = 0 = C D∩C (a)
for a , e and so D , (D ∩ B) ◦ (D ∩ C) which is a contradiction. Hence, D is not s-i.

4. Torsion and Mixed Multigroups

Definition 4.1. An mgroup A over a group X is called torsion if there exists a positive integer n
such that C A (nx) = C A (e), ∀ x ∈ X.
Remark. Every regular (finite or infinite) mgroup is torsion.
Definition 4.2. An mgroup A over a group X is called mixed mgroup if there exists a positive
integer n such that C A (nx) = C A (e) for some x ∈ X. The torsion part of A is denoted by T hAi.
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Remark. Let A ∈ MG(X) then A∗ [n] = {x ∈ X : C A (nx) = C A (e)} for a fixed n ∈ N.

Theorem 4.1. Let A ∈ MG(X). Then A∗ [n] are subgroups of X, ∀ n ∈ N.

Proof. Let x, y ∈ A∗ [n] then C A (nx) = C A (e) = C A (ny). Since A ∈ MG(X) we have C A (xy) ≥
C A (x) ∧ C A (y), =⇒ C A ((nx)(ny−1 )) ≥ C A (nx) ∧ C A (ny−1 ).
Also, C A (nx)∧C A (ny−1 ) = C A (nx)∧C A (ny) = C A (e), ∀x, y ∈ X. Hence, C A ((nx)(ny−1 )) ≥ C A (e) =⇒
C A (n(xy−1 )) = C A (e) =⇒ x, y−1 ∈ A∗ [n]
Remark. For any mgroup A ∈ MG(X), the subgroup A∗ [n] is not s-i in A∗ for some positive integer
Theorem 4.2. Let A be a torsion mgroup over a group X. Then a submgroup B of A is s-i if and
only if B∗ [n] is s-i in A∗ [n], ∀ n ∈ N.

Proof. Let B be a s-i submgroup of an mgroup A over a group X and α : B∗ [n] −→ A∗ [n] be a
homomorphism then α(B∗ [n]) ≤ A∗ [n]. Since B∗ [n] = {x ∈ X : C B (nx) = C B (e)} =⇒ C B∗ [n]) (x) ≤
C B (x) =⇒ B∗ [n] ⊆ B. Similarly, A∗ [n] ⊆ A. Therefore, we extend α : B −→ A. Thus, we have
Cα(B) (x) ≤ C B (x) =⇒ α(B) v B =⇒ α(B∗ [n]) ⊆ B =⇒ α(B∗ [n]) ≤ B∗ =⇒ α(B∗ [n]) ⊆ B∗ ∩ A∗ [n] =
B∗ [n]. Hence, Cα(B∗ [n]) (x) ≤ C B∗ [n] (x).
Conversely, suppose B∗ [n] is s-i in A∗ [n] for all positive integer n and α : B −→ A is a homomor-
phism. Then since B∗ [n] ⊆ B and A∗ [n] ⊆ A we restrict the mapping α : B∗ [n] −→ A∗ [n] and so
we have α(B∗ [n]) ≤ B∗ [n] =⇒ α(B∗ ) ≤ B∗ =⇒ Cα(B∗ ) (x) ≤ C B∗ (x). This shows that α map B∗ into
B∗ . Hence, Cα(B) (x) ≤ C B (x), ∀ x ∈ X.

Theorem 4.3. Let A, B, C ∈ MG(X) such that C v B v A. If C is s-i in A then C is s-i in B.

Proof. Let C be an s-i submgroup of A then C∗ is an s-i subgroup of A∗ and since C v B v A =⇒

C∗ ≤ B∗ ≤ A∗ Thus C∗ is s-i in B∗ . Now, suppose θ : C∗ −→ B∗ is a homomorphism then we
have θ(C∗ ) ≤ C∗ . This implies θ maps C∗ into C∗ Therefore, for any homomorphism β : C −→ B
induced by θ we have Cβ(C) (x) ≤ CC (x).
Theorem 4.4. Let A be a mixed mgroup over a mixed group X and N be a submgroup of A. Then
T hNi is s-i in T hAi if and only if T hNi is s-i in A.

Proof. By theorem 4.3 it follows that T hNi is s-i in T hAi. Conversely, suppose T hNi is s-i in T hAi
and α : T hNi −→ A is a homomorphism then α(T hNi) v A =⇒ α(T hNi) v T hAi. Hence, we
Cα(T hNi) (x) ≤ CT hAi (x), ∀ x ∈ X (1)
Since T hAi v A by codomain restriction of α we have ϕ : T hNi −→ T hAi. Thus, we have
Cϕ(T hNi) (x) ≤ CT hNi (x), ∀ x ∈ X (2)
From (1) and (2) we have Cα(T hNi) (x) ≤ CT hNi (x), ∀ x ∈ X.

Theorem 4.5. Let A be a mixed group over a mixed group X with H v K v A. If T hHi is s-i in
T hKi then T hHi ∩ T hKi is s-i in A.
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Proof. Let T hHi be an s-i submgroup of T hKi then we have T hHi v T hKi this implies CT hHi (x) ≤
CT hKi (x), ∀ x ∈ X. Therefore, we have CT hHi∩T hKi (x) = CT hHi (x), ∀ x ∈ X. Hence, by theorem 4.4
T hHi ∩ T hKi is s-i in A.

5. Cyclic Multigroup
Definition 5.1. Let X = hai be a group generated by a ∈ X. Then an mgroup A over X is called
cyclic if for x ∈ X, ∃ n ∈ N such that C A (na) = C A (x).

Definition 5.2. An mgroup A over a group X is said to be s-i simple if the only s-i submgroups of
A are the trivial submgroup and complete submgroup.

Theorem 5.1. Every submgroup of a cyclic mgroup is s-i.

Proof. Let B be a submgroup of a cyclic mgroup A over a cyclic group X and ϕ : B −→ A be

a homomorphism. Then Cϕ(B) (x) ≤ C A (x), ∀ x ∈ X. Since X is cyclic, for every homomorphism
ϕ : B∗ −→ X we have ϕ(B∗ ) ≤ B∗ . This implies ϕ maps B∗ into B∗ . Hence, Cϕ(B) (x) ≤ C B (x).

Theorem 5.2. An mgroup over a cyclic group of prime order is s-i simple.
Proof. Let X be a cyclic group of prime order p and A ∈ MG(X). By Lagrange s theorem every
subgroup of X has order p =⇒ |A∗ | = p. Let B be any nontrivial submgroup of A then by theorem
5.1 B is s-i. But, since |A∗ | = p this implies |A∗ | = |B∗ | this shows that B is a complete submgroup
of A. Hence, from definition 5.2 A is s-i simple.

6. Conclusions
The notion of strongly invariant submultigroup was introduced as an extension of strongly
invariant subgroup. The properties of strongly invariant subgroup in an internal direct product of
a group, torsion, mixed and cyclic groups were studied in multigroup setting.

7. Future Study
The following are worthwhile for further study; extension of the concepts of divisible and re-
duced groups to the multigroup framework, investigation of the properties of strongly invariant
subgroup of a torsion-free divisible group, torsion-free reduced group and strongly invariant sim-
ple divisible group in the multigroup context.
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