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When the focus is on language fluency, as a LANGUAGE teacher, you will want to focus on
what and how students are using the target language. This is known as functional language.

"Functional language" is language that we use to perform various "functions" such as giving
advice or apologizing. Functional language typically uses fixed expressions for each function–for
example, "I agree" or "I feel the same way" in agreeing, or "it was my fault" or "please forgive
me" in apologizing.

Complete each of the three parts of this worksheet. Then save it as (for example:
ZPrada_TESOL510-UnitPlanObjectives) and then upload it here by Sunday night.

PART I: Functional Objectives – Match Expressions to the Objective

Below are examples of functional language objective and expressions. Match expressions to the
objective! Use all expressions.
Objective Expression
1. Agreeing ___p___ a) Absolutely not, rubbish!
2. Apologizing __n,l___ b) Can I give you a hand...?
3. Seeking Opinions/Advice ___k__ c) Can I…?, may I ask…?
4. Disagreeing __a,d,f__ d) I can't accept that!
5. Giving Advice __m,i__ e) I could be wrong but...
6. Giving Bad News ___j____ f) I don't really agree, but what about...
7. Giving Opinions __g,e,i__ g) I feel that…,
8. Making Requests __h,o,c h) I'd like to request...
9. Offering ___b___ i) If I were you, I’d…
j) I'm sorry to say, I tried my best but...
k) In your opinion, what's your view on...
l) It was my fault!
m) My suggestion is...
n) Please forgive me...
o) Shall I…?
p) You're right, I feel the same way...

PART II: Functional Objectives – Create Informal and Formal Fixed Expressions

For each functional objective listed below, come up with 6 fixed expressions. Divide the
expressions in 2 categories: formal and informal. Use the table below to help you get started with
the fixed expressions.

Informal Expressions Formal Expressions

1. How about ...? 1. (I think/I really think) you need
2. Why don't you ...? to/must/should ...
3. You could (try) ... 2. It is usually a good idea to ...
4. Have you tried ...? 3. My suggestion/advice is (to) ...
5. If I were you, I'd ... 4. I (would) (strongly) suggest/advise that ...
6. One thing you could/should/have to do is 5. In my experience, ... works really well.
... 6. It's generally best/a good idea to...

Functional Objectives (three informal, three formal)

1. I’m so sorry!(Informal)

2. It was my fault (Informal)

3. Please forgive me! (Informal)

4. I would like to express my regret (Formal)

5. I would like to take the blame (Formal)

6. Please don’t hold the grudge !(Formal)

Give Advice
1. If I were you, i’d…(Informal)

2. Why don’t you…?(Informal)

3. Have you tried? (Informal)

4. In my opinion, ….work (s) really well (Formal)

5. In this (kind of situations), i (would) always recommend/advise…. (Formal)

6. A wise man once said…. (Formal)

Discuss Probability
1. I’m absolutely sure! (Informal)

2. I have no doubt that…(Informal)

3. Probably not! (Informal)

4. I’d be very suprised if that happens (Formal)

5. There is a good chance …(Formal)

6. I do not suppose that…(Formal)

PART III: Set Functional Language Objectives for your Unit Plan

Setting Functional/Situational objectives for language acquisition classes in which the focus is
on message over form (grammar)

1. Your target audience/student population:

Consider the needs of your students. What are their reasons for learning English? What are their
interests? In what areas do they struggle? What is their language level?

2. Function
Choose a function from the ones listed below. A function is defined as “reason to use language.”
**These language functions cannot be used when doing your unit plan because they are used
extensively as examples in our class or are too narrow for the purposes of the unit plan.

identify** give opinions

greet instruct how to do something
introduce check understanding
describe** talk about similarities
ask for information** talk about differences
give information** state preferences
clarify** make suggestions
correct information give advice**
request express enthusiasm
attract attention express disappointment
agree express happiness
disagree express sadness
invite express + other moods
accept encourage
refuse discourage
imagine persuade
state intentions complain
discuss probability apologize**
offer to do something give and accept or refuse compliments
ask for permission warn
give reasons

3. Situation
Select a context in which you will have students practice using the functional language. Think of
the language of the situation as specific only to that situation.

4. Set your objective!

Set your functional language objective for your upcoming Unit Plan. Use the example provided

Student population: 12 English language students enrolled at City University of Seattle’s
Washington Academy of Languages. They are attending 2 hours of Listening & Speaking
instruction, Monday-Friday for 5 weeks. Their purpose for learning English is to be able to
transfer to a college or university in the United States. They are currently at Level 3,
Intermediate Level.
Function: give advice
Situation: about how to study and make successful grades in college
Functional/Situational objective:
Students will be able to give advice about how to study and make successful grades in

Objective 1
Student population:
10 English language students, at the age from 12-16, enrolled at IELTS (International English
language Testing System) course in my private class. They are attending 2 hours of Listening,
Speaking, Writing and Reading instruction, Monday, Wenesday, and Friday for 1 years. Their
purpose of learning English is to be able to transfer to a more pretigious seats of learnings in
Vietnam or other countries. They are currently at Intermidiate Level.

Function: Give their opinions

Situation: About the paramount importance of studying overseas.

Functional/Situational objective:
Students will be able to give their opinions about the paramount importance of studying

Objective 2
Student population:
10 English language students, who are adults, enrolled at English Communication class. They are
attending 2 hours of Listening and Speaking instruction, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday for 1
year. Their purpose of learning English is to increase their job prospects in their current
companies or have more job opportunities in international companies.

Express their different moods


to situations in which they achieve a good academic performance in English and are qualified to
work for international companies.

Functional/Situational objective:
Students will be able to express their different moods to situations in which they achieve a good
academic performance in English and are qualified to work for international companies.


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