Isl p2 Oct - Nov 2011

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Islamiyat P2

Oct/Nov 2011

Q1) i) a) this hadith talks about the importance of looking after others in islam. It shows how
Allah values a believer taking care of the vulnerable being the widow or orphans. Looking after
and taking care of the orphans and widows is compared and given equal importance to
exceeding in life in the name of Allah, who performs all prayers and keeps fasts in the month of
ramadan. Allah tells us how it is essential for muslims to take and look after the ones who have
no support.

b) muslims can put this into action by not letting any opportunity they get to help the ones in
need. Charity and kindness will only pave the way into making the believer closer to Allah and
please Him. This hadith also highlights how taking care and helping out the needy is more
valuable to Allah than the pillars or Jihad in the name of Allah. The believers can provide the
vulnerable with help by charity and donations.

ii) a) islam is a religion that revovlves around the idea of modesty, this hadith adds onto this
point. ‘Modesty produces nothing but good’ it is said that both the genders are to maintain
modesty to rightfully live life without committing any wrong doings. Modesty forbids one from
committing any thing which is forbidden in islam. Modesty is an act of living life in a very
moderate and limited manner.

b) believers nowadays can put this into action by following the example of the holy prophet
(PBUH). The prophet(SAW) was the most modest person to ever step foot on earth, his
examples of living life in a very simple and moderate life. The prophet (saw) hadiths show how a
muslims can put out modesty in their life at every point, lowering your gaze in the presence of
the opposite sex, wearing clothes as to not attract any attention. Staying away from worldy
desires also leads a muslim to live a modest life. a muslims can practise modesty by thinking of
others in every act they do, concern for others helps reduce or finish any sort of evils in the
society and help the community live peacefully.

iii) a) this hadith teaches us what our religion Islam consists of. The Holy prophet (SAW) tells all
beleiveres how following the teachings of islam should be the most important thing to them. The
hadith does not only talk about the believers following the five pillars of islam but by also
compelling for all the things islam is promoted. Being kind and considerate towards the needy
performing charity and donations.

b) a muslims can practise this hadith today by following what is mentioned in the hadith.
Muslims should obey Allah by glorifying Him and thanking Him for all that He has bestowed
upon us. By being loyal to the quran, reading it regularly and obeying what is mentioned in the
holy book of Allah. Muslims can be loyal towards the Prophet (saw) by following his practises
and making him their role model in life.
iv) a) this hadith signifies the believers faith in Allah and the last day; it is essential for all
believers to put their faith in it. The Hadith also shines upon talking good or staying quiet, this
highlights how we should only promote positivity and kindness in the society other than hurting
someone by our words. It also talks about an important matter of the believers' kindness and
generosity towards their neighbours and guests.

b) a muslim’s beleif in the day of judgement is essential, so all muslims should follow Allah’s
commands and His prophet’s example to rightfully live in this world. After all Allah will be their
judge and they will be held accountable for all their doings. Muslims must restrain from talking ill
of people or doing any such thing which might hurt the other. They should be generous and kind
towards their neighbours and guests. The holy prophet (saw) would give the guests whatever he
had in his house and would starve himself but be kind and generous towards them.

q2) hadiths are provided to us in two forms, one being the hadiths of Allah and the other being
the hadiths of the holy prophet (PBUH). The hadiths of Allah are those which are in direct
wording of Allah and hadiths of the prophet (SAW) are those which the prophet (SAW) have
been heard saying or have been seen doing. Hadiths provide the muslims with information
which is not available to them in the Quran or which is explained briefly.

The hadith ‘None of you believes until he wants for his brother what he wants for himself.’
teaches muslims to never differentiate between what they get for others and what they get for
themselves. To always treat others the way they would think about treating themselves.
Brotherhood is an important aspect in Islam as we can see that when the prophet (SAW)
migrated to madina his first task performed was to create the relation of brotherhood amongst
all muhajirs and ansars.

‘Let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day either speak good or keep silent, and let him
who believes in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his neighbour, and let him who believes
in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his guest.’ This hadith talks about that the believers
should always have good virtue and avoid any bad virtues they hold. It tells all believers to
always speak good and spread positivity through their words and if they can’t then they are to
remain silent. It also talks about the muslims belief in Allah and the last day of judgement which
is essential for all believers.

This hadith also teaches us how we should treat our neighbours and guests with kindness and
generosity. An example of the holy prophet (SAW) has been narrated in which when a guest
came over to the prophets(SAW) house he offered him whatever he had and stayed hungry
himself. This shows us how the prophet (SAW) treated his guests over himself. Hazrat
Muhammad (SAW) are our prophet and our ultimate role model.

‘God will not show mercy to him who does not show mercy to others.’ Islam is a religion in which
being kind and considerate to others is what it revolves around. To forgive the ones who hurt
and to show mercy towards them who it is hard towards. Allah is the most merciful and the oft-
forgiving, this hadith tells us that if the believers want to gain Allah’s mercy they should be
merciful, kind and considerate of others first.

The hadith reminds the believers of their role in this world and of the purpose they have been
sent down by Allah. ‘The world is the believer’s prison and the unbeliever’s paradise.’ This
hadith explains further how the believers should not focus on worldly desires rather should
maintain their focus on living their life according to the conduct of Allah. ‘Prison’ is referring to
how the believers are to live with rules and away from their lord while ‘unbeliever's paradise’ as
they would be living luxuriously in this world but the hereafter they will be held accountable.

Hadiths not only help explain matters which are briefly told in the quran but also lays forward the
commands or the ways a believer should live life. They explain different aspects that a muslims
might face and how to deal with those situations. As well as teach the believers the basics such
as dealing fairly and kindly.

B) the Quran is the verdict of Allah and contains all aspects and rules that Allah has set for his
subjects. However, the quran on many matters provides very brief information which is when the
people look upon the Hadiths as the hadiths further add on or clarify the statements made in the
quran. Such as when the matter on which animals are allowed to be eaten and which are
haram, the quran explained this matter very briefly so the hadith later on explained this part in
detail. The quran and hadith joint make the shariah law this law is made by the help of the quran
and the hadith. When the matter of zakat was questioned, the hadiths explained the manner in
which zakat was to be performed and the conditions it carried out.

q3) all four of the rightly guided caliphs worked to put forward the work of the Holy Prophet
(SAW) and to spread the name of islam in the entire world. They all worked in different manners
but they all worked towards the goal which was to rule and be just like the prophet (SAW) and to
do whatever they did under the rules of Allah.

Hazrat Abu Bakr (r.a) was the first caliph after the holy prophet (SAW) death so he had to grab
the entire muslim community and provide them with strength to move forward in life and carry
out the message of islam how the prophet (SAW) did. He carried together the muslims
community but many issues arose in his caliphate.

Many tribes who have joined islam the holy prophet and decided to not pay zakat anymore.
Hazart Abu bakr (R.A) had to explain that paying zakat is not a choice that the believers can
make it is one of the five pillars of islam without which a person can not be a beleiver.

Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) also faced the uprising of false prophets. After the death of the holy
prophet (SAW) many false prophets began to gain a following. Some of the false prophets
stopped themselves while some had to be stopped by force. The worst amongst them was
muslaima, he changed perspectives of islam which made him gain a large following. He made
zakat compulsory, reduced the rakats of namaz. The battle of yamamah was fought against him
in which many hafiz-e-quran were martyred.
As many of the hafiz-e-quran had been martyred a question arose that after the hafiz-e-quran
would die the quran wouldn’t be remembered in the world. It was suggested by Hazrat Uthman
(R.A) to make the Quran into a book form but it took a lot of persuading towards Hazrat Abu
Bakr (R.A) as he said he didn’t want to do something that the Prophet (SAW) had left behind.
After Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) was convinced he asked zaib bin sabit to compile the quran. This
copy remained with hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) after him it went to hazrat uthman (R.A) and after it it
went to hazrat Hafsa (R.A).

Hazrat uthman (R.A) worked to expand the muslim terrioty as much as he could. He fought
many battles and helped expand the mulsim land. The muslim territory expanded till south
africa, persia and armenia. He fought campaigns for the Mediterranean sea islands, re-
conquests of syria.

During the caliphate of Hazrat Uthman (R.A) the muslims territory was expanded to such a huge
extent. With such a big expansion many different states had started reading the quranic verses
and prayers in different manners. Different copies of the holy quran were made. Hazrat uthman
(R.A) ordered zaib bin sabit to make copies of the holy quran and distribute them to different
states. He also ordered missionaries to go to different states and preach them the correct way
of reading the quran and performing the prayer.

All the caliphs worked in different ways to spread the message of Allah and his prophet widely.
They all faced different circumstances but stood strong and fought against them in the name of
Allah. They all paved the way for the muslims to have a religion without any corruption of it’s

b) the most difficult task faced by Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) was the uprising of false prophets.
After the death of the holy prophet (PBUH) many of the believers now had left hope as they
ebleived that islam would only live until the holy prophet (SAW). With the uprising of false
prophet’s many people turned away from Allah’s message and joined the false prophets.
Muslaima one of the false prophet’s had changed the laws of islam which treathened the
authencity of islam. Many people had now started to believe in it as it had fulfilled their desires.
Many of hafiz-e-quran were martyred in the battle of yamamah which was the most difficult.

q4) Allah has made the five pillars of islam neseccary for all muslims. The five pillars of islam
make up the fundamental belief system of a believer without which a beleiver can not be
considered a muslim. It is thus essential for all believers to put their believe all five of the pillars
of islam being shahdah, salat, zakat, fasting and hajj.

Fasting is an act which is prescribed by Allah to be done in the month of ramadan. It is

compulsory on all believers who have reached the age of maturity and are conscious of their
acts. With certain conditions for people who are exempted from fasting such as women in the
period of childbirth, mothers who are feeding their kids, people who are sick and that their
condition might get worse with keeping a fast. Even Though such exemptions are present the
people exempted are to make up for the missed fasts in one way or the other.
Fasting during the month of Ramadan is compulsory and has it’s certain conditions to be
fulfilled. The believers are supposed to do their ‘sehri’ before the fajr namaz and are prohibited
to eat or drink anything after this. The believers are supposed to spend all their day worshipping
and devoting themselves to their lord. The fast is to be broken when the maghrib namaz is said.

Is it said that if a fast is broken unintentionally because of forgetfulness the fast is still valid but if
a believer breaks the fast purposefully he has to to repent for it on another day. If a person is
not in a condition to keep fasts then he is to pay for the food for a person for 30 days. Or the
person is supposed to feed 30 people two times a day.

Zakat is another pillar of islam, it is the act when all beleivers are to give out an amount of
money of their possessions to the poor. This act is compulsory for all wealthy believers and any
those who have a fixed amount of gold for 4 years. This is a compulsory charity for all and helps
circulate the money in the society.

The possessions we hold and the money we have is all property of Allah and we are guarding
the property of Allah. It is the duty of the believers who have the resources provided by Allah to
be shared amongst his people. It is said that the believer who holds money and does not share
amongst the needy will be questioned by Allah on the day of judgement and will receive a harsh

Zakat and fasting bring peace to the soul. It makes a believer sympathise with the people who
are not so fortunate as they are. Islam is a religion which connects everyone together and
makes one feel for eachother.

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