Isl Oct - Nov 2011

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thQ1 ) i) a) this passage talks about how Allah is the creator of all things.

The creation of rain

provides us with water while the creation of plants provides oxygen to mankind. He alone is the
controller of all things, it further explains how He alone is worthy of our worship. This passage
also shows us the signs that Allah does exist and that He alone is the ruler, judge and sustainer.
The night and day, sun and the moon are all signs that Allah exists as all things work under His
command only.

b) the teachings are represented by mentioning ‘ the night and the day, and the sun and the
moon’ all these are signs of Allah. By mentioning Allah’s signs it tells us how we should only
worship him. The sun, moon and day and night are not worthy of worship as they are not
stationary and they only appear by Allah’s command. This surah was revealed during the time
when people were looking out who to worship, and found nothing stationary and then put their
faith in Allah.

ii) a) this surah talks about Allah as the creator of all things in this world and the other. It tells us
how He is the one who teaches us and He is the one who has given us the knowledge we have.
It signifies all the favours Allah has provided mankind with. This also highlights tauheed as it
tells us how Allah is the creator, the one in control and the ruler.

b) this surah tells us it’s meaning through words. ‘Created man out of a clot of congealed blood’
this tells us how mankind was made out of a small clot of blood, by the power of Allah this
happened. ‘He who taught by the pen’ tells us how Allah is the One who has taught all that we
know and ‘Taught man what he did not know’ all the knowledge we have is all because of Allah.

iii) a) this passage emphasises on tauheed and how Allah is the creator of all things. Allah’s
creations benefit all in this world as the sky provides us with shade and rain, while Allah
provides us with guidance which is essential for living in this world. This surah also highlights
how man should not commit the sin of comparing or giving equal status to anyone with Allah, He
alone is the ruler, creator and judge of this world who shares no partner or have any heirs.

b) this surah talks about Allah’s creations such as ‘Who has made the earth’ and ‘ and the
heavens your canopy’ tells us how Allah alone has created the earth and the heavens. ‘Your
couch’ and ‘your canopy’ tells us how Allahs has created all this for his servants and that we
should take care of it and glorify the creator for all these blessings upon us.

Q2) a) the quran is the direct wording of Allah. Allah did not reveal the quran in book form but it
was revealed in bits and pieces by hazrat jibrael (R.A). Allah had revealed all the quran doing
the lifetime of the holy prophet (SAW).

The quran was revealed in form of bits and pieces, the holy prophet (SAW) made sure that all
the revelations that came to him were written down and recomfired by the holy prophet (PBUH)
to clear out any mistakes. The holy prophet (saw) as soon as a revelation was made he would
memorize it and call a scribe to write down what he had remembered on pieces of wood, camel
bones and leaves. Till the lifetime of the prophet(SAW) no copy of the quran was in being.
After the holy prophet (PBUH) during the time of the first caliphate hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) a lot of
hafiz-e-quran were martyred in the battle of yammah fought against a false prophet (SAW). It
was feared that the people who had memorized the Quran would soon die and the Quran would
not live in the world. So it was suggested by hazrat Umar (R.A) to make a copy of the quran
which was led by zaid bin sabit. The copy remained with hazrat abu bakr, after him it was with
hazrat umar and after him the copy remained with hazrat hafsa.

During the second caliphate of Hazrat Umar it was necessary to make more copies of the
quran. As the islamic dynasty had expanded to a larger territory. Many people had started to
recite the quran in different manners and different copies of the holy quran were made. Hazrat
Umar took the initiative and a group led by zaid bin sabit made copies of the holy quran and
missionaries were sent to teach the right way to recite the quran. Hazrat Umar ordered all false
copies of the quran existing to be burned.

The quran was made into a book form when the caliphs of islam thought that the situation was
threathing to end the name of islam or change the true meaning of islam.

b) having the quran in a book form reduces all chances of having any mistakes or errors taking
place, as the quran was formed amongst the hafiz-e-quran. If the quran hadn’t been formed into
a book form many of the parts of the quran could be misplaced. Having the original quran
reduces the risk of having mistakes occur in formations of copies. It also unites the muslims as
they all are reading the same text and have the same copy.

Q3 ) the Prophet (saw) was born and raised amongst the quraysh. His grandfather was the chief
of the hashimi tribe. The prophet (pbuh) after the death of his mother was taken care by his
grandfather and after the death of abu mutlib (R.A) was taken care by abu Talib (R.A). After the
death of abu mutlib, his son abu talib became the leader of the hashimi tribe.

From the beginning the prophet’s (saw) was seen as trustworthy and a person who deals with
everything fairly. The prophet (saw) was a shepherd for a while, he would take the peoples
cattle and at night return them. Many of the people kept their belongings with the prophet (saw).
The prophet (saw) was asked for his opinion on important matters by the quraysh because of
his wisdom.

On the matter of fixing the black stone, the first to enter the kaabah was to place the black stone
in its place. When the leaders came to the kaabah the prophet (saw) was already present there.
So, it was then decided by the holy prophet (pbuh) that the stone be put on a cloth piece and
each side to be held by the leaders. By doing so, the prophet (saw) solved the problem easily
and placed the black stone in its place.

When the prophet (saw) received the message from Allah to openly declare the message of
Allah. The prophet (saw) called upon all of the quraysh to mount safa where he asked the
people if he said there was an army behind this hill would they believe him, they all said that
they knew that the holy prophet (pbuh) would never lie. He then declared that he was the
prophet of Allah to which Abu lahab started swearing at him and abusing him.

After the holy prophet had openly declared his prophethood, he received immense amount of
torture. Abu lahab's sons divorced the prophets (saw) daughters, Abu lahab's wife threw stuff in
the prophet’s path so he would get injured. Umaimah used to throw trash on the prophet while
he was walking. Abu lahab hadonce put camel waste on the prophet (pbuh) when he was in the
state of sajda, hazrat fatima (R.A) pushed off the waste. A boycott was even laid upon the
believers for 3 years after which the prophet (saw) lost his wife hazrat khadija (R.A) and his
uncle abu talib (R.A).

The prophet (saw) received many harsh things because of the quraysh but the prophet (pbuh)
was always protected by his uncle abu talib (R.A). after the death of Abu Talib (R.A) the torture
increased but the prophet (saw) indured everything and kept his faith in Allah.

b) the quraysh believed in worshipping idols while the islam was to worship only one god. This
would change the entire belief system of the quraysh as this was what their forefathers had
taught them. Idolism was also a way for the quraysh to earn as the visitors bought gifts for the
idols which were taken by the quraysh. They were sacred that the prophet’s (saw) growing
influence in arabia would threaten their way of earning and living a life prohibited by islam. They
could not leave practices like drinking, gambling etc.

Q4) the prophet (saw) has taken part in many battles and had an active role in all of them. The
Prophet (saw) has been seen using his strategic abilities and wisdom in many cases of battles.
The holy prophet (pbuh) fought in the name of Allah and to let His name be known in this world.

The first battle fought by the muslims was the battle of badr. The muslims were fewer in number
to the non muslim force. With such circumstances the holy prophet (saw) prayed to Allah. As he
beleived that if this battle was lost by the muslims the name of islam will be wiped off this earth
as only a few beleivers were there. The Holy prophet’s (pbuh) faith in Allah provided the
muslims with a miracle, thousands of angels ascended from the sky and fought against the non

In the battle of the trench when the muslims gathered to come up with the idea how to protect
madina from the unprotected side, salman farsi came up with the idea of digging up a trench.
This trench was built by all muslims working together as a team. The prophet (pbuh) as well
helped the building of the trench.

In time, when the battle of trench was carried on for too long and the people of madina were
stuck inside. Food supply and water shortages were nearing. The prophet (saw) prayed to Allah
for his help for 3 constant days. Soon Allah came to his help by sending a strong dust storm and
heavy rain which made the enemy go back.
The prophet (saw) took part in all battles and did all sorts of work as much as he could. When
he or his people came in trouble or when a problem arose in the midst of a battle the holy
prophet (pbuh) asked Allah for his guidance and help.

b) prophet’s (pbuh) dealing with conducts of other states teaches us a lot, as the persian ruler
khusro pervaiz disgraced the ambassador and tore the letter into pieces but the holy prophet
(Saw) remained calm and put his faith in Allah as he knew that Allah will give them what they
deserve. Another i]k,8ncident, when the prophet (Saw) visited taif in order to spread islam but
were thrown stones at. Upon, this hazrat jibrael (R.A) asked the prophet (pbuh) what must be
done with them, the prophet (saw) replied that he wishes that they soon accept islam. Prophet
(pbuh) always remained calm and faith in Allah upon all matters and treated everyone with
kindness and love even his enemies.

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