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Paper 1 Oct/Nov 2012

q1) a) i)this surah highlights the theme of tawheed and the signs of Allah which makes the
believer know that Allah does indeed exist and can be seen everywhere through his signs. The
use of the stars and the moon are shown to make the idea of worshipping such things clear, the
surah clarifies how all such things are not statistionary and they all act under Allah’s command
and saying. It also puts forward the idea of how Allah does not leave his people or his prophets
in times of trouble instead always shows them the way out.

b) this surah shows how Allah alone is worthy of our worship as He is the creator of all. This
surah shows us how all things in this universe act upon the orders of Allah without the help of
any others. It expresses how no partner should be associated with Him. The stars, moon and
sun are all signs of Allah’s existence and by looking upon them it strengthens the believers

iii) a) this surah was revealed to the holy prophet (pbuh) when he was sad after the people of
makkah started teasing the prophet (SAW) how his lord had forgotten him. Allah revealed this
surah to reassure the prophet (SAW) to tell him that He never left him and He will always be
with the prophet(SAW). This surah provided the prophet (PBUH) with hope. This surah also
signifies how Allah has helped the prophet (SAW) and all His subjects in times of need. It gives
everyone hope that Allah is always there for them when they look back.

b) this passage reminds muslims of the signs of Allah and the vast blessings He has bestowed
upon us. It reminds us how the holy prophet (SAW) was always grateful to Allah for all that He
has done for him. It shows the believer to be grateful for what Allah has given them and to thank
Allah for these blessings by obeying Him and glorifying Him. The surah gives a believer faith
that Allah is always with them in their hardship and will always provide a way out.

q2) the Prophet (SAW) has received many different revelations over his life. Each a bit different
or in different manners. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) received different revelations over a span of
years which varied from time to time.

The first revelation made to the holy prophet (SAW) was after he had married Hazrat Khadija
(R.A); the prophet (PBUH) would go to cave hira to meditate to find answers to questions which
no one could answer. One day, a figure appeared in front of the prophet (SAW) and asked him
to read. This was the figure of hazrat jibrael (A.S) he asked the prophet to read after him ‘read in
the name of thy lord who created
Who created man out of a congealed clot.
Read! In the name of thy lord who is most generous
Who taught by the pen
Taught man what he knew not’
This revelation marked the beginning of prophethood. After the revelation of surah alaq the
revelations had stopped for a bit which made the prophet nervous. However, soon the revelation

The holy prophet (SAW) received these revelations over a span of 23 years. He wasn’t provided
with everything in the quran rather it was given to him piece by piece. Allah made sure that it
was revealed for certain situations and that all the believers knew it well.

The revelations made to the holy prophet (SAW) came in different ways. Sometimes hazrat
jibrael would come to the holy prophet (SAW) with the revelations, sometimes the revelations
were made by figures of man. While sometimes it came as a ringing of a bell. It is reported once
that a shahabah was sitting with the prophet (SAW) with the holy prophets (SAW) leg upon his.
When the hazrat Muhammad suddenly received a revelation it was said that the shahabah felt
as if his legs would crush from such a heavy weight.

Revelations made to the prophet (SAW) were divided upon two parts one ebing makki surahs
and the other being madni surahs. Makki surahs were those revealed when the holy prophet
(PBUH) used to live in Makkah and were more focused upon oneness of allah and tauheed.
While the surah revealed in madina were known as madni surahs, these surahs were focused
upon the practises of the believers.

The prophet's (PBUH) experiences with receiving revelations were vast but he made sure to
memorise each one and make a literate scholar write it down for him and read it out loud to be
verified. Without the help of the holy prophet (SAW) the muslim nation today would be left

b) the whole of the quran was revealed to the holy prophet (SAW) in the span of 23 years. The
reason why this was done was that whenever a situation of need arose the relevant surah was
revealed to the holy prophet (SAW). This way the believers could easily memorize and
understand the revelations. As well as the new converts would easily get used to the and
implement them. Revelations over such a long time period also made it easier for the holy
prophet (SAW) as revealing the quran as a book would have put him under immense burden.

q3) the holy prophet (SAW) is the universal role model for each and every aspect. The holy
prophet (SAW) is perfect in every aspect and makes the perfect example for all believers to

The holy prophet (SAW) quality of forgiving is known widely. The people of Makkah used to
treat the holy prophet (PBUH) with such harsh treatment. They abused him physically and
verbally, an incident is reported where while the prophet was in sajdah abu jahl threw wate of
animals on the prophet. Hazrat Fatima (R.A) with tears in her eyes pushed the wate of her
fathers back.
The holy prophet after receiving such harsh treatment when the conquest of makkah came
ordered no children and women to be hurt and the people seeking refuge in the house of abu
sufyan. When makkah was conquested the prophet was asked by the enemies to forgive them
so the holy prophet (SAW) left behind everything and forgave them. This is proof of the big heart
that the holy prophet (PBUH) held and forgave everyone easily.

Another quality of the holy prophet (SAW) was his merciful nature. When the holy rpopeht
(SAW) went to taif to spread his message of islam was treated brutallya nd were thrown stones
at which made him bleed. Allah sent Hazrat Jibrael (A.S) to ask what does the prophet (SAW)
would liek to happen with the people of taif an offer to crush the whole community between
mountains; the holy prophet (PBUH) wished that they would soon accept islam.

Another incident shows the holy prophet’s (SAW) merciful nature. A woman named Umamah
used to throw trash on the holy prophet every day when he went to prayer. The holy prophet
(SAW) never treated her with harsh behaviour. When umamah was sick the holy prophet (SAW)
went and took care of. This shows how merciful was hazrat muhammad’s character.

The holy prophet (SAW) was known as a truthful and fair merchant and was trusted by the
whole of makkah. Many people had kept their belongings for safekeeping with the holy prophet
(SAW). the holy prophet (PBUH) was chosen to go to syria as a merchant for Hazrat Khadija
(R.A); on his return hazrat khadija’s (R.A) helper complimented how fair the prophet (SAW) was
in his dealings. Later on, hazrat khadija (R.A) asked for the prophet’s hand in marriage because
of his nature and dealings.

The holy prophet’s (PBUH) character and nature is not only praised amongst the believers but
the whole world celebrates the excellent character of his. Hazrat muhammad (SAW) is the only
one who can be looke dupon as a role model for every aspect of life.

b) muslims can put this into action by thinking by taking the holy prophet (SAW) as their role
model. They can start by forgiving the ones who hurt them and not treating them the same way
they have treated you. They should be kind and generous towards everyone, even people who
have harmed them. Believers should be just and fair in all dealings carried out in their lives.

q4) a) prophet (SAW) had some very dear and close people in his life. Some of these people
consisted of his grandfather, his mother, his foster mother Halima sadia and his uncle abu talib.
He shared some of the dearest times with these people.

Hazrat Aminah (R.A) the holy prophet’s (PBUH) mother but he did not get to spend much time
with her. Before the holy prophet (SAW) was born to Hazrat Aminah (R.A) she had a dream that
she was giving birth to light. The prophet (SAW) after being born was sent away with his foster
mother as per traditions of arabia. When the holy prophet (SAW) returned after 2 years but
because of a contagious virus being spread hazrat aminah (R.A) requested for her to take him
back with her.
When the holy prophet (SAW) came back after 6 years to his mother, they planned to make a
trip to yasrib. Hazrat Aminah (R.A) planned to make him visit his fathers grave and meet some
of their relatives but unfortunately on the way back home Hazrat Aminah (R.A) passed away.
The holy prophet (PBUH) were brought back by their helper um-e-aman

The prophet (SAW) had not been taken by any of the foster mothers so Hazrat Halima sadia
took him. Her fortunes changed overnight, the camel she rode was very slow but after taking the
prophet (SAW) the camel picked up speed. It is said that they never ran out of milk or other
supplies. The holy prophet (SAW) loved her dearly and used to call her my mother. When she
brought the prophet (SAW) back to his mother after 2 years and because of the virus his mother
asked her to take him with her for a few years.

An incident took place while the prophet (SAW) was staying with hazrat halima sadia. Two
angels came down and weighed the prophet and marked him with the seal of prophethood.
After performing the seal of prophethood they cut open his chest and took out a black clot from
his heart. His heart was then washed with zam zam and put back into his chest. This incident
scared Hazrat halima and she returned the holy prophet (PBUH) back to his mother.

After hazrat muhammad’s mother passing away he was entrusted to his grandfather abu mutlib.
After the death of his grandfather his uncle Abu talib took care of him. He loved and cared for
the prophet (SAW) like his own sons. Abu talib was the first to know that the holy prophet (SAW)
was a prophet. On a business trip to Syria, they met a scholar who said that all the signs such
as the trees bowing down and a cloud providing their cart shelter were signs of a prophet.

After the call of prophethood and when the prophet openly announced that he was indeed the
messenger of Allah, Abu talib announced that whoever wanted to hurt the prophet (SAW) was
first to go through him. Abu talib had always protected the holy prophet (SAW); no one dared to
come close to him till the death of abu talib.

All three of these personalities were dear to the holy prophet (SAW). They all had their special
places in the heart of the holy prophet (PBUH). They were all loved dearly by the prophet (SAW)
and helped build his character in one way or the other.

b) prophet (SAW) not having spent much time with his mother, cared and shared an emotional
bond with her which can be witnessed when he went to visit her grave. It tells the believers that
even if you haven’t spent much time with your parents or if your parents are no longer with you,
you can still pray for them and continue to share the emotional bond you had. His relationship
with his foster mother shows how he treated and respected her as of his own mother;
subsequently shows us to respect everyone even if they don’t share a biological bond with us.
Abu talib not being a believer was still loved and respected by the holy prophet (PBUH) tells us
how not only believers are to be treated with respect and love but everyone.

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