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Curse of the Crocodile

The cast

Alexander 'Colorado' Ryan

5'11" wiry lean ..
Pockmarked face the result of childhood illnesses
Very masculine look brush cut .. big hands .. a nasty fighter when he has to
but wisely avoids confrontation.
A thinker and a valuable councilor to Bull.

His father beat him as a child giving him a mean streak. Eventually, he
fought back with a baseball bat after which his father feared him.

His mother was a very good looking thin woman. She had learned early in
her life to use her sexuality for scheming plans to get what she wanted.
Somewhere she had read about the mother of Alexander and fancied herself
in this role. She would streetwise woman who sometimes used to flee her
drunken husband to sleep with her teen-aged son for protection. She
decided he would get on better in life if he knew the secrets of sex early in
his teen years. Some of these she taught him herself and some of these she
brought in Apache women she knew to 'educate' him. He was not a 'slow'
„Pilar‟ Tadita Harris
5‟8”Slender and curvy
Stats - 36-25-36
Long Black Hair, usually worn knotted at the back of her head
Large Blue Eyes
Expert with firearms, specializing in crossbow
Quick Tempered and feisty
Scandinavian Father, Mexican Mother, brought up in Sweden until her father
died when she was 12 years old, relocated back to her mother‟s ranch in
Mexico when she was 13 to be groomed into continuing the family business
of gun running.

Sophisticated and well versed in the art of negotiations she met Bull in the
course of a gun deal, a steamy two weeks later they had married in the
small village of Pueblo del Muerta. They had two children one boy, one girl
both of whom were being schooled in the United States. Bull and Pilar
reveled in a good argument and the makeup sex was always more explosive
each time. Living well, and loving hard they enjoyed the company of both
sexes, Pilar had been known to take pleasure in other women with Bull
watching, they were fiercely loyal to each other and worked well together
both in business and in the bedroom.
Bull Harris
6‟2” of rock hard steel
Very short dark hair, dark brown eyes
Lots of tattoos

He is a jack-of-all-trades with a love for guns, parties, drinking, the

occasional line of cocaine, and living fast and hard. His negotiation skills are
nearly as finely honed as his ability to sell and persuade. Fiercely suspicious
of outsiders he is hard to get near, but for his friends he will fight to the

Raised in Italy almost exclusively by his Italian mother, he learned the ways
of organized crime on the streets. His father was not involved in his early
upbringing, but has been a major influence on his choice of „career‟. Being of
Middle Eastern origin (no one knows exactly where), his father has certain
relationships with rich men who have special needs. Bull and his father have
made their living providing these things, no matter what they might be.

Bull is married to Pilar Harris who he loves more than his own life. She
completes him in a way he never thought possible, her Yin to his Yang. Like
his mother, she is full of life and passionate. He never thought he would fall
in love and with the business he is in, this can be very dangerous. He
worries about their children and takes great pains to make sure they are
protected and safe from what their parents do.
John Chance
37 years old
Very fit, very athletic
Black hair almost shoulder length in back
Deep blue eyes
Married for 10 years to Rosey

John grew up in a orphanage in Philadelphia, pa. He graduated high school

then went into the military where he was trained as a sniper. After leaving
the military he was recruited by the FBI. He meet his now wife of ten years
Rosey in D.C. she is Language consultant & trainer for the government. They
have no children.

John is considered one of the best undercover agents, always cool under
pressure, never gets rattled and always gets the job done. His skills are
many and charisma is great which has saved his ass more than once. He
isn‟t cocky but very confident in his abilities to get the job done.
Layla Brown
130 pounds
Slender but athletic
Long black wavy hair,
Brown eyes
Layla grew up on the poor side of D.C., the youngest of seven children. The
first and only one in the family to graduate high school and go to college.
Worked two jobs to pay her way. Graduated with honors with a degree in
Criminology. Top of her class at the Police academy. Joined the FBI several
years ago.
Layla has always had a strong desire to prove herself to others who have
thought she was too poor, too young, or too female to make her dreams
come true. She has a talent of reading others and knowing what they are
going to do before it happens.
Feathers Ryan (Half Apache/Half White)
140 pounds
Curvy but slim, long legs
Long black hair,
blue green eyes
Married to Colorado
Feathers is a half cast Native American (Apache/White) and grew up never
knowing her father as her American Indian mother never admitted who he
was. She was always bullied and ignored at the reservation. She ran away
from the reservation when she was 16 and worked her way to Texas and to
Colorado by waiting tables and table dancing.

Her real name is Bonita (Apache for beautiful) but changed to Feathers when
she ran away as she likened herself to a bird. Whilst never finishing school,
she is actually very bright but hides this behind her body knowing that these
men would be suspicious of an intelligent dancer. Whilst never actually
selling herself as whore, she was clever enough to sleep with men that
would “assist” her.

She met Colorado when dancing and waiting on at Seven Sinners and knew
he would be a “safe bet”. She knows he married her as a trophy wife but
that has changed and they are madly in love with each other and care for
each other to the exclusion of most things. Feathers has a large nest egg
behind her that Colorado knows nothing about. Feathers buys expensive
clothes and wears them well. Other women are either suspicious of her
because she is beautiful or pity her as she is “just a dancer”. Men always
want her but she always lets Colorado do that talking for her...Feathers and
Colorado love each other very much and are careful to ensure that their
relationship survives...
Curse of the Crocodile
By the six

John walked into the conference room at FBI head quarters to get his latest
assignment. Along with the director there in the room was young black
woman in her late 20‟s that looked familiar to him. He took his seat not
knowing that this new assignment would change his life forever. When he
was introduced to agent Layla Brown it came back to him who she was. He
was on the review board for promoting agents; she was a candidate to be
promoted. He felt she didn‟t have enough time in yet and voted against her.
She got the promotion, he felt it was due to affirmative action and quotas
not merit. He wasn‟t racist just old school.

Layla knew him right away how she could ever forget the grilling he gave
her in the interview 2 years ago. When the director told them they would be
partners they both rolled their eyes knowing this wasn‟t good. They were
being sent to El Paso Texas to investigate and infiltrate a crime ring run by
Bull Harris. He owns a private sex club there that caters to the swinger and
bdsm crowd. Information has been gathered that he is dealing with a
Mexican cartel; he trades them guns for young women to be sold as sex
slaves. It was up to them to get all info they could on the operation to build
the case at all costs.

The tension between the two agents grew when they found out they would
pose as a married couple. They took the assignment, not that they could
refuse it. John was to get into the ring as Layla tried to get in with the wives.
The headed to Texas, after a few months they worked their way into the
operation. John got in working the gun side of things with the number 2 man
who went by the name of Colorado. Layla became friends with Bull &
Colorado‟s wives (Pilar & Feathers). They spent many of the nights hanging
together at the club- “The Seven Sinners”
The night came that through hard work John was going to promoted to the
#3 man. A private party was to be held at the club initiating John & Layla
into the family. Little did they know how far they would have to go to prove
their loyalty?


I was driving back to the house from the warehouse where we just sent off
another shipment of AK‟s to Mexico. As I drove the radio played Pink Floyd‟s
“Wish you were here” which instantly made me think of my wife Rosey. I
have been here three long months without any real contact with her. I miss
her voice, her touch, how we make love. My mind begins to drift thinking of
the many nights at the club with Layla. Us groping each other like horny
school kids putting on a show for our cover. She is one of the sexiest woman
I have ever known, so tempting to go further. “Snap out of it Chance” I tell
myself focus.

My cell phone rings, its Colorado calling. He tells me how great of a job I
have been doing and that Bull wants to promote me. He goes on to say that
Layla and I need to be at the club at 10pm so we can become part of the
family. I answer him “cool Colorado, we will be there”. “Excellent , just the
break we have been needing. A bit further deeper in the organization and I
will be able to end this and put them away for a long time.

I get to the house all excited to tell Layla the good news. I walk in the door
and call for her. My jaw drops when I see her enter the room, she is dressed
so damn sexy. The darkness of her smooth black flesh contrasts so well with
her white outfit. Her long black wavy hair flowing down her back. My heart
races as my cock stiffens. I can‟t believe hot smoking hot she looks. All I
manage to say is „WOW” as she gives a little twirl to show off her outfit.


Having received word that we would be meeting with Colorado at the club
tonight, I turn to get ready for what I hope will be a productive night. We
are so close to our goal I can almost taste it. Pulling several items from the
closet that I currently shared with Chance, I hold them up against me,
knowing that tonight I needed to be dressed to kill.

I could not stop the surge of excitement every time I knew that I would have
the opportunity to spend the night in Chance‟s arms again. After three
months of convincing others that we were a couple my body had started to
believe it as well. Every time he pulled me close for a kiss or caressed me in
the way of a lover my heart skipped. I had to remind myself time and time
again that this was a job and that Chance had a wife who was waiting for
him to return home.

Looking at the small stack of clothes I have laid upon the bed, I smile,
seeing my white sheer blouse. I lift it letting my fingers trace the seam,
enjoying the soft silkiness of the material against my skin. I can‟t help but
think that Chance has not seen me in this yet and wonder at his reaction to
seeing it on me. I turn to the dresser, pulling out an expensive white lace
bra that would go perfect underneath it, covering just enough to keep the
imagination going. Next I grab a pair of white silk stockings, my eyes
catching sight of a gift that Pilar and Feathers had given me several weeks
before. I grin as I slowly pull the rhinestone garter belt from the drawer,
lifting it to watch the light dance off the small stones. “Perfect,” I whisper as
I turn back to the bed to find a skirt. I debate on a black leather mini but
deciding to go with all white I grab my pleated white mini skirt from the pile.
Standing naked, I brush my hand down the soft dark skin of my stomach
and fight the urge to let my hand travel lower, laughing at the thought of
Chance walking in as I masturbate. With a shake of my head, I replace the
clothes I am not wearing into the closet.

As I dress I find myself more worried about how I will look for Chance than
the friends we are meeting at the club. Slowly I pull on my stockings and
attaching them to my garter, enjoying the way the white stands out against
my dark skin. I can feel my arousal slowly growing, knowing he would be
here at any moment. I quickly slide into my short skirt and button my blouse
making sure it was unbuttoned enough to get Chance‟s attention. I grab my
my stiletto ankle boots and ease my feet into them as I turn to do my hair
and makeup.

I hear the door open just as I am finished with my makeup. Grinning to

myself, I wander slowly out into the living room and smile, doing a slow spin
for him. “Do you like it?”
I can see him smile as he mouths “Wow,” before he takes a few steps
towards me.

I smile and take his hand in mine, enjoying the feel of his skin against mine.
“Tonight is our big break Chance, tonight we are as good as in.” I give his
hand a gentle squeeze before letting it go. Walking across the room I grab
my purse, making sure that I had everything a girl would need for a
supposed night on the town with her man.

Chance quickly headed for the shower mumbling something about not
wanting to be late. I felt his eyes upon me as he walked towards the other
room and could not resist bending over to pick up the pen I had dropped out
of my purse onto the floor as he crossed, making sure he could see how little
my g-string really covered.

I sit down on the couch waiting for Chance to finish his shower, trying my
hardest to avoid the images I keep seeing of his naked body wet and
covered in suds. Unconsciously I trace a trail across my leg teasing at the
lines of my garter belt with my finger tips. My legs part and I can‟t resist a
gentle caress over my clit through my silken panties. Just as I am ready to
slide my hand inside the edge of the material I hear the water shut off and
quickly brush my skirt back down over my legs with a frustrated sigh.

A few minutes later Chance walks out dressed in a deep black suit, his long
hair falling over the collar of his white shirt. My breath catches as he smiles
at me and says “Time to go baby.” my eyes flash to his at the endearment
that has up until now only been used when we are around others. I take his
hand standing as I see his shoulders tense as he turns for the door.

A few minutes later we are in the car and headed to the club. Both of us sat
quietly thinking about how important this night was and how it would be the
changing point in this case. I watched as his hands gripped the steering
wheel, I could sense his tension.
Reaching over I place a hand on his thigh and hear him let out a deep
breath. He glances over at me and as our eyes meet we both nod. This is it,
what we have worked so long to achieve. We both knew the rules; we were
ready for this.

I can‟t help but stare at Layla as she stands there smiling at me. The
cleavage of her large breasts barely contained by her bra, my thoughts race
with images of my hard white cock sliding between her dark breasts, seeing
my hot white cum shooting on her black skin. I snap to as she takes my
rough calloused hand in her small soft hand. She is all a glow, for a moment
I thought she was going to greet me with a kiss.

She gives my hand a slight squeeze so tender so loving is her touch. I

watch as she slowly goes for her purse, a pen falls and she bends to pick it
up; with her back to me she slowly bends at the waist. The back of her skirt
lifts up, I can see the rhinestone straps of her garter belt attached to the top
of her white lace stockings. Her ass is so perfect, the rhinestone string of
her thong disappearing between her two ass cheeks. My want for her at a
level like never before, wondering, wishing to take her from behind right
here and now.“She is your partner Chance not your real wife” I think as I
start to head to the shower barely mumbling that we can‟t be late.

I walk to our room and undress, looking at the bed we have been sharing in
case Bull or Colorado pop in, how many times have I thought about making
love to her here? Many mornings waking with her snuggled up to me only to
be interrupted by our professionalism. I remove my clothes and enter the
shower, my cock hard and aching for Layla. Even with the hot water beading
down on me and washing the sweat from me I can‟t get her out of my mind.
My needs taking over, my hand begins to stroke my cock, eyes shut thinking
of entering Layla from behind. The hot water, the soapy lather in my hand
taking me to where I need to be. It isn‟t long before I muffle my moans as I
start to cum, my cum shooting out hard. I rest against the back of the
showers till I am fully drained, squeezing out every drop.

I dress in a black suit, white shirt, black tie & shoes going old school
mobster look tonight. I walk out to find Layla waiting for me on the couch.
Just seeing her there bring life back to my cock, I feel it swell again. I reach
my hand out for hers, helping her up. “Time to go baby” I tell her. (Shit did
I just call her baby?) I act like I didn‟t say it as we walk to the car. The ride
is quiet, we both know the importance of tonight but the tension this time is
different, an awkward silence unlike before. As we pull up to the club and
park. I feel Layla‟s hand on my thigh, we both glance at each other, a look
of “we can do this, almost there” is given. We walk hand in hand to the
front door. We are greeted by Clint the bouncer of the club, he tells us to
hold on as he calls Colorado. I grab Layla by the waist bringing her to me
where I kiss her deeply while Clint is on the phone. We break from our
embrace as Clint tells us Colorado will be here shortly.


Relishing that time between sleeping and waking, I stretch my muscles and
pries‟ open my eyes. Still a little foggy I stare at the clock for a good few
seconds before the time comes into view. We have been asleep for two
hours, but still it‟s only five o‟clock in the afternoon, plenty of time before we
have to be at the club. Bull‟s arm slung around my waist, tightens as he
stirs beside me. The air smells of sex and sweat from our little romp before
our siesta and I can still taste him on my lips, snuggling my bottom into his
groin I allow my mind to drift back a few hours, luxuriating in comfort of my

After a lengthy lunch and a little too much wine and a lot of sensual flirting,
the drive home had seemed endless. Screeching into the drive and
slamming the brakes on, I laughed as Bull tried to get his seat belt off in his
rush to get out. As was his way, he came round to open my door, stepping
out he picked me up and carried me to the door. It opened and William our
butler stood there with his „you‟re at it again‟ look on his face.
“Afternoon William” I called as I was carried upstairs and unceremoniously
dumped on the bed.

Bull was having problems, the wine had fuddled his fingers and he was
struggling with his buttons. Being the wonderful wife that I am, I lean back
on my elbows and watch him, giggling at his frenzied attempts which
eventually led to him ripping the shirt off, shucking his shoes and socks and
standing over me glowering.
“Ooh looks like I‟m in for it now” I tease as he bends down and grabs my
ankles, pulling my body to the edge of the bed. Spread eagled with one leg
either side of him my body tenses with anticipation I watch his face, trying
to read his mood although I have some idea of what I am in for.


I love nooners with Pilar. They are better than make-up sex…well, it depends
on how bad we were fighting I guess, but they usually are better. She is so
hot and I don‟t just mean her looks. A seriously sexy body for sure and she
never looks better than naked with her feet high in the air. Both of her sexy
lips pouting at me, slick with lust and begging for attention, but she is sexy
in so many more ways than just her body.

Knowing exactly what I am thinking, often split seconds before I do make

her ability to anticipate and flow with me unlike any woman I have ever
been with. Coupled with her beautifully naughty mind that thinks up the
most amazingly creative ways to make love or have just plan raw, hard
driving sex and she has to be the sexiest woman on this planet, or certainly
she is too me.

“Oh, you are soooo in for it!” I laugh back at her. From her ankles my hands
slowly slide down her legs, spreading them wide until they are parallel to the
floor. Yes, that is another thing that makes her so sexy, I love her flexibility!
Damn, the positions this beauty can get into are simply amazing sometimes.
One hand still pressing her right thigh towards the bed and my left hand
grabs my stiff cock, tapping the head against her swollen clit. “You want
some of this? Come on, tell me baby”

She knows her words can nearly get me off sometimes and this is part of the
game we play. Hearing the purring begging, even if I know it is at least
partially just for me, drives me completely crazy and it is only moments
before the sweet serenade tickles my senses and I feel my rod pulsing in

With full „fuck face‟ staring directly into her eyes and a single thrust I fill her
until I can‟t press any further. Finding the right rhythm, I reach underneath
her ass with both hands and cup her cheeks as I repeatedly press into her.
Leaning into her, our tongues begin to probe each other‟s mouth through
panting gasps, still tasting the wine we enjoyed for lunch. Lost in the heat of
her scent, the drinks, and a growing throbbing urge in my loins I know my
climax was nearing soon. Not wanting it to end quite so soon, I asked. “You
want on top for a minute?”


“A minute?, think you are getting away that lightly, I am going to make to
fuck me until your cock is screaming in agony” I whisper in his ear.
Pushing him into standing as I sit up, I look at his swollen penis, bobbing in
front of my face, slick with my juices, turgid just ripe for the taking and am I
going to take it, but only after, in one fluid movement, I slip the little band
that I have around my wrist - kept for these special occasions - over the top
of his cock and down to the base squeezing it tight. I watch as he throws
his head back and lets out a moan as the blood supply is slowed and he is
mine to command.

I can see he is in no fit state to stand, getting up I turn him round and push
him down on the bed, kneeling down in front I take one foot in my hands,
raising it to my mouth I envelope his big toe in my mouth and run my
tongue over the not too rough skin, licking and sucking I can hear gentle
sighs coming from my man. Removing the digit from my lips I slowly work
my way up his muscled calves, kissing, licking the skin, pulling the hair
gently between my teeth, working my tongue up to his thigh to his tight
tamales nestled between his legs. Taking one in my mouth, sucking the soft
skin and feeling the ball rolling around inside, whilst my hand is squeezing
the other, all the while I can hear his gasps getting louder.

I pop his ball out of my mouth and move onto my prize that I so rightly
deserve for being such a good girl, licking and nibbling the shaft, paying
special attention to the taut skin pinched by the band, up toward the
bulbous tip, deep purple and throbbing, I gently take it into my mouth and
sink down over it, past my gag reflex until I take in as much as I can, I wait
for his moans to pick up and slide off. Watch him, watching me, I lick my
fingers and he knows what is coming, his eyes full of delight as he widen his
legs, I gently probe his anus and slip my finger inside whilst taking him in
my mouth again, he gasps as his senses heighten and more blood pumps
into his bursting already straining member.

Not wanting him to burst before I get my fill, I stop and crawl on top of his
perspiring body, the sunlight filtering through the silk curtains waving in the
breeze throwing golden rays of light onto his heaving chest through the open
balcony doors and lick the beads of salty sweat from his skin. My juices are
flowing and positioning my body above his I lower myself onto his bulging
rod and sink down, sucking him in feeling his body completing me as no man
has ever done before.
“A minute you say? I think we can do better than that”, bending over I look
deep into his eyes and giggle.
Chance and Layla are at the club waiting for Colorado to arrive. Colorado
phones the bar and the bartender asks for Chance. Here said Chance and
takes the phone from the Bartender. He listens a bit and says okay then
hangs up. He tells Layla that Colorado has been unavoidable delayed a few
hours but that they are to wait. They both wonder if this is part of the

Bull –

Pilar has done it again; she has driven me completely insane with lust.
Grabbing her hips as she begins a slow grind against my pelvis, I help guide
and move her to hit the spots I so love. The evil, passionate grin in her eyes
makes me smile through deep passionate kisses until she sits up on my
shaft. Grinding and pumping, I grab her firm tits and squeeze the pert, hard
nipples. With her head thrown back, screams of ecstasy echo in the room. I
chuckle thinking of „the help‟ hearing her passion yet again, but not missing
a beat and pull her into me as I feel her warm juice coating my balls. She
pulls herself off for a moment, spraying my belly with her cum, and impales
herself once again.

The band around my cock is killing much of the sensation and holding back
the rising flood of my lust which is preparing to drench the inner most
reaches of her sex. But I need more and I need to rip that band off so I can
pump my jets into her. Flipping her off and to her knees in a smooth, fluid
motion I get behind her. Without missing a beat, I rip the band from my
cock allowing the blood and sensation to flow back as I regain my position
inside her. Pulling her hips I thrust hard, hitting the bottom of her sex just
as my balls slap against her clit.

My orgasm builds quickly with the increases sensation and Pilar appears to
be rolling through her climaxes one after another in rapid succession. With a
final thrust and scream, I feel the pulsing run up and down my cock, from
the tip of my toes to my head as I blow deep and hard against the squeezing
sucking muscles of her love. Collapsing in satiated exhaustion, I spoon her
through a short siesta until I feel her stirring against me.

As we regain consciousness, I remember the plans for the night. We are

supposed to induct Chance and Lalya into our family tonight. Honestly, I
have had some reservations about this, but Colorado has been a big
proponent of them. They have been doing a good job, but I hate new people
in my business. I have seen too many friends go down by trusting outsiders
and as my dad always said, “They‟re not family if they not blood.” None-the-
less, there is no way to expand our operation without adding people, but we
need to be sure to add the right people.

Getting up and heading to the bathroom, I hear a gentle knock on the door.
Slightly annoyed, “Yes?”
“It‟s William sir. Colorado called and said Chance and Lalya are at the club
waiting for you.”
“Thanks William.”
Turning to Pilar I say, “Well, looks like the fun is over for now. Let‟s grab a
quick shower and head down to the club. Sound good?”


“Ugh, do we really have to do this?” I mumble as I hear William muttering

something in the foggy distance of my brain.
I can still feel Bull inside me, the throbbing of my soft flesh leaving it‟s tell
tale sign of the pounding from a couple of hours ago. Before dragging
myself out of bed I search around the crumpled sheets for the band that he
ripped off and threw somewhere. „Ah found it, might need that later‟ I
mused as I slipped it back on my wrist. I could hear the shower running and
saw Bull through the glass door of the stall, a stunning figure of a man,
beautifully toned in all the right places and with a hot rod to die for.

I quickly sorted out the clothes for the evening, red satin halter neck dress,
gold earrings and necklace that Bull gave me for my last birthday with my
red Manolo Blahnik strappies, no need for anything else, my dress was very
short and Bull found it very sensual if I wore nothing underneath, giving him
a „bird‟s eye view‟ of his property. Watching him as he stood under the
streaming water my resolve to wait until he‟d finished gave way to the
throbbing and I walked into the bathroom and slid the shower door aside,
stepping in I put my arms around his chest and leaning on his wet body I
could feel his heart beat beneath my hands which quickens as I snuggle up
behind him.

“Yes, yes I know we have to go out” I sigh as he mumbles something about

getting my ass in gear as they would be waiting for us.
I slid my hand down his belly to the curly hair and tugged lightly before
grasping his cock tightly, gently stroking, pulling the skin tightly up and
down his shaft I hear him groan and then curse,
“You know you can‟t go out in this condition” I giggle from behind him.
Spinning around and in one fluid movement he picks me up with his hands
beneath my thighs, spreads my legs wide, slams me back against the wall
and thrusts into me.

“Is this what you‟re looking for?” he growls, a touch of rage showing as he
glowers above me,

“Fuck me Bull, you know you want to” I spit at him, grabbing the hair at the
back of his neck and pulling his neck towards me. Planting my lips on his
and forcing my tongue through his clenched teeth, growling he pumps into
me, knowing he is a stickler for time gives him the verve and his lips move
against mine, crushing us together. I can feel my climax rising in time with
his as he rhythmically strokes in and out, harder and faster, my nails are
raking his neck and he pulls his face away from mine as our climax forces its
way through our bodies, screaming and panting as our hot bodies cling
together in the after throes of love.

“Can we go NOW?” he says with a little smile on his face.

I wrinkle my nose at him, “I suppose if we must”.
A quick wash, dry and scramble for clothes and twenty minutes later we go
downstairs to be greeted by William with his usual disapproving look,
“The car is waiting, you are going to be late” and shaking his head as I
retort “don‟t wait up William” winking as we leave.
Knowing it was going to be a late night filled with champagne, Bull had
decided not to drive. The chauffeur was waiting at the car with the door
“Good evening Madam” he said smiling and tipping his hat,
“Thank you” I reply as he helps me into the seat, Bull‟s already got in the
other side.

The evening was sultry, the dark clouds threatening rain as the sun tipped
below the horizon. The last light of the day shone on the darkened windows
outlining my husband‟s features, his strong jaw line, powerful forehead, one
hand resting on his knee, the other on the inside of my leg, gently stroking
my skin. Forever close, we eat, live and breathe each other, reinforced
every minute of every day by the love we share for our children and each
other, always trusting each others judgment always trusting each other.
Tonight however I was feeling uneasy, these strangers who slipped into our
lives so easily were going to be tested, would they pass the initiation, what
would happen if they didn‟t? “They would die” came Colorado‟s voice in the
back of my head.

Clint tells us Colorado is running late and for us to wait in the club. I take
Layla by the hand and enter the club. We go directly to “our “ booth in the
VIP section upstairs. We slide into the booth giving us a great view of the
club. I put my left arm around Layla and let my right hand caress her
stocking covered leg. I lean in giving her ear a nibble. I whisper in her ear,
knowing Bull has the tables bugged, so only she can hear. “Baby whatever
takes place tonight we must remain calm, act like we want in but not
overzealous, show no fear”.

(Did I just call her baby again?). Layla turns to face me, mouthing the words
“I know” to me before leaning in and kissing me. Kissing and groping each
other at the club is normal for our cover but this time her tongue was deep
in my mouth. I couldn‟t help but return the passion to her. She broke from
our kiss, her hand playing with my tie. Layla stares in to my eyes as if
wanting to say something but she remains silent. She gives me another
passionate kiss before breaking into our normal playful banter at the club.
After fifteen minutes of “play” I am taken off guard by Layla. Quickly she
throws her leg over mine, her knees resting on the seat of the booth,
straddling me, sitting on my thighs. Her lips locking onto mine once more.
As we kiss I feel her hand move down my chest and opening the button of
my pants. Layla‟s soft hand moving in my pants, her warm fingers wrapping
around my swollen cock. I want to ask her why but then again it feels too

I then hear Colorado‟s deep voice saying “break it up you two, we need to
go”. Layla pulls her head back, her hand withdrawing from my pants. I feel
her finger glide over the pre-cum seeping from my cock. “Nice timing as
always Colorado” she states not looking back at him but into my eyes. “I
was just about to enjoy a tasty treat”. I watch as Layla brings her finger to
her mouth and licks my pre-cum from it. I button my pants once Layla
climbs off me. Colorado tells us time to go. I ask where and he just tells me
to a more private club. We follow him out to the limo that waits for us.


I laugh casually at something Chance says, my body still on fire from our
little make out session, when I look up and see Colorado enter the club.
Seeing the opportunity to reinforce our cover I quickly turn, straddling
Chances lap with my legs as I lean forward taking his mouth with my own in
a passionate deep kiss. I can feel his shock but he does not pull away, his
arms going around me caressing the skin under the back of my blouse.

Knowing we need to make this look good I graze my hand down his chest to
the button on his pants, feeling him tense as my fingers work it free and
slide into his pants. I moan into his mouth as finally after months of wanting
him I feel his hard cock in my hand. Wrapping my hand around it I give it a
few strong strokes before I hear Colorado behind us telling us to „break it

Keeping my eyes locked with Chance I run my finger over the head of his
cock and into the liquid drops of pre-cum. “Nice timing Colorado, I was just
about to enjoy a tasty treat.” I smile at Chance as I bring my finger to my
lips licking the sweet taste of his cum from my finger.

Chance‟s eyes blaze and I am half tempted to say the hell with the case and
take him right now. I sense Colorado waiting and slowly pull myself from
Chance‟s lap, knowing we have come too far to risk the case now.

Colorado informs us that we are headed to a more private club as we follow

him out the door to the waiting limo. As I climb in back I can still taste
Chance on my tongue and can‟t help but smile wishing I could have had
more than a small taste. I feel both men eyeing my body and I risk a glance
at Chance and hope that I did not go too far with what I had just done, but
he eases my fears as he climbs in next to me and pulls me across his lap, his
hand caressing my thigh as the limo pulls away from the curb and he and
Colorado make small talk.


I walk into the club, wide easy smile on my face just as if I wasn‟t 3 hours
“Sorry folks I had some business to take care of. Bull is waiting for us at his
club. The limo is waiting to take us there”.

Twenty minutes later we arrive at “Il Crocodilo”, Bulls club. I lead them right
through the bar to the door in the back. Through the door first, then we take
a right at the end of the hall past several rooms marked „private‟, and down
a flight of stairs. At the bottom, in a small cubby hole to the side is a dark
long haired bouncer with shoulder holster and a Beretta. “These two are with
me Jorje!” I get them passed without question.

The large room before us was unlike anything they had ever seen. It had 4
beds, positioned in the center of each wall. The one on the North wall was
huge! It had to be more than twice the acreage of a king size bed. The other
three were queen sized and looked somewhat small by comparison. All four
beds were unique. The huge bed which Colorado referred to as the „Bull Bed‟
had 4 large corner posts and a large canopy of pure red silk. The glow
through the silk gave the air a red haze. Was made of carved oak and had
several places where one could hang on. The Oak corner posts were ornately
carved with hundreds of animals in various poses of copulation. There were
men and women sprinkled among the anthropomorphized animals. There as
a scene of a large bull mounted on a voluptuous woman on the headboard.
On the foot-board was a scene of a on his back being mounted by a tigress.
The carver was so good that some of these scenes almost came to life as
you were watching.

The other beds were varied. One was a four poster with curtain ropes
hanging from the tops of the carved lotus bud heads. One was a work in
wrought iron. The third had a canopy of mirrors with mirrors visible on the
headboard as well.

In the corners of the large 2000 sq ft. room were couches and harnesses
and yoga balls and even a large pair of beams leaning against the wall in the
shape of an X. One corner of the room contained a modest bar with about 8
stools. Bull and his other guests were waiting for them at the bar.
Bull spoke into his cell phone and two things happened. Chance and Layla
could hear deadbolts ramming home in the door behind them. And a voice
from the ceiling announced their entrance.

Bull rose up from behind the bar and waved them over. “What will you have
folks?” He was tending bar for the guests. I followed the other two at a
distance. When I was close to Bull I said quietly “The Obrian issue has been
taken care of Bull.” After a bit of small talk and landscape gazing, Bull
nodded to me. I backed away a few feet and in a loud voice started the
ceremony. “Chance and Layla are here to be initiated. Bull wants to

Feathers -
I watch as Colorado walks in Chance and Layla and his whispered aside to
Bull......and see both of them start when they hear the bolts being driven
home. I know myself that they don‟t open again until Bull says so.
My eyes are drawn to Layla looking amazing in her white outfit, suiting
perfectly her dark skin and I wonder if she is wearing the white garter gift
we bought her and I smile at her as she notices me watching. I see Colorado
scowl at me as I look around and put a smile on my face and walk towards
“Hello darling do you know how late you are?” my slight accent husky in the
room and put a hand to his shoulder leaning into him and nipping his
earlobe... to try and appease him I made sure I looked well; as both Pilar
and Layla are beautiful women - “do you like what you see” and give him a
little twirl - he looks me down to see a black sequin top, strapless at the
back with only the halter tie keeping it on my body, falling in a point to my
navel, a diamond drop hanging from this, to a short cream fringed suede
skirt, with my legs in knee length cream leather boots with matching fringes.
Colorado smiles at me. It‟s his look of approval and lust.

“You look great you sexy Apache animal.” It‟s his way of showing me his
love and the bond of shared understanding and humor we have.
The look he gives me makes me shiver, I know what that means and I can
feel my nipples prick into points, hard and rub against the cloth covering
them - the growl in his voice tells me that tonight he wants me badly. I
laugh at his comment, his pet words for me and lean into his ear “hmmmm
baby guess what - this is all I have on.......” and wait for my meaning to sink
in. I twist into his embrace and look at them, Chance looking around at the
room as is Layla.


The ride over to the club is quiet, Colorado saying nothing just sipping on a
drink. I am amazed at the room we are taken to. I see all the main players
here. I walk over to the bar with Layla in hand. Greeting Bull with respect I
remove my Glock from my shoulder holster setting it down on the bar. Bull
passes me a glass; I take a sip, very harsh but very smooth. Bull chuckles
“white lightning, a family recipe”.

As we follow Colorado down the stairs into the basement my heart still
pounding from the kiss that Chance had given me while we waited. The
intensity and passion he put in it consumed my thoughts. I gave myself a
mental shake and turned my attention to the task at hand, knowing there
was no room for error tonight, the slightest mistake and we were both dead.
Everything we had done for the last three months led up to this moment. We
could not fail.

Trying to swallow the nervous feeling that was eating away at me as I

wondered what this initiation would entail. Feathers and Pilar had not been
as forthcoming with information as they had about other nights, and Chance
had come up just as empty when he tried to pry for information.
Chance‟s thumb grazed softly over my palm, his signal to relax and
everything would be fine. It still amazed me how he was able to pick up on
my emotions when others missed them completely. I gave his hand a
squeeze as we stepped past the guard at the door and into a large room.

I had to bite my lip to keep from gasping as I looked around the room
before me. The first thing that drew my attention was a huge bed, twice the
size of any bed that I had seen before. Several other large beds were set
against each wall and a million different thoughts went through my head
about the things that had taken place in this room. My eyes fall on the other
side where there are harnesses and several other bars that looked to be
used to confine a person.

I swallow trying to keep the nervousness that was now rocketing through
my body invisible to the others in the room. Turning my gaze across the
room I see the others standing around a small bar in the corner and at the
same moment I can‟t help but jump slightly as I hear the deadbolts locking
behind us.


I glance across the bar at Chance and Lalya, then back to Colorado and over
to Pilar trying to get a sense of the guests and their mood. Walking slowly
around the bar, the ice clanking in my glass is the only sound as I swirl the
drink in my right hand. All eyes are on me and I am dressed in my typical
casual attire, black button fly Prada, white silk dress shirt (extra baggy to
conceal things I want concealed) and black leather dress shoes that are well
worn and comfortable. I am in control here, this is my family, my business
and I will be damned if I will let some fucking gringo pukes in unless I am
sure they are ready. Tonight I plan to make damn sure these two are who
they say they are, and ensure they are willing to die for this family.

Circling the couple slowly without a sound, I come to a standstill directly

between the two facing Chance. Looking directly into his eyes, I try to read
his expression as I search for weakness. My stare lingers without word and
his gaze holds mine, like two fighters preparing for a battle. Tension yes, but
he is confident and sure of himself. I like that in a man.

I turn to face Layla, catching and holding her gaze as I did Chance. No
woman has ever held my stare except Pilar, her strength of will is
unmatched. If Layla did, she was either uncharacteristically strong, or law
enforcement trained. Seconds ticked away slowly in the cold silence of the
room as we locked wills, searching her eyes for weakness or deception. A
tiny glistening of sweat began to form on her upper lip and seconds turned
to minutes. I was enjoying this and wondered if she could see the smile
forming in my eyes, but I wanted to see what this woman was made of
before letting her go.

“Fuck me, god damn it…fucking quit!” she finally broke away from my gaze.
I couldn‟t help but laugh, “Damn lady, you‟re strong. I like that in a woman.
But this night we will see how strong you really are.”
My laughter seems to lighten the mood for a moment, but the tension was
delivered with purpose and I‟m not about to let it up now. I return to
Colorado, but turn my gaze back to the two as I address him.
“So, you think they are ready and able Colorado? I will personally hold you
responsible if they don‟t meet our standards as you know, so I can take your
Colorado nods in agreement towards the couple.


I watch as Bull stands and pours us each a drink and notice a small
exchange between Bull and Colorado that I could not hear. I still hold
Chance‟s hand as we stand at the bar, and only let go when Bull hands us
our drinks. Taking a small sip I look up and see Feathers smile at me from
across the room and I can‟t help but smile back, I had always liked her and
felt there was much more to her than she ever let on. I watch as she teases
with Colorado for a moment then turn my attention back to the bar as Bull
steps around it.

I keep my eyes forward as Bull starts to circle Chance and me, his
demeanor all business. I keep my mind on the job at hand as he steps
between us and turns to Chance, they stare off for several minutes before
Bull turns to me meeting my gaze. I know I must appear strong yet not to
strong so I hold my gaze to his for about half the time Chance did finding
myself struggling to do so before finally looking away.

“Fuck me, god damn it, fucking quit.” I yell dropping my gaze from his.
He mumbles something about he liked I was a strong woman but we would
see just how strong I was tonight. As he turns and asks Colorado about his
trust of us, I listen as they talk about word of two agents trying to take
down a crime ring and I know that this can‟t bide well for us.

“I have done some checking of my own. You know, I have some pretty high
up connections in government these days and they help me run my
business. A little bird told me there was a sting operation planned to take
down a major crime ring and a pair of agents were tagged to do it.
Apparently, it was a man and woman, but the birdie didn‟t know any details
of the crime ring or the agents, so it might or might not be our friends
Chance and Lalya here.”

I let this information sink in for a minute. Faces turned looking at each other
with surprise. Not even Pilar knew this and I watched the reactions around
the room, trying to judge their thoughts. Chance and Lalya looked at each
other for a long moment and I could see them reading the look on the other
face. I was watching for them to look back at me. If they had something to
hide, they would look away for sure.

I walk slowly around the room again, feeling the tension bristle like an
electrical hum until I stop behind Lalya, facing directly towards Chance.
Reaching behind my back in a single, practiced fluid motion I produce a 45
caliber chrome revolver that was tucked under my shirt and grab a fist full of
Lalya hair.

Addressing Chance directly with anger, “You want her to die tonight? You
come here fucking with me or what?”
Chance remains motionless, almost stoic. Colorado and Pilar have seen this
before, but Feather is a bit disturbed, so Colorado holds her hand tightly.
Layla instinctively grabs my wrist in both hands and holds tight against the
pulling of her scalp.

“Pretty boy, you sit your ass there and don‟t move.”
Chance stays put as I pull Lalya over to one of the beds, still holding the gun
to her head. I know the FBI and CIA and all those fucking government pukes
have rules about what they will and will not do undercover and these two
are going to have to break every fucking one of them if they want me to
believe they are genuine.

Waving the gun as I bark out orders to the crew, “Pilar, get over here and
get her clothes off for me; tie these fuckers to the beds and Feather, get the
clothes off him too”. Let‟s have some fun with these two and see how
committed they really are.”

I watch as Bull walks back over to me and suddenly puts a gun to my back
as he grabs my hair. A small yell escapes as I grasp my hair trying to ease
the pull on my scalp as he speaks to Chance, asking if he wants me to die
tonight. I swallow the fear I feel and try not to struggle as Bull pulls me to
the bed, telling Chance to stay where he is. I can still feel the gun against
me and try to keep my breathing shallow but can‟t hide the fear I feel inside

I say nothing as Bull sizes us up. I watch how his friendly host demeanor
changes now to that of “Big Boss man”. When he pulls his gun and jabs it in
Layla‟s back I speak up in a respectful but curious tone “Hey Bull, no need
for the gun, we are here and will freely do as you ask”. Bull sneers at me
telling me to shut up.


I close my eyes saying a silent prayer that we both live through this night as
I hear Bull barking orders for Pilar to undress me, my eyes reach for
Chance‟s as I watch them drag him across the room to another bed.
I now watch as Pilar walks towards me and I feel her gaze on my body as
she smiles. I meet her eyes refusing to give them the fear I know they hope
to see. I feel her hands slowly start to pull my clothes from my body as I
turn my head once more looking for Chance. Our eyes meet as he is being
led to a bed across from mine, I can‟t help but notice the heated look in his
eyes as Pilar slowly strips me. I glance at Pilar and she smiles as she traces
the garter belt that had been a gift from her and Feathers, telling me how
good it looked against my dark skin. I can‟t stop the shiver as her fingers
trace up my inner thighs. She laughs and continues to undress me slowly.

Turning back to Chance, my mouth goes dry as I watch Feathers strip him of
his clothes and I am mildly surprised as she lowers his pants to find him
hard and aroused. I can‟t help but think how many nights I had laid in bed
wondering what he would look like and seeing him finally like this was
almost enough to distract me from the hands that roamed over my body. I
lift my eyes once more to his and he smiles back in reassurance as Colorado
starts to tie him down.

The minute I saw Bull going over to face Chance I knew there was
something up. His shoulders had tensed up and his eyes narrowed, the
unease I felt earlier reared inside again. His little announcement to the
room came as no real surprise I suppose but watching him circling the two
gringos and drawing the gun on Layla and barking orders to Feathers and
myself takes me aback, when he looks this dark, not even I am willing to
open my mouth especially whilst he has a piece in his hands.

Sliding down off the bar stool I saunter over to the bed where Bull has
unceremoniously dumped Layla. Standing by the bed with the gun pointed
at her head I look up at him, he‟s scowling, as I place my fingers on his
chest and walking around behind him tracing the contours of his body as I
go, I stop and gently squeezing the muscles on his shoulders, stretch up on
tip toe and whisper „put the piece away lover, its making us all nervous, I
think we can do this with a firearm stuck up our ass‟. I feel him relax a little
under my fingertips and he lowers his arm.

Looking at her lying on the bed I see strength in her eyes „she‟s going to
need all the strength she can get tonight‟ I think to myself. Bending over I
start undoing the buttons on her silk blouse, slipping it off her shoulders my
hands brush her skin, „not good‟ I think to myself as I feel her trembling
beneath my touch. She leans forward as I undo her bra and removing it I
push her back down onto the bed. „Beautiful body‟ I muse, taking in her

“The garter looks beautiful on you my dear, long may you be able to wear it”
I think she catches the meaning in my statement as I trace my fingers
around the rhinestone covered gift and slipping it off allowing my hand to
trail along her skin, laughing as I go. Flipping open the clips holding up the
stockings, rolling them down over her smooth silky skin, I watch her eyes,
searching for, finding and alighting on Chance who Feathers is attending to,
a look passes between them, and I can feel this evening could come unstuck
at some point. Unhooking the belt around her waist I slide it over her hips,
wearing nothing now but a little pair of white panties, I tap her leg to get her
attention away from Chance.

“I suggest you pay attention to your own problems” I say sharply and sliding
the last piece of clothing covering her body off, turn to Bull with the panties
dangling from my fingers, smile sweetly and say,
“All yours lover” as I stand back observing Feathers whilst she spread eagles
the now naked and aroused Chance on the bed.
I remain calm as Layla is forced to the bed. I can‟t help but get aroused as I
watch Pilar remove Layla‟s clothes. Her body so perfect, her dark skin so
exotic to me. I can tell she is tense but as Pilar progresses she welcomes it.
I have no clue what to expect this is like no other initiation I have even
heard of. I am taken aback when Bull has Feathers take me to the other

Feathers –

I grin as I lead Chance to the bed, pulling him with me by his tie.........I
push him down onto the bed looking into his eyes “so you finally get the
chance to do more than look hey Chance?” and stand between his knees,
slipping his jacket off his shoulders, dropping to the bed. “Hmmmmmmm
such make a girl (leaning into his ear) “positively wet (and
emphasizes the „t‟ with a lick of my tongue against his cheek).

I push him back on the bed, and remove his shirt and fling both that and the
jacket on the floor...lightly scrape my nails down his chest and dig into his
waist and unbuckle his trousers.........”Ahhhhh what do we have here” and
pulls off his trousers “commando - you are a hopeful man” and whilst I
remove the trousers and shoes lightly place my tongue on the tip of his cock
- now straining upwards - all the time watching his face. I notice he turns to
look at Layla and smiles, no.... this is not right and quickly strike out with
my hand, my nails catching the sensitive head making him moan and bring
his attention back to me “That‟s better - I would hate to have to tell
Colorado you are not paying attention to me - he doesn‟t like that!”; and
move round the bed as I assist shackling him in an „X‟.
I walk away and head to my Colorado, lean on his shoulder and whisper into
his ear “he is ready for you now my love...”

I am speechless as Feathers starts removing my clothes and telling me how
wet she is. Her tongue glides across the head of my cock. Shivers pass
through me. I look over at Layla giving a reassuring look as to stay calm and
I am with her. She gives me a wink before turning back to the attention of
Pilar. My mind races with want, seeing Layla naked for the first time. My
thoughts are broken as I lay tied down naked when Colorado speaks up.

Colorado -
I smile as I look down on the now naked bodies. I notice the nervousness
but notes that this is normal. My checking hasn't really discovered anything,
yet .. I will have my people continue to check. Meanwhile, Bull knows
everything I know and will be somewhat careful while inducting these two
into a criminal organization in such a way that they will have no useful
information but will have outlandish stories to tell. .. If they are the
informants these stories will be useless but they will give them things to
waste time on. In the meantime Bull and I will enjoy using this delicious
looking piece of ass.

Bull smiles and stands back for a second, giving a nod to me. I then begin
my role as spokesman ...
“Chance and Layla .. welcome to the "Crocodiro" (Spanish for Crocodile)

You have expressed your wish to join us and we have decided internally that
we will invite you to join us here. You have been stripped naked and
purposely treated with disrespect to discover if there were any last minute
misgivings on your part as to being here. It would appear that you have
none and your bravery is noted.
We expect four things of you. Obedience, Submission, Profits and Silence.
You will swear an oath to all four of these and will join us in the ceremony to
formalize that oath.

#1 Obedience.
You will each be tattooed on the inner thigh with a Crocodile. under the
Crocodile will be a capital "E" and a number.
This signifies that you are now committed to the family .
The E signifies that you are "Executive" ... It can also be thought of as
"executable". The number represents the sequence you of your standing.
You will be given the numbers 16 and 17 because you are the 16th and 17th
family members so initiated. Bull is #5 .. Colorado is #7. Pilar is #8.
Feathers is # 10. Missing #s have died or been „expelled‟ from the family for
not keeping the oaths given during this ceremony. Colorado pauses and
grins making sure the significance sinks in.

Any one with a lower number than yours may demand your time .. your
talents .. your assistance .. your knowledge... and your body for sex .. at
any time they so wish. The tattoo symbolizes your oath of Obedience. If you
should ever break that oath .. Anyone with an E before their number at that
time has the right to cut the tattoo off with any instrument of his/her choice.
It could be a knife, a machete .. or even a 57 magnum bullet. Your femoral
artery is under that tattoo. Colorado sees Pilar busying herself with the
tattooing pen. She is good at it. Since she began the tattoos have been in
multiple colors and look very realistic.

Colorado‟s mind flashes back to his own initiation. Jaime the Snake had
tattooed his crocodile. He had commented on Colorado being lucky #7 and
had put an erect cock on his standing crocodile. Snake and Bulls uncle Don
Carlos had laughed at the time. He smile remembering that bulls standing
crocodile had the horns of a Texas Longhorn. Don Carlos, the original
Crocodile was #1. Colorados predecessor was #2. Colorado continued.

#2 Submission.
As a symbol of your submission each person of lower number than yourself
will step forward in order and slide their right hand under your clothes and
play with your balls or pussy while they grip your hair with their left hand
and bend you back in submission. ... You will submit to the direct orders of
any persons with lower numbers than yourself .. and you will never
countermand one of their orders. If you disobey this oath of submission you
will have your knee caps removed.

#3 Profit .. all proceeds from any 'business' or 'enterprise you may take on
will be divided in 12 parts. Two parts will go to the lowest living number.
Currently that is Bull. One part will go to each of the other #s above you
(lower numbers) .. the remaining parts are yours to keep. As the number of
executives before you shrinks your profit increases but your assistance will
shrink. New members may only be brought in on the unanimous acceptance
of all Executives within the family.

#4 silence.
Your vow of silence will be last .. and you will know its symbol at the end of
the ceremony.

Proceeding with the ceremony Chance and Layla lay down on the big bed.
Colorado proceeded to tell Pilar to give Chance #16 and then to give Layla

Pilar had already prepared a pattern for Chance. She had a hunky looking
anthropomorphized Crock facing away from them with broad shoulders and
a tight ass. The Crocs tail was moving off to the right. .. Pilar in a slight
moment of sadistic pleasure nicked Chance .. blood ran from his leg down to
the towel below. Chance didn‟t even wince. “Tough bugger.” thought
Colorado. She finished up with the „E 16‟ under it, all neatly tattooed on his
inner thigh just below his crotch.
When it was Layla‟s turn, Bull stepped forward with a pattern he had drawn
on tracing paper. It was a crock facing away with a distinctly feminine ass
high in the air. Its tail was also off to the left. .. the crock was gripping her
ankles and looking back around her hip. The impression was of a very sexy
lady with crocodile skin and a crocodiles head. Colorado noticed that Layla
was dripping wet as Pilar finished with the „E 17‟. “Ahhh a kinky one. ..
good.” He smiled.

Colorado had them stand in the middle of the floor now. Each of the four
established members filed by and felt them up. Bull came last and gripped
Chance by the hair forcing him to his knees. He pulled out his cock and told
Chance to kiss it. Chance made a protest. “I don‟t kiss no mans cock ill take
the bullet”. Bull smiled and let go of him.

I could see that Bull admired his strength and courage. Bull smiled as he
moved down to Layla. He gripped her hair in his fist and bent her head back.
Then he mercilessly pressed her down to her knees and told her to suck his
cock. .. She was unsure of herself for a second then submitted.
“you have now completed the ceremony of Submission” I droned.
Bull cut in. “Chance I will allow you that one because it was unfair but if you
ever fail to obey me without question in the future... It will be the bullet.”
I explained the vow of Profit sharing and asked them each if they agreed.
They did.

Bull stepped forward at that point and slapped Chance hard across the face.
Chance glared at him. Bull then moved over to Layla and slapped her.
“You now have received the token of silence. The slap was for you to
remember. You are sworn to silence. You may talk about family business,
recreation or anything else about the family only with another member of
the executive. I then step back and indicate to bull that the ceremonial part
of this party is over.


I watch everyone around the room closely as they snap to attention on my

command. My family is the most precious thing to me, beyond life itself. This
family not only includes Pilar and my children, but Colorado and Feather as
they have endured induction and proven themselves time and time again.
My harsh treatment of outsiders, even as we bring them into the folds of our
family is to protect them from any harm. I sense the uneasiness I have
created in the room by my use of the fire arm and degrading treatment of
the beautiful Layla, but I have serious concerns regarding these two. It‟s
something in my gut…and my gut has never been wrong.

Pilar touches my skin and reassures me as she passes by and it soften my

mood a bit, and I know Colorado thinks I am bluffing with my accusations,
but they are true. I didn‟t have a to go through them with him before our
meeting. Honestly, I should have called this whole thing off for now until I
could learn more, but if we do go through with it and these two pass, they
will certainly die a quick death if I learn something different.
My mind is racing as I hear Colorado go through the initiation requirements
and I barely pay attention. I am too concerned with these two and I watch
their eyes closely as this scene unfolds.“Thanks Colorado, great job as

Feather strips Chance and teases him a bit, just as I would expect. She such
a hot little flirt, I don‟t know how Colorado keeps up with her. In a daze, I
watch Pilar strip Lalya as she tries to calm and reassure her. I would have
thought her lovely body would excite my lust, but my mind is preoccupied.
I stand next to Pilar as she removes the last vestiges of Layla‟s clothing,
tossing them aside and I rest my hand her back. There is something about
her touch that calms me and I lean down to kiss her neck, “Thanks sweetie,
you‟re the best.”

“OK gang, here is how this is going to work.”

I walk over to where Chance is tied up and motion for Colorado to follow me.
I grab the restraints and test that they are well secured before reaching
behind the headboard and flipping a hidden switch. The bed begins to tilt
until it‟s nearly vertical. Pressing a lever in the back, a few wheels deploy
underneath the bed and with Colorado‟s help we are able to wheel Chance
around the room until he is positioned at an excellent vantage point for the
show Lalya is about to provide.

“Chance, you just sit back and relax now. Feather, Pilar, you two start
getting started on Lalya. Colorado and I want her really ready before we
head in. And remember, I don‟t care so much for her getting pleasured, but
make sure you two get your pleasure on her. Her time will come. Let‟s see
what you ladies can do.”


Bull has softened a little but I can feel the unease he has cast around the
room in his touch and nuzzling against my neck, whispering “thanks sweetie,
you‟re the best” doesn‟t qualm my anxiety.
The rolling bed is a favorite of his, and just as I am wondering what plans he
has for tonight‟s show, he surprises me by volunteering myself and Feathers
for the appetizer. Raising my eyebrows quizzically at him, I realize that he
was paying attention earlier to Feathers and myself at the bar.

Feathers is my best and closest friend in all senses of the word. As Alpha
females we are the highest echelon in the hierarchy of the family and share
the brunt of responsibility with our men in the running of the clan. Both Bull
and Colorado, being fiercely loyal to not only the family members but to the
business, dedicate their lives to those who serve them well but in return the
stress of the job can tell on them, emotions and tempers running high has
more than once resulted in Feathers and myself in each other‟s arms
comforting away a stinging blow from an angry outburst.

Don‟t get me wrong, the boys are not abusers but sometimes wrong time,
wrong place leaves its mark. We share everything, including our bodies
when the fancy takes us and tonight, the fancy had taken us. I can still taste
her on my lips and the smell of her sex still invades my nostrils from
assuaging our hunger in front of an appreciative audience earlier and as I
turn and look at her slightly bemused face, grinning, I shrug my shoulders
and walk over to face her, slipping one hand around her waist and sliding my
fingers between her legs to caress her swollen clit, I whisper,
“Well beautiful I guess we need to show them how its done, do you want to
start with the top or the tail?”
Turning to face the room, I suck her juices from my finger and announce,
“Dinner is served”.


I raise an eyebrow a Bull‟s is unusual for Pilar and I to play first
with the women they bring and I can see she too is surprised and I can‟t
help but look at Colorado and see him nod at me. I see Pilar walk towards
me, still amazed by her looks and body... and smile as I remember our
“brunch” earlier. I lean into her touch and arch into her hand as she slips
under my skirt to slide her fingers over my already swollen clit. I laugh as
she taunts the room, my juices coating her fingers...

I turn and look at Layla her lovely dark skin shining in the lights and look
down at her quizzically...”I don‟t know Pilar....she is all so beautiful...” and I
turn round and look directly at Bull and Colorado, puling the string that holds
my top so it simply falls to the ground, and shimmy out of my skirt so that
too falls. I stretch upwards liking the men watching my body knowing it is
perfect, the only thing you can see is my breasts through my hair, my
diamond belly stud shining in the light, my smooth mound and my long legs
still encased in the long boots. I turn holding my hand to Pilar and pull her to
the bed...”I say we do it all” and as I say this I turn to Layla and quickly
thrust a finger into her displayed pussy. “Oh you are a naughty girl Layla -
already so wet...”

Looking over at Chance and smile as I slowly place my finger on my lips,

licking Layla‟s juices off and suck my finger into my lips.
I now turn to Pilar, loving the smile on her face at my actions..reach round
her neck and remove the dress flinging it over to Colorado to catch and grin
at him - taunting him, knowing I am loving him watch me and raise my eye
brow as I can see exactly how it has affected him - the bulge in his pants
impressive; I turn back to Pilar and look at her body, seeing the marks on
her from her “after nooner” with Bull. I lean in and kiss her...”lets get this
show on the road baby” and turn to the bed again. I trace my hands up
Layla‟s legs, long and smooth and slowly scrape my nails against her thighs;
her twisting against the feeling and I reach back for Pilar and pull her
against me. “Let‟s double team it” and lean in and kiss Pilar‟s mouth again,
thinking we need to make this good.


I smile. Bull and I have been running together since we were 12. I know
Bull‟s competitive spirit and he knows I have one to match him. We also
know we can tease each other but we would kill for each other too. I think
to myself. I am going to have to rut with that luscious Pilar tonight. It‟s been
a while since I‟ve heard her keening wail when she comes. I suddenly
remember how hungry I am and turn around and move toward the bar.


I just love her perfect body, Feathers skin, so smooth, silky and delicious
against mine as I raise my hands for her to remove my dress. The scratches
on my back still sting but are my testament to a fun afternoon, Bull will kiss
them gently tonight and apologise but probably add more in the throes of
love. As Feathers pulls me onto the bed, murmuring “Let double team it”
Layla is already squirming around beneath her touch, Feathers kisses me, I
slide my fingers over her breast and tweaking her nipple we turn our
attention to the starters.

Sliding my hand up Layla‟s other leg, perched on her left side my nails trace
circles over her skin, twitching beneath my touch. Winking at Feathers, who
grins, we carefully avoid her pussy, which is already so wet, taking our time,
fingers slipping over every inch below her pubes, leaning into each other we
kiss deeply, our tongues roaming over teeth and lips as beneath our
caresses Layla starts to moan.

Forcing myself to pull away, and raising my eyebrow at my cohort we weave

our way up the satin skin, nails leaving small pink trails as we each take a
breast and in unison, run our fingers round the plump flesh in ever
decreasing circles towards her nipples which with a wink, we grasp between
thumb and middle finger and pinch tightly, Layla groans as her back arches


I watch as they wheel Chance across the room my eyes fully taking in his
naked hard body for the first time. I can‟t help but lick my lips as I see his
hard cock fully erect and the glistening drop of moisture on the head, and
remember the taste of him against my tongue earlier. I watch as his cock
jumps and I slowly raise my eyes to his to find him watching me intently. As
our eyes meet I see the mixture of torment and arousal that play through
his eyes. We both know how quickly this has gotten out of control and that
neither of us is able to do anything about it at the moment. I see the pain in
his eyes we hear Bull instruct us on how things will go. I give a small nod to
Chance letting him know I am okay, trying to ease his worry.

My heart rate quickens as I watch Pilar and Feather‟s undress and walk
towards me. I had known for some time that these two were more than just
friends. I had watched many evenings as they flirted and caressed as we
waited for the men to return from business. Watching these two now I could
not help but take in the beauty of their bodies and the way they moved
together in practiced form.

My sexual experiences were few, always having been too busy trying to
make my way through school or prove myself on the job. The few lovers I
had before had never gone further than a few nights together before they
caught on that my job was more important than they were and moved on. I
had never much thought about women before but as I feel Feather‟s dip a
finger between my spread legs and into my wetness I can‟t help but feel

My eyes dart back to Chance as the two women start caressing and teasing
my body. The feel of their mouths and hands traveling over my skin is the
most arousing thing I have ever felt and I can‟t help but arch into their touch
as I feel their hands upon my breasts. I try to move my hands to touch them
in return, forgetting about the restraints. Watching Chance‟s eyes as he
looks at me, and from the heated blaze I know he can see the wetness that I
feel dripping from me.

I hear Feathers breath quickening and I lean into her and nibble her ear
whispering, “Let‟s make sure we get something out of this sweetheart”, with
a knowing wink, I take my other hand and slide it down her back.

Layla is wriggling below us as I slide my hand over Feathers bottom and she
arches her back with the sensation, I trace the curve of her body around the
top of her thigh and down to tickle the soft skin above her shaved mound.
Giving Layla‟s nipple one last pinch, I lazily trail my fingernails up her breast,
over her collar bone, to her neck, taking her chin in my hands I force her to
look at me,

“Pay attention girl, it will be better for you in the long run, you will get your
opportunity to screw him later”, then bending over her I kiss her, forcing her
mouth open with my tongue and delving deep inside her, tasting her sweet
,moist saliva, she responds and wriggles again, lifting my head up, I grin.
Feathers, now sitting astride her legs, raking the soft skin on the inside of
Layla‟s thighs and heading rapidly to her swollen lips, I plunge my finger in
my accomplice‟s moist cleft and watch as she licks her pouting lips.


Ahh that Pilar knows how to make me want.... as I watch her play with Layla
I concentrate on her hand caressing me, her whisper into my ear about
making sure we get something out of this could not have turned me on
more. Pilar delves into Layla‟s mouth as I move my hands upwards to
Layla‟s open sex, her lips moist already and her wetness is coating her lips
and thighs...when I feel Pilar‟s finger slip inside me it‟s like electricity to my
body, I feel my nipples harden and I grind myself down onto her hand. Layla
is open to me now and with Pilar watching I dip my head down to
thumb brushing aside her lips and I take her clit into my mouth and suck it
rolling it with my tongue till I feel her try to push upwards into me further.
“Oh no don‟t get to dictate...I do” and lifting my head I push two
of my fingers deep and hard into Layla‟s open pussy, concentrating on
stretching her rather than fucking her for pleasure - she will thank me for
this later...

I reach for Pilar as I continue with Layla, kissing her deep tasting Layla on
her mouth and she on mine and with my other hand I cup her soft mound,
plucking her lips and clit with my nails, knowing she needs that little edge of
extra stimulation to get her to the edge with me..her body is as familiar as
my own.

Hearing Layla start to moan and her body start to react, I pull my fingers out
completely of her, knowing that Bull and Colorado do not want her to cum
and I turn to Pilar and move her slightly, she is now on all fours facing me
between Layla‟s legs. I lean forward and push her down slightly...her pussy
now over Layla‟s face who is watching this with desire clouded eyes, not
sure what to expect. I crawl out from between Layla‟s legs and lie down next
to her, looking at the pretty picture they make, Pilar watching knowing what
I am about to do, and Layla panting with halted release. I use my fingers
and lightly trace Layla‟s mouth with my nails, she can taste herself on me.
“Open” I order, my tone not brooking any argument and as she does - I
position Pilar over her mouth - “use all you can I don‟t care how you do it -
but you do not get a thing more until she cums”; and I move Pilar over her,
and as Layla starts, I lie back next to them watching, stroking myself
knowing Pilar will watch this too.


As my body writhes and soft moans escape my mouth my eyes are still
locked with Chance. In my mind it is his hands caressing me, his mouth and
tongue against my skin. Seeing the need and desire in his eyes heightens
my own.

My body jerks as Pilar grips my chin and forces my face towards her
demanding my attention seconds before her mouth descends to mine. I gasp
in shock as I feel her tongue against mine but just as quickly yield to her as
she deepens the kiss. Testing and unsure I slowly respond kissing her back
amazed and the softness of another woman compared to the men I had
before. I moan against her lips as I feel Feather working her way closer to
my core and her hot breath teasing against my wetness.

My eyes lock once more on Chance and I know he can hear my moan as
Feather‟s mouth locks against my swollen clit. My arms pull on the restraints
needing to touch her, as my hips begin to rise up to meet her mouth, trying
to grind myself against her tongue. I cry out with need as she pulls away
reprimanding me, only to have her force her fingers inside me roughly
stretching and moving into my wetness.

Watching Feather‟s and Pilar kiss and caress each other as they both
continue the attention on my body until I hear Chance‟s groan and my eyes
dart back to him. I watch as his cock jerks, the pre-cum dripping from the
head, leaving a glistening wetness against his thigh. Our eyes meet again
and I can tell he thinks he has failed to protect me. I try to smile, reassure
him but my body contracts as I start to feel my body tighten around
Feather‟s fingers and let out a loud moan.

I want to beg as Feather‟s quickly pulls her fingers from me, wanting and
needing like never before. Breathlessly I watch as Pilar positioned her
swollen wet pussy over my face, I can smell her arousal but can‟t help the
nervousness of what I know is about to happen. I try to seek Chance but
Pilar‟s body blocks him from my sight as she moves her wetness closer to
my lips. Feather‟s words are sharp and demanding and I know that there is
no escaping this as I lift my head to Pilar‟s silken folds.


My body stretched, hanging there, the ties burning my flesh as they hold me
in place on my side. My cock swollen and hard as I watch the ladies have
their fun with Layla. I see she keeps looking at me, I feel for her, what did I
get us into. I want to help her but I need to remain calm. As I watch these
three beautiful women together my pain is blocked out. I am so turned on, I
can feel my own pre-cum dripping from my cock on my body. Layla‟s body
betrays her, bucking from the attention of Pilar and Feathers.


I know Feathers like the back of my hand, and as she positions me over
Layla‟s mouth I grin at her with delight. Wriggling down onto Layla‟s soft
lips I watch as Feathers lies back and starts gently stroking her pussy. The
first gush of liquid spills out of me into Layla‟s mouth as she runs her tongue
over my silky skin and brushes my clit. Gasping I still watch Feathers and
am desperate to taste her sweet moistness as I watch her nectar flood from
her plump lips that she has spread with one hand and massaging her pink
nub with the fingers from her other hand.

The sensations ebb and flow within my body, as Layla swirls her tongue over
my pulsing lips and even delves into my hot entrance where my muscles are
clenching with a will of their own. My breathing is becoming erratic as I say,
“Let me taste you my sweet baby” to Feathers who is now lying there with a
dreamy look on her face.
She opens her partially closed eyes and smiles, crawls on all fours until she
is positioned in front of me, her ass in my face, she spreads herself for me.
I am reaching my peak too quickly and I squeeze the muscles that Layla‟s
obviously enjoying, judging by the verve with which she is licking, sucking
and goading me into oblivion.

Leaning on my elbows I spread Feathers wide and lick her trickle of juice
that‟s surging from her dark folds within. Taking her clit with my lips I suck
gently at first then with more persistence, feeling her writhe and hearing her
moan beneath my mouth.


I slowly touch my tip of my tongue into the sweet smelling wetness of Pilar‟s
folds, her sweetness flowing over my tongue as she presses herself closer. I
close my eyes in ecstasy, never having tasted anything so sweet in my life. I
lift my head as I slide my tongue through her swollen wetness feeling her
hardened clit beneath my tongue. Exploring with new found passion I begin
to use my mouth against her, my tongue and lips teasing at her my nose
pressing and rubbing into her as she moves her hips against my face.

I feel Feathers move from next to me but my attention is focused on the

sweet nectar that is pouring over my tongue. I pull back taking her clit
between my teeth and gently biting it. Remembering conversations we had
had before about her liking things rougher, enjoying the feel of pain, I bite
again harder then thrust my tongue deep inside her, licking and thrusting
my tongue in and out of her savoring the taste of her as her fluids weep
against my mouth.


Watching my Pilar enjoy Layla‟s tongue is almost too much and I know I am
wet before I even spread my lips and touch my fingers inside me. My clit is
hard and swollen and I cannot help but pinch it even as I use my fingers
inside me - my juice is seeping out over my fingers, making me slick and
wet and I know I could go so quickly over the edge. When I hear Pilar want
to taste me I know this will be my first of many climaxes for the evening -
one with Pilar is enough to keep my body on the edge - my Colorado loves
it, knowing I am so sensitive he uses my body all night knowing I will take
whatever he wants to give me and he gives me plenty to think about.

I kneel in front of Pilar, raising my ass to her mouth and the minute she
touches me I know it‟s all over for me... I raise my head as she starts to
suck my clit and lick me and see Bull, Colorado and Chance watching and I
love seeing the raw lust and desire in all their eyes watching my body being
played with for their entertainment, but I only have eyes for my baby -
Colorado; watching me being brought to the edge - his eyes oh so dark with
promise and hunger and I lick and bite my lips, so he knows I am imagining
him pushing into my lips at the same time. That thought alone does it for
me and with Pilar‟s lips and tongue on me I push back into her keening my
climax as it ripples through me, my muscles tightening inside me milking her
tongue and fingers as she makes me ride it out and as I cry out again - I
hear her own moan against my wetness, Layla‟s tongue obviously bringing
her close as well.


I feel a delicious mixture of emotions washing over me. I am jealous of both

Pilar and Feathers as they play with each other. I am deliciously angry
feeling the aggression and hunger of my sexual desire thrusting through my
mind. I am also proud of Feathers because of her attitude, her extreme
femininity, and the fact that I know she is mine. Her talent for showing off is
driving me literally wild. My body is racing with testosterone and masculine
SEX. I am going to animal fuck the shit out of the first female I come in
contact with. And if it isn‟t soon. Chance just might be in trouble. I smile at
my private joke...


Feathers is writhing around in front of me as I swirl around her clit I fell her
muscles contract like a coiled spring and taking her bud between my lips I
suck as her climax erupts and hold her feeling the waves as they flow
through her body. Just this alone can bring me to a climax so along with
Layla‟s administrations I suddenly find my body fighting for control.

Moaning, I give in to the sensations as they build and my orgasm hits

sending sparks through me until every nerve ending is alight. Keeping
Feathers tight within my mouth until she subsides, her cries, music to my

Slowly I release her and my tongue laps at her pulsing skin, her sweet
nectar tasting so good, I ease myself away from Layla‟s mouth gasping for
air and slide myself on top of Feathers, feeling her orgasm as it exudes from
her body, now slick with perspiration. My hands glide around her belly and
up to her breasts, full, hard and swollen.
Looking up I can see appreciative glances from Bull who has a massive hard
on and I feel I should explain at this point how Bull got his name.
Bull is massively built in all senses of the word, broad shoulders, thick neck,
tight and toned muscular body and had a reputation as a fighter when we
met. He could floor three men just by looking at them, which is exactly
what he was doing when I first set eyes on him. The adrenaline flowing
through his body clearly showed through his trousers and although I‟d been
warned about his reputation with the ladies I‟d had to see for myself. As
he‟d stripped naked, his cock, a good twelve inches was the biggest
bratwurst I had ever seen, my mind had flicked to the huge pieces of meat
hung in the deli and it had scared the shit out of me. But gentle and kind,
he used it well and every orifice that I possess could now accommodate him
comfortably. On the odd occasion however when, with my permission and
with me watching of course, he took someone for a little fun, I giggle at the
terror that crosses their faces as their bodies are ravaged by Bulls pizzle.


I hear the sounds of Feather‟s orgasm and feel her body quivering against
my legs, pushing my need and desire higher. I press my mouth into Pilar,
needing to taste her, enjoying the feel of her cream as it coats my tongue
with every lick. I take her swollen clit between my lips, pinching it between
them, gliding my tongue over it, teasing it between gentle bites. She presses
into me and I feel her body start to contract. I focus all my attention on that
one spot knowing she is close. As she finds her release she presses into my
face, moving her hips against me, using me for her pleasure, almost cutting
off my air as she presses into me. Her creamy juices flow over my tongue,
lips and chin as she rides out her orgasm.

Pilar slowly lifts herself from me and I gasp breathlessly as she slides her
wet pussy over my chin and down my body as she goes to Feathers. My
eyes rise to Chance and I feel shame at my wanton actions as he looks over
my body, Pilar‟s passion glistening from my body and face. I know I have
blown the case and there is now nothing we can do about it. Dropping my
eyes I notice the other two men and my heart drops, knowing this is far
from over. I can see their arousal and know this is only the beginning.


Taking in the orgasmfest that happening my own pains have vanished. I can
see Layla attacking Pilar‟s pussy with such desire and energy. Pilar‟s hips
grinding against Layla‟s face as she takes Feathers at the same time. All
three of them moaning and dancing as one. I watch intensely as Pilar
releases a wave of cum onto Layla‟s face, Layla lapping up all she can as it
washes over her, coating her beautiful dark face. Feather enjoying her own
release from Pilar. Talk about having your cake and eating it too, Pilar is
basking in the joy of pleasing and being pleased all at once.

I can see Layla face as Pilar removes herself. Her smile of delight
disappearing as her eyes meet mine, her eyes closing as a look of shame
over comes her. Words need not be spoken we have gone too far, the case
is now compromised, in too deep for our own good. We had enough on them
to make a good case but my greed to really nail them has taken us over the
edge. Survival of the night is now the only goal.


Rising up from the bed I look at Feathers who still has a slightly dreamy look
on her face. “Just going to the ladies room” I whisper in her ear.
Picking up my dress from the floor I place it on the table next to Bull. He
grins at me as I trail my fingers over the bulge in his trousers and say,
“You‟re turn I believe lover, just going to the little ladies room” and give him
a knowing wink.

His grin widens as I pick up my bag on the way, saunter into the toilets.
Opening one of the stalls and closing the door behind me, I take a little
silver box out of the inside pocket. Opening it I take out the small silver pin
with the silver drops hanging from it, encrusted with diamonds. My „Clit
Clip‟, I do love to get as much fun out of these evenings as possible and this
always drives Bull wild, just think what it‟s going to do for Chance.

Slipping the clip over my still throbbing pink bud, I flick the clip and eh voila,
Pilar is up for the night. I have two such „extra‟ clips with me and I decide
that Layla should really have one, but not yet, she needs to learn control
first, the other of course, Feathers might like later.


I feel Pilar get off the bed, and smile as she whispers in my ear. I look at
Layla on the bed, sagging against the restraints, her body glistening with
sweat, Pilar‟s ministrations and unslaked desire, both sets of lips red,
glistening and swollen. I push myself up off the bed and smile down at her...
“well done baby - not bad for a beginner - Pilar is hard to please” and sit up
looking over at the men, Chance, throbbing and dripping, Bull being teased
by my lovely Pilar and my Colorado. I smile at him lazily and gather my hair
and stand up, stumbling slightly as I get off the bed, my legs still shaking.
Walk over to Bull and Colorado and say to them both “I think she‟s ready”
and lean into Colorado, kissing him deep, cupping his cock through his
trousers “save some for me baby”.


I smile as I tell her. “You better not touch me right now baby. I‟m ready to
go off” She gives my cock an extra squeeze and chuckles


Smiles at his growling tone “promises promises baby” giving my husky little
laugh, squeezing more feeling his cock pulse in my hand and his eyes meet


I love to watch Feathers and Pilar play together. They are soft beauty of
pure woman combined with a heated and passionate sex drive of the
horniest young stud. Loving each other was part of being in this family and
this was a perfect display of what joys these two would reap IF we were to
allow them entry. As I had hoped, the tension of this initiation was slowly
replaced with lust and need in my belly as I watched these ladies make
sweet love to one another. As sweet juice flowed from them all I knew it was
a good start to the night.

Standing from the chair I plopped down in to watch the show, I reach into
my pocket and pull out a small silver vial with a polished black top. Digging
a small silver spoon into it I take a bit of white powder on it and snort it up
my right nostril. A broad smile covers my face as I stroll over to Chance.
“Thank you ladies, that was truly amazing and fuck, did that get me hot.
Chance, you‟re fuckin‟ lucky I am so damn horny right now. It means I won‟t
torture you too long, but I do know you need some attention.”

Turning back to Layla in her state of bliss lying on the bed I walk around and
untie her bindings, “Layla, come over here. I‟ve got a job for you.” I
digging another spoonful of heaven from my vial, “First, I want to bring you
just a little higher baby. This is for you. And when you are done, I want you
to give Chance a blowjob for 5 minutes and only 5 minutes. I‟m going to
time you. If he comes, you can hang up your chances of being in this family.
You see, this is about control and ecstasy. You need to be able to give and
get both, so let‟s see what you got.”


As the restraints fall off I groan at the ache in my shoulders, my muscles

sore and stretched. As I stand my legs shake from arousal and nerves and I
can feel my wetness dripping down my thighs from my swollen folds. I look
at Bull and see the cocaine he is holding trying to figure out how to handle
the situation. I glance up and Chance wondering what to do.

“It‟s okay baby, I can handle it.” He confirms I should do what I have to
making it seem like he was talking about the blow job I am about to give
him. So many months I had dreamed about taking him into my mouth,
tasting his sweet cum against my tongue and even now with my heightened
arousal I long for it, but know this is not how I wanted it to be; I wanted to
bring him pleasure not suffering.

As I stand before Bull he holds the spoonful of the soft white powder out to
me. Acting like I know what I am doing from having seen so many others do
it through the years, I push against one nostril and inhale the white powder
into the other. Instantly I feel the tingle in my head and the burn in my
nose. I meet Bulls eyes and he motions me to Chance.

“Five minutes, and he can‟t come.” Bull reminds us with a warning look
to Chance.

I nod falling to my knees as I look up at Chance, with pain in my eyes for

what I am about to do to him. His cock is a little higher than it would be if he
was standing so I go up on my feet to reach him, amazed at how beautiful
his large white cock looks compared to the black ones I have seen in the
past, the large purple veins standing out against his pale white skin. Gently
I take him in my hand and slowly lean in licking the head of his cock, trying
to ignore the way it pulses in my hand.

With one final look at Chance I slide my lips over the purple swollen head
and can‟t help but savor the taste of his precum as it drips across my
tongue. I move my mouth over him, taking him deeper and deeper until I
have most of him in my mouth then move back again. I slowly find a rhythm
as my lips press and pull against his cock, at the same time trying to keep
my tongue still so it does not add to his arousal, knowing that after all he
has seen it must be hell for him not to cum. Closing my eyes I can taste the
cocaine running down my throat from my nose and know that it is coating
Chance‟s cock at the same time.


“My god how many nights have I wanted and dreamed of Layla sucking my
cock and know she is going to”. “Five minutes” just rings in my head. After
all I have seen I would be lucky to last five seconds. Her tiny black hand
wraps around my hard white cock, I want to explode as her tongue reaches
out licking up the glistening drops of my precum. Looking up at me with her
brown eyes i want to melt. Her soft lips start closing around me. Her mouth
sliding down, down, down till they touch my base. The head of my aching
cock is deep in the back of her throat.

I try not to focus on how good it feels, she finds her pace working my cock
slow and lovingly. The coke dripping in her throat finds my cock stimulating
me further. Her eyes shut, loosing herself in the moment. I glance over to
Bull as if to say “is the time up yet”. He just grins and laughs. I turn back to
Layla her head down bobbing slowly. I take in her beauty, her naked body
bent at the waist. I can‟t help but focus on her sexy dark ass that sways side
to side. It is so perfect looking. I snap out of it a bit when I feel Layla‟s teeth
clamp down hard at the base of my cock, almost hurting. She glances up
and winks. Nice trick I think to myself buying me some time.


I slowly lose myself almost forgetting why I am here and that the others are
all watching us. I work my mouth over him hungrily, my lips pressing and
milking the small drops of precum from his cock. I cup his balls with my
other hand purposely grazing my sharp nails across them hoping the light
pain will help him prolong. I can feel them tightening in my hand and silently
pray that he will be able to withstand what I am doing to him. Lightly
grazing my teeth against him as my hot wet mouth moves up and down
along his long shaft. I imagine his fingers running though my hair and the
gentle force of him moving my head back and forth on him. I can feel my
own desire and wetness growing and know the others can see it as well from
the position I am in. I squeeze my legs together to try and stifle the burning
need between my legs. I swirl my tongue over Chance‟s head a couple times
craving more of his sweet taste and am about to descend again when I hear
Bull tell me to stop.

Her touch is almost too much to bear. Her body swaying & rocking with each
swallow of my cock. She feels so wonderful, I wonder what it would be like if
I did not have the restriction of cumming? Her nails gives me the distraction
not to cum. Her black flesh looking so exotic next to my white flesh, I have
never been with a woman of color before not even Hispanic. It is such a turn
on watching my hard white cock gliding back and forth past her dark lips. I
am about to blow when I hear Bull‟s voice.

“Time” he bellows out. I can feel Layla‟s mouth relax and slide off me. She
stands a bit wobbly after being bent over. Her face meet mine with a smile,
she leans in giving me a soft kiss. Her head pulls back from the quick kiss,
Her tiny hand grab my cock tightly giving it a squeeze. “Sorry love I guess I
am not getting my usual tasty treat from you tonight”. She gives me a wink
and chuckles loudly as she walks back towards Bull.


“Nicely done Lalya,” I say as I grab the meaty bulge hanging down the
inside of my inner thigh through my slacks, “but when you do this one
(motioning to my cock) you better not be using teeth like on poor Chance

Digging another spoonful of candy from my vial I bring it to Chance and hold
one nostril for him and wait for him to inhale from the other, and then I do
another one myself. “That should help some, it‟s fuckin‟ good shit.” I toss
the vial to Feathers so she can have some with Pilar and Colorado as I grab
Lalya by the chin and lift her to look up into my face.

“You are very lovely, I hope you are enjoying your fun.” My hand slides
slowly down her belly, over her mound and between her lips, testing how
wet she is. Laughing, “Yeah, your fuckin‟ hating this aren‟t you!” I stick my
fingers into her mouth with her juice still coating them.

“You think you‟re ready for the Bull baby?” I ask rhetorically. Withdrawing
my fingers from her mouth, I reach for her sex again, pressing them deep
inside her, checking how tight she is. My first two fingers go in smoothly, but
it begins to tighten on the third and the fourth is nearly impossible. I stare
into her eyes as my fingers probe her sex, moving in circles and stretching
her tight walls.

“Well, you‟re in for a surprise tonight beautiful.” I reach down and unzip my
zipper. I watch Layla‟s eyes as they follow my hand to my crotch. Pulling my
pants down a bit I reach inside and with a move that looks like I am
wrestling an anaconda I remove my cock from its wrappings. I love the look
on a ladies face when she see it for the first time, a veined and throbbing
huge chuck of pleasure…for those who can take it.

“Colorado, you‟ve been quiet, how about giving me a hand here.” I move
around behind Layla and climb up on the bed so I am standing directly
behind her, my hands on her shoulders and we are both facing directly at
Chance. “I need you to stretch her out some, how about getting her
standing up, and I am going to lay her back over just enough that she can
get my cock in her mouth and support herself on her hands. That should
give me good access to pinch them nipples too. Let‟s see if she can do a
better job on my cock with that mouth than poor Chance.”


I fight the wave of disgust and yet arousal as Bull moves his hand down my
stomach and slides his fingers through my swollen wet folds laughing at how
wet I am. He brings them to my lips wet with my moisture and forces four of
them into my mouth. I suck lightly at the familiar taste of my own desire.

My stomach tightens as I hear him ask if I am ready for him. I know from
many long nights of girl talk just what kind of lover Bull is and know he is
anything but gentle. And my fears are confirmed as he lowers his hand once
again and sticks his fingers inside me stretching me, I bite my lip to keep
from crying out as he moves three then four fingers inside me pushing deep
as I feel body stretch around them. I also knew he was well endowed but
even as well trained as I am at hiding my reactions I could not hide the
shock as he pulls his cock from his pants. It was like nothing I had seen
before and a could feel a blush creep over my face as I thought about the
larger than life dildos I had seen at adult stores, and wondered if they were
modeled after him.

I swallow and glance at Chance as Bull calls to Colorado, there is no doubt

in my mind what is coming and there is no way to stop the rape that is
about to happen. I force my mind to focus and remind myself that our lives
depend on this going right. Any show of resistance or fight and Chance and I
are as good as dead.

I feel Bulls hands on my shoulders and hear him explain to Colorado what
he wants and I know that everyone in the room can see the panic in my
eyes as I think about trying to take Bull into my mouth. Forcing myself to
take a couple deep breaths I stare up at Chance and focus on him as
Colorado approaches.


Naked by the time I reach the bed I step in front of Layla. My thick rigid
cock points to the ceiling in a perfect angle with Layla‟s now arched back
body. I maneuver between her legs. Her knees are spread widely but her
feet are almost together so I place my feet on the outside of hers but use
my knees to spread her legs open more widely, putting my thumb down on
her pussy. She is very wet and turned on.

She won‟t require any preparation. I am pleased. I reach down and grip her
ass cheeks in my big hands, lifting her higher for my cock. Her toes hook
backwards as she slides up my shins. Good, I think because now she can
brace herself against my thrusting. Ooooh nice tight little ass this woman
has. I pull my hips slightly back and maneuver the head of my cock up
against her swollen wet pussy. I smile grimly as I very very slowly let her
feel the wide mushroom head of my cock. Once just the head of my cock is
inside of her I twitch my cock muscles and make it flare out wide and hard.
Her ass muscles clench in my hands.

I can feel her tugging with her pussy. Trying to grasp my pulsing cock head.
I watch Bulls eyes for a moment and smile as we work together on this sexy
bitch. I know we are going to have her whimpering and cumming explosively
in no time. I give her another inch and flair my cock again. Oooooh this
woman has fantastic cunt muscles. She is gripping my cock as if it was a wet
velvet glove. My shoulders and hands revel in her weight and in the flexing
of her ass cheeks. Finally, using all my will power not to thrust powerfully
into her I slide the last few inches deep into Layla. We continue our internal
dance of flaring and gripping.


Re-entering the main room, I notice with amusement that Bull and Colorado
are making the most of Layla‟s arched body. With Bull at her head and
Colorado at her ass, this should make for an entertaining show. Feathers is
propped up against the bar, bare ass naked except for her heels, drink in
hand and looking like the cat that got the cream, so to speak. Sauntering
over, I put my arm around her waist ask her to make me a „Black Russian‟
she knows how I like it, ice, no fizzy stuff, then turn back to face the room.
The scene before us is so hot, I can‟t take my eyes away from Layla‟s body
being used to its best advantage.

Feathers hands me my glass, “There you go sweetie”, she giggles, I wonder

how much coke she has snorted tonight. Taking a mouthful along with an ice
cube I lean in and kiss her, pushing the cube in through her lips and pull her
close. She responds and I trail my fingers down her back to her ass, giving it
a little squeeze. Pulling away I smile “Maybe we should watch some of the
action, we might learn a thing or two” and she laughs.“Or maybe we should
show them how it‟s done” and with a wicked grin, takes the glass from my
hand, puts it down, hooking her arm in mine, pulls me over to where Chance
is staring dreamy eyed at the scene in front of him.


My concerns for Layla‟s safety grows as Bull orders her back over to the bed.
I can sense she is nervous as she glances over to me as Bull maneuvers
behind her bending her back and Colorado approaches from her front. I
return a look to her the best I can showing my concern. I mouth to her as
no one is looking “I am sorry”. She gives me a wink letting me know it‟s
okay. I can‟t bare to watch what will happen.

I turn my head to look away, I take note to Pilar & Feathers at the bar. I can
see them enjoying a drink but can‟t hear what they are saying. I see when
Pilar moves to the side something shining and hanging from her still swollen
clit. I make that my focus, trying to figure out what it is, a needed
distraction. Pilar catches me looking at her. I watch as she takes Feathers by
the arm and walks towards me.


Chance has a nice bulging hard on, a little drop of pre-cum is showing at the
tip, and I am thinking that since we really need to keep him „on tenterhooks‟
so to speak for the final showdown, I put my hand over his throbbing mass
and slip the little band from my wrist down from my wrist over my fingers
and roll it neatly down to the bottom of his shaft. The effect is almost
immediate as the blood flow engorges him more and he groans making
Feathers giggle again.

I turn my attention to Feathers and kiss her, inches from Chance‟s face, he
seems very concerned about his „wife‟, and well he should be, she is going to
have worst night of her life if she doesn‟t wise up and relax. Pulling away
from her, I wink, “Top down to tail my dear?” licking her lips I watch as she
nuzzles into his ear and I hear a yelp.

“We‟re going to eat you alive dear Chance, with luck there will be a little left
for Layla when our boys have finished with her” and turning to his right
earlobe I sink my teeth into his skin.

I keep my eye on Feathers as I taste the musky sweat on his skin, nibbling,
sometimes a little harder on succulent areas of his neck and down over his
collar bone. I notice a few stray hairs as I nibble my way down to his nipple
and yank them out with my teeth, making his body twitch. I hear him
catching his breath as Feathers and I descend on his nipples in unison,
tugging at them with our teeth, pulling them, stretching the skin to its limits,
“Arrgh” Chance yells as a small trickle of blood oozes out of the teeth marks
and I taste the iron red on my tongue. Feathers turns her head to look at
me and smiles, her lips red with blood, I put my hand at the back of her
head, pull her to me, lick her lips and delve my tongue into her mouth,
tasting the sweet, sweet nectar of his precarious existence.


As Colorado positions himself in front of Layla, I help her bend backwards

toward the bed so she can at least partially support herself by placing her
arms over her head. With one hand under her shoulder for support, I use my
other hand to grab the base of my shaft, lifting it to position the head on her
lips. I rub it back and forth for a moment and then smacking it against her
lips until she graciously obliges me with her tongue.

“That‟s a good girl, get it nice and wet for Bull baby. You‟re gonna want it
plenty slippery where this is going.”

The coke is really in my brain hard, I feel electrified, powerful and after the
show with the ladies, really horny. I‟m not going to wait long before wanting
some of the tight pussy, but for now with the drugs and testosterone
pumping heavily through my veins I begin to take her mouth and make it
mine. Holding the back of her head for support, my cock slips through her
lips into the warm moisture of her mouth. I love this position because I can
get more of my cock down her throat if she relaxes, so I slowly press

Feeling her gag once I pull back slightly, giving her throat time to adjust and
overcome the invasion,“Just relax your throat, breathe through your nose
and use your tongue.”I smile broadly at Pilar across the room as she and
Feathers begin to work on Chance. That poor bastard is going to have blue
balls so bad he it‟s going to hurt when he final does get to cum. I pray for
his sake he rubbed one out with Layla before they came to the club because
those two ladies will not be nice to him like Layla was.

“You two have some fun with our new friend, but don‟t let him cum. Layla
gets that honor…if she can take it after I‟m done with her. And Pilar, if you
could…oh, oh…shit, that‟s it Layla. Oh, fuck yeah your getting the hang of
this. Sorry…Pilar, if you can pull away from our friend in a moment and bang
on the door to our office, I have Wilson in there with a surprise waiting.
Colorado, how‟s that tight pussy? You ready to swap yet?”

Just as my tongue was halfway down Feathers throat, I can hear Bull
grunting in the background, pulling away from her and turning to face him, I
can see he has part of his cock down Layla‟s throat, „Poor girl‟ I think, „She‟s
really got it coming to her and giggle at the double entendre that flits
through my head.

“Oh you are spoiling my fun” I pout and poke my tongue out at him, but I
know I had better do as I‟m told, turning tail, I bend over, wiggle my ass in
his direction with the words, „Kiss this buster‟, standing upright again I head
for the office, picking my dress up and slipping it over my body as I walk.
Wilson, cute as he may be, was always up for an eyeful given half the
chance but as much as I adored him, he was all mouth and no trousers and I
didn‟t want him getting any ideas.

The light was on in the office and turned the handle and walked in.
“Bull says you have something for me”


Sitting on the couch all I can do is stare and wait. Tapping my nails against
the desk in front of me I eye the phone and the meat-head on the other
side of it. They must have a client waiting for me around here somewhere. I
think as I look down at myself. I was the poster girl for modern geisha‟s.
Long red silk robe, black stilletto‟s and nothing else except some eye
makeup and some lip stain.

Wasn‟t it ironic that people who wanted to do things to you didn‟t want to
happen ,wanted you to look like you wanted it? Shaking that thought I
steeled my mind and prepared for whatever was about to happen. Suddenly
I hear heeled footsteps coming down the hall. The meat-head with the Glock
on the other side of the desk immediately perked up.

The woman that stepped through the door was beautiful, and obviously high
on either sex or coke. Around here it was probably both. Immediately sitting
up as she brought her eyes over to me I could feel she was pleased with the
present that was no doubt set up for her. Giving her a slight smile i thought i
might be able to charm her but only time would tell.


Bull‟s hands press against my shoulders and I bend back bracing my hands
behind my head against the bed. I close my eyes as Bull rubs the thick
purple mushroomed head of his cock across my lips, precum coating my
mouth. I know what he wants and open, darting my tongue out against the
head, teasing him with long swipes of my tongue. I feel Colorado‟s fingers
spreading my moistened folds as he delves several fingers inside me. As I
gasp, Bull takes advantage and slides his cock between my lips and into my
mouth. I open wide to take him and still my mouth is stretched as he slides

I feel Colorado‟s fingers digging into my ass and can feel the head of his
cock against my entrance as he lifts me to him. I try to brace my feet
against his legs but he ends up holding most my weight in his hands as he
slowly starts to slide inside me. I can feel his cock flexing inside me and hate
myself for my body‟s reaction to it as my hips start to move trying to take
him deeper.

Bull presses deeper and I start to gag, tears running down my cheeks as I
gasp for air as he pulls back slightly only to thrust forward again. I force
myself to relax my throat to take him as I feel saliva dripping from my
mouth and down my chin. My head is swimming from the effects of the coke
and I let the high pull me away as the two men work me, but the sensation
is too much and I try to fight the orgasm that I feel coming on.


After having a small hit of the coke from Bull (not needing a lot when I am
this horny) I walk with Pilar over to Chance, his cock dripping and laugh as
she puts her “Bull Band” over his cock making him moan even more. We
work on him as we usually do, nipping and biting, wanting him to associate
us with the pain aspect of pleasure, if we let him cum it will be with Layla,
not us. I can hear the rhythmical slap of skin as my Colorado fucks Layla,
knowing that his cock will be reaching her pussy deep inside and I shiver
knowing how it feels, the walls of my pussy clenching as I think about
it....Pilar leaves, ordered by Bull to collect something from Wilson...knowing
Bull as I do it will probably be something to play with.

I look at Chance, his eyes huge and wide watching both me and Layla...and
whilst he is distracted, I grab his balls, softly caressing the skin, feeling
them tighten in my hands and want his attention directed at me. “So like watching your wife fucked by two men...watching her
pussy and mouth working their cocks? Well let‟s give you something to think
about” and as I finish speaking to him open my mouth and slowly suck him
inside my mouth.

I feel him moan as he realizes what I am doing to him, my hands cupping

his balls, and I slide my middle finger deep in his ass whilst I suck his head,
concentrating on making him feel the sensation of my tongue stroking him,
my throat constricting round his shaft and I slide my finger in and out of
him, feeling him throb in my mouth whilst he moans, my finger deep in him,
stroking his insides as I take him deeper, his cock now slamming into my
throat. I withdraw my finger and look up at him seeing him watch his cock
slip into my throat, my lips locked round his head.

I take him out of my mouth, and slide up his body, licking and sucking his
skin, leaving my little marks over his body, watching him twitch as reach his
mouth, and grab his head in my hands, my nails digging into his skin and
bring him to my mouth for a kiss, using my tongue to slip into his mouth,
and suck his tongue into my mouth. As I stand, I position his cock between
my legs, so his shaft is between me, feeling my wetness along his length
and I grip him with my thighs, tight, and start to move, teasing him with my
juices, so he is soon bucking and pushing against me - trying to get inside

I laugh as I tease him, teasing myself, my clit being rubbed by both my wet
lips over his cock and the friction of my thighs. I stand back and watch him
struggle - trying to angle his throbbing cock inside me.


Feathers & Pilar come to me, just the distraction I need from what is
happening to Layla. Blocking my view, these two naked beauties start a
devilish game of “Tease the Captive”. Pilar‟s hand takes hold of my very
hard cock, I look down and watch as wiggles her fingers with skill slipping a
band around the shaft of my cock at the base, I let out a moan as I feel it
snap against my tender flesh. The two of them attack me, licking sucking
and biting me. Their mouths clamp on my nipples, stretching pulling. I let
out a cry as they pierce my flesh with their teeth, one not of pain but of

My arousal keeps growing beyond belief, the ladies kissing passing my blood
between them. I can hear Bull barking out something about a “surprise”, I
watch as Pilar slips back on her dress, she even does that in a sexy way, if
ever a woman exuded sexuality it is Pilar. As she leaves I am now left with
the equally sexy Feathers, I missed that she has dropped to her knees
before me. I snap back as I feel the warmth and wetness encase my cock.
Looking down at her as she starts to suck me. Her one hand massaging my
aching balls. I let out a deep moan as I feel her finger enter my ass. My
senses are overloading as I can feel the back of her throat ramming into my
cock. I wish to explode.

On the edge she stops, raising herself up to me and kissed me with

passion (if Pilar is sexuality, Feathers is passion to say the least). Feather
takes my hard cock between her legs, her wetness gliding along my shaft.
She moves with grace so I can feel her fully, making me want her. I try to
push my hips to enter her but my restraints do not allow me. She laughs
playfully, taunting me “Can‟t find the spot lover” she says giggling. Feathers
steps back, releasing me then grabs my cock with her tender hand. Moving
closer she spreads her legs a bit and starts rubbing my swollen head on her
hot clit. This is the only spot you need to worry about right now” she says.
She begins moaning loud as she uses the head of my cock as a vibrator
against her clit.


With Pilar gone, no doubt teasing Wilson, I stand in front of Chance who is
angling to get inside my pussy, and start to use it like a finger, or a vibrator,
and moan as the actions bring me ever closer to another orgasm...I watch
as his hips angle to reach me, time and time again I move away, but all to
soon my orgasm is too close...and seeing as Pilar is gone, and Colorado and
Bull are involved I quickly wrap a leg over his hip and hiss with pleasure as I
slowly slide my tight pussy over his hard throbbing dick and moan at the
feeling, my tight muscles being stretched and my clit pulsing.


Colorado‟s thrusts increase and I can‟t help but tighten against him as he
slides in and out of my swollen pussy while licking and taking Bull deep
enough into my throat that I can feel him stretching my neck as he slides in.
My tight pussy starts to contract as Colorado‟s hard cock brushes my swollen
clit and just when I think I will find my release Colorado pulls himself from
me, and can‟t hide the groan that is smothered by Bull‟s cock as I feel the
loss of him inside me.


As Bull asks how the action is at my end I give a big grin, pull back and
PLOW with my heavy cock deep into her sucking pussy. She squeals with
Bulls pole down her throat and I draw back and DRIVE into her again .. and
again .. she soon gets into it .. Her ass cheeks clenching and her pubic
mound raising as she braces herself with her knees locking against my hard
thighs. Her legs tremble with the effort as she locks her toes backwards
against the inside of my shins. Meanwhile the strong muscles of her pussy
sheath role back and forth along the length of my cock each time I drive in
deep. Finally I see her self control slipping as her arms flail wildly and her
hips start to buck. I stop at once. “You want some of this Bull?”


“Oh I always have something for you”, Wilson leers at me from behind the
desk. Dressed in a white shirt and jeans, his feet up on the desk top, leaning
back in the oversized black leather swivel chair, Stetson perched on the back
of his head, his hair sweeping down over his dark brown eyes, almost makes
me look at him twice. I have never had a „thing‟ with any other men, mostly
due to Bull being insanely jealous unless he is involved with any little
extracurricular activities. Wilson talks the talk but I don‟t think he can walk
the walk, just a lot of hot air, but very pleasant on the eyes nevertheless
and although the girls find him a bit creepy, a little flirting never hurt
anyone, especially if no-one knows.

I notice a young girl, crouched on the old sofa at the side of the room, big
doe eyes, scared to death, I glare at her then at Wilson,
“Who‟s she?” nodding in the direction of the child,
“Bulls orders, I dunno what he wants the cunt for”, he replies.

I walk over and grab her hair, pulling her bowed head up to face me,
studying her face I bend down and lick the skin on her cheek, “Touch Bull
and your dead Peaches” I slam her head back against the back of the couch.
“So Wilson”, I purr, slinking past the desk and round the back of the chair.
Sitting on the shelf behind, I twist the chair round sharply so that the back
was facing the door, the telephone crashes to the floor as his feet sweep
over the desk on his way round to face me. Laughing he leans forward, his
head almost down the front of my dress as his hands slide up my thighs,
pushing the material higher exposing my pussy to his gaze.

“Having fun out there are you „Kitty Cat‟, he emphasizes the last two words
and licks his lips as he cops an eyeful of my pussy complete with clip.
I put my fingers under his chin and raise his eyes above clit level,
“Do you feel left out Wilson?, and draw him towards me.

I can feel a little tension in his body and he glances back at the closed door,
“It‟s ok, they‟re well occupied, nobody will notice that I‟m gone for a while”,
I lean into him, pushing his hat off his head as my hand strokes over his hair
and pull him towards me.

I feel his hands slide along the top of my thighs and grasp my bottom,
sliding me off the shelf onto his lap. His lips are sweet and his breath smells
of peppermint as I crush him to me and push my tongue into his mouth,
grinding myself down onto his erection that is straining through his trousers.
Sliding my hands down between us I pop open the buttons and slide my
hand into his pants. Hot and throbbing my fingernails dig into his soft flesh
and he yelps with obvious pleasure. Sliding his cock out of the restricting
damp material, I pull away from his lips and look down. I had a sizeable
piece of meat clutched in my fingers, I turned my body around and wriggled
my ass in his direction, he grabs my hips and start lowering myself slowly
towards his hot turgid shaft.

Quickly and suddenly I stand up and turn around to look at him, oh what a
glorious range of emotions are flooding his body, gagging for it, he grabs my
bottom and crushes my pussy to his face, inhaling deeply as he seeks my
scent. Giggling as I feel his hot breath through my dress,
“Well what do you have for me Wilson?” and his cock throbs against my


As the bitch with the trashy dress walks over to me I try to keep a numb
face. She didn‟t seem receptive to my smile. Pulling my hair back hard her
nails digging into my scalp, she licked my cheek and told me to stay away
from someone named “Bull”. Staying silent I watched her saunter back over
to the goon behind the desk. I try to calm my nerves.
As the Latina woman moves to flirt with the meat-head all the things that
might happen start to flow through my mind, all the countless night‟s I‟d
been taken to anonymous hotels and given over to strangers this had
started to become somewhat of the norm. This place was new... and big.
Maybe I could find a way out if they let their guard down. Pulling my legs up
into my chest I stared at the wall as the two disgusting excuses for humans
started to tease and touch each other. Hearing them almost made me sick
but I put it out of my mind.


“Yeah, let‟s switch” I say to Colorado as I pull away from Lalya‟s mouth with
a popping sound. She collapses on the bed between us. I look down and see
her panting on the verge of release. Colorado is an expert, took her right to
the edge and pulled her back. I do appreciate his control, but I am about to
lose mine. Climbing off the bed I work my way to where he was, but now
she is lying on her back. Smiling at Chance and Feathers as I do, she is
going to kill that poor guy I think…just damn well better not let him cum.
“Colorado, let‟s just let her lie down for this part, she needs to relax some I
think,” laughing.

“She has a sweet mouth man, get ya some of that.”I grab her legs and drag
her to the edge of the bed, swiveling a bit so I am sure Chance has a good
view, at least when he can see past Feathers. I grab a leg in each hand and
lift them towards the ceiling, then fun a finger slowly up and down her slit,
teasing around the swollen clit and her legs resting against my chest tremble
and shake as I do.

Taking some saliva from my mouth, I wet the head of my cock and with one
hand begin to work it up and down her tight slit. The contractions of near
orgasm made her even tighter, so I knew this might take a minute…if I was
going to be nice. Colorado was in position and her attention seemed to be
focused on his thick shaft dangling just above her mouth, until I began to
press the bulbous head of my spear into her.

Feeling the stretch and tightness encapsulate and squeeze my throbbing

member, I paused for a moment to let her adjust. With just the head of my
cock inside I begin feeling the rhythmic squeezing and sucking of her
muscles, begging me for more. Applying more wetness around the length of
my cock, I withdraw it slightly, then with a single fluid motion of plunge to
her depths, feeling her give way to all I have. I hold, letting her become
accustom to me and I feel her muscles begin to massage my member.
“That‟s a girl, just relax. Bull knows what you need.” I soothe.
„Now where is Pilar with that damn surprise I wonder?‟


I grip the back of Layla‟s neck lifting slightly adjusting the angle of her
throat so that I can slide the head of my cock past the back of her mouth. I
smile and wait knowing what will come. As Bull plunges that baseball bat of
his deep I see her gasp coming and I‟m ready. Gripping the back of her neck
I slide my long hard shaft straight down the back of her throat. I see very
quickly she knows how to handle this. She manages to breathe as I hold my
cock still.

I am waiting for Bull to set the pace. As he starts to move in her pussy he
pushes her mouth back and forth on my cock. I relax and let it happen. She
arches her back to accommodate us both soon she is moaning an sucking
voraciously on my cock. She reaches back and grips my solid ass cheeks. I
can feel her fingernails dig each time Bull thrusts. The extreme sensations
brought on by his huge cock are almost more than she can take but she cant
scream. All she can do is moan loudly through her nose. I can feel the
mushroom head of my cock sliding back and forth in her throat. ... She is


Chance is now sliding inside me, and as I start to try and ride him I hear
Colorado and Bull change ends - knowing the size of both men - I smile as I
wonder if Layla can take Bull - I know myself how hard it is to
accommodate. I push down onto Chance, hearing him moan and I lean up
and bite his bottom lip sucking it deep into my mouth and feeling him react
back to me...I can feel my pussy clench around him but can also feel the
twitch of his cock inside me and with a pout I slide off him...cannot make
him cum. I smile and leave him alone, my wetness gleaming on his cock,
and I go back to the bar and sit on a stool, idly stroking my lips and clit,
wanting Colorado and Bull to finish.


About losing control as Feathers takes me into her. She is so wet, so warm
so tight. Her control so amazing barely moving and letting her internal
muscles do the work. Her pussy clinches, gripping and massaging my
swollen member. As I close in to a release I am denied once more as
Feathers removes herself and goes back to the bar.

Watching the expression change slowly on Lalya‟s face I know she is getting
ready. I begin a slow glide out, leaving just the tip within her lovely folds
before ramming my full length back into her. I wrap one arm around her leg
which is resting against my chest and with the other I begin to tease her clit.
Dapping wetness from around my pole, I run my fingers around her
sensitive button, squeezing it between my thumb and forefinger gently and
stroking it like a tiny cock as it sticks out large from the hood of skin
surrounding it.

Pink and swollen button between my fingers and my cock begins pounding
more and more insistently. Ramming to her full depth and back out with
each stroke I watch her face as she works Colorado and her body rocks from
the strength of each slam of my pulsing, throbbing meat. I lose track of the
exact sensations wrapping my cock beyond the exquisite ecstasy of her
gripping wetness pulling and milking me involuntarily as it begs its own


I feel the head of Bull‟s cock press into me and close my eyes at the
intrusion. With only the head in I already feel myself stretching, I groan
around Colorado‟s cock as Bull presses forward. I try to close my mind off
from what is happening but between the two men using my body and the
cocaine the sensations my body is feeling are just to much for my mind to
carry me away from this torment. My body tightens as I hear Chance yelp
and I try not to think about what is happening to him as Bull starts to move
inside me.

I keep my mouth moving over Colorado, taking him easily into my mouth
after struggling to accommodate Bull moments before. Every part of my
mind is rejecting these men and it is all I can do not to break down at the
harsh use of my body tonight. Focusing on our survival is the only thing that
is keeping me from struggling and fighting them off of me.

Bull is thrusting into me in long hard thrusts and I fight the feeling of his
cock brushing against my clit with every stroke, not wanting to give him the
satisfaction of an orgasm. As his fingers start to tease my swollen engorged
clit I know I do not stand a chance and give into my bodies desires. Three
strong thrusts and I fall over the edge, a gushing orgasm like none I had
ever experienced shakes through my body.

I feel my orgasm building as Lalya quakes in violent convulsive shaking

beneath me. Her mouth falls away from Colorado as she rips at the sheets
with both hands and I withdraw my cock for a moment to be showered with
a spray of hot cum from her pussy.
“Hey look, she‟s a squirter!” I snort at the group, wondering if it is just me
that seems to have that effect on women or not.


I smile grimly and feel her convulsing body. Feeling some sympathy for the
stretched woman I pull my cock out and let her cum. Suddenly she is
spraying cum all over Bull. I smile. I‟ve seen this before. He loves the
shower and it serves the big bugger right. .. lol .. I am very close to coming
but i hold my orgasm with all my self control. My aggression and
testosterone levels are high.


Ramming my cock back into her steaming pussy I pound furiously against
the contracting walls of her sex, holding her legs with both arms against my
thrusts. She is making guttural, primal sounds like I have never heard
before and they are driving me insane. I feel her tightening and sensations
begin to roll through me as I approach the point of no return. I never release
my load without Pilar when we play with others, and I look around the room
for her. She is nowhere to be found.

“Damn it! Where the fuck is she with that damn surprise! Fuck!”
The coke still racing through my blood and realizing she is not back thrusts
me from the point of ecstatic bliss to rage in an instant. Pulling my cock out
of Lalya, she squirts yet another massive spray of cum across my belly, but I
leave her like a used doll. I walk toward the office where Pilar disappeared
into, my giant cock bouncing in front of me as I walked.

Standing fully erect in both senses of the word, I silhouette the office door to
see Wilson and Pilar playing in a way that should never be done with “the
help”. I see my surprise sitting on the couch across the office, her legs
pulled to her chest with her arms wrapped around them hiding as much of
her face as possible. I feel a pulsing in my head and my whole body begins
to quake with rage and adrenaline.
“WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?” I scream and their attention is drawn to me.
Giving Pilar a look with a level of rage she has never seen in my eyes, I grab
her hand as she raises it to try to hold me away and pull her forcefully away
from Wilson. Clutching my hands together in a single fist, I come off the
ground in a bolt. With my full strength and weight I come down on Wilson‟s
head, slamming through his hands as they try to protect him and delivering
a crushing blow that drops him instantly to the floor. He lies in a crumpled
heap at my feet as I feel the insanity pound through my being.
Turning to Pilar, my breath still heaving and my cock still bobbing at full
attention I glare at her with pursed mouth and squinting eyes.

“What in the fuck are you thinking? Damn it, are you that fucking horny that
you have to fuck the help and insult me? FUCK YOU!” Turning to my
“surprise” still sitting on the couch I command, “You, get over here, NOW!”
Heather gets off the couch slowly and walks towards me and I reach out my
hand to her, she takes it hesitantly. I feel the trembling and shaking as I
hold her hand and we walk out of the room, past Pilar without a glance and
rejoin the group.


Sitting on the couch trying to zone out of what was becoming something out
of a cheap cable porno I jolted back against the couch as A huge man came
storming through the door. God he was monstrous. He was naked and his
cock was at full attention it looked like something from a movie. God I hoped
I didn‟t have to take that tonight i thought, watching him unload on the goon
in the chair slamming him to the floor with one blow. As his rumbled yells
shook the room i watched silently as he reamed out what must be his
woman at the look of the rage on his face. Good, fuck her, and fuck him, I
thought until his face turned to me and he ordered me to his side. Getting
up quickly I scurried across the room to him hesitantly taking his hand. I
follow him out of the room past the slut wife of his who looked a cross
between pissed and mortified.


„Oh fuck, am I in the shit now‟ I am shaking violently as Bull walks past me
with Heather in tow.

I scoot around the desk to see Wilson in a crumpled heap on the floor, blood
oozing from his nose, eyes and lips, I feel for a pulse, I think I can sense a
slight fluttering but it‟s not going to last for long, „and he didn‟t even see it
coming, poor boy‟. „What the hell was I thinking, I have never seen Bull so
angry‟, I had some idea what was going to be in store for me as I got up and
sat on the couch where Heather had left the imprint of her bottom.

Twiddling my thumbs I tried to clear my head and decide what to do, should
I stay here, go home, or should I re-join the party but keep a low profile,
would he show me up in front of everyone, judging by the look of rage on
his face, I don‟t know, our private lives usually kept from prying eyes, I had
broken a cardinal rule and the consequences, I knew would be severe.
„Fuck it, what‟s the worst that can happen?‟ I think, getting up and striding
to the door, „I‟m not some little fuckin‟ two bit whore he can push around‟.


I see that I‟m not the only one with suppressed aggression. I step back and
bide my time watching the room warily.


As Colorado walks from the bed I wipe the remains of his sweat off my face
with the back of my hand, wishing I had anything to wash his taste from my
mouth, my body still shaking from the abuse and pleasure it has endured. I
hate myself for the way my body responded to Bull and can‟t bring myself to
look towards Chance. I slowly ease myself to the edge of the bed and sit up,
hissing at the soreness between my legs. I feel the stickiness between them
reminding me of the two huge orgasms that had crashed through me as Bull
took me.

I finally force myself to look up at Chance and immediately wish I hadn‟t. I

can tell his control is nearly shot, his body shaking with need as his still
erect cock, now a dark purple stands straight out as if begging for attention.
I can see small traces of blood running from his nipples and am glad that I
did not witness whatever it was that they had done to him.

Every head in the room turns as Bull walks back into the room and by the
look on his face I can tell that he is not happy. He is pulling a young woman
with him and I can see the fear in her eyes as they meet mine. Wondering
where Pilar is and what this may mean for us I slowly come to my feet,
holding on to the bed to support my weakened body.


“Nicely done Colorado! Feathers, will you be as kind as to untie our friend
here?” as I motion towards Chance. “I must say you have both done well,
but I have a few more tasks for you before we and move on to the tattoos
and silence ceremony.”Pulling Heather around in front of me, I push her
towards the couple now standing together next to the bed.

“Here is a present for you guys. She is some of the families „merchandise‟
and I would like to see you three have some fun together while we watch.
No holds barred, you guys do what you want with her. Please yourselves,
please her if you like, but put on a good show for us because I know if you
were really agents you wouldn‟t be doing drugs and trafficking in sex slaves,

“And Chance, when you are done with that, I have one more item I need
you to do to prove you are who you say you are. Turns out I just had a little
problem with „help‟ that needs to be cleaned up. You guys go ahead and get
started; I have other business I need to deal with at the moment.”


I look up in surprise as Bull brings this woman, no girl into the room, and I
look across at Colorado, shock showing on my face - he has never brought a
girl back here. And where is Pilar. I undo Chances restraints and help him
down from the bed...I go and stand next to Colorado “baby – what‟s
happening - he is angry and this is not like him - and where is Pilar - she
was with Wilson - you don‟t think....” and fall silent as you look at me and
place your finger on my lips. “shhh baby”.


I can smell an explosive situation in the air. I touch Feathers lips to silence
her and warn her of some unknown danger. We are both slowly moving back
toward the bar. We know something is up and want to get to the hidden


Relief sets in a bit as I hear Bull order feather‟s to untie me. My body is stiff
but very weak, my own blood dried on my chest but my cock still hard as
ever. The sadness I feel in side for my poor Layla, my torture was more
physical but hers had to be very mental. I am about fall where I stand but I
force myself to go to Layla, taking her in my arms asking if she is okay.
Using her to help me stand as my senses return I whisper softly in hear ear
“I am sorry baby”.

Watching as Feather‟s unties Chance it is all I can do not to run to him as he

nearly collapses as his feet hit the ground. Bracing himself against the bed
he takes a few moments to gather himself before walking over and wrapping
his arms around me.

“You okay baby?” His voice filled with worry. Fighting the feeling of wanting
to burst into tears in his arms I bury myself into his chest, his musky sweaty
scent bringing me a sense of security. “I am fine love.”

Looking up into his eyes for a silent exchange of words, not happy to see he
is as lost as I am on how we are going to get out of this situation without
making it any worse or getting ourselves killed. Our worry is increased as
Bull tosses the young girl to us, informing us that he wants us to put on a


No sooner do I gain my breath and strength, Bull pushes a young blond girl
to us, telling us to enjoy the “Family Merchandise”, obvious one of the girls
he sells for sex, the whole reason we are here. Reality grasping me (fuck we
have blown this case), We are here to save her and others from this and
now we must take her like a piece of meat. I catch Layla‟s glance, I have no
response for her, my mind has been rattled to the limits and now more.


As I‟m being pulled into a large room the scene before me is something I
don‟t think anyone outside the adult entertainment industry has seen before.
There was a small bar to the left of me and four huge beds with restraints as
well as four other naked people who looked like they have all been having an
eventful night. As everyone looked at me in amazement I realized they
didn‟t know I was coming. Suddenly the huge man that had practically
dragged me down the hallway flung me at the couple in the middle of the

They looked like they had been having a little fun but something looked off
about them. But seeing as how they are hanging out with this crowd they
were probably just as heinous as the rest of these people. The man was
older but not as old as my dad and the woman looked who no more than
thirty. As they stared at me their new gift I saw the woman‟s eyes shift a bit
looking sad for just a moment before they changed back to something
between calm and blank.

Standing before them I try to stay calm and put my arms down to my sides.
Trying to keep myself from focusing on the obvious sex that‟s been
happening I start to look around the room without moving my head, for
doors, windows any way I can slip out. There weren‟t many guards that i
saw besides the one that got hammered in the office that I saw and the men
in here. Hopefully this would be my last night in hell.


I grasp her arm wanting to console her but knowing I can‟t show her any
compassion and must treat her as a toy. I meet her eyes and she lowers
hers unable to hold my stare. With a quick glance at Chance I take her hand
and led her to the bed.

Turning to the woman “First things first, we need to help my poor husband
out here. And you‟re going to help me with that okay. Now you just lay back
on the bed there.” Leaning up kissing Chance deeply, “Up on the bed lover,
let‟s get you some relief.”

Climbing up on the bed with Chance, I run my hands over his chest, “Now I
am going to help you out here baby, you just keep your eyes on that pretty
young thing and I am going to take this band off here.” Slowly I slip the
band from around his cock, watching the mixture of pain and pleasure wash
over his face as I do. “Now I want you to watch our girl here, she is going to
lay back and play with herself,” Nodding to the woman that she should do as
I say. “And I am just going to ease the pressure here love.” I start to slide
my hand over his hard pulsing cock in slow strokes, knowing that it won‟t
take long for him to cum. I am enjoying the look of pleasure and the feel of
his cock in my hands, wishing so badly that we were alone.

I glance over at the beautiful woman laying in front of us her legs spread
and her fingers sliding through her folds. Her eyes closed, not in passion but
withdrawal, not wanting to be part of what is going to be happening to her.
My heart breaks for what I am going to have to do to this woman, but now
her survival could possibly depend on getting through tonight as well and I
promise myself if we live through this I will get her out of this somehow.


Layla shows me her strength now, taking charge as I recoup. She guides me
to the bed as the young girl lays there before us, fear in her eyes. She tells
me to just focus on the girl and not to worry. Her hands on my chest,
drifting down to my cock removing the band, freeing my blood to flood, the
whole time staring into my eyes touching my soul.

I look down as I feel Layla‟s hand taking hold of my cock as I kneel next to
the young girl. Her dark fingers gripping my white cock, a contrast that
excites me further. I return my gaze to her eyes, leaning forward I give her
a kiss and thank her. I look back at the young girl as Layla starts stroking
me. The girl trying to breath, her eyes shut as her own hand bring
stimulation to herself for our enjoyment.


Listening to the gentle command of the black woman in front of me as she

takes hold of my arm and leads me to the bed, I shed my robe and lie down.
Closing my eyes I zone out to the events happening around me, thinking of
being alone and with my ex having him watch me play with myself is the
only way I can halfway relax and seem to “enjoy” myself for the onlookers.
Thinking of Mark‟s green eyes as he used to watch me was the only thing
that calmed me in this moment. Focusing on the memories of him seated
across from me his eyes glowing with lust as he watched my fingers slip in
and out of my slick folds I started to relax. Sliding my fingers slow and deep
into my core my wetness almost surprised me, letting out a slow breath I
started to feel pleasure, something i didn‟t think i would feel ever again.


I start to move my hand faster over Chance as I whisper words to him. “I

love you baby,” My eyes meeting his in a silent communication. “Come on
give me my tasty treat lover, look at her, isn‟t she beautiful?” I watch her
fingers slide through shaven folds just inches from Chances pulsing cock.

I smile as Chance starts to groan and I know it will not be long as I feel his
balls start to tighten and see the vein in his neck skip as his head falls back
and hard jets of cum start to burst from his cock. I smile as I watch the
white sticky fluid fall across her naked body before us, coating her hand,
pussy and stomach.

Keeping my hand on Chance‟s cock, milking him for all he has to give I raise
up and kiss him deeply, hoping he can feel the true emotion in the kiss,
before turning and crawling over our girl and licking a large drop of Chance‟s
cum from her body. I raise my ass in the air and know I am giving Chance a
perfect view of how wet I am. I continue to lick cum off of her body as I let
my hands start to tease up her sides and over her breasts.


Layla says she loves me loud for all to hear but I know at this moment it was
meant for me, her words were true, a confession. I smile lipping to her “love
you”. Layla points my cock at the top of the girls shaved pussy, her stroking
of me gaining speed. Her hand works me like she has known my body
forever. My head whips back, letting out a screaming moan of relief as I feel
my cum racing through my cock. My explosion a massive one from all the
games and teasing of the night. I feel wave after wave shooting out from
me, a build up and release that i have never experienced before.

I return my attention back to the young girl. I look to find my massive thick
hot load has covered her. It coated her belly, her pussy even her hand as
she still worked her clit, my cum becoming her lube. Layla make sure she
milks me for every drop I have before giving me a deep kiss. I remove
myself from the bed, stepping back as I watch Layla lean over and start
licking the girl clean, her own wetness dripping from her.

I head to the bar where Colorado & Feathers seated watching our show. I
walk up to them, naked dripping of sweat and sex. Saying nothing to them I
grab the bottle of vodka of the bar, turning it up I chug to quench my thirst
and to sterilize my soul for what i have done and what I will do. I feel
Colorado‟s hand slap my still tender shoulder, “drink up my man, you earned
it, most don‟t make it this far and none have endured as much as you have”.

I ease the bottle back to the bar as thoughts of smashing it across

Colorado‟s skull go through my head. “Thanks man” I reply in a confident
tone as I take the Marlboro from his hand. I take a few puffs before dropping
it to the floor and put it out with my barefoot, the pain unfelt, I shoot him
and Feathers a wink and say “Pay attention you just might learn something”.
I return to the bed.


I smile back grimly. There is something wrong here. He is not enjoying this
the way he should. He is way too nervous. I whisper out of the side of my
mouth. “Keep your eyes open, something is up!!!”

I watch the show in front of me uneasily ...there is something not right.... it

is not natural and whilst I am unsure of the reason for the is Chance
I am not happy with...he is too detached and Colorado does not help when
he confirms my suspicions. I glance around and again say to my Colorado -
“where is Pilar?”

He slightly shrugs and pulls me to his lap, and whispers in my ear “Be
careful baby - I don‟t know what is happening here tonight...something is

Hearing the loud groans of the man in front of me I feel his hot cum shoot
over my stomach hands and pussy as he comes hard at the hands of his
woman. Trying not to get distracted by the revulsion I feel I continue to
stroke my clit. Seeing Mark‟s eyes inside my head is the only thing that
keeps me grounded. My skin heats up as I feel the woman slowly and
carefully climb atop me.

Feeling her tongue lightly graze my stomach I shiver at her gentle strokes of
her tongue lapping up his juices lovingly. Unlike the others in the room she
seems to be regarding me with an intentional slow and gentle demeanor,
like she doesn‟t really want to be doing this to me. Feeling her soft lips on
my skin and her gentle touch I relax and let her pleasure me with her


I Move to the side of the bed watching Layla finishing up the last of my cum
from our toys clit. My cock already hard again, needing more. I give Layla a
slap on the ass “easy love, she needs to earn that”. I grab Layla by the arm
lifting her up, bringing her lips to mine. I give her a deep passionate kiss,
her hands clasping on my face as she returns the love to me. “Baby you
need a rest” I tell her. “Lay down and enjoy”. I take our “pet” by the hand,
lifting her to her knees. I place my hands on her shoulders and look deep
into her eyes. “My wife is so special you need to show her that she is
special”. I order her to get in a 69 position and to make love to my wife‟s
pussy. I lay down beside them and watch the show directing our “Toy” what
to do.
I enjoy seeing Layla now she is relaxed knowing she is in my safety. Her
face obscured by the Toys thighs but I can tell by her moans that this time
it‟s about her pleasure. Layla‟s hands take hold of the Toys thighs holding on
as I see her body start to squirm. I sit up moving toward the Toys head that
is buried in Layla‟s pussy. I place my hand under her neck stopping her
briefly. I give her ear a nibble then whisper in her ear “Do as we say and you
will be safe”, her head nods a bit, not sure if it is a response to my
statement. I then whisper for her to slide two fingers in Layla‟s pussy. I pull
my head up eying as she obeys, sliding her fingers into Layla. In a loud tone
so all can hear I say “That is it, with a little guidance and training you will go
from Toy to Pet in no time.


The beautiful woman who hovered over me was intent on getting every drop
of this man‟s cum from my skin, taking careful loving laps at it. She must be
his wife... or just really in love. Suddenly he pulls her off of me and tells me
I am to pleasure her. My mind going blank I begin to comply, climbing over
her svelte brown body I get into the sixty-nine position as i am ordered and
take my mouth to the slick mound before me. Taking slow sucking laps at
her core i hear her start to moan.

She tastes sweet and oh so warm. As i tease her clit with my mouth her
husband leans in and nibbles my ear whispering to me that if i cooperate i
will be safe. My heart nearly stops. God this is the mercy i had been waiting
for. I didn‟t know if i could trust him, but at this point he was my only option
besides getting killed trying to escape. Dipping my head back down to the
task at hand i started to flick and tease her clit with my tongue and on the
man‟s orders I take two of my fingers and start to slide them slowly in and
out of his wife‟s hot little slit.


Relieved that Chance seems okay and by the look in his eyes still has hope
that we will make it out of this alive, I let myself get lost in his voice. Closing
my eyes as I feel our “Toy” spread me and her gentle tongue start to
explore my folds, I replay Chance‟s mouthed I love you through my mind,
knowing it was not just words for our audience, they were meant for me,
just as mine were for him.

Moaning as “Toy‟s” talented tongue teases me I grasp her legs, my nails

biting into her soft flesh as I hear Chance whispering to her, unable to make
out what he is saying I let myself get lost in the feel of her mouth, gasping
as two fingers slide slowly into me, expertly teasing me closer to my orgasm


I watch as Layla now is withering below her, moaning louder as her orgasm
approaches. I order the Toy not to stop licking her and fingering her even
when she cums. I hear Colorado cheer out “That right Chance make her ride
the wave”. I give him a smile and nod. A loud scream of passion emits from
between the Toy‟s thighs as my baby cums hard. “Don‟t stop” I bark at the
Toy. I move around getting behind the Toy on the bed, moving between her
legs looking down at my smiling Layla as she starts to ride out a second
orgasm. I give her a smile as she gasps for breath.
I take my hard cock in hand rubbing it against the Toy‟s swollen pussy
lips. I tease her some before forcefully ramming into her pussy for the
crowd. I see her head rise up and a roaring cry comes from her as I stretch
her tightness.” Lick my lady clean then enjoy my cock” I now order the Toy.
I slowly start thrusting, gliding back and forth. I let out my own moan of
pleasure as I feel the tip of Layla‟s tongue on my shaft. I resist the urge to
pound her hard the feeling of Layla‟s tongue gliding on my cock with each
thrust is the real thrill.


As my orgasm starts to ease, I open my eyes to Chance staring down at me

and my heart skips. Even if we do not make it out of here alive he will know
that I love him. I whisper I love you and watch him move forward, placing
his legs on either side of my head. I reach my arms around gripping his legs
instead of hers, my fingers caressing his skin softly. I watch as he spreads
“Toy” and slides deep inside of her in on sudden stroke. I groan at the loss
of her tongue against me as she cries out but just as quickly returns her
mouth to my body licking and teasing me as Chance starts to thrust in and
out of her, his balls brushing over my face as his hips move back and forth.

Needing to be close to him any way I possibly can I lift my head and slowly
start to lick Chance‟s shaft as he pulls in and out of Toy‟s beautiful pussy. I
taste the mixture of him and her against my tongue and let myself get lost
in the enjoyment of it. Forgetting where we are and even that there are
others around watching us. I let my nose brush his balls as I lick and press
my lips over him, placing soft kisses to his sac and cock.
Chance‟s thrust start to increase making it harder for my mouth to stay on
his cock so I move to his balls, sucking them into my mouth, moving my
head with him as I feel them tightening. I sweep my tongue over them until
I feel him pull back and suddenly press his cock into my willing mouth. He
gives two more thrusts between my lips as I open my throat to him and then
I feel his hot jets of cum against my tongue. I moan around his cock as I
swallow, taking all he can give me, washing away the taste of the others
with him.

Spent and breathless he pulls back, his spent cock still brushing my
forehead. Grinning down he brushes a stray hair from my face. “You said
you wanted your tasty treat.”

The sudden burst of laughter from me is well needed as we smile at each

other, both knowing that no matter what happens tonight things have
changed between us. Finding a strange peace in that thought I place a
gentle kiss to the head of his cock, “Thank you baby.”

Chance looks up and slaps Toy‟s ass playfully telling her to move off me,
bringing me back to reality and the others in the room. As she slides off me
sitting to the side of the bed, I raise up sitting with my back against
Chance‟s chest for a moment, unwilling to break the contact and connection
I feel with him. With one more glance up at him I whisper the word once
more. “I love you.”


After introducing Heather to the group, I turn abruptly to go back and see
Pilar. My anger has not subsided and I feel as if I am outside my own body
in a surreal moment of rage. Pulse thumping in my ears and my heads feels
like it is on fire as long strides carry me back across the room towards the
office. Just as I reach the door, Pilar is coming out and I grab her by the
arms and force her back inside, slamming the door behind us. I turn and bolt
the lock.

This is a private matter and I will not mix it with the rest of what is going on
tonight. For a moment I just stare at her, I see her expression change from
surprise to have run into me at that moment to afraid, maybe terrified when
she senses the depth of my anger and as I continue to stare her down it
slowly changes to defiance.

Pilar is a strong woman and that is one reason I love her. Despite knowing I
could crush her as easy as I did Wilson, she stands tall and proud against
me. Still naked standing in front of her with my dick swinging between my
legs as I yell and scream “What the fuck are you thinking? Look what you
did to Wilson, he didn‟t deserve that and you brought it on him. Did you
really think I would look past this or didn‟t you fuckin‟ think at all? How
much coke did you do tonight? Damn it Pilar, why in the fuck do you do this
shit to me all the time?”

I pause for a minute, trying to let the insanity gripping my mind pass with a
deep breath, but it just won‟t go. I look down at Wilson bleeding on the floor
and back up at Pilar.“Is he still alive? What do you think I should do now,


“Don‟t you fucking blame me for Wilson you cocksucking Dago”, the temper
finally hit me, “If you spent a little less time thinking with your
motherfucking greys cells instead of your pizzle, we‟d spent a less time
clearing up your fucking messes and more time on the business, you PUTO”
I spat as him as turned away walking into the room and continuing, “And if
you think you can just walk in here and put this on me, you can think again

I could hear Bull growling behind me but I didn‟t give a fuck,

“Oh and another thing, I was only playing with the poor hijo de puta, cual
es tu pinche pedo?”, you fuckin‟ whore.

Lapsing into my native tongue was never a good idea, I can‟t shut my mouth
when he gets me riled and expletives, when shouting at Bull were my
specialty and he hated it when I called him a fag.

Turning to face him I get the feeling I might have gone a little far, his face
looks like thunder but it just came out “You‟re nothing but a PIRUJO”, and
then added, “so what are you going to do about it OJETE”.

Bull –

Damn this bitch! I hate it when she pulls this shit; no one talks to me like
this! My Spanish is poor and broken, I blurt out a few phrases I know to her
back as she stands looking towards the back wall of the office. She knew
better than to face me with those remarks she was saying. She is strong,
but not stupid.

“Chinga tu madre (go fuck your mother)! Cual es tu pinche pedo Puta!
(what‟s your fucking problem whore). You want to act like a fucking whore,
then I‟ll treat you like one?”

Grabbing a handful of her hair, I force her body down against the desk with
one arm. Kicking her legs apart with my feet, I have her pinned and bent
over the desk as Wilson begins to moan on the floor next to us. I grab my
still firm cock in my other hand. Driven by the drugs, anger and need to
release, I slam my full length into Pilar in a single power stroke. I crush her
legs against the desk and pull her hair, cranking her neck to a grotesque
angle as I ram again and again, my cock growing with each stroke back to
its full length and girth.

“This is what you fuckin‟ want, isn‟t it? You‟re just a damn whore, aren‟t

My balls slap against her clit with each powerful thrust and the desk is
sliding back across the floor towards the couch. I move forward to keep up
with it, her legs off the floor and dangling. She is wet and I feel her
contracting against my cock, I know she likes it like this.

I know she likes it rough when she gets horny or high or both, but I‟m still
enraged by her actions and I‟m not here to bring her satisfaction at this
moment. That will come later when we make up, we always do and if I didn‟t
love her so much she would already be dead for betraying me. She is
constantly pushing me, pushing my limits, watching for a reaction.
Sometime she gets the one she wants, sometime she doesn‟t.

I hear her begin to moan and feel her wetness start to roll down my balls. I
know it is time to end the fun for her, but I‟m not done. Pulling my cock
from her pussy it comes out with almost a pop as she is tight around my
cock. Grabbing one ass cheek in each hand I spread them, exposing her
wrinkled opening. Without warning or preparation I slam my full length into
her ass, spreading her deep and hard. I reach for her hair again, pulling her
head back as I force my silken throbbing flesh into her most sacred orifice.
She is tight and her skin pulls against mine until it loosens.

Squeezing and pulsing from her near orgasm radiates through her ass and I
feel mine building as I cram myself deep with each thrust, working her ass
and myself into a frenzied bliss of ecstasy. As the waves of electricity begin
to roll I approach the point of no return again and plunge fully over the cliff
into orgasmic release. Emptying what feels like gallons of cum into Pilar with
each thrust and pulse of my shaft. I grunt and moan as my pace slows and
my head spins for a minute, nearly loosing sense of time and space.

I knew what was coming as he yanked my hair and threw me onto the desk,
I was wet and prepared, It‟s amazing was a good screaming match will do
for my adrenalin. As Bull plunged into me I could feel the orgasm growing
inside, my clip heightening the sensation, even when he grabbed me and
pulled my head back, I just couldn‟t get enough. Slightly more unprepared
for the ass rape and I force myself to relax before he rips me into shreds,
but the sensations scream through my body and I clutch the edge of the
desk, trying to ease my position, but suddenly I feel the warmth spreading
inside and I know he has appeased his anger a little, his body fluids pumping
into me like a flow of demented lava, forcing my submission to him, making
me his.

His breathing labored and rough, I debate on my next move, I know I‟m not
out of the woods but I have bought a little time providing I can be nice.
Pushing myself away from the desk I feel him slip away from me and turn to
face him. Perching my ass on the desk top, my legs open, dress hiked up
around my waist and leaning back on my hands, I look at his face. Slightly
dazed, is probably the expression I would say, looking into his eyes as they
slowly re-focus I smile sweetly, “Feel better for that?”, I was going to add
„You asshole‟ but thought better of it.

As I watch the look of anger returns, that does it and I just let rip “Oh for
fuck sake, give it a break you chinga (fuck up), if you are still pissed off go
and shag the whore you brought for the party, I can get more satisfaction
from Feathers, since you can‟t do it for me”. Trying to push him away, he
stood his ground, glowering over me as my rage rose.


Blowing my load always calms me down a bit and as I stand catching my

breath she pulls away and starts again with the mouth. She always has to
get in the last word when we fight and I have tired of fighting for the
moment. The blissful endorphins coursing through my veins satiate my fires
for the moment and as she chides me along I just hold up my hand in the
shape of a flapping mouth and sarcastically mimic it with my own.

Whenever I do that it either really pisses her off if she thinks she has a point
that needs to be driven home further, or she just laughs and it is the
beginning of some great makeup sex. Just as I finish my mockery of her
taunting Wilson starts to squirm and moan on the floor next to me. Looking
down at the blood drying on the floor next to him reality hits me like a ton of

“What in the hell are we gonna do with him?”


Looking in Wilson‟s direction I see that he is still well and truly alive. Yes in
a pain, but he is going to survive, unless someone puts a bullet in his head.
Turning my attention back to Bull flapping his hands at me, I just laugh,
“You are such a lummox when you want to be” and stand up.

Even in shoes Bull towers over me, touching his chest with the tips of my
fingers, I scrape my nails over his skin, walking around him, dragging the
tips as I go, leaving a slight trail in the glistening perspiration, slowly over
his arm, along his back, broad, tense watching the muscles ripple under my
touch. His breathing labored and his upper torso rising and falling with each
expansion of his chest. Following round across the other arm and stepping
in front of him again, his eyes narrowed and I look up at him,
“Forgive me properly lover” I murmur, gazing upwards at his softening

“You can beg for forgiveness where everyone can hear you” he growls
grabbing my arm. Dragging me back into the lounge he pulls me over to the
bed and throws me on. “I believe you have something to say” he growls
“Fuck off, Bull” I reply as I move to crawl off the silk sheets. Grabbing my
legs he pulls me flat as he kneels between them.

“Ask for forgiveness”, his face, blackens again and I feel a sudden rush to
my clit as he removes the clip.
Lowering his head he takes me in his mouth and bites down hard, I hear
myself scream ,“OK I‟M SORRY, FUCKIN‟ STOP IT I‟M SORRY‟, the screams
turn to gasps as he releases his grip my body is screeching as sensations of
pain and pleasure flow through me. Bull delves his tongue deep into my wet
pulsing entrance, the speed at which my orgasm hits as he licks my soft
folds then sucks on my clit tears an unholy scream from my lips and he
hangs on until, moaning and writhing my body's throbbing subsides into
gasp of sweet agony.

Raising himself to his feet, he grabs my face in his hands and pulls me close
to his face, “Behave yourself in future”, the glower on his face has an
underlying meaning and I nod as he pulls me to my feet. Walking over to
the bar, Bull pushes me back against the wall and gently runs his fingers
over my body down to the agonizing pain that is now throbbing in my pussy.


I lay with Layla & the “Toy” enjoying a little grope fest, ignoring the others. I
look at Layla and say “Baby do you need a slow gin fizz?” A smile like none
before over comes her face, “Yes I would love one” she replies. “Sloe gin
fizz” our code word for things all hell is going to break loose , follow my lead
and be ready to shoot. I remove myself from the bed and walk towards the
bar. Bull has Pilar pushed against the wall fingering her as Feathers sits in
Colorado‟s lap at the bar making out with him. The whole night I never took
my Glock sitting on the bar, the same place I set it down when I walked in,
Bull never touched it.

I walk behind the bar acting like I am going to make drinks, no one pays
attention; they are lost in their own worlds right now. I see Layla wrap the
Toy in an embrace but still looking at me. With a quick move I grab my gun
firing off two shots point blank at Feathers & Colorado‟s head. They drop
instantly to the floor, blood pouring from their heads. Slowly, a bit confused
Bull spins to see what happened with Pilar in his arms. “Revenge time” I
think to myself, I squeeze off another shot hitting Pilar in the gut on
purpose, Bull holding her tight as I let another round fly hitting Bull in the
knee cap dropping him to the floor. I walk over to them as Layla & the Toy
leave the bed heading for the bar.


As I hear the words Slow Gin Fizz adrenalin courses immediately through my
body as a huge smile crosses my face. I know that this is it, our make it or
break it moment and everything comes down to this. “Yes, I would love

Watching as he crosses the room to the bar I turn back to Toy and embrace
her in a hug making sure that I never take my eyes off of Chance. Leaning
close to Toy‟s ear I nip at her earlobe as I whisper for her to stay calm. I
watch as Chance grabs his gun from the bar and I pull Toy down as two
shots ring off. As another two shots ring out I watch as Pilar drops her eyes
wide in shock and just as sudden Bull drops to the ground clutching his leg.

The pain searing through my leg is nothing compared to the anguish in my
heart as I clutch Pilar to me. We both knew it would end like this one day,
just not today. It‟s a good thing he shot Colorado already, or else I would
have done it myself…the stupid bastard let his guard down. The blood
pumped in my head like a canon as the adrenaline filled rage boiled. I tried
to comfort Pilar, but unleashed what I could on Chance.

“You fuckin‟ asshole! I knew you were a traitor. You‟re gonna pay for this.
My contact said he was honing in on your real family and even if I am gone,
they will take you down. Go ahead pendahjo, but I will fucking haunt your
dreams and when you see your family in a pool of blood I‟ll be laughing and
waiting for you in hell!”


I laugh out loud as Pilar cries in pain, blood running down her naked thigh.
Ignoring Bull‟s cries I fire another round into his other knee. I walk up
behind Pilar as holds onto Bull sobbing. I grab Pilar by the hair putting my
gun to the back of her head. Bull pleads with me to spare her, my laughs
increasing seeing “The Mighty Bull” beg for his wife‟s life. “Hmmmmmmm,
ahhhhhhh NO” I say as I squeeze the trigger exploding Pilars skull and
brains all over Bull, her lifeless body now slumped over in his lap. Tears
filling his eyes, not of rage but genuine sadness of the lost of his wife. For
the first time ever he is speechless, tears flowing down his blood soaked
face, crying and shaking.

“How does it feel Bull to have your empire and love ones crumble before
you” I ask him. He manages to look up at me “You bastard” he yells out. I
raise my gun reading to finish him off when I hear a shot ring out and see
Bull drop over. I look back seeing Layla holding Bull‟s revolver, smoke
coming from the barrel, a tear running down her cheek. I look around all
four of them dead.

I go over to Layla taking her in my arms. I give her a deep passionate kiss,
and then tell her I am sorry things got beyond our control tonight. She looks
deeply in my eyes, “its okay my love”. Her words bring me joy knowing that
she loves me. We quickly get dressed, taking turns guarding the door. She
helps the Toy with her robe, trying to calm her and reassure her all will be

Shaking with adrenalin and anger I meet Chances eyes as he turns to look at
me, emotions of the evening catch up with me and a single tear escapes my
eye as our eyes meet. Lowering the gun as Chance walks towards me I let
out a deep breath. His arms close around me and his lips take mine in a
deep passionate kiss. Pulling back he tells me he is sorry and I can‟t help
myself as I brush a hand down his cheek. “It‟s okay my love.” We hold each
other‟s gaze only a moment before turning back to the problem around us.

Grabbing Toy as we start to grab for our clothes I ask her name. She
whispers Heather, her eyes still taking in the four bodies around the room. I
dress quickly and grab her robe.

“Come on, we will get you more clothes as soon as we can but we have to
get out of here now. Trust us and this nightmare will be over” I hold her
robe for her to slip into and run to guard the door while Chance starts to
empty bottles around the room.


Lying on the bed with the woman and her husband as they slowly run their
hands over each other and upon me I wonder what is going to happen next.
We had just seen the man whose name is apparently Bull come back in with
his whore wife and torture her with his tongue. Some way of punishing the
whore for fucking the help. My nerves still on edge I quietly watch the
people around the room. Bull had pulled his wife up against the wall and was
slowly fingering her.... the other two were kissing their coke high away in a

The man next to me asked his wife if she needed a drink and as she said yes
he got up and she pulled me close. Leaning in she quietly whispered to me
to stay calm and I knew all hell was about to break loose. One moment the
air was sickeningly still and then the shots rang out from behind the bar. The
couple that was making out on the barstool were suddenly lying atop one
another in a heap on the floor. Two more shots rang out and I closed my
eyes tight. “Oh God let me make it out of this... please.

The man that had just taken me was now killing the others in the room As
he stood yelling and taunting Bull his wife grabbed a gun that was
unknowingly sitting close by and she crept stealthily off of the bed not caring
as she stepped over the already two dead bodies on the floor. Her husband
barked out something to Bull and a second later his wife‟s brains and blood
were scattered across his face and the wall. He truly looked devastated. A
moment later as the man was about to pull the trigger his wife was ahead of
him, a split second later Bull was slumped next to his now dead wife. Frozen
with panic for a moment at the carnage that I had just seen I took a deep
breath and blinked hard.

Then the moment passed and my fight or flight mentality kicked in, grabbing
my robe I quickly put it on and listened to the man and his wife hoping they
would take me somewhere safe.


As Layla guards the door, I start pouring all the liquor bottles all over the
room. I take Colorado‟s Zippo lighter from the bar. I strike the lighter and
toss it onto the bed seeing it catch fire quickly. I peer into the hallway, no
one around; I lead the ladies slowly up the stairs with Heather between us,
Layla covering our rear. The club is dark and empty. We move quietly
around to the kitchen in the back. I yank out the gas lines so the place can
completely burn down. Out the back door we go, we stop at the electrical
panel shutting down the power so the smoke alarms won‟t go off. Moving
along the side of the building we make our way over to the woods. The only
car in the parking lot is the limo. We move closer and closer. Looking back I
can see smoke escaping the club.

An earth shattering explosion blows the club apart. I don‟t know what Bull
had in there but it was more than a gas line blowing. The driver‟s door of the
limo open and out runs the driver to the club. I take him down with one
shot. I tell Layla to get Heather to the car. I check his pulse dead. I drag his
body into the burning debris, tossing him there too cook. We speed off back
to the house. We go inside; I take a quick shower and get dressed. I tell the
girls to clean up I am going back to the club.


Chance rushes into the shower leaving Heather and I alone. I can see the
fear still in her eyes as I have her sit on the couch and hand her a bottle of
water. I debate what to tell her but at this point I figure the truth will do.

Sitting down next to her I smile and try to calm her fears. “Heather, you are
safe now. We are with the FBI and we will keep you safe, you never have to
go back there. Chance and I are both so sorry that we had to do what we did
to you tonight but it was the only way to get us out of there alive after
things went so out of control.” I watch her closely as she sits silent taking in
everything I tell her. I can see the fear in her ease some but she has not let
her guard down.

As Chance leaves I try to push my worry for him going alone to the back of
my mind. I know he is more than able to handle the situation on his own,
especially now that the group is dead. I turn my focus to Heather to take my
mind off of Chance.

“Are you hungry?” She shakes her head and I nod. “Shower then? Come on,
I will get you some clothes and show you where you can shower and sleep
tonight. Tomorrow we are going to need your help with some information so
we can get to the others but for tonight we can rest.”

I get Heather into the guest room with some of my clothes and leave her for
the night letting her know to wake me if she needs anything. Stressed and
tired I head to Chance‟s and my bedroom and slowly strip off my clothes
tossing them into the garbage can. Walking into the bathroom I shut the
door and turn on the water to near scalding. Stepping into the stream I
flinch from the pain as the water hits my bruised and worn body. Letting the
water run over me I lean my head against the shower wall and let the tears
start to fall.
Scrubbing my body hard I try to wash the filth of the night from my skin,
lathering and rinsing several times as I try to push the images of the night
from my mind. Not knowing how long before Chance will be home I force
myself to pull it together and step from the shower wrapping my robe
around my naked body and head out to the living room to await his return.


The man and his wife who I now know as Layla and Chance take me back to
their house. Sitting down on the couch with me Layla explains that she and
Chance are with the FBI and that they had to do what they did on order to
get the crazy Gang members in there to let their guard down. Looking at her
face I could see the anguish in her eyes, pure sadness, for me and possibly
for herself. God only knows what had happened to her in that room before I
had come in, especially with those other two men.

Refusing the offer of food which I knew if I looked at it right now would
instantly make me vomit she showed me to the guest bedroom. It had a
shower in there, thank, fuck. Stripping off the disgusting robe I jump in and
stay there for what seems to be forever. Washing and rewashing over and
over. Getting out I pull on the shorts and t-shirt Layla gave me to sleep in
and lie down silently staring into the dark unable to sleep. “God please let
this really be the end.....” I pray as I stare into the darkness and listen to
the sounds of the foreign house.


I drive off pulling up to the club just as the fire department and police arrive.
I inform the PD as to being an agent but to treat me like I am one of Bulls
gang members. They go through the routine of questioning me before
releasing me. On the way back to the house I call HQ telling them the club
blew up, telling them I was on my way here to meet Bull. I don‟t know why
the place went up and won‟t know if he was in the club or not till the fire is
out and they can dig through the rubble. It isn‟t till almost dawn when I
arrive back at the house.


It is nearly dawn before I see the headlights of the car turning into the
driveway. Grabbing my gun from the coffee table next to me I glance out
the window to make sure it is him. As he steps from the car his body sags
with exhaustion and stress and I fight the urge to run to him, not sure what
has happened between us tonight and how we will handle things from here.
As the door opens and our eyes meet I see a wave of emotions flash through
his eyes. I slowly set my gun on the coffee table again and take a couple
steps towards him, wrapping my arms around myself to keep from pulling
him to me. I bite my lip not sure where to start, wanting to say I am sorry,
to find out what happened, a million questions run through my head. Finally
with a deep breath I say the only thing I can.

“I love you.”

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