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Spade Dynasty Agreement

Starting Date: 8/22/2021

● The project will start when all the 100th scholars have enough time to level up their


● This project was designed to provide benefits to the players who collect more SLP than


● I am planning to distribute my scholars into 4 groups: Rook, Bishop, Knight, and Pawn.

● I am going to list all the scholars in order based on the daily collected SLP and total

collected SLP until 8/21/2021; before the program starts.

● Top 1 - 25th players will be assigned in the Rook with the profit share of 7 : 3.

● Top 26 - 50th players will be assigned in the Bishop with the profit share of 6.5 : 3.5.

● Top 51 - 75th players will be assigned in the Knight with the profit share of 6 : 4.

● Top 76 – 100th players will be assigned in the Pawn with the profit share of 5.5 : 4.5

● Profit shares will be held every month along with promotion and demotion as well.

● Maximum up to top 5 SLP collectors from the group Bishop, Knight, and Pawn will get a

chance to be promoted to the upper level of the group. However, the top 5 worst SLP

collectors from group Rook, Bishop, and Knight will be demoted to the low level of the


● The profit share of AXS rewards from being top 300 on the Arena ranking will be 6 : 4.
General Rule during the Program

● All scholars are required to collect at least 150 SLP per day. (Unless I change the quota)

● I am going to check SLP status for each one of you every week.

● If you don’t reach at least 150 SLP a day, I might need to substitute with the others since

there are many other waitlisted scholars, who are willing to join my guild. I really do not

want to hear any excuses, because you all agreed with me that you can get 150 SLP per

day when you join the server. (Unless I change the quota)

● If you don’t reach 2100 SLP after two weeks, the profit share will be 5:5 and I am going

to substitute with another player. I am sorry :(

● If you quit during the program, the SLP will be shared with an 8:2 ratio (8 to me and 2 to

you). However, if you quit my program on the day of profit share, the profit share will be

6:4 ratio (6 to you and 4 to me).

Promotion and Demotion

● Promotion and Demotion will be held every month on the day of profit share.

● Top 5 players from the group: Bishop, Knight, and Pawn will have a chance to get

promoted. In order for them to be promoted, they must exceed the number of SLPs of

top 5 worst players from the upper group.

● For example)

Let’s say 21st - 25th from group: Rook collected,

R-21 : 5000, R-22: 4950, R-23: 4900, R-24: 4850, R-25: 4800.

Top 1 – 5th players from group: Bishop collected,

B-1: 4900, B-2: 4850, B-3: 4800, B-4: 4750, B-5: 4700.

If this is the case, R-24 (4850) will be switched with B-1 (4900), and R-25 (4800) will be

switched with B-2(4850). Two people from the Bishop group will be promoted and two

people from the Rook group will be demoted.

● If there are any questions or concerns, please ask questions on the support channel.
I agree and consent to the terms and conditions as indicated in this agreement

per signature consent below:

July 27, 2021

Date: _________________________

Discord Username / Printed Name: selcouth PATRICIA MAE E. BERNARDO


Signature: _______________________

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