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India is a Rising Space Power

आ र भारत Education is to learn about the general knowledge and the

activities which are happening and we observe in nature which
is getting closer to the truth

Education is which we are trying to question ?

Many students migrate for the higher education from our country to
the another country

When the aerospace engineering and related themes themes are

growing exponentially and Indian students have no such
recognition for these elds of study in India at that level compared
to the Harvard or Cambridge universities.

Indians are known for their knowledge, mathematics and

understanding of things the recognition in India for space industry
study is not there maybe because of the teaching maybe because
of the forms or methods or because of the system or the need of
the speci c subject related to space .

India is the rising power in the space industry and many Indian
students would actually be very satis ed with the achievements of
our Indian resays organisation is achieving.

Aero Astro Institute Of Space Sciences

Case Study
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

( MIT ), USA.

★ The study and the experiential knowledge and practicality is necessary for learning the
hardest subjects we consider as the most important research topics father todays society.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology is a private
land-grant research university in Cambridge,
Massachusetts. Established in 1861, MIT has
★ Using the technology and the spaces designed by us together forming the creative and
since played a key role in the development of
more of a practical learning rather than the theoretical learning for the space sciences in modern technology and science, ranking it
among the most prestigious academic institutions
in the world.

★ It is very important for our country to get into the space industry and teach the students
for thinking innovative and constructive and reimagining or intervention of certain aspects

of engineering and architecture in this industry.

★ Classrooms with maximum usability and

★ Rethinking the for internal atmosphere of the classrooms and to provide labs for the improved productivity or students.

experiments and giving the basic knowledge through experiences and experiments
★ Using of large common spaces and open elds
together to form the better understanding of the subject.

for the experiments. Creation of labs and using

testable environment inside the system.

★ People started noticing this as their career option after our successful rst attend
Mongolian missions the recruitment and the students interest in the space industry is being ★ Use of Technology in Learning I.e. More of a
increasing and growing.
Practicle training studios rather than the regular

★ Indians to be precise are late but the knowledge and the uses of material and the ★ A study shows that the students who has the
e ciency of our missions and the success rate takes us to the next level in the space practical training in the subject absorbes more
industry and the rising power in it.
than what the book always tries to say.
India is a Rising Space Power

No country can be known as developed county unless its

आ र भारत
education and Technology is at its Peak.

The Introduction for the topic would be to understand why there

is need of the Astronauts Training Center and Hub in India.

Our county is in worlds Rising powers in space industry after

O u r P S LV ( P o l a r S a t e l l i t e L a u n c h Ve h i c l e ) , G S LV
( Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle ) are famous in world
for there trust and the rates of success.

New Launch Pad is getting placed in Tamil Nadu for SSLV

rockets concluding in total of 3.

Other countries use our rockets to send the satellites into the

India is Planning for its First Manned Mission In coming Years

Called As GAGANYAN mission for which Indias rst 4
astronauts who are going to space from indian territory are
selected to get training from Kyrgystan, Russia.

Astronauts Training Center And Hub

Case Study
NASA Johnson Space Center

NASA Johnson Space Center is the nest

example for the astronaut training center / Hub as
NASA already developed it for there astronauts in
1961 just before the Apollo Program.

★ Following our presidents dream the astronauts would get trained for nearly 1-2 years to It is Stationed in Houston, Texas. Nasa was
get the proper understanding and the experience of the missions which is happening.
originally formed with few handful of architects
and industrial engineers and designers.

★ The astronauts are trained for the extreme environments in the outer space and on POSSIBLE OUTCOMES FROM THE CASE :

surfaces and below the Earth surfaces through the technology we would provide in the
centre of the astronaut training centre.
★ The working of the NASA Johnson Space
centre itself and speci cally the training hub and
its interior spaces.

★ Through the arti cial environments which are created by the machines we would be able
to achieve the properties and the temperatures of these extreme environments it will help ★ E ective use of technology to train the
our astronauts to gain the experience and to adjust their body or to get used to that.
astronauts for extreme environments on earth or
in the cosmos.

★ As the world Prime Minister has imagined the situation of India and to take our space
★ Creation of the anti gravity and extreme gravity
industry to the next level the country should have its own training centre so that in the environment and several simulations for the
future space missions we should not be dependent on the other countries for their training handling and using the manned capsules in the
purposes and for the development of the Indian Recognition in the world.
world e.g. Soviets Soyuz, Tiangong’s Shenzu,
Space X- Dragon Capsule.

★ It is very important though for our country to be independent in other space industry and
★ How Mission Planning Operations and
other other industries to improve our reputation are to get a ne recognition in the world.
execution processes planned in the hub carried
out And what we could place here as a step up.

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