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As I watch the video, continuous thoughts crippled through my heart and mind.

have felt how my sadness, confusion, and annoyance overlapped each other as they
don’t know what to feel, knowing that these kids are living a hard life somewhere, while I
am here, living every day of my life by how I wanted it to be. I was moved by the
message of this video. The way it grabbed my full attention to this phenomenon when
most people ignore the lives of these kids, the way it captivated my feelings, the way it
made me show empathy with the lives of the poor children of our society, and the way it
opened my eyes to a new perspective of this world where millions of children are living
in a colorless world. Every part of this video stuck to my mind like it was placed in the
spotlight, and made me want to have a deeper understanding of the lives of these

While watching the life of Nene, an abandoned little girl, I was confused as to
why a mother would leave her child alone out in the scary world with no one to lean on
and no one to hold on. But I was surprised how she was able to survive on her own,
make a living on her own, and at the same time, be selfless and generous even when
alone. It made me ask myself, “Would I be able to survive in this world on my own?”.
The life of Joyce, a child who gave birth to another child. Her story reminded me that no
one in this world is perfect and that we all make mistakes in our lives, but it is up to us,
whether we see these mistakes as a new path into building ourselves to be better
persons or a path that was paved to continuously emphasize with our failures in life.

The story of Tinay, who looked so powerless and weak, and seemed like a rough
storm had hit her life harshly, made me reflect about the storms that have hit my life as
well. Through her story, I have come to know that the challenges we face in life are
bound to be stepping stones that will help us take the next step in surviving this world
we live in. Another story that captivated my feelings was about the life of Emong. He is
a hardworking little boy who is tired every single day, but still manages to smile and
think about others. When he saw the painting, he depicted a story where he saw Jesus
tired, and so he tried to help him. I was amazed by how this little boy thinks. I then
asked myself, “Do I also take the initiative to help others when I can?”, “Do I also
prioritize the needs of others?”. His story alone, made me reflect so much about what I
have been doing and what I should be doing to help the people around me.

Millions of kids around the world are living like Buknoy, the little boy who is
deprived of a healthy body and a healthy life. His story made me see how unfair life can
be. While knowing that countless children are out there in the world who lack the proper
nutrition for their daily life, it felt like even when I am filled with nutrition, my inner soul is
not. Because it felt as if I could not do anything to help the kids fill their lack of
nourishment. Everyday, our garbage are collected to remove the filth in our
communities. But this video made me realize that we are also a factor in this rotten
society. We see the life of poverty everyday, but our ignorance is dominant to our
willingness to help. We see the lives of these children scattered in different places, but
we choose to ignore the ways we can help. I was able to ask myself this, “Isn’t it ironic
how we want to live in a world of peace but can’t even see the life of the people
suffering in that same world?”.

Throughout watching this video, I have felt waves of emotions coming from each
story of the children. I was able to self-reflect the important things in life that I was not
able to give my full attention to, such as giving to others, being grateful for every small
things I receive, contributing to the betterment of the society, realizing and accepting the
mistakes that make up the path He made for me, and knowing that I too, can survive
this world and overcome the obstacles in life. These are the most important morals that
I have taken from this video.

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