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Manage marketing: The most used marketing management strategies

Manage marketing: Items in a marketing plan

As you all know, doing sales or managing somethings without applying a marketing plan is actually look like driving
the car without wheels. So you cannot know where you go. An affective prepared marketing plan covers you from
risks, money loosing and time loosing problems. You can think marketing strategy is not vital or not primary, but
actually, marketing method is always the most important thing and determines the destiny of your firm.

The importance of plan in marketing: How to manage marketing?

Marketing plan = trust

There is not any multiple options to create a successful business. You have to create an effective marketing plan to
start your business in a true way and prevent the possible problems. Your marketing plan needs to include most
important facts, researchings and results for your business model. How you will sell your product? How to create
trust on your customers and convince them to buy your products? If you want to reach success with a short way and
want to find angel investors to your company, you have to create a marketing plan as soon as possible.

Marketing plan should be developed and updated according to the needs of your customers and business model.
Thus you can stay current and ready for your target market.

Importance of Swot analysis about to manage marketing

Analyze the situation

SWOT analysis is vital to start a business. Swot analysis shows almost everything about a company. If this analysis
report can be taken properly, the company manager and marketing manager can see the gaps and wrong plans
easily. Thus everything about to reach to success can be seen easier. We will review this subject on our other articles
in detail. Swot analysis is generally the first step of new companies.
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Manage marketing: How to analyze the company with Swot analysis?

Swot analysis is maybe one of the most important market analysis method. Do you want to manage marketing with
an effective and scientific method? Swot is just for you. However, what is the meaning of Swot? Details can be read

How to manage marketing with Swot analysis method?

In order to reach a permanent success on marketing management, Swot is vital for institutions, companies and firms.
If this system can be used to manage marketing in the business strategy, it will most likely change everything from
top to bottom. Here those Swot items:

Definition of Swot analysis method : Manage marketing easily

Strengths: These are the competitive advantages against the other competitors in the market. A well educated sales
team is always important. If you have low staff decrease, a very loyal client base and low production spendings and
can combine these with a superior technology, then you are ready to enter in market.

Weaknesses: If we need to list them, let's explain briefly. Unreliable inventory is a problem. Also, using old
production tools will harm. However, weak marketing activities and planning problems will also lead to many
problems. These problems are important problems that can greatly reduce the ability of your business to achieve its
goals and bring an end to the business.

Opportunities: It is necessary to evaluate them well. To explain, we can say that opportunities are factors that can
contribute to the growth and profitability of your business. It is important to find new markets, follow technological
change and renew the business. To get the most out of these opportunities, you should know your business and the
industry and evaluate the opportunities in the sector.

Threats: Examples include finding staff to work with, legal problems and obstacles, negative economic conjuncture,
political problems and chronic problems of the market. Threats must be removed or eliminated by changing the
marketing strategy.

For more information about the Swot and answers of how to manage marketing question, stay tuned us for our
other articles.
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Tips to manage marketing: Describe the target market

The biggest problem of global business dynamics: marketing. In this article we will review some important points
about marketing and take a look at the tips to manage marketing. We will start with target market.

Demographic portrait

You should learn about your customers' expectations, behavior and whims. So you should know almost everything
about your target audience. In the notes you will prepare, you should draw a full portrait of your customer and
provide demographic and cultural information. You should learn features of your consumers like their jobs and ages.
Habits are very important. Culture and salaries are everything for consumers. Learn this information.

Most powerful methods to manage marketing

Estimated demand

In this part, you should learn the demand level for your products or services and note the statistics. Add the rates
you expect the customer demand to increase to your notes. Evaluate the results of all your research on demand in
this section. If you provide this information properly, you will give a green light to angel investors and financiers.
These numbers will definitely give financial institutions confidence in your growth potential.

Reasons for purchasing

Why will your customers want to buy your product? What is their motivation? Are your customers chasing
opportunities, shopping for convenience or just for pleasure? Answers to these questions should be determined.
Why do they want to buy your product? Why would you want to buy your product? Ask yourself these questions.
What are the pros and cons of your competitors? Are the prices expensive? Do they have ordinary products? What
are the shortcomings? Why do customers buy products from you? What should be your difference from your
competitors? When designing your product, you should consider these features and be specific. The easiest way to
eliminate competitors is to create new value and sell it cheaply.

Most useful tips to manage market: Establish clear marketing goals

In this part you should note the benefits of your business marketing plan. You should specify easy, logical and
achievable targets for sales.

The most common approach is to use activity measures. For example, your marketing goals might take into account:

Generally most used method is using the measures of activity. Your goals can include:

* The market share of your business and total segments,

* Number of clients and their loyalty rate

* Potential total market sales numbers

* The sales numbers of your company

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How to manage marketing with different marketing techniques?

There are many marketing strategies, you will find below the most used ones. How to manage marketing with
different methods? Let’s see together:

1.Relationship marketing

It aims to develop a personalized and friendly relationship with the consumer client in order to build loyalty. This
relationship is built through dialogue between the brand and the consumer.

2.Direct marketing

This is the set of approaches aimed at establishing a personalized and measurable contact between the company
and its prospects according to certain criteria.

Most famous marketing techniques to manage marketing process in business plan

3.Promotional marketing

This approach combines a set of techniques and means of communication implemented in the action plan of the
company. The objective is to encourage the creation or change of purchasing or consumption behavior among the
targeted targets.

4.Marketing buzz

Viral marketing aims to create a media rumor before releasing the product.

5.Growth hacking

Growth hacking is an unconventional marketing strategy, sometimes bordering on legality. The objective of growth
hacking is to rapidly generate growth in a base of captive Internet users thanks to the couple of virality and creation
of habits in the Internet.

Professional marketing techniques and methods to manage marketing process

6.Online marketing (e-marketing or digital marketing)

This is the set of means aimed at promoting an offer using internet technologies (web marketing, natural
referencing, SEO, SEA, AdWords campaign).

Its field of application is twofold: creation and optimization of websites and traffic generation.

7.Emotional marketing

Emotional marketing seeks to link your product to the emotions it will bring to your customers. Conversely,
pragmatic marketing will focus on promoting your product for its appearance, useful, practical, aesthetic, ...

8.Marketing permission

Marketing permission is a marketing technique where permission from targeted people is required before sending
them an advertisement. It is associated with another marketing term, Opt In (membership option). One of the levers
of marketing permission is to turn strangers into friends, then friends into consumers.
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The most used marketing techniques in the world: How to manage marketing

Here the most used marketing techniques all around the world to increase the success of company or firm. How to
manage marketing process professionally with useful techniques? Answer below.

Content marketing

Content marketing is a strategy for producing informative content, it aims to promote the history, identity and
values of the company and its brand. Content marketing makes it possible to deliver informative, relevant and
interesting content to a targeted audience.

Inbound marketing

Inbound marketing is a marketing technique that aims to bring the customer towards you rather than going to
canvass. This new approach to marketing bridges the gap between consumer behavior and corporate tactics.

Most used & useful marketing methods to manage marketing process

Ethnic marketing

It consists in segmenting the market based on the homogeneity of an ethnic strain of consumers. Thus, the products
offered are adapted to the physical and cultural characteristics of the target.


It is the cartographic representation and the analysis of socio-demographic, behavioral, economic data of one or
more populations of a territory. The objective is to improve the strategic knowledge of the analyzed territory to
optimize management and commercial development.

Sensory marketing

Sensory marketing helps strengthen the identity and differentiation of a product or service. It values one or more of
the consumer's senses to optimize its appeal and encourage them to buy. Sensory marketing is concerned with your
5 senses with tactile, taste, visual, auditory and olfactory marketing.

Alternative marketing

It brings together all of the "non-traditional" marketing techniques such as mobile marketing and guerilla marketing.

Most effective marketing techniques to manage marketing in business management

Street marketing

Also called street marketing, this marketing technique consists of carrying out operations to promote a brand in
public places.

Tactical marketing
Tactical media offer direct and privileged contact between the company, the brand and the consumer, such as
advertising objects.

There are other marketing techniques, some of which are very confidential such as neuromarketing or nurturing

Art of storytelling

Storytelling is a tool whose main purpose is to capture attention, to get a message across to a target by arousing
emotion. Whether drawn from a true story or simply from a legend, a story helps bring the image of a brand or
product closer to its target and offers it added value.

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