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Lessor Virtue Breaches of Compassion (Jin)

Each clan has one or Minor Verbal cruelty to a foe or stranger, allowing easily prevented suffering, tormenting animals
more tenets of Bushi-
Major Verbal cruelty to a friend, physically harming someone for revenge alone, letting an ally die
dō it views as less
without trying to save them
Massive Murdering someone of lower status in cold blood, physically harming someone for fun
When a character
chooses to forfeit Breaches of Courage (Yū)
honor due to defy this
Minor Allowing fear for yourself to influence your actions, leaving a lost battle to protect your
tenet, halve the honor
they must forfeit
(rounded up, to a Major Allowing fear to prevent you from acting entirely, fleeing to save your own skin
minimum of 1).
Massive Committing a despicable act out of fear, sacrificing someone else to save yourself
When a character Breaches of Courtesy (Rei)
is awarded honor for
making a personal Minor Drunkenness or coarse language in the presence of someone of higher status, letting an
sacrifice in the name insult to your clan or family pass without remark.
of this tenet, halve
Major Directly insulting someone of equal or higher status, letting an insult to your ancestors,
the honor they are
sensei, or lord pass without remark
awarded (rounded up,
to a minimum of 1). Massive Directly insulting your lord

Crab: Courtesy
Breaches of Duty and Loyalty (Chūgi)
Crane: Courage Minor Refusing an order to protect your lord’s interests, intentionally misinterpreting an order
Dragon: Duty and Major Refusing an order from your lord
Massive Forsaking your post for another lord
Lion: Compassion
Phoenix: Sincerity
Breaches of Honor (Meiyo)
Scorpion: Honor and Minor Touching dead flesh anywhere other than at war, persuading another to act dishonorably
Righteousness Major Neglecting your duty to pursue your earthly desires, killing in an unjustified duel
Unicorn: Courtesy
Massive Refusing seppuku when required
Breaches of Righteousness (Gi)
Honor Forfeits
Minor Abetting or covering for a comrade’s major breach of honor, lying to someone of equal or
Trifling breaches: lower status for personal gain
1 point
Major Abetting or covering for a comrade’s massive breach of honor, lying to someone of higher
Minor Breaches:
status for personal gain
= Attribute Rank Massive Murdering someone of equal or higher status, lying to your lord for selfish gain

Major Breaches: Breaches of Sincerity (Makoto)

= Attribute Rank x2
Minor Breaking your word to someone of equal or lower status, misleading a friend

Massive Breaches: Major Breaking your word to someone of higher status, manipulating someone for fun
= Attribute Rank x4
Massive Deceiving or manipulating your lord
Sacrifices for Compassion (Jin) Upmost Virtue

Minor Giving someone a common useful item, spending two or more downtime scenes helping a Each clan has one or
friend, treating a foe’s wounds after a battle. more tenets it views
as paramount, even
Major Giving up your chance to be awarded 6 or more glory for someone else, saving someone’s
above the others.
life despite knowing they may trouble you later
Massive Giving away an irreplaceable item, completing a dangerous heroic task for someone else When a character
who cannot repay you chooses to forfeit
honor due to defying
Sacrifices for Courage (Yū) one of their clan’s
paramount tenets
Minor Refusing to back down from an armed enemy while unarmed, accepting a challenge from a
they double the
foe you know to be a superior warrior
amount of honor they
Major Facing an inhuman foe such as an oni alone, preventing a comrade’s massive breach, must forfeit. If the
suffering a severity 8 or lower critical strike for your lord character is awarded
honor instead as a
Massive Preventing your lord ‘s major or massive breach, suffering a severity 8 or higher critical result of personal
strike for your lord sacrifice, double the
amount rewarded.
Sacrifices for Courtesy (Rei)
Minor Paying a sincere compliment to a foe, allowing a tired foe a moment’s respite, letting Crab: Courage
someone of higher status receive aid first Crane: Courtesy
Major Giving an unarmed foe a weapon or setting aside your own weapons to fight fairly Dragon: Sincerity
Lion: Honor
Massive Taking an enemy of higher status captive without killing or maiming them
Sacrifices for Duty and Loyalty (Chūgi)
Minor Refusing to commit an act of disloyalty to your lord despite personal feelings Scorpion:
Major Refusing to obey an unjust order from someone who is not your lord Duty and Loyalty
Unicorn: Compassion
Massive Dying in your lord’s service

Sacrifices for Honor (Meiyo) Honor Awards

Minor Persuading someone to abandon a dishonorable plan to help you Trifling Sacrifice:
1 point
Major Negotiating to avoid an unjustified duel

Massive Offering to commit seppuku for failure Minor Sacrifice:

3 points
Sacrifices for Righteousness (Gi)
Minor Delivering bad news to your lord without deflecting blame, taking responsibility for the Major Sacrifice:
6 points
failure of a subordinate
Major Retiring from a post you can no longer fulfill, relinquishing a claim or large gift to your lord Massive Sacrifice:
9 points
Massive Refusing to deny true allegations of a failure requiring you to forfeit 9+ glory or status

Sacrifices for Sincerity (Makoto)

Minor Publicly revealing a truth that damages your reputation (a forfeit of 3 or more glory)
Major Giving (honest) testimony against a political ally that jeopardizes future relations

Massive Forfeiting 6 or more glory to claim responsibility for your lord’s mistake

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