Bottleneck Report

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This is the flow chart of the dental clinic from check-in to check -out.

Simultaneous process is
happened like the cleaning and x-ray exam at are the same time process. If available the
cleaning or available the X-ray exam it depends on the patients what will be to choose. The
process time of the cleaning is 24 mins per patients or process time the bottleneck is dictates
the duration of the process. When we take the capacity of the system it is not base on the
process cycle time. Let base the process time of the system to get the capacity of the system
because if when we reversed the process time of the system capacity of the system is will
appear. We will find out how much capacity of the system is an hour?
Our process time of the system is 24 mins per patients. Then the process time of the system will
be reversed to become a capacity of the system which is 1 patient per 24 mins that will be a
capacity of the system. Then our denominator is already minutes so convert just hour that will
be 60 mins over 1 hour. Then cancel the mins will be the capacity of the system is 2.5 patient
per hour. The .5 is theoretical it because no patients .5

Before we know the theory of constraints go back first what we said our speaker about the
bottleneck is longest time a process , slowest rate a system or biggest constraints of a system .
so will have a inventory and idle time in the system because of the bottlenecks
When we say TOC or theory of the constraint it is a develop by Dr. Goldraft with 5 steps
thinking process which is help a firm achieve optimal throughput also help to identify ways of
overcoming the bottleneck. TOC is used technique to improves speed process to eliminating or
reducing these constraints. For the step 1 identify the constraints- let is identify the bottleneck
that can be man, material, machine and process. Maybe because the bottleneck root of the
equipment maybe it is because the equipment is old so there are bottleneck. or the manpower
maybe it is because the man power unskilled so there is a root of bottleneck. Then if identify the
bottleneck we proceed the step 2 develop a plan for overcoming the constraints. We need to
utilize the maximum the capacity of the constraints and develop plan to focused to primary
constraints in step 1. The we solve the plan proceed the step 3 develop resources on a
accomplishing step 2 according to the theory we need to action fix the bottleneck to related the
previous steps, after the step 3 proceed the step 4 reduce the effects of constraints by
offloading work or expanding capacity we need to investment in the constraint because no plan
no cost we you like to maximize the bottleneck you will really speed the money to purchase a
new machine, equipment better trained employee. After all step is already finished will move on
and we do other the find the another bottleneck. Actually not totally eliminate the bottleneck but
we minimize the bottleneck .

manager must be focusing significant attention to implementation of bottleneck and non-
bottleneck scheduling frequency operations what to expect control manage the process
Limitation and prevent the constraints: manager focusing to applying the bottleneck should
always cut busy work, will trained worker, expectation prior the bottleneck can reduce lost
capacity of bottleneck: manager focus some effort of bottleneck, developing alternatives routing.
Under control changing technology , product and product mix: working faster a non-bottleneck
station may just create extra inventory, non-bottleneck not cost delay.

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