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-The Nature of Language and Learning

Caramoan, Camarines Sur

The Nature of Language and Learning

A. Overview

First of all, language is defined by some different scholars. Taken together, language is
systematic and a set of arbitrary symbols, which are primarily vocal, but may also be visual, and
has universal characteristics. Brown claimed that a teacher’s understanding of the language
affects their teaching method.
Next, learning has also the factors of the definition such as language. Learning may be defined as
acquisition or “getting” and storage systems cognitive organization. Brown said that he cannot
consider teaching without learning. That is, teaching is closely related with learning. Teaching
can be defined as governing principles for choosing certain methods and techniques.
While some agree with those definitions of language, learning and teaching above, others
disagree with those definitions. Yet, this kind of disagreement has some trends, which are
divided into three different schools of thought, especially in the fields of linguistics and
Firstly, in the 1940s and 1950s, the structural or descriptive was prevalent in school of
linguistics. Structuralists claimed that language can differ from each other and their task is to
investigate publicly observable responses. At the same period of time, a behavioral paradigm,
which was prevalent among psychologists, focused on publicly observable responses that can be
measured and perceived in a scientific way.
Second, in 1960s, generative-transformational linguistics emerged by the influence of Noam
Chomsky. They were interested both in observable aspects of language and the hidden levels of
meaning. Cognitive psychologists argued that meaning, understanding, and knowing were
significant data for psychological study and they wanted to discover underlying motivations and
deeper structures of human behavior through a rational approach.
Lastly, from 1980s to 2000s, constructivism asserted by Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky emerged.
It was integrated with linguistic, psychological and sociological paradigms. Constructivism
focused on the importance of learners constructing their own representation of reality. Unlike
previous one, social constructivism focused on the importance of social interaction and
cooperative learning. In this connection, the most important concept is the notion of zone of
proximal development, which is the distance between learners’ existing development state and
their potential development.
As linguistics and psychology had some trends, so did pedagogical side of profession. In the old
days, learning a foreign language was the same as learning Latin or Greek. So, the method called
Classical Method, which was called Grammar Translation later, focused on reading and
memorization of vocabulary, but communication skill was ignored. In 19 centuries, another
teaching method emerged. It is Gouin’s asserted Series Method. Since then, in late 1940s and

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Caramoan, Camarines Sur

1950s, Audiolingual Method was popular, which stressed the importance of oral production drills
and affected the Direct Method later. Under the influence of constructivism, there is a growing
interest in interactive and sociocultural process of language acquisition. Nowadays,
Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is a hot issue in pedagogical field. They are getting
more interested in communication skill in learning a second language and provide learning with
related to the real world.


1. To define language and learning

2. To differentiate language learning from language acquisition.
3. To understand the nature of learning.


Make a word/tag clouding with Learning and Language as two big words. (refer to the
example given)

What is language?

Language is the process of exchanging of messages and creating meaning.

Language is part of culture.
Language is also intertwined with human biology.

Characteristics of Human Language

1. Language is a social tool.

2. Language must be learned.
3. The relationship between the sound of a language and their meaning is arbitrary and
4. Language has rules.
5. Language allows human to be creative.

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Caramoan, Camarines Sur

Language acquisition vs Language Learning

Language is about communication and identity (Baker, 2000:26). We need language to

transfer and share information and to build relationships with the others. Bowen (1998) said
that language is called the symbolization of thought. It is a learned code, or system of rules
that enables us to communicate ideas and express wants and needs. Bowen further added that
language falls into two main divisions, receptive language (understanding what is said,
written or signed) and expressive language (related to speaking, writing or signing). Thus,
language is simply defined by Richards et. al. (1992, p. 196) as the system of human
communication which consists of the structures arrangements of sounds (or their written
presentation) into larger units, e.g. morphemes, words, sentences, utterances.

The process of perceiving language in an individual is by the processes of learning and

acquisition. Learning is a conscious process, knowing the rules, being aware of them, and
being able to talk about them. Whereas acquisition is a process by which children
unconsciously acquire their native/first language(s). In language acquisition, the focus is on
communication or reception of a message as opposed to syntax and grammar as is the case in
language learning (Rice, Bruehler & Specker, 2004). Ebert & Hawk (2003).

It is believed that the usual outcome of language acquisition is fluency, which is by no

means guaranteed in language learning.

Nature of Learning

1. Learning is a process.
2. Learning involves experiences and training of an individual which helps to change his
3. Learning prepares the individual to adjust and adopt in the situations.
4. All learning is purposeful and goal oriented.
5. Learning is universal and continuous. 6. It is a continuous process and never- ending
process that goes from womb to tomb.

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Caramoan, Camarines Sur

7 Principles in Learning (Dumont et. al. 2010)

1. Learners at the center.

2. The social nature of learning.
3. Emotions are integral to learning.
4. Recognizing individual difference.
5. Stretching all students.
6. Assessment for learning.
7. Building horizontal connections.

First Language Acquisition vs Second Language Acquisition

The expected cry of a newborn baby is the first sign of human communication.
Language acquisition process can be seen as a running parallel throughout a child’s
life every day. She/he learns to communicate through natural interactions with his/her
environment. The process begins in the early live of a human and requires a healthy
start, sufficient opportunities, and exposure to a care giving environment that allows
the child’s innate predisposition to learn to communicate to functions (Rossetti, 2001,
p. 45). More than half of the world’s population today uses more than one language
while being connected to fundamental human activities. Bilingualism symbolizes the
essential humanity of building bridges between people of different color, creed, culture
and language (Baker, 2000, p.5).

Baker (2000) stated children are born ready to become bilinguals and
multilingual. They are like “sponges”, as they sponges-up all languages provided by
their environment and chances to interact with people of different language
backgrounds. They would pick-up any language without endangering their own first
language development. Lambert (1962) said that bilingual activity does not retard
intelligence (in Garcia, 1986).

To enhance children’s bilingualism, a lot of stimulations to language are essential.

In some 10 situations, producing bilingual children is easy and natural, in others it can
be a struggle. A lot of factors affect the process, such as encouragements from both of
the parents at home and the community. In bilingual and multilingual community,
there is a great need to master two or more languages for operating daily activities
successfully. Therefore, this situation strongly supports the children’s bilingualism.
Language engineering or shaping is important in families that judge bilingualism as a

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challenge. This means that it is important that children’s attitudes towards their
languages are motivated and encouraged continuously. A variety of pleasurable
environment for language growth is very important.


A. Performance Task
Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following statements is true about language acquisition?

a) At birth, children know the elementary aspects of the language of their parents.
b) By age one, children typically use about three words consisting of single morphemes.
c) Babies learn a language best when they are forced to repeat phrases given to them by
their parents.
d) none of the above

2. When young children begin to learn standard grammar, they tend to over regularize it.
What does this mean?
a) They consistently use correct grammar in virtually every sentence.
b) They excessively regulate or control what they say to the point that they become
c) They assume that common syntax rules apply in all situations.
d) none of the above

3. The best time to learn a second language is in:

a) early childhood b) junior and senior high school c) college

4. It is best to learn a second language:

a) in a classroom where you can focus on the grammar and receive help from a teacher
b) through constant contact with native speakers in their own society
c) both of the above approaches to learning are equally effective.

5. Which of the following statements is true about the effect of language?

a) Bilingual people usually perform math and other complicated mental tasks with
their first language.
b) Second languages learned as adults are rarely forgotten even if they are not used
c) neither of the above is true

6. Language acquisition
A. is best understood by watching animals communicate.
B. is a theory that is agreed upon by the psychological community.
C. cannot happen among the deaf community.
D. is the process by which we learn to communicate in meaningful ways.

7. How can we describe the language acquisition device?

A. A hypothetical tool that helps children quickly learn and understand language
B. A section of the brain labeled 'language acquisition device'
C. A device you plug into children's heads to teach them a language

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Caramoan, Camarines Sur

D. A toy that teaches children how to speak

8. Who developed the language acquisition device?

A. Noam Chomsky C. Chuck Norris
B. Choam Nomsky D. Chuck Numsky

9. Which is NOT a stage of language acquisition according to Krashen´s theory?

A. Pre- production.
B. Early production.
C. Language interference
D. Speech emergent.

10. The idea that ‘Language is not learnt by groups’ relates to.
A. Individual differences
B. Affective Factors
C. Cognitive Factors


-Bolton, W.F. and David C. (Eds.).(1987).The English language.London, England: Penguin

Books Principles of Language and Learning Douglas Brown Principles and Practice in second
Language Acquisition by Krashen Stephen Cruz, Neal.
“As I See It: Philippine mythological monsters”. Philippine Daily Inquirer. 2008.
Electronic Research on.pdf tion_theories 55
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