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Theories of Management

Classical Approaches
The classical approaches focus in
developing principles to manage the

Known approaches that emerged during

the classical period were the Scientific
Management, Administrative
Management, Bureaucracy and Human
Relation Management.

Scientific Management
- The scientific management era
was spearheaded by Frederick Scientific Management
Winslow Taylor (1856-195).
- A young engineer who started his - Henry Gantt (1861-1919) also
working career at Midvale Steel made an important contribution to
Company. scientific management.
- He is also known as the Father of - He recognized the value of non
Scientific Management in the year monetary rewards to motivate
1911. workers.
- He also developed a system for
scheduling called Gantt Charts
Motion Studies (Stevenson & Chuong, 2010).
- Gantt charts are considered as one
- Frank Gilbreth and his wife Lillian of the most important
Gilbreth use motion studies to management tool that is widely
simplify and develop more efficient used by managers to this day. It
work procedures. provides mechanism in controlling
- They applied efficiency methods in and monitoring work progress of
their home with 12 children. employees or workers.
- Frank Gilbreth was known as the - Henry Ford (1863-1947) is known
“Father of Motion Study” while to be one of the great
Lillian is commonly referred as industrialists who use Scientific
“First Lady of Management”. Management techniques in his
- Motion study is the reducing or factories.
breaking a task to its physical - The major contribution of Henry
motions and eliminating Ford is the introduction of the
unnecessary or redundant motions. moving assembly line which had a
- Frederick W. Taylor emphasized in tremendous impact on production
managing work through efficiency methods in many industries
while Frank and Lillian Gilbreth (Stevenson & Chuong, 2010).
emphasized in managing motion. - Henry Ford also introduced the
- The Gilbrets also devise a mass production method. It is a
classification scheme to label 17 method of production in which large
basic hand motions (such as grasp, volumes of standardized goods are
hold) which they called therbligs produced by workers using highly
(Gilbreth spelled backwards with advance equipment.
th transposed) (Robbins & Coulter, - The other concept used by Ford
2004). was the Division of Labor.
- It is the breaking up of jobs into Equity – fair, discipline and order enhance
small tasks. The tasks were so employee commitment. Treating employees
narrow that virtually no skill was well is important to achieve equity.
Stability of tenure of personnel – promote
Administrative Management employee loyalty and longevity. An insecure
tenure and high rate of employee
- The administrative management turnover will affect the organization
approach emphasized the adversely.
perspective of senior managers
within the organization. Initiative – encourage employees to act
- It also argues that management on their own in support of the
is a profession and could be taught organization’s direction.
(Bateman & Snell, 2008). Esprit de corps (Team spirit) – promotes
- Henry (Henri) Fayol is a French a unity of interests between employees
mining engineer. and management. Management must
- He is also known as the “Father of foster the morale of its employees.
Modern Management”.
- He published a book summarizing
his management experiences
wherein he identified 5 (five)
management functions: planning, - Max Weber (1864-1920) is a
organizing, commanding, German sociologist who introduces
coordinating, and controlling. the idea of a bureaucratic
- He also developed 14 principles of organization.
management. - The aim of this concept is to
create an organization that has
authority structures with a clear
Fayol’s 14 Principles of Management procedure of rules and regulations.
Division of work – divide work into - Bureaucracy can be defined as a
specialized tasks and assign rational and efficient form of
responsibilities to specific individuals. organization founded on logic order,
and legitimate authority
Authority – delegate authority along with (Schermerhorn, 1999, p.75).
responsibility. The right to issue
commands, along with which must go the
balanced responsibility for its function.
Behavioral Theories
Discipline – make expectations clear and
punish violations. - Human Relations Management is
an approach in management that
Unity of command – each employee should emphasizes on the understanding
be assigned to only one supervisor. Each of the importance of human
worker should have only one boss with no element in a workplace.
other conflicting lines of command. - In today’s settings, this is known
Unity of direction – employee’s efforts as Organizational Behavior, which
should be focused on achieving can be defined as the study of
organizational objectives. People engaged human behavior in organizational
in the same kind of activities must have settings, of the interface between
the same objectives in a single plan. human behavior and the
organization and of the
Order – order jobs (social order) and organization itself
material (material order) so they support - (Griffin & Moorehead, 2012).
the organization’s direction.
- Elton Mayo (1880-1949) is a ✓ Physiological Needs – it is also
researcher who conducted studies known as the basic needs. (food,
at Hawthorne Works Plant of water, air)
Western Electric in Chicago.
✓ Safety Needs – a need which
- He led a team who developed a
involves need for security and
research project known as
protection from physical and
emotional needs.
Hawthorne Studies.
- It is a series of experiments in ✓ Social Needs – this level is also
which the initial studies failed known as Belongingness needs. It
because the team proposed that includes need for love and affection,
better lighting would improve the acceptance and friendship.
performance of the workers but it
✓ Esteem Needs – it involves self-
is reasonable that better lighting
respect, recognition and
will have a positive effect in the
increase of production.
✓ Self-Actualization Needs - the
- The researchers concluded that highest level in the hierarchy. It
workers performed well when they is also known as self-fulfillment, it
know that they are part of the involves a person realizing his/her
experiment and when they are full potential and abilities
being observed by the researchers.
- This effect is known as the
“Hawthorne Effect”. - Frederick Herzberg (1923-200) is
- The team also concluded that a psychologist who conducted a
psychological and social factors are research where he started
more important than physical interviewing 200 accountants and
condition of the workplace and engineers in Pittsburgh that
financial incentives in motivating resulted him to develop the

Two-Factor theory or better known as

- Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) is Motivation-Hygiene Theory.
a professor and psychologist who
- This theory proposes that
developed a motivational theory in
employees are motivated by
which it is considered to be the
intrinsic factors rather than
best-known theory of motivation.
extrinsic factors.
- Motivation is the inner desire to
- Intrinsic or Motivation factors are
satisfy an unsatisfied need
related to job satisfaction such as
(Lussier, 2006, p.428).
achievement and recognition.
- This theory is known as :Maslow’s
- Extrinsic or Hygiene factors are
Hierarchy of Needs”.
associated with job dissatisfaction
- It consists of five basic categories
such as working conditions, company
of needs.
policies, pay and job security.
- Need refers to the deficiencies
that energize or trigger behaviors
to satisfy those needs (McShane &
Glinow, 2008, p. 135).

Management Science
- Management Science is an
approach that emphasizes the use
of mathematics or quantitative
techniques to analyze and support
management decisions and

- After World War II , the efforts

to develop several quantitative
techniques continues which helps
business managers make decision in
terms of solving problems.
- Douglas McGregor (1906-1964) is
a psychologist who developed
philosophical view of human - Linear programming is used to
behavior with his Theory X and calculate allocation of scarce
Theory Y. resources, it can also be used in
inventory management.
- The two sets of assumptions that
represented how employees view - Quantitative management allows
work. for developing quantitative
approaches such as statistics and
computer simulations to arrive at
- Theory X represents a negative management decision.
end or view of people they avoid
work, responsibility, relatively have
little ambition and need to be - The two main branches of
controlled (reward and punish) and quantitative management are
supervised. management science and operations
management (Zarate, 2009).
- Theory Y represents a positive end
or view of workers, they usually
accept and seek responsibility.
They enjoy the physical and mental
aspect of work and more
committed to work. They can
express self-control and self-
direction towards organization
System Theory Contingency Management
- The system theory focuses on - In modern management, it is
viewing the organization as a difficult to identify one best ways
whole and the interrelationships of to manage and organize firms in all
its parts. circumstances because different
factors may vary depending on the
- System is a collection of situation.
interrelated elements that
function as a whole. Subsystems - Understanding contingencies helps
are small units of a larger system. managers determine on how to

- Organizations are open systems - react to the situation by choosing

that process resources (inputs) a proper strategy.
into a product or services
(outputs) in which the - Contingency thinking recognizes
environment reacts to the output that what may be a good
in the form of feedbacks. structure for one organization may
not work as well in another

- It also recognizes that what may

work well at one time may not
work as well in the future as
circumstances change
(Schermerhorn, 1999).

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