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Republic of the Philippines


Lingayen Campus

Department of Education

Bachelor of Technical Vocational Teacher Education

A.Y. 2021 – 2022


TOPIC: Orientation for Student in Field Study Courses

THEME: Students Immersion in the New Climate, Culture and Environment: The Demand of
New Normal

TIME AND DATE: September 27, 2021 (First Session: 8:30 AM to 12 NN)
(Second Session: 1 PM to 3 PM)

VENUE: Virtual Orientation via Livestream on Facebook Page and Zoom Platform

"Teaching is the Noblest Profession"

The Vice President for Academic and Students Affairs organization conduct a Virtual Campus
Level Orientation for Students in the Field Study Courses, today, 27th day of September, together
with the Pangasinan State Universities nine campuses including Alaminos, Asingan, Bayambang,
Binmaley, Infanta, Lingayen, San Carlos, Sta. Maria and Urdaneta. The said Orientation for Students in
the Field Study Courses with its theme: Students Immersion in the New Climate, Culture and
Environment: The Demand of New Normal was devided and held in two sessions, first session started
at 8:30 AM up to 12 NN, and the second session started at 1 PM up to 3 PM. The Virtual Campus Level
Orientation Program focus on Guidelines in the Conduct of FS Courses, Schedule of Activities and FS
Processes and Requirements together with Grading System. The orientation program was hosted by
Mrs. Betha Fe G. Cruz, the Pangasinan State University Lingayen Campus Practice Teaching

The orientation program was started by the University Prayer, National Anthem, ASEAN
Hymn, Pangasinan Hymn and PSU Hymn through Audio Visual Presentation , to be followed by Quality
Policy by Ms. Mary Anne Kimper Cabueños -Pangasinan State University San Carlos Campus Practice
Teaching Coordinator, the Presentation of Participants was led by Mr. Louie Casaclang-Pangasinan
State University Asingan Campus Practice Teaching Coordinator, the Welcome Remarks was led by Dr.
Manolito C. Manuel- the Vice President for Academic and Students Affairs, the Statement of the
Purpose was discussed by Dr. Razeal G. Resultay- Curriculum and Instruction Director, an Inspirational
Message coming from Dr. Elbert M. Galas- Officer-in-charge in the Office of the President, a warmest,
deepest and sincerely Messages through recorded video coming from Dr. Renato E. Salcedo-
Pangasinan State University Chair Executive Director of Alaminos Campus, second is from Dr. Armando
D. Junio- Pangasinan State University Chair Executive Director of Asingan Campus, third is coming from
Dr. Liza L. Quimson- Pangasinan State University Chair Executive Director of Bayambang Campus,
fourth is from Dr. Roy C. Ferrer-Pangasinan State University Chair Executive Director of Binmaley
Campus, fifth is coming from Dr. Ian D. Evangelista-Pangasinan State University Chair Executive
Director of Infanta Campus, sixth we have Dr. Lorna G. Urbiztondo- Pangasinan State University Chair
Executive Director of Lingayen Campus, seventh is from Dr. Adonis S. Bautista- Pangasinan State
University Chair Executive Director of San Carlos Campus, eighth is coming from Dr. Emler S. Bingua-
Pangasinan State University Chair Executive Director of Sta. Maria Campus, and the last one we have
Dr. Honorio L. Cacolan- Pangasinan State University Chair Executive Director of Urdaneta Campus, the
Introduction of the Keynote Speaker was led by Dr. Rosanna Gonzales, the Pangasinan State
University Infanta Campus Practice Teaching Coordinator.

The Virtual Orientation Program first session with our very own Keynote Speaker was Dr. Juan
Primitivo P. Petrola, Education Supervisor II, Teacher Education- Commission on Higher Education-
Region 1, PSU Alumnus-Bayambang Campus- batch 2008, as what he said on his speech that "Teaching
is the Noblest Profession", that also according to Abdul Kalam "Teaching is a very noble profession
that shapes the character, caliber, and future of an individual", the teachers play an integral role in
designing and managing the learning environment, leading instruction and providing expert guidance
and support while encouraging students to take increasing ownership of their learning, in the New
normal we are facing right now, through this pandemic, Teachers should be flexible, that s/he can turn
the Traditional classroom setting into a Flipped classroom setting. Dr. Petrola said that " We are still
on our way towards the NEW NORMAL...we have not yet reach our Destination", in response to the
New Normal, Teachers should be versatile and also be an Technology Literate, but Technology
matters: Technology makes it easier for the teachers to adapt, modify and enhance classroom lessons
on ways far different with the days of dusty green chalkboards and rattling transparent projectors, to
cope with the New Normal following should be able to do and maintain: Intermittent internet
connection is no longer a problem, full acceptance of the concepts and practice of flexible learning,
gadgest are no longer issues and problems among learners and teachers, teachers are fully trained
and equipped with technology knows-hows amd lastly SMART campuses are reality, but how can we
achieve this SMART campuses?. The desired destination of any educational institution to this new
normal is to become a SMART campuses, in line with this are the features like: Customized Tablets,
Sensor, Mobile Devices, Touch Boards, Interactive Projectors, Wi-Fi, Pana Boards and CCTV, but those
features of SMART campuses are truly hard to attain. In the Orientation Program Dr. Petrola also
tackled about "Personalized Learning", this is to make individual/s learning needs the primary
consideration in important educational and instructional decisions rather than what might ne
preferred, more convenient or logically easier to Teachers and Schools, 2015 study funded by the Bill
and Melinda Gates Foundation: "The adoption of Personalize Learning approaches has increased
significantly in recent years due in part of rapid advances in technology platforms and digital content",
but how to apply this Personalized Learning for students?, first set personal learning plans, second
encourage self-assessment, third conduct frequent formative assessment, fourth use project-base
learning, fifth introduce "student voice", sixth increase parent involvement, seventh offer more
learning pathways, eight swith to standard-based grading, ninth utilize digital tools and last one teach
digital literacy, in this New Normal and New Generation, more students are 21st century skilled, but
according to Alvin Toffler, "The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and
write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn". Teaching is the Noblest Profession, without
teacher, there is no other profession, Teaching is a Mission, and not a Job as what Dr. Juan Primitivo
P. Petrola said "Isa kang GURO, hindi Guro lang".

The Virtual Orientation Program second session starts with the Implementing Guidelines in
conducting Field Study 1and 2 was discussed by Dr. Rosanna Gonzales, the Pangasinan State University
Infanta Campus Practice Teaching Coordinator, that followed by the Schedule of Activities and was
discussed by Associate Professor Perla G. Delos Santos, University Head of Practice Teaching and
Review Center. In regards to the Field Study Requirements and Indicators in Assessing the FS Students
Requirements it was played through Audio Visual Presentation, and lastly The Presentation of
Orientation Activities by Campus was also briefly explained and discussed by Associate Professor Perla
G. Delos Santos, University Head of Practice Teaching and Review Center.

The closing remarks was came from Associate Professor Perla G. Delos Santos, University Head
of Practice Teaching and Review Center.

The Orientation for Students in Field Study Courses with a theme of Student Immersion in
the New Climate, Culture and Environment: The Demand of the New Normal was hosted by Mrs.
Betha Fe G. Cruz, the Pangasinan State University Lingayen Campus Practice Teaching Coordinator.

Welcome Remarks was led by Dr. Manolito C. Manuel- the Vice President for Academic and Students
Affairs, the Statement of the Purpose was discussed by Dr. Razeal G. Resultay- Curriculum and
Instruction Director.

An inspirational messages from the Campus Executive Directors of 9 PSU’s campuses.

The Virtual Orientation Program first session with our very own Keynote Speaker was Dr. Juan
Primitivo P. Petrola, Education Supervisor II, Teacher Education- Commission on Higher Education-
Region 1, PSU Alumnus-Bayambang Campus- batch 2008, as what he said on his speech that
"Teaching is the Noblest Profession".

The afternoon session of Virtual Orientation Program tackled the Implementing Guidelines,
requirements and schedule of activities in conducting Field Study 1and 2. After the program ended,
there is a question and answer about field study.

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