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Fundamentals of Microbiology 1st BIMO

Microbiology Dr. Abueva LEC # 1


● transmit diseases in plants

● obligate intracellular but acellular parasites of plants
I. Microbiology PRIONS
II. Viroids and Prions
III. Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes
● Infectious proteinaceous agents
IV. The Major Subdivision of Prokaryotes ● Cellular form of the prion protein (PrPc) is encoded
V. Optical Methods by the host’s chromosomal DNA
VI. Bacteria ● Capable of causing chronic neurologic disease (man
A. Shapes of Bacteria and animals)
B. Bacterial Structures
VII. Different Kinds of Staining Method
VIII. Overview of Medically Important Bacteria
IX. Classification of Bacteria
X. Criteria for Identification of Bacteria

Must Know Book Lecturer


● Microbiology is the study of microorganisms, a large

and diverse group of microscopic organisms that Table 1. Characteristics of Viruses, Viroids, and Prions
exist as single cells or cell clusters; it also includes
viruses, which are microscopic but not cellular. III. PROKARYOTES vs EUKARYOTES
1. Viruses
○ not considered cells, acellular
○ either DNA or RNA
○ non-motile
○ nature of outer surface are:
■ protein capsid (naked virus)
■ lipoprotein envelope (envelope
2. Bacteria
○ both DNA and RNA
○ prokaryotic cell
○ rigid wall contain peptidoglycan
○ some are motile
○ replicates through binary fission
3. Fungi
○ both DNA and RNA
○ eukaryotic cell
○ rigid wall contain chitin
○ non-motile Additional info: See appendix TABLE 2. Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes
○ replicates through budding or mitosis
4. Protozoa and Helminths (Parasites) IV. The Major Subdivisions Within the Prokaryotes
○ both DNA and RNA
○ eukaryotic cell ● Bacteria
○ it has a flexible membrane ● Archaebacteria
○ most are motile o A trait shared by archaebacteria and
○ replicates through mitosis eukaryotes is the presence of introns within
See appendix TABLE 1. CHARACTERISTICS OF genes.
MICROBIAL GROUPS o This common trait has led to the suggestion
that the eukaryotic nucleus may have arisen
II. VIROIDS AND PRIONS from an archaebacterial ancestor.

VIROIDS Protists
● small, single-stranded, covalently closed circular ● The “true nucleus” of eukaryotes is only one of their
RNA molecules existing as highly base-paired rod distinguishing features.
like structures


● Microbial eukaryotes—protists—are members of the ○ 3 or 4 lenses with a range of different
4 following major groups: algae, protozoa, fungi, and magnification
slime molds. ○ 4 separate lenses that magnify the image (4X,
10X, 40X and 100X) depending on the objective
Algae in use.
● The term algae has long been used to denote all 2. Nosepiece
organisms that produce O2 as a product of ○ A circular plate with 4 objective lenses that can
photosynthesis. be rotated into position for different
● Contain chlorophyll in the photosynthetic membrane magnifications.
of their subcellular chloroplast. 3. Diaphragm
● A number of algae produce toxins that are poisonous ○ Adjusts the amount of light illuminating the slide
to humans and other animals. ○ Use just enough light to illuminate the object on
○ Example: Dinoflagellates, a unicellular alga, the slide and give good contrast.
cause algal blooms, or red tides, in the 4. Stage
ocean. ○ a platform that holds the slide for observation
5. Slide
Protozoa ○ A thin piece of glass that holds the specimen
6. Lamp
● Are unicellular non photosynthetic protists.
○ provides light to illuminate the specimen,
● The most primitive protozoa appear to be flagellated
sometimes used with a mirror
7. Eyepiece lens
● From flagellated protozoa appear to have evolved the
○ part of the microscope through which you look
ameboid and the ciliated types; intermediate forms
8. Arm
are known that have flagella at one stage in the life
○ supports and connects the eyepiece lens to the
cycle and pseudopodia (characteristic of the ameba)
at another stage.
○ also a handle for carrying
● Sporozoa, a fourth major group of protozoa, are strict
9. Focus wheel
parasites that are usually immobile; most of these
○ used to bring the object in and out of focus
reproduce sexually and asexually in alternate
10. Coarse Adjustment Knob
generations by means of spores.
○ a rapid control which allows for quick focusing
by moving the objective lens or stage up and
● Are non photosynthetic protists growing as a mass of ○ It is used for initial focusing.
branching, interlacing filaments (“hyphae”) known as 11. Fine Adjustment Knob
a mycelium. ○ A slow but precise control used to fine focus the
● Mycelial forms are called molds. image when viewing at the higher
● Major subdivisions (phyla) of fungi are: magnifications.
○ Chytridiomycota 12. Base
○ Zygomycota (the zygomycetes) ○ supports the microscope
○ Ascomycota (the ascomycetes)
○ Basidiomycota (the basidiomycetes)
○ Deuteromycetes (or imperfect fungi)
● Yeast – fungus grows simply as a single cell ● The resolving power of the light microscope under ideal
● Most fungi of medical importance grow dimorphically: conditions is about half the wavelength of the light being
○ exist as a MOLD at ROOM used.
TEMPERATURE but as a YEAST at BODY ● Resolving power is the distance that must separate two
TEMPERATURE point sources of light if they are to be seen as two distinct
Slime Molds
● These organisms are characterized by the presence, TYPES OF LIGHT MICROSCOPES:
as a stage in their life cycle, of an ameboid 1. Bright-Field Microscope
multinucleate mass of cytoplasm called a ● Most commonly used
plasmodium. ● Consists 2 series of lenses
● The plasmodium of a slime mold is analogous to the o Objective
mycelium of a true fungus. o Ocular Lens
● The growth of slime molds depends on nutrients ● Employ a 100-power objective lens with a 10-power
provided by bacterial or, in some cases, plant cells. ocular lens, thus magnifying the specimen 1000
● Reproduction of the slime molds via plasmodia can times
depend on intercellular recognition and fusion of cells ● Differences in contrast between the specimen and
from the same species. the surrounding medium makes them visible.
● Dyes (stains) can be used to stain cells or their
V. OPTICAL METHODS organelles to increase their contrast so that they can
be seen.
Microscope – powerful tool in cell biology and microbiology
2. Phase Contrast Microscope
PARTS & FUNCTION ● Developed to improve contrast differences between
1. Objective Lenses cells and the surrounding medium, making it possible
to see living cells without staining them.

MICRO Fundamentals of Microbiology 2 of 16

● Effect is amplified by a special ring in the objective o Examples: Scanning tunneling microscope &
lens of a phase contrast microscope, leading to the Atomic force microscope
formation of a dark image on a light background.
3. Dark-field Microscope
● Lighting system has been modified to reach the ● unicellular. contains both DNA and RNA
specimen from the sides only ● May be free-living, saprophytic, parasitic or
● Creates a “dark field” that contrasts against the pathogenic.
highlighted edge of the specimens. Nomenclature:
● Resolution is quite high. ● Binomial system is used for the nomenclature of
● For Treponema pallidum, a spirochete. bacteria. It is a two-name system composed of the
genus and species. (e.x. Staphylococcus aureus)
4. Fluorescence microscope ● the Genus should always have its first letter
● Used to visualize specimens that fluoresce. capitalized, while the species should never be
● Widely used in clinical diagnostic microbiology. capitalized.
o Example: Detection of Mycobacterium ● Abbreviation: Its name can be abbreviated using the
tuberculosis uppercase form of the genus, followed by a period
● Principal use of fluorescence microscopy is a and the full name of the species. (e.x. S. aureus)
diagnostic technique called the fluorescent-antibody
(FA) technique or immunofluorescence. 1. Bacterial Structure
o Example: Detection of Legionella ● Prokaryotes
pneumophila ● Single cell structure, single circular chromosome
● Transcription (mRNA synthesis) and Translation
5. Differential interference contrast (DIC) Microscope (protein synthesis) occur in the cytoplasm.
● Employ a polarizer to produce polarized light.
● Intensifies subtle differences in cell structure. 2. Bacterial Morphology
● Spores, vacuoles, and granules appear three- ● Size: 0.2 – 2.0 um
dimensional. ● Distinct shape
● Useful for observing unstained cells because of its ● Gram staining
ability to generate images that reveal internal cell
3. Bacterial Ultrastructures
B. ELECTRON MICROSCOPE ● Single chromosome
● Circular DNA
● Detailed structures of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
● Plasmids
can be observed due to its high resolving power.
o Has something to do with Antibiotic Resistance
or carrier of virulence genes of certain bacteria
4. Cell Division
1. Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) ● Binary fission
● Many features in common with the light microscope ● In rod-shaped bacterium (eg. E.coli), cells elongate
● First to be developed. to form a partition (septum) which results in the
● Uses a beam of electrons projected from an electron inward growth of cytoplasmic membrane until the two
gun and directed or focused by an electromagnetic daughter cells are pinched off. The chromosomes are
condenser lens onto a thin specimen. distributed equally
● Images can be recorded on photographic film.
● Can resolve particles 0.001 µm apart. 5. Cell groupings
● Viruses with diameters of 0.01–0.2 µm can be easily ● If the cells remain temporarily attached aſter division,
resolved. certain characteristic groupings result.
● Depending on the plane of division and the number
2. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) of divisions through which the cells remain attached
● Has a lower resolving power than the TEM ● Coccal forms: chains (streptococci), pairs
● Provides three-dimensional images of the surface of (diplococci), cubical bundles (sarcinae), grape-like
microscopic objects. clusters (staphylococci), or flat plates
● Rods: pairs or chains
● Couples a laser light source to a light microscope. Shapes of Bacteria
● Equipped with computer software to assemble digital ● Shape is used to identify bacteria. It is determined by
images for subsequent image processing. the mechanism of cell wall assembly.
● Images obtained from different layers can be stored ● Bacterial shape usually can be determined with
and then digitally overlaid to reconstruct a three- appropriate staining and a light microscope.
dimensional image of the entire specimen. Types:
a. Round (coccus)
D. SCANNING PROBE MICROSCOPE b. Rod-like (bacillus)
● Measures surface features c. Spiral
● Atoms or molecules on the surface of a specimen can ● Cocci and bacilli often grow in doublets (diplococci)
be viewed or chains (streptococci). Cocci that grow in clusters
are called staphylococci.

MICRO Fundamentals of Microbiology 3 of 16

● This complex polymer consists of a backbone
composed of alternating N-acetylglucosamine and
N-acetylmuramic acid and a set of identical
tetrapeptide side chains.
● The tetrapeptide side chains are attached to the N-
acetylmuramic acid and are frequently linked to
adjacent tetrapeptides by identical peptide cross-
bridges or by direct peptide bonds.
● The β-1, 4 glycosidic bond between N-acetylmuramic
acid and N-acetylglucosamine is cleaved by the
bacteriolytic enzyme lysozyme (found in mucus,
saliva, and tears).
● It may contain diaminopimelic acid, an amino acid
unique to prokaryotic cell walls.
Figure 1. Shapes of Bacteria Note: In Gram-positive bacteria, it comprises up to 50% of the
cell wall. In Gram-negative bacteria it comprises only 2% to
BACTERIAL STRUCTURES 10% of the cell wall. See Appendix
1. Bacterial Nucleus - contains the bacterial chromosome;
generally called the nucleoid.
2. Cytoplasmic Structures - can be chromosomal or non B. Special Components of Gram-Positive Cell Wall
chromosomal. ● Most gram-positive cell walls contain considerable
● Bacteria chromosomes - composed by a set of amounts of teichoic and teichuronic acids, which may
genes. Chromosomes contain all genes essential for account for up to 50% of the dry weight of the wall
the viability, growth and replication of the and 10% of the dry weight of the total cell.
● Plasmids - extrachromosomal or non-chromosomal 1. Teichoic and teichuronic acids
double stranded DNA. It is capable of self replication ● They are water-soluble polymers, containing a
but not essential for bacterial growth. Genes carried ribitol or glycerol residue linked by
by the plasmids codes for antibiotic resistance, phosphodiester bonds.
virulence factors and toxin production. ● Contain important bacterial surface antigenic
3. Cell envelope - these structures protect the organism determinants, and lipoteichoic acid helps anchor the
from a hostile environment. wall to the membrane.
4. The Cell Membrane They are found in Gram-positive cell walls or membranes.
● Structure: may also be called the cytoplasmic a. Teichoic acid is found in cell walls and is chemically
membrane. It is a typical “unit membrane” composed bonded to peptidoglycan.
of phospholipids and upward of 200 different kinds of b. Lipoteichoic acid is found in cell membranes and is
proteins. chemically bonded to membrane glycolipid,
● Function: particularly in mesosomes.
i. Permeability and transport
ii. Electron transport and oxidative 2. Polysaccharides
phosphorylation ● are long chains of monosaccharides linked by
iii. Excretion of hydrolytic exoenzymes and glycosidic bonds.
pathogenicity proteins ● subunits of polysaccharides include neutral sugars
iv. Biosynthetic functions such as mannose, arabinose, rhamnose, and
v. Chemotactic systems glucosamine, and acidic sugars, such as glucuronic
5. The Cell Wall acid and mannuronic acid.
● The bacterial cell wall owes its strength to a layer
composed of a substance variously referred to as
murein, mucopeptide, or peptidoglycan. (all are C. Special Components of Gram-Negative Cell Walls
synonyms). ● Gram-negative cell walls contain three components
Most bacteria are classified as gram-positive or gram- that lie outside of the peptidoglycan layer:
negative. The gram staining procedure was developed by lipoprotein, outer membrane, and
Hans Christian Gram. lipopolysaccharide
● Gram stain depends on the ability of certain bacteria
(the gram-positive bacteria) to retain a complex of 1. Outer membrane
crystal violet (a purple dye) and iodine after a brief ● a bilayered structure; its inner leaflet
wash with alcohol or acetone. resembles in composition that of the
● Gram-negative bacteria do not retain the dye–iodine cytoplasmic membrane, and its outer leaflet
complex and become translucent, but they can then contains a distinctive component, a
be counterstained with safranin (a red dye). Thus, lipopolysaccharide (LPS)
gram-positive bacteria look purple under the ● ability to exclude hydrophobic molecules
microscope, and gram-negative bacteria look red. and hydrophilic molecules
● contains a special channel called porins
A. Peptidoglycan Layer that permits the passive diffusion of low-
● is unique to prokaryotes. It is found in all bacterial cell molecular weight hydrophilic compounds
walls except Mycoplasma. such as sugars, amino acids, and certain

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2. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) ● Coccoid cells (S. aureus) - new peptidoglycan is
● also known as endotoxins inserted only at the division site
● large molecules consisting of a lipid and a ● S. pneumoniae - synthesizes cell wall not only at the
polysaccharide composed of O-antigen, septum but also at the so-called equatorial rings.
outer core and inner core joined by a
covalent bond Protoplasts, Spheroplasts, and L Forms
● Lipid A- responsible for toxicity ● Protoplast- cells which have had their cell wall
● O-antigen - a repetitive glycan polymer used removed, usually by digestion with enzymes.
in identification ● Spheroplast- cell wall deficient bacteria with spherical
3. Lipoprotein form.
● are hydrophilic proteins that are anchored to ● Hydrolysis with lysozyme or blocking of
a cell membrane by N-terminally linked fatty peptidoglycan synthesis removes the bacterial wall
acids which liberate protoplasts in G(+), and spheroplasts
4. Periplasmic space in G (-) cells.
● space between the inner and outer ● forms -are cell wall deficient bacteria that is difficult to
membrane containing the peptidoglycan culture.
layer and a gel-like solution of proteins. ● and requires a medium that is solidified with agar and
● 20-40% of cell volume has the right osmotic strength.
● include binding proteins, hydrolytic
enzymes, detoxifying enzymes, and a high The Mycoplasmas
conc. of D-glucose.
● The mycoplasmas are cell wall-lacking bacteria
containing no peptidoglycan
The Acid-Fast Cell Wall
● Mycoplasmas lack a target for cell wall-inhibiting
● Some bacteria, notably the tubercle bacillus (M. antimicrobial agents (e.g. penicillins and
tuberculosis) and its relatives have cell walls that cephalosporins) and are therefore resistant to these
contain large amounts of waxes, complex branched drugs
hydrocarbons (70–90 carbons long) known as ● Mycoplasma pneumoniae- is an agent for pneumonia
mycolic acids. and it contains sterols in their membranes.
● The cell walls is composed of peptidoglycan and an
external asymmetric lipid bilayer; the inner leaflet 6. Capsule and Glycocalyx
contains mycolic acids linked to an arabinoglycan, ● The terms capsule and slime layer are frequently
and the outer leaflet contains other extractable lipids. used to describe polysaccharide layers; the more
● a hydrophobic structure renders the bacteria inclusive term glycocalyx is also used.
resistant to many harsh chemicals, including
detergents and strong acids. ● Capsule
○ The capsule is a well-defined structure of
Cell Walls of the Archaea polysaccharide surrounding a bacterial cell
● The Archaea do not have cell walls like the bacteria. and iis external to the cell wall. The one
● Some have cell walls composed of a simple S-layer exception to the polysaccharide structure is
or a rigid cell wall composed of polysaccharides or a the poly-Dglutamic acid capsule of Bacillus
macromolecule called pseudomurein. anthracis.
○ It protects the bacteria from phagocytosis
Crystalline Surface Layers and plays a role in bacterial adherence.
● two-dimensional crystalline, subunit-type layer lattice
of protein or glycoprotein molecules (S-layer) found ●
in the outermost component of the cell envelope of ○ The glycocalyx refers to a loose network of
G(+), G(-) and Archaebacteria polysaccharide fibrils that surrounds some
● resistant to proteolytic enzymes and protein- bacterial cell walls.
denaturing agents ○ It is sometimes called a slime layer.
● Functions: protection, cell adhesion and ○ It is synthesized by surface enzymes.
maintenance of cell shape ○ It is associated with adhesive properties of
the bacterial cell and contains prominent
Enzymes That Attack Cell Walls antigenic sites.
7. Flagella
● Lysozyme- hydrolyze the Beta1 to 4 glycan linkage
● are protein appendages for locomotion and contain
of the peptidoglycan backbone. it is found in animal
prominent antigenic determinants.
secretions (tears, saliva, nasal secretions) and in egg
● They consist of a basal body, hook, and a long
filament composed of a polymerized protein called
● Autolysins- hydrolytic enzyme that attack
peptidoglycan (muramidases, glucosaminidases,
● Motility- flagella are semi rigid helical rotors to which
endopeptidases, and carboxypeptidases)
the cell imparts a spinning movement
○ Rotation is driven by the flow of protons into
Cell Wall Growth
the cell down the gradient produced by the
● Rod Shaped Bacteria (eg. E.coli and B. anthracis) - primary proton pump
new peptidoglycan is inserted along a helical path ○ Chemotactic property: presence of a
leading to the elongation of the cell and is inserted in chemical attractant (eg. sugar or AA)
a closing ring around the future division site. determines the direction of movement.

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○ ● They also may confer antiphagocytic properties, such
as the M protein of S. pyogenes.
a. Common pili (adhesins) are involved in bacterial
a. Atrichous- no flagella, non-motile adherence and Gram-positive cell conjugation.
b. Monotrichous- single polar flagellum b. Sex pili are involved in attachment of donor and
c. Lophotrichous- a tuft or multiple polar flagella recipient bacteria in Gram-negative cell conjugation.
d. Amphitrichous- single flagellum found at each of
two opposite poles 9. Endospores
e. Peritrichous- multiple flagella distributed over the ● Endospores metabolically inactive bacterial cells are
entire cell highly resistant to desiccation, heat, and various
f. Amphilophotrichous- tuft of flagella found at each chemicals. They are helpful in identifying some
of two opposite ends species of bacteria (e.g., Bacillus and Clostridium).
● Endospores possess a core that contains many cell
components, a spore wall, a cortex, a coat, and an
● The core contains calcium dipicolinate, which aids
in heat resistance within the core.
● Endospores germinate under favorable nutritional
conditions after an activation process that involves
damage to the spore coat. They are not reproductive


● process where stains combine chemically with the
bacterial protoplasm.

A. Gram-stain Procedure
a. Crystal Violet (Primary stain)
b. Iodine (Mordant)
c. Acetone- Alcohol (Decolorizer),
d. Safranin (Secondary stain/ Counterstain)
● G(+) bacteria will appear purple
● G(-) bacteria will appear reddish-pink

Figure 3. Gram-staining Technique

B. Acid-Fast Stain
- for bacteria that retain carbolfuchsin even when
decolorized with hydrochloric acid
Figure 2. Flagellar Arrangement - Acid fast organism cannot be decolorized by acid-
alcohol due to presence of mycolic acid
8. Pili (Fimbriae) - Ziehl-Neelsen method (hot method)- uses heat as a
● are rigid surface appendages composed mainly of a mordant
protein called pilin. - Kinyoun Method (cold method)- uses phenol or
● Ordinary pili are the colonization antigens or tergitol as mordant
virulence factors associated with some bacterial
species such as S. pyogenes and Neisseria

MICRO Fundamentals of Microbiology 6 of 16

● Spirochetes- Borrelia, Treponema, Leptospira
● Rickettsia
● Chlamydia
● Mycoplasma

Figure 4. Acid-Fast Staining Technique

C. Negative Staining
- staining the background with acidic dye, leaving the
cells contrastingly colorless
- uses Black Dye Nigrosin
- for cells or structures that are difficult to stain directly
D. The Flagella Stain
- the cells are treated with unstable colloidal
suspension of tannic acid salts, causing a heavy
precipitate to form on the cell walls and flagella Figure 5. Overview of Medically Important Bacteria
- diameter of the flagella is increased to an extent that
subsequent staining with basic fuchsin makes it IX. CLASSIFICATION OF BACTERIA
visible in light microscopy
Basis of classification:
E. The Capsule Stain
- Modified negative staining • Phenotypic classification
- Welch Method- treatment with hot crystal violet ✓ Morphological
solution then rinsing with copper sulfate solution ✓ Anatomical
- background appear dark blue and the capsule a ✓ Staining
much paler blue ✓ Cultural characteristics
F. Staining of Nucleoids ✓ Nutrition
- Fuelgen stain- specific for DNA ✓ Environmental factors
- DNA- intercalating stains (DAPI) and ethidium ✓ Biochemical reactions
bromide for fluorescence microscopy ✓ Antigenic structure
G. The Spore Stain
• Genotypic classification
- observed as intracellular refractile bodies in
✓ DNA-DNA hybridization
unstained cell suspensions or as colorless areas
✓ G+C content
in cells stained by conventional methods
- requires heating the preparation for dye to
A. Morphology (cocci vs. rod/ “bacilli” vs. coccobacilli)
penetrate spore wall
- malachite green or carbolfuchsin
- ● Cocci- are spherical or oval bacteria having one of
several distinct arrangements based on their planes
of division.
✓ diplococcus: cocci arranged in pairs
✓ streptococcus: cocci arranged in chains
● Gram positive ✓ tetrad: cocci arranged in squares of 4
● Cocci- Staphylococci, streptococci, ✓ sarcina: cocci in arranged cubes of 8
enterococci ✓ staphylococcus: cocci arranged in
● Bacilli irregular, often grape-like clusters.
❖ Aerobes- Listeria, Bacillus,
Corynebacteria • Bacilli- are rod-shaped bacteria
❖ Strict Anaeobes- Clostridia, ✓ bacillus: single bacilli
Actinomycetes ✓ streptobacillus: bacilli arranged in chains
✓ coccobacillus: oval and similar to a coccus
● Gram Negative
● Cocci and Coccobacili- Haemophilus, • Spirals- come in one of three forms, a vibrio, a
Bordetella, Francisella, Brucella, spirillum, or a spirochete.
Pastuerella, Neisseria ✓ vibrio: a curved or comma-shaped rod
● Bacilli- Enterobacteriaceae, ✓ spirillum: a thick, rigid spiral
Pseudomonads, Legionella, Vibrio, ✓ spirochete: a thin, flexible spiral
Campylobacter, Helicobacter
● Mycobacteria

MICRO Fundamentals of Microbiology 7 of 16

Figure 8. Bacterial Growth Factors (Oxygen Availability)

D. Biochemical Reactions (lactose fermenting vs. non-

Figure 6. Basic Shapes of Bacterial Cell fermenting)

B. Gram Stain (positive vs. negative vs. variable)

Figure 9. Examples of Lactose & Non-Lactose Fermenting


E. Serotype (group A vs. B vs. D streptococcus)

Figure 7. Gram Stain (Gram Positive & Gram Negative
Bacteria) • Serotype or serovar is a distinct variation within
species of bacteria or virus or among immune cells of
C. Growth Requirements (aerobic vs. anaerobic) different individuals. There are classified together
based on their cell surface antigens, allowing the
• Obligate/Strict Aerobes- REQUIRE oxygen for epidemiologic classification of organisms to
growth. subspecies level.
• Obligate/Strict Anaerobes- CANNOTt grow in the
presence of oxygen.
• Facultative Anaerobe- can grow EITHER WITH or
WITHOUT presence of oxygen.
• Aerotolerant Anaerobe- can survive in the presence
of oxygen but DO NOT use oxygen in metabolism.
• Microaerophilic- require REDUCED level of oxygen
to grow.

Table 2. Classification of Streptococcus

MICRO Fundamentals of Microbiology 8 of 16

F. Antibiotic Resistance Patterns (MSSA vs. MRSA) • Upon culture, some bacteria produce characteristic
pigments, and others can be differentiated based on their
• Methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus complement of extracellular enzymes; the activity of these
✓ Susceptible to penicillin antibiotics enzymes often can be detected as zones of clearing
• Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus surrounding colonies grown in the presence of insoluble
✓ Resistant to penicillin drugs and thus substrates (ex. hemolysis around colonies on agar
requires use of alternative antibiotics. medium containing intact animal red blood cells).
• Example: pathogenic Salmonellae and Shigellae that
G. rRNA Sequence Analysis do not ferment lactose on a MacConkey plate form
white colony, while lactose fermenting members of the
Enterobacteriaceae (ex. E. coli) form red or pink colonies.
• Ribosomal RNA sequences have been used
extensively in the classification and identification B. Microscopy
of Bacteria and Archaea.
• Gram-stain, together with visualization by light
X. CRITERIA FOR IDENTIFICATION OF BACTERIA microscopy, has been among the most
informative methods for classifying the
A. Growth on media eubacteria.
• This staining technique broadly divides bacteria
based on their fundamental differences in the
• The general cultivation of most bacteria requires
structure of their cell walls.
media rich in metabolic nutrients.
• This typically represents the first step in
• These media generally include agar, a carbon
identifying individual microbial specimens (eg,
source, and an acid hydrolysate or enzymatically
are they Gram-negative or Gram-positive) grown
degraded source of biologic material (ex. casein).
in culture or even directly from patient
• These types of media may be supplemented by
vitamins and even intact red blood cells in the case
of blood agar media. C. Biochemical Tests
• Because of their undefined composition, these types
of media are referred to as complex media.
• Media can be nonselective or selective. • Oxidase test - uses an artificial electron acceptor,
can be used to distinguish organisms by detecting the
1. Nonselective Media presence or absence of a respiratory enzyme,
cytochrome C, the lack of which differentiates the
• Different bacterial species growing on these types of Enterobacteriaceae from other Gram-negative rods.
agar often give rise to colonies with distinctive • Catalase activity - can be used to differentiate
morphologies—for example, large or small, yellow between the Gram-positive cocci; the species
versus white, serrated or smooth. staphylococci are catalase positive, whereas the
• Colonial growth patterns on different types of media species streptococci are catalase negative. If the
can be useful in the identification of a particular organism is demonstrated to be catalase positive
bacterial species. (Staphylococcus spp.), the species can be
subdivided by a Coagulase test into Staphylococcus
• Examples: Blood agar and chocolate agar
aureus (coagulase positive) or Staphylococcus
epidermidis (coagulase negative).
2. Selective Media (addition of inhibitory agents)

• Used to eliminate (or reduce) the large numbers of

irrelevant bacteria in these specimens.
• The basis for selective media is the incorporation of
an inhibitory agent that specifically selects against
the growth of irrelevant bacteria.
• Examples of such agents are:
✓ Sodium azide selects for Gram-positive bacteria
over Gram-negative bacteria.
✓ Bile salts (sodium deoxycholate) select for Gram-
negative enteric bacteria and inhibit Gram-negative
mucosal and most Gram-positive bacteria.
✓ Colistin and nalidixic acid inhibit the growth of
many Gram-negative bacteria. • Examples of selective
✓ MacConkey agar (containing bile) that selects for
the Gram-negative rods and CAN blood agar (containing Figure 10. Algorithm for differentiating the Gram-positive
colistin and nalidixic acid) that selects for Gram-positive cocci

3. Differential Media (LF vs. NLF)

MICRO Fundamentals of Microbiology 9 of 16

D. Immunologic Tests

Figure 11. Direct Agglutination


● Doc Abueva’s Ppt Lecture

● Jawetz Medical Microbiology 27th Edition (Chap 1-3)
● BRS Microbiology and Immunology
● Ixtlilton’s Microbiology Transes 1A - 1C
● Lecture Video
✓ MICRO (1.1) Fundamentals of Microbiology
✓ MICRO (1.2) Fundamentals of Microbiology


MICRO Fundamentals of Microbiology 10 of 16


Characteristic Viruses Bacteria Fungi Protozoa and


Cells No Yes Yes Yes

Approximate diameter 0.02-0.2 1-5 3-10 (yeasts) 15-25 (trophozoites)


Nucleic acid Either DNA or RNA Both DNA and RNA Both DNA and RNA Both DNA and RNA

Type of nucleus None Prokaryotic Eukaryotic Eukaryotic

Ribosomes Absent 70S 80S 80S

Mitochondria Absent Absent Present Present

Nature of outer Protein capsid and Rigid wall containing Rigid wall containing Flexible membrane
surface lipoprotein envelope peptidoglycan chitin

Motility None Some None Most

Method of Replication Not binary fission Binary fission Budding or mitosis Mitosis



MICRO Fundamentals of Microbiology 11 of 16

Character Prokaryotes Eukaryotes

Term Origin “primitive nucleus” “true nucleus”

Definition Organisms made up of cell/s that lack Organisms made up of cells that possess
nucleus or any membrane-encased a membrane- bound
organelles nucleus as well as membrane-bound

Major Groups Bacteria, Archae, and Bluegreen algae Algae, Fungi, Protozoa, Plants, Animals

Cell Type Unicellular (some cyanobacteria may be Multicellular


Complexity Simple Complex organization

Nucleus Absent Present

Nucleus Location Free in the cytoplasm, attached to Contained in membrane bound structure

Nuclear Membrane Absent Present

Nucleolus Absent Present

Chromosome Number One More than one

Chromosome Shape Circular Linear

Genes Expressed in groups Expressed individually

Genome DNA haploid genome DNA diploid genome

Genome Nature Efficient and compact with little repetitive With large amounts of non-coding
DNA repetitive DNA

Membrane- bound organelles Absent Present

Ribosomes 70S (50S+30S) 80S (60S+40S)

(sedimentation coefficient) Smaller Larger

Ribosome’s Location Free in cytoplasm or bound to cell Attached to rough endoplasmic reticulum

Mitochondria Absent Present

Golgi Bodies Absent Present

Endoplasmic Reticulum Absent Present

Mesosomes Present (performs function of golgi bodies Absent

and mitochondria, and also separates

Lysosomes Absent Present

Peroxisomes Absent Present

Chloroplasts Absent Present (plants)

Fimbriae May have pili and fimbriae (appendage Absent

that can be found on many gram-negative
and some gram-positive bacteria)

Microtubules Absent or rare Present

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Centrosome Absent Present

Cytoskeleton Absent Present

Glycocalyx Present Only in some

Cytoplasmic Membrane Does not contain sterols (except Contains sterols


Cell Wall Complex structure containing protein, Present for plant cells and fungi; otherwise
lipids, and proteoglycans absent
Table 2. Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes

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Figure 3. Gram Positive and Gram Negative Cell Envelope

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Table 3. Gram Positive vs Gram Negative

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