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18 t undryCabinet
Our birch storagecabinet
plywoodconstuction and low-
work surfaces.
Laundry Cabinetstorage,page18. Swing-UpShelf,page25.

It's ideirlfor gainingadditional
work area- in the laundry
room, shop,or home office -
and you can swing it out of the
way wheneveryou needmore
floor space.

3O Pr"irieTreasure
Inspired by Arts and Craftsera A classyhome for your collectibles- the Prai.rieTreasureBox, page30.
architecture,this elegantbox
will houseyour valuablesin
style. Make it for yourself, or
get going on a smallproduction
run for holiday gift gling.

36 Highlightsfrom this
Year'sTool Shows
Here'sa look at someof
our favorite tools and home
debutedat two nationalshows.

A2Vtit"r SawStation
By building this Miter Saw
Stationfor about half the cost of
most off-theshelfmodels,you'll
saveyour back, improve your
cutting accuracy,and speedup
Cut stocklike the pros with ourMiter SawStation,page42.
the building process.

I December1997
lolps &
14USS Constitution
After undergoingyearsof
extensiverepairs,an historic ship
is seaworthyonceagain.
Inying La.minatesiseasyonceyou know a few techniques,page28.

2Stuving laminates
For durability,price,and ease
of installation,nothing beats
plasticlaminatefor covering
heavi$ usedsurfaces.

Snop lupnovEMENTs
5ON"* ToolOfferings
page14. page10.
S4noauctsForYourHomeThe USSConsti.tutionSails, Tips & Techni.qua,

64nThe Craftsman
When furnituremaking details
are craftedinto a home,you can
get spectacularresults.Thanks
to the brothers Greene.the
GambleHouseis one of the
finest examples.

In The CrafisrnanSfy/efeahres an Arts and Craftsmasterpiece,page64.

\?'orkbenchr December1997
I admit it. I am a tool hound. I don't take care of
? WmKBEI\([I
EDITOR Christopher A Inman
believeit's possibleto havetoo many, some gift giv- ASSOCIATE EDITOR William IaHay
and I'm always hunting for the next ing yourself. ASSISTANT EDITOR David E. Stone

onethat I can'tlive without. For specialnameson ARTDIRECTORRobert L. Foss

So you can imagine the sweat I your holidaylist, consider
broke into when a group of us from buildingthe Prairie Treasure GRAPHIcDE5IGNERMinniette Bieghler
Workbenchattended this year's big Box on page30. It was designedwith
EDIToR RobertJ. Settich
tool and hardware shows, held in production setups in mind, without
Anaheim,CA, and in Chicago.These sacrifcing any of the craftsmanshipof CREATIVEDIRECIORTed Kralicek
shows featured most of the wood- the results. PHoToGRAPHY DIRECIoR lark Smothermon
wprking tools and suppliesavailable Also, take a look at the Miter Saw
on the planet,and in ChicagoI also Station (page 42). For any home SHOPMANAGERSteve Curtis
saw more home improvementprod- improvemententhusiast,this portable SHOPCRAFTSMANSteveJohnson
ucts than I everknew existed. work centeris a must-haveaddition. PRoJEqI DEVELoPERKen Munkel
The immensityof the showsis diffi- PROJECTDESIGNERKevin Boyle
ELEC.PUB.CooRDINAToRDouglasM. Lidster
cult to describe- there are so many 4oth Anniversory
clever tools and products.Although This issuebrings the Workbench 40th
choosing was difficult, we've pulled anniversaryyear to a close. Each of & PUBLISHERDonald B. PeschKe

togethera displayofour favorites(see the pastsix issueshasbeenan adven- ADVERTISING SALESMANAGERS

page36), someof which we think will ture, and wete alreadybeen working Richard R Rainforth (515)282-7000ext. 2200
knock your socksoff, and othersthat full throttle on many home improve- George A Clark (515)282-7000exl 220L
will make you wonder,"why didn't I ment projectsfor 1998. Tara Meier (515)282-7000 exl 2135
think of that?" I'm sure you'll find at All of us here appreciateyour sup PUBLISHING CONSULTANT
leasta coupleof thingsyou, too,won't port, and thank you for making our Peter H. Miller (202)362-9367
be ableto live without. first year with this great magazinea
success.Drop us a line anytimeto tell SUBSGRIPTIoN CoNTAST:
Holidoy Gifts us how we're doing,or to let us know \{ORKBENCH
The timing of this cutting-edgetool what projectsor articles you want to Customer Service
and hardwarearticle couldn'tbe bet- seein the future. DesMoines,lA 503049961
ter for thoseof us who needto drop a Until then, we wish you and your Phone:(800)311-3991
few gift-givinghints for the holidays. familya HappyHoliday. Fax (515)2830447
No ties for me, please.I plan to leave To ORDERWoRKBENGH PRoJECTSUPPLIES:
the issue open to the page with the Call 1-800311-3994
tool I want to add to my shop. TO SENDA I.ENERBY E-MAIL:
While you're waiting for your new
tools, you may want to get busy and ChrisInman. Editor
hW: / /

Audit Bureau
of Circulations

WORXBENCH0SSN00438057) is published bimonthly0an.,

2200 Grand Ave.,DesMoines,Iowa,50312.Worhbench is a reg;tc
teredhademarkofAugustHomePublishing. Copyright01997
Augnst Home Publishing
Company. All rightsreserved.
Subscription ntes: Singlecopy,$3.95.Oneyer subscriP
tion (6 issues),$15.95.Canadian/Foreign, add$6.00per
yer. Periodicals postagepaidat DesMoines,IA md ataddi-
tionaloffices.Postnaster: Sendaddresschangesto
SatetyRemlnder:Woodworking andhomeimprovement arerewarding Butthereis riskof injury.
hobbies. Workb ench,PO Box ?i7272, Boone,IA 5N37-0272.
Usethe guardsandreadthe manualsthatcomewithyourtoolsandequipment. Andif you'reuncertain Printed in U.S.A"
abouta technique, withwhichyouaremorecomfortable.
findan alternative Pleasetakesafetyseriously.

W'orkbenchr December1997
Support A Ceiling Fan Between Joists More Board Feet
(OI l, yourOctober Questions&
MDFplatespans E Answersyougaaetheformula
the for fi.guringboardfootage.My lumber
weightofceilingfan. dealerusesa deuicethat lookslike a
Routed yardstick,but hasrnanymlre numbers
decorative Secure plate
adhesive on it,for calculatingboardfootage.
'\ anO3" drywall
screws Canyou exPlainhowthis works?
fansupportbracket \ drivenintojoists. WayneCosgroue
to plate. Boston.MA
Imaginehow long it would
take to get through the check-
out line if your lumber dealerhad to
measureeveryboard and calculateits
boardfootageby hand.Using a board
foot scaleis a quick way to get a closq
approximationof a board'svolume.
I'tl li.keto replacea ceilinglight To makea plate,cut a roundbase Acrossthe width of a boardfoot
i.nmydenwi.tha fan. But the from r/att-lhi.Lmediumdensityfiber- scaleare columnsrepresenfinga
light sitsbetween two ioists,and isn't board MDF) that'slarge enoughto board'slength in feet.Vertical
mountedsoli.dly. How canI addsupPort spanacrossthejoists.MDF hasa columnshavenumbersindicating
withouttearinga holein my ceiling? smoothfacesoyou'llget a goodpaint boardfootage.
Kurt Statton finish, andit machineseasily. To usethe scale.
DesMoines,IA To dressup the plate,rout a deco- hold it acrossthe Usenotches to
rativeprofile in the edge.Drill a hole board'swidth,with findboard's
Youcan add the supportyou'll through the platethe samediameter the headtight thickness.
needfor the fan in a coupleof as the ceilingbox. Then paintthe againstoneedge.
differentways. plateto matchyour ceiling. Then sight to the
Youcouldusean adjustablesupport Ifyou havea texhrredceiling,scrape appropriatecolumn
bar (availablein home centers)that awaya flat areaso the platesits flush. that showsthe
slips through the existing hole and Then spreadconsfuctionadhesiveon board'slength.The
spansbetweenthe joists. the back side of the plate,and drive numberin that col-
Or, rather than purchasea supporl screwsthrough into the joists above. umn closestto the
you canmakea ceitng platethat will Mount your fan supportto the edgeof the board
supportyour fan, plus add a decorative plate,and pushthe wiring back up showshow many
accent to your ceiling. through the hole into the box. board feetthe piece
the boardis il-thick.
SHARE OUESNO}IS If the boardis 8
If youhavea question aboutwoodworking or homeimprovemen! we'dlike to seeif wecananswerit for you.
thicker than ilr. mul- boardat
Justwritedownyourquestion andmailit to WORKBENCH Q&A,2200GrandAve.,DesMoines,lA 50312'
tiply the numberon thiswidth
Please includeyourname,addresanddaytimephonenumberin casewehaveanyquestions foryou.Ifyou contains
the scaleby the
like,Far usat (515)28$2003or senda message to ontheinternet 3 bd.ft.

AucusrHol,m ;fi:ffi'"T,,*:';""H#1"/i*';TT:":#:tr"ff;trW:7::l:;::'#,:::,:t:f;'::I:tr:
r r -- -----
\ Pu BLIs HING c o M
Susm Dickmm . Production Artist: Jon Snyder . Neu Media Manager: Gordon Gupy. . 1t7s6SiteArt Dilector Gene Pedereon ' Nelw*
Administratnr NBxnes . L5. Srpportl$starri chris Htrriso n o Profsional DeuelofmentDirector:loyce Moore . IIR Asrltazt; Kireten Koele
Cuminghm r ,4sisla nt Subyrirtion Manager:Joy l(mur . Afciate Grafhic D&igi Direct7r: g$ie.Fder . Senior Gralhic Daigner: CherylSimpson Boks: EaecaliueEditor: Douglas
Hlcks . Art Dirutor Iinda Vermie . Sezr r GraphicDaigner: Chris Glowacki Produ cB Grotp2 OberutioreDirrctor: BobBaker . Mateiah Man\ger: Mrk Mattiussi Cwtoner SeroiceW:
Enos . Warehow Superorirl: NmcyJohns on. Buler: \ndaJones e Tuhniml Semie Re1.;MattTeRon de . O\eratiow Asisruzt; Tmmy Aldini o Teamlzader: KxlaBshnger Cretomet
I R rs.: Anna Cox, Mtrgo Petrus, Tmmy Truckenbrod, Nmcy Domey, Adm Besl Deborah Rich . Warehoree:Chtck Culson, Sylvia Crey, larry Prine ' Wodsmith Storet Manager:
l;mn . Asistant Maa4ger: Paul Schneider . Sal6 Staff, Patlawey,Wendell Stone,Jim Brnetl Kathy Smith, John Johnmn, JeromeHerf OfficeManqger:Vicki Edwds

r December1997
Stop Your Tools From Rusting Avoiding Warp
I mouedto Seattlefrom Denaer, arevery susceptibleto rust. But get- Irn gettingreadyto build a
and themoisturehascausedrust ting rid of the rust isn't too tough. table.A woodworker fiend told
on my jointer and tablesaw.How do I Use a sandingblock and l8Ggrit me whenI glue ap thetoP,I should
stopthe rust, and preaenti.tsreturn? paperor a syntheticsteelwool padto alternatetheorientationofthe boards.
RaymondLundgren scrub offthe rust. Tb keeprust from Anothertoldmeit down'tmatterwhich
returning,you canuse a productlike
Seattle,WA wayI placetheboards.Who'sright?
Boeshield?9,or BostikTbpCote.Or Keai,nMichaekon
Bare metal surfaceslike your use ordinary pastewax. Recoatingthe Inwrence, KS
castiron sawand jointer tables top occasionallywill keeprust at bay.

Actually,neither of your
friends is wrong. They're talk-
ing aboutorientingthe boardsso the
growth rings visible in the end grain
arc up on oneboard and downon the
next, or all arc consistentlyin the
If you alternatethe boards,your
panelshouldremainflat acrossits
overallwidth, as eachboard cups in
the oppositedirection.But the panel
surfacemay feel wavy.
On the other hand,if you glueup
the boardswith the growth rings all
orientedin the samedirection,the
wholepanelmay cup in one direction.
The surfaceremainssmoothto the
touch, but the entire panelmay take
on an archedshape.
I pay attentionto the growth ring
patterns,and try to alternateevery
other board.But I pay more attention
to eachboard'sface grain appear-
ance.If I haveto, I'll orient adjacent
boardswith the growth rings pointing
the sameway in order to get the best
Also, makesureyou applyan equal
numberof finish coatson both sides
of the table top. This helps keep any
moistureabsorptionor lossequal
on both sides,further reducingthe
likelihood of warping or cupping.
r December1997
Tips & Tbchniques
Oudeed Table Supports Stock, T[cks Away for Storage
Like most table saws, mine lacks any
built-in outfeed system to support
long stock on the far side of the table.
So I built my own using inexpensive, Casters areheldin olace
readily availablematerials. Mine can
for different -)
widthsof boards.'
also be pulled against the saw when
not neededor for storage,and extend-
ed when I need to cut long pieces.
My system centers around a pair of
ordinary drawer slides that allow the
outfeed roller to extend away from
the table to support long stock, or be
pulled up close for shorter stock or
compact storage.The slides I used
are rated to hold up to 70 lbs.
To mount the drawer slides on my
saw I attachedthe cabinet-mount
halves of the slides to two retaining 20"long,70 lb.
Drawer slidesmount
boards.These are:i/+'Lthickpieces,the to "f'-shaped
Spring clampholds outfeed rollers
same length as the drawer slides retainingboard.
Attached to sawwith slidein position. andallow
(20rr-long in my case),with l/zrr-thick sheetmetalscrews. I systemto
by lrr-widespacersglued to their lower retract.
inside faces.I mounted these to my
saw cabinet with sheet metal screws. To support my stock, I used two VtrhenI needto supportlong stock,
Then I made my outfeed support. It castersmounted upside down on the I extendmy systemandusea spring
consistsof two 3,/+rr-thick
uprights upper cross brace. Rather than attach clampto hold it in place.Whennot
with dadoesthat receive upper and them permanently,I hold the casters needed,I just tuck it againstthe saw.
lower cross braces.The drawer- to the upper cross brace with hook- Bestof all, I built it for around$20.
mount halves of the drawer slides are andJoopfastenersffelcro is one John T. Yates,Jr.
mounted to the uprights. brand). This makes them adjustable. AllisonParh.PA

Two Cents Worth On Door Installation

I just finished updating my kitchen. In mounted to the doors, I set each door
the process,I refaced all the cabinet into its opening and slid two pennies
carcasesand built new doors. under the bottom edge.
The doors I made sit flush with the With my gaps set, I marked lines to
cabinet face frames. And I designed locate the hinge mortises in the face
Markhingelocation, them to fit with at/rc" gapon all sides. fi:ames.I removed the hinges from the
andmount When the time came to position my doors and mortised the hinges into
doors and mark for hinges, I deviseda the frames at my layout lines. Then I
way to get consistentgaps all around. re-hung the doors.
I found that a penny is almost Jim Lwtz
exactly 1/rorrthick.So with the hinges Salt lnke Citv. UT

iln Jrc$AilD
If youhavea uniquewayof doingsomething,
we'dliketo hearfromyou.Justwritedownyourtipandmailit
to W0RKBENCH TipsandTechniques,
2200GrandAve.,DesMoines, tA 50312.Pleaseincludeyourname,
addressanddaitimephonenumberin caseweneedto reachyou.If youlike,Faxusat (515)283-2003,
or We'llpayyou$5G$150
ontheinternet. if wepublishyourtip.

10 WorkbenchI December1997
Using Carpet Tape An Easy Way to Chamfer Dowels
I've found countlessuses for double- In your October issue you ran an arti- on the front with holes ranging from
faced cloth carpet tape over the years. cle on drawbore joinery. I found the about 3/rorrto 7/ rcttin diameter.
Here are some of my favorites: article helpful, but I thought using a I stick smaller dowels in the pencil
.Attach patterns made of plywood or belt sander for chamfering the ends of sharpenerand "sharpen"as much
hardboard to your workpiece with the dowels was more complicated than chamfer as I need. Rotating the dowel
carpet tape. Rough-cutthe board necessary.For chamfering small diam- a couple of quarter turns while sharp-
close to the pattern, then use your eter dowels I've got a simpler way. ening keeps long chamferscentered.
router and a pattern bit with a bear- I have an old wall-mounted pencil JamesLarson
ing that follows the template to rout sharpenerin my shop. It has a ring Ingleside, TX
the boarclto final shape.
oStick carpet tape on the flaps of
hinges to keep them from moving
while you mark their location,drill
screw holes, and position doors.


. Make triangular clarnpingblocks

and stick then-rto the outside edges
of mitered corners with carpet tape.
Then use regular straight clamps
acrossthe blocks for the glue-up.
.To align false fronts on drawers,
push the drawer carcase into its
opening in the cabinet.Stick carpet
tape to the back face of the drawer
front. Then position the drawer front
in the opening,making sure you
have even gaps on all sides,and
push the drawer front against the
carcase.Pull out the drawer and
screw on the front. You can leave
the tape in place.
.Attach auxiliary fences to your table
saw or router table fence with carpet
tape. They hold tight, and there are
no clamps to get in the way.
Keith Hennessey
Des Moines, IA

Vorkbench t December1997
Cutting Wide Boards on the Table Saw Cordless Cure
Crosscuttingwide boardson I've decidedthat cordlesstools do
my tablesawhas alwaysbeen indeedhavemanyadvantages over
a challenge.The piecesare cordedtools.Unlessthe batterygoes
awkwardto handle,andifs deadandwon't take a charge,that is.
hard to control my miter I havea cordlessdrill. and after
gaugewhen its headis off the using it for sometime, the battery
table.I know somesawshave gaveout, andwouldn'ttake a charge.
aT-slotin the tableanda Sincethe batterywasdead,I went
miter gaugebar with a plate out andboughta replacement,at a
that catchesin the slot. But costof about$30.My drill cameback
mine isn't equippedthis way. to life, and I wasableto useit again.
That makesit difficult to Tocutwidestockmoreeasily, But eventuallythat battery quit taking
hold everythingand guide turnmitergauge
aroundand a chargealso.
the board.IVe had cuts come Not anxiousto spendanother$30
out crooked,and I got con- for a secondreplacementbattery,I
cernedthat the blademight decidedto try a last ditch effort. I
bind in the kerl causingthe usedsomefine steelwool andcleaned
boardto kick back. up the contactpointson both batteries
To makecuttingwide (I'd neverrecycledthe originalone).
boardseasier,I turn my miter gauge On someboards,the miter gauge Then I unpluggedthe chargerand
around,so the miter gauge headis in headmay be off the sawtablewhen cleanedthosecontactpoints.
front of my board,insteadof behind.I you completeyour cut, so makesure Both batterieswork well again,tak-
hold the workpiecesnugagainstthe you keepa firm grip on the gauge. ing a chargejust fine.
gaugewith my left hand,andusemy Pat Ericksen Ron Sitz
right to pushthe workpiecethrough. SanFrancisco.CA Tucson,AZ

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Ask for ChoiceWood*hardwood

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t2 r December1997 ProductInformation
Do your best to imagine The oldestcommissionedwarship a never-ending process. Prior to this
restoring a 2,0001on, 204-ft. *",i't theworld, setsail last effort, though, no restoration of the
ship has been so extensive,nor used so
pieceofantiqu :iJ:il-'[iT"iJ:i
:'ffiJli]:,fil:; many high-tech solutions.
leftout throughtwocenturiesoff the Massachusetts
coast.The two
voyages- a seatrial on July 8 and a
Every square foot of the hull was X-
rayed to diagnosethe condition of over
ofsun,snou),andsaltair - bonafide sailingexcursionon July 21, 150,000metal spikes, pins, and rods,
a$l2million each ofwhich helps secureplanks and
And yOU'll begin tO UndefStAnd
restoration effort bezun in 1992 at the frame members together. The X-rays
what life has been like for the Naval Charlestown Navy Yard. alsorevealedrotted timbers,a common
Historical Center Detachment in problem on any large woodenvessel.
Boston. With other craftspeople and High-TechHelps Rebuild Pqsr Testing the ship's structural wood-
support personnel,this group of over From fixing battle scars and short- en members for soundness had
60 ship restorers had the daunting but sighted modifications done in years always been a problem. X-rays don't
enviabletask of bringing seaworthy sta- past,to repairing problemsbrought on reveal every defect, and questionable
tus back to the USS Constitution for the by normal aging, undoing damage to beams sometimesprove healthy when
historic ship's 200th birthday. the Constitution'swoodwork has been cut open, ruining them unnecessarily.
On this score, the restorationteam Aheod of Her Time with accessto untappedforests full of
got help from the U.S. Forest The restorationcrew also installed huge white pines (for masts)andwhite
Productslaboratory,which pioneered new wood braces,calleddiagonalrid- and live oaks (for frame timbers and
a nondestructive testing method ers, that had been removedwhen the planking),the fledglingAmericannavy
using metal pins to introduce stress Constitutionwas taken out of active enjoyed the best materials its ship
wavesinto the wood.Striking one pin service. The original placement of wrights could ask for. The Constitufion
sends the wave travelling, and the these curved timbers was an innova- boastsa hull thicknessof overtwo feet.
speedit travelsto the other end of the tion by JoshuaHumphreys,the ship's
beam is measured.Healthywood tis- designer.The rider bracesstrengthen
sue is a fast track, but voids and seri- the hull and minimizeits "hog," a dan-
ous rot act as roadblocks, so slow gerous distortion of the keel (the
wave travel indicates trouble spots. ship's long timber "backbone")that
Bad beamsget replaced,while good resultsfrom the unequalbuoyancyofa
timbers aren'tneedlesslyruined. ship'sendsand midsection.
getsmuch of the cred-
it for making the
Constitution such a
formidable fighting
ship. The strong and
stable frame could
carry up to 54 cannon
on two decks,and the
sleekhull profile gave
Cannononboththespar(main)andgundeck the ship the speedto Clewmemben "manthehalyard" b hoista
theshipib firepower.
Therammer and outrun what she sailonthemizen(rcar)mast.Onesailorat
wereused to loadandclealthem. couldn't outgun.And theendofthelinecoilstheropeonthedeck.

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Number187 ProductInformationNumber 176
The Navybrass,wanting to savethe
fanfarefor the achralsailing onJuly 21,
reminded us that the stern (rear) of
the ship was still tetheredto a tugboat,
but nobodyseemedto mind. We were
under sail,pushedby the samesteady
winds that moved the Constitution
when shewas first launched200years
ago. It was a reminder, not entirely
nostalgic,that collectivehuman effort
sometimesperforms magic with sim-
ple tools and againstheavyodds.
The shipwrights and crew who
first built and fought aboard the
Theskylight habhabove quarbrc
fte captain's prcvided
butwas Constitution saw this firsthand. That
alsousedasa depository
br anonymous wdttencomplainbfiom$e crcw. the ship survives today is a testament
to their sweat, skill, ingenuity, and
a massiveshield that earned her the in surfaceareaand canpropelthe ship ability to work together when it
name "Old lronsides" when cannon at speedsup to 13 knots (16 mph); counted.It was great to see the same
shot from the British frigate HMS there's over 7 miles of running rigging spirit alive in those who now sail
Guerriere bounced off the hull and (the halyard ropes used to handle the andcarefor her.tT
droppedharmlesslyinto the Atlantic.In sails),and 27 miles of standingriggrng
all, the ship remained undefeated (ropesthat supportmastsandyards).
through over 30 engagementsat sea, The numbers were impressive,but
thoughnot unscathed. the real show was the activity on the
In an 1812battle,cannonfire from main deck. Officers and midshipmen
the British HMS Java destroyed the signaled, shouting directives as the
Constitution's helm (ship'swheel),but crew members took their stations,
the American crew prevailed. Before readyingthe halyardsor climbing rope
settingthe defeatedJavaafire,they sal- shroudsontothe yards (thecrossspars
vaged her helm and brought it on to which sailsare rigged).Then a burst
board.A replica (right) of that double of well-choreographed movement Linked viarcpeto therudder,fte helmkeeps
wheelhelm now steersConstitution. unfurled the sails, which billowed as $e shipsteercd oncoune. Thishelmrepli-
they caughtthe wind. cabsonesalvaged fiomtheBritishshipJava,
Bock Home, In the Woter
Today the USS Constitutionis among
our country'smost historic icons,but
not simplybecauseof her age.Shesur-
vivesby virtue of a superiordesignthat
still inspiresand deservesrespect.
With her wood scrubbedcleanand
brass gleaming, the ship got a clear
July morning for the first of her excur-
sions, a sea trial that included safety
drills, navigationalexercises,and the
riggrng of the six sail complementused
during seabattles.On board were her
crew and officers and their guests,
Navyofficials,and a pressentourageof
televisionand print journalists.
Weleft docksideat 0800(that's8 a.m.
to us civilians), with an escort of four
tugboatsto tow the ship safely out of
the harbor.Through variousannounce
mentswe got the vital statisticsfor this
historic ship - Constitution'sfull com- Clutching theyad,withonlya rcpefura perch,crcwmemben woftb gather thesailonthe
plementof 36 sailstotalsalmostan acre mainmast. Theplathm isa 'Tighting
top,'onceus€dbymarine shapshooten dudng battle.
16 r December
I rank doinglaundryright up room as I alwayshaveto my shop. washer and dryer. This arrange-
The first phase of this home ment is ideal as it provides a handy
therewith payingtaxes,and improvementprojectwasbuilding place for setting soap and clothes
I'ueneuerdoneeitherwith a utility cabinet. while loading and unloading the
Besidesprovidingstoragefor all washer and dryer. You may want to
muchenthusiasm. Theonly the bleach,detergent,andgeneral build a slimmer or wider version of
good thing I can say is, at least laundry supplies,the cabinetfea- the cabinet to fit better in your
tures a convenientcounter for space.But if you do, be aware that
tax time comesaroundjust sorting clothes. I covered the changing the size of one part can
once ayear. Although I have to face counter with plastic laminate so affect severalothers.
a simple fact - I could sooner get it's easyto cleanand won't suffer
away with not paying taxes than I damageif it gets wet. Adding a Storr Cufiing fhe Pqrls
could get by without doing laundry. hanging rod to the cabinet Beginworkingon your laundry
While no one can eliminate the relieved the laundry room door stationby cutting3/+'Lthickplywood
necessary evil of doing laundry, knob from doing double-duty. to size for the top, counter,
it's easy to make the working con- sides, dividers, fixed shelf, and
ditions more hospitable. With this Customizing fhe Cobinet adjustableshelf (Plywood Cuting
in mind, I recently applied the Thewidth of this cabinetworkswell Diagrams).Don'tcut the doorsyet
same kind of organization and in my basementlaundry room, - I'11show you a tip later that will
storage strategies to the laundry whereI havea longwall besidethe saveyou time bandingthe edges.

18 \TorkbenchI December1997
I-aundry Cabinet Consfouction View LAUNDRY CABINET
A kit has beenassembledfor this pro-
OVERALL 42"Hx 48"Wx24"D
SIZE: ject that includesall the screws,hinges,
,.- lroningboardhanger and shelf pins. Pulls have been omitted
,-_-Door Fordetails,seelroningBoard
Fordetails, .$-J so that you can match your decor.
/t 'l
Viewon pagez+. I l.
Construction Hanger Detailon page24. o r d e r n u m b e r 3 3 0 6 1 0.0 . .. . .$. 4
. 1.95
To order, call Workbench at (aOO)31 f-3994.


Drillsixpairsol /4" shelf-pin
s/e"deep,2" fromedgesandspaced Adjustable shelf
2" vertically. 3/+"x'l#/a" x34/2"


Drive#10x 3" FHWS Cutto fit from/+"-thick
throughcleatsto attach plywood.Attachwith
to wallstuds./
cabinet #6 x 3/+"FHWS.


Plyrvood Cutting Diagram

(HaH Sheet)

Without an extensive supporting After cutting the plywood pieces

cast of infeed and ouffeed gadgets, to size (except the doors), rip solid
Counter cutting full plywood sheets on the birch to width for the cleats and
3/a"x233/e"x471/q" table saw is a challenging perfor- counter edgrng. I-eave all of these
mance. To avoid that clumsy role hardwood piecesa bit long for now,
on this project, I cut the full ply- so you can cut them to fit later on.
wood sheets approximately in half
3/t"x83/'rc" with a circular saw.The half-sheets
x131/+" WhatYou'llNeed
<- Grain-----> were then much easier to handle
when I got to the table saw. Ilmber
lVzSheetsof 34il-thickbirch plywood
Plywood Cutting Diagram (Full Sheet) 1/zSheetof Vril-thickbirch plywood
3 lin. ft. of lr/+il birch dowel
Sidepanel Sidepanel 4 bd. ft. of 3/lr'-thicksolid birch
x42" 3/t"x13s/e"x42"
(34) #6' 3/nnFlat-headwoodscrews
Top Fixedshelf
x47%" 3/+"x133/s"x351/q" (32) #8 2rrFlat-headwoodscrews
(6) #8x ltlunFlat-head woodscrews
(1) #10, ltlru Round-headwood screw
Longdivider Adjustable
shelf (4) Half-overlayEuro stylehinges
3/a"x133/a"x39A" 34" N133/e"
(4) FulloverlayEuro stylehinges
(4) Adjustableshelfpins
Firstcutwithcircularsawapprox- Shortdivider f
halvessheetforeasierhandlin$ sA"x1l3/a"x13Vq,'J (4) Door pulls

W'orkbenchr December1997 19
Carcase Construction View
ToP .._.-
x 47Ya"

-_- --n{tn*
- Longdivider
Shortdivider \-
Cleats; 3/q"
3/q"x2" x 46/2"
NoTE: Cutlength
to fit yourcarcase,

Plywoodsoldat 3/+"thickusuallymea-
sures%2"thinner.Useshimsbetween the
of yourdadosetfor a perfect
chippers fit.
3/4"x13s/s"x 42''
because plywood that's called 3/arl
thick usually measures only 2ir/rzu
- thick (Figure l). To get a tight joint
between the piecesof plywood, you
need to cut dadoesexactly that size,
or undersized uery slightly.
Cut Dodoes ond Grooves If you own a wobble-fype dado
Side Panel I-ong Divider With the pl1'rvood carcase parts blade, simply dial in the width.
cut to size, lay out the dadoesand With a stack dado, start with cut-
Detail Dado Detail grooves on the sides, the long ters totaling 11/rorr, then insert
ts 13sl8,,f divider,the fixed shelf, and the top shims betweenthem. You can pur-
(Side Panel Detail, Long chase shims or make your own
Divider Dado Detail. Fixed from metal, plastic, or paper.You
19y4, dado
Shelf Detail, and Top Detail). could also take two passeswith a
{ Work on the sidesfirst, and set the narrow blade to achieve the cor-
{ \ N;t'' other parts in a safe place for now. rect dado width.
Dado in To get going on the side panels, Set the cutting depth at eTnttand
leftside 37rtt
put a dado blade in your table test the setup on scrap stock to zero
saw and prepare to cut the dadoes in on a snug fit. Be sure to note that
near the upper and lower ends the locations of the dadoes for the
s/e" (Side Dado Detail). These fixed shelf are not the same in the
dado\ dadoes will house the tongues side and the long divider.
from the top and counter. For strength and a clean appear-
Note:All dadoesare 3/a"
deep. Next, prepare to cut dadoes ance, I housed the back panel of
i n t h e l e f t s i d e a n d my cabinet in rabbets (Side
Side Dado Detail Side Rabbet Detail long divider for housing Rabbet Detail). To cut these rab-
the fixed shelf (Side bets, I used the 3,/a"dado blade,
SidePanel(Edge View) SidePanel(TopView)
Panel Detail and l-ong but partially buried it in an auxil-
Y2"=\ -t Divider Dado Detail). iary fence. That fence is simply a
v'"1 l{ Y4" Matching these dadoes pieceof scrapwood clampedto my
T__l-l; Ti to the thickness of table saw's rip fence (Figure 2).
the plywood introduces Cut these rabbets along the rear
a slight complication. inside edge of the sides and top.

Fixed SheH Detail Top Detail Top Rabbet Detail


3/t" dado,
f -I
3/e"deep -\
135/e" l--,f
<- ,rr
;If T-
1 ,

20 W'orkbenchr December1997
Nolching the Dividers
lay out the notchesin the dividers
to match the thickness and width
of the cleatsthat you made earlier
(Carcase Construction View).
Although you could cut the
notches at the table saw working \.
with a wide dado blade, I felt more \\
confident and comfortable doing First,
this with a jig saw (Figure 3). f€t
---\ ofnotch,
the saw cut at a comfortable feed its length.
rate, and try to avoid putting side A scrapboardprotects
yourripfencefrom bladein yourjig
Usinga plywood-cutting
pressure on the blade - it will damage whileyoucuttherabbetsin the sawis a fastwayto notchthedividen,
causean out-of-squarecut. sidesandtooto housethecarcaseback. Sizethenotchesto matchthecleats,

Drill Honging Rod Holes the screw that secures the hang- catch a hanger. After cutting a
Drilling holes for the hanging rod ing rod to the long clivider. piece of l\/ttt-dia. closet pole stock
is the next order of business(Hole I was ternpted to drill the holes 1811,/+"long, screw a wood exten-
I-ocation Detail and Hole for the shelf pins now. But since sion with a stop block to your table
Drilling Detail). Drill a hole the ends of the long divider and saw's miter gauge (Figure 4).
through the right side panel, but side are not flush, the layout start- Make repeated passes over the
counterbore only halfway into the ed to get complicated. So I took blade, rotating the pole slightly
long divider. To make sure that the the safe route by postponing this after each cut until you cornplete
hole and counterbore line up, task until after I had assembled the kerf aroundthe rod.
clamp the parts together with their the carcase. I also decided to add a decora-
front edgesflush and their top ends tive chamfer to the kerfed end of
offset by 37ntt
while you're drilling. Moke the Honging Rod the rod. Clamping a piece of ply-
I got a bit discouragedwhen I \\4ren I originally built this laun- wood to your table-mountedrouter
couldn't find my 11lqrrForstner bit clry center,I rnadethe hanging rod will help you control the rod
right away,but then I realized that by simply cutting a dowel to length (Figure 5).
a spadebit would work evenbetter and screwing it in place. When all of the machining on
for this operation. Its point auto- But the first time I usecl the the rod is completed, set it aside.
matically drills the shank hole for cabinet, I accidentally brushed The best time to install it is after
againstsome hanging clothes,and you've assembledthe cabinet and
Hole I-ocation Detail my freshly launclered shirts slid appliedthe finish.
off the end of the rocl. As I was
replacing them, they fell again. I Moke the Top qnd Counter
j knew that I had to find a solution I covered the counter with plastic
- gravity is too persistentto beat. laminate.If you've never laid lami-
Fortunately, the answer was nate before, check out the instruc-
quick and easy - I sirnply cut a tions that are provided in Laying
kerf near the encl of the rod to Laminatesbeginning on page 28.

Cut/e"deep Screw]idij
blockto miter hanging rodinto
IfOm en0. /'
Hole Drilling Detail bit,thenrotate.


A groove
cut intotherodwill catcha A parallel
fencesystem safelycontrols
hangerbeforeit slidesofftheend.This hangingrodduringrouting. Rotatetherod
simplesetupletsyoudothejobquickly, intothebit to chamferitsend.

VorkbenchI December1997 21
Counter Construction View intentionally setting the blade too
low for the first pass. I then com-
to pared the size of the tongue to the
_ )-' dado, raised the blade slightly, and
made another pass.I repeatedthis
'"* -
Mitercorners procedure until I got the fit I want-
'--=--- ed. For me, this method works
Substrate much better than trying to set my
x47Vq"--: ,/
blade to a mark on a measuring
tool. When I've tried that, I've
always been frustrated by loose-fit-
ting results.
- isthelaststep.
Get lt Together
.L The key to assemblingthis cabinet
Sideedging 3/4"x1Y2"x 48'' is organization. There aren't many
3/q"x1lz" x10" parts, but each one is fairly large,
...-Houn trners NOTE: Applyedgingafter
Routrabbet after so you need to rehearsewith a dry
laminate. gluin lging. installing in
carcase assembly. assembly to make sure everlthing
fits just right. And unless you fol-
The top and the counter need You'll need to rout the edges of the low the right assembly sequence,
rabbets cut into their ends to form shelf and counter prior to assembly you may end up struggling to get
tongues that fit into the dadoes of the carcase. For details, see parts into position (Carcase
near the bottom ends of the sides Edging l,aminated Surfacesbelow. Assembly Sequence).
(Counter Construction View). I Your table saw still has the dado I used glue and screws to hold
decided to cut the rabbets in the blade and auxiliary fence setup all the parts together. Before glu-
top with the table saw and those in you used to cut the rabbets for the ing, drill countersunk pilot holes
the counter with a router. I chose back. With the blade set to cut a for the screws. I found that I need-
not to use the table saw for the rabbet 3/srrwide, adjust its height ed to put 1/+"-thickplywood shims
counter because the chopping to produce a tongue 3/s" thick under the back edge of some of
motion of a dado blade can cause (Top Rabbet Detail on page 20). the pieces to keep all the front
the laminate to chip. The sideways To sneak up on a perfect fit for edges of the carcaseflush.
shearing motion of a router bit pro- the rabbet in the top, I followed a After drilling the pilot holes,
duces much smoother results. multi-step procedure. I began by take the pieces apart, then start

Edging l^aminated Surfaces Edging Detail

You can use the following procedure The drawingsshow that the
to cover the edges of the adjustable width and depth of the groove
shelf and counter for this project, as both measure3/srr.But I actual-
well as the work surface in the com- ly cut the grooveslightlywider
panion article Swing-Up Shelf. anddeeper(abit lessthan1/rorl
The first step is to cut a rabbet in each direction).That gives
along the laminate-covered edges, me some room to adjust the fit
leavingo a 3/srlthick tongue (Edging when I glue and clampthe banding.
Detail). To do this, use a rabbeting bit After the width and depth are
in your router. As always, several light locked in, it's a simple matter of
passesare better than one healy cut. tweaking the location of the rip fence
After sanding the top edge of the to position the groove in the banding
banding, I use a dado blade to cut the When I glue and clamp the banding
groove into its back surface. The into position, I like to set the strips a
groove's width, depth, and vertical hair below the level of the laminated
alignment are each important. But I surface - just enough that my
don't try to set all three of them at thumbnail barely catches on the edge
once. At first, I concentrate on getting of the laminate. Applying a couple bit in yourroutertrimsover-
A labbeting
the width and depth of the groove coats of clear finish to the wood then hanginglaminate edges andforms the
right where I want them. makes up the difference. tongueforthebanding in oneeasystep.

22 'JforkbenchI December1997
StepA Carcase Assembly Sequence StepE

Clamp117a"-long spacer
to position

r _ _ - - - \ =


- /a"-thicksoacer

NOTE: pipeclamps
Forclarigol illustration,
sidesarenotshownin StepsCandD.

the assembly by gluing and screw- following a specific sequence will

ing the long divider to the fixed ensure your success (Step F).
shelf (Step A). Then add the short Using tape instead of clamps to
divider. Now position the top on hold the banding in place will
the short and long dividers,gluing speedup this process(Figure 6).
and screwing it into place (Step To smooth the banding flush
B). Add the sides next and clamp with the plywood surfaces after the
them in place (Step C). Tacking a glue dries, I decided to use a sharp
wood strip across the front will cabinet scraper (Figure 7). I didn't
hold the assemblysquare. use a belt sander becauseit's just
Slide the counter into position too difficult to avoid sanding
(Step D). Sincethere's no dado in through the thin plywood veneer. tapewhen
the counter to register the lower After scraping, I used a hand-held youuseit to securebanding to carcase
end of the long divider, clamp a sanding block with l2Ggrit paper. edges.Followbanding sequence (above).
spacer to the counter before dri- After you complete all the work
ving the screws. on the banding, drill the series of
Check the entire assembly for 1/4rrholes 3/srrdeep for the support
square by measuring for equal pins that hold up the adjustable
diagonals. Correct any imperfec- shelf (I-aundry Cabinet Con-
tion by clamping the carcase from struction View).
\- -\-
corner to corner. After you Double-checkthe size you need
unclamp the carcase,cut the cleats for the back, then cut it to size and Strive
) shavings,
to finished length, then glue and screw it in place. Next, glue and
screw them into place (Step E). clamp the edging to the adjustable
shelf and counter. Sand a radius at
Bond lhe Cqrcqse Edges the corners of the counter, then
For the sake of appearance and rout a chamfer along the upper to smoothbanding
Usea cabinetscraper
durability, I banded all the front and lower edges of the counter flushwiththeplywood,Thistoolleb you
edges of the carcase. Here again, and the adiustable shelf. dothejobquicklywithmaximum control.

W'orkbenchI December1997 23
Door Construction View Door Detail
(Usehalf-overlay Door Applybanding to thetopandbottomedges
hingesondoors of a 3/+"x 36" x 8slo"doorblank.
attached to short 83/rc"x'l3lt"
arefull overlay.)

Hinge Detail

cabineta thoroughonce-overwith
Centerpoint a tack cloth. I followedthat with
is7e"from four coatsof.Zar Wipe-Onoillvar-
dooredge. nishfinish.
Mount the carcaseto the wall
- Rout/e" chamfer
alongfrontedges beforere-installingthe doors.I put
of bandingafter the carcaseon a pair of sawhorses
assembly. to hold it level and at the right
height while I drilled pilot holes
Banding is 3/s"thick, through the cleats into the wall
NOTE:Hinge mountingdimensions
flushwithplywood door.
applyonlyto Blumhingessupplied
in kit. studs.Positioningthe counterany-
wherein the rangefrom 32rrto 36rl
Moking the Doors that the screw tips will run into abovethe floor shouldwork well.
Now that you have the shell of each other. But you can easily Finally,I drovethe screws.
your laundry room work station solve this by grinding 1/g" off the
complete, you can move on to screw tips. Use locking pliers to lroning Boqrd Honger
making the doors. hold the screws while grinding, I know a few peoplewho are so
Here's the tip I promised you and give them time to cool off devotedto permanentpress that
earlier that will speed up the pro- before touching them. they have completelyrenounced
duction of the doors. First, cut a ironsandironingboards.
piece of plywood to length that is Finishingqnd Instqllotion But if you do need a placeto
wide enough for all four doors The humidity generatedby a storean ironingboard,here is an
(Door Detail). Band the top and washing machine and the heat accessory for the sideofyour cab-
bottom edges of the panel, then coming from a dryer team up to inet that's quick and easyto make
slice the doors apart. Now all you create a hostile environment for a and install (Ironing Board
have to do is band the remaining wood project. So I took extra care Hanger Detail).
two edges of each door. When the with the finishing. And before you say that I'm
banding is completed, rout a l/srl After removing the hardware, I behind the times for clinging to a
chamfer around the outer face of gave everything a final sanding beliefin irons,let mepointoutthat
each door. with 220-grit sandpaper. I vacu- I'm not that old-fashioned. After
For a neat appearance, I used umed off the dust, then gave the all. it is an electriciron.tffi
European-style self-closing con-
cealed hinges (Hinge Detail). Ironing Board Hanger Detail
Use a 35mm bit in your drill press - 3/q"x3Vz"x8"
Rout78"chamfer on
to bore the hinge-cup holes in the endof 17+"dowel
doors. As long as you're at the drill beforecuttingto
press, you can drill the holes for 3" length.
the door handles. Using a scrap
board under the door prevents
tearout on the back ofthe door.
S4ren I used my hand-held drill
to drill pilot holes for the hinge Center holesin
mounting plates, I discovered a widthof board,
problem. The mounting plates are 1" fromends.
located directly behind each other Drillholesfor
on the short divider. That means #8x1lq"FHWS,72"

24 \WorkbenchI December1997
Building tke laundry My laundry room arrangement Building The Frome
allowed for a shelf 5 ft. long. Most To help carry the weight of the
Centeraccomplished rnypri- likely, you'll have to size the shelf shelf when it's covered with a load
mary goal - creatingspace for your circumstances.Just be of clothes, I made a wall frame

forstoring Butit ;ffi:"-'*:ff#TiJ#ilffi"i;

swppties. (Wall Frame Detail). The rails
and stiles of the frame are joined
soon became apparent there theway,thisshelfcouldbeusetul together with half-lap joints and
for 3:fillln:T::i:f;"11#"':l screws. It's important to point out
that, on the stiles, the lower half-lap
folding clothes. Knowing the laun- basementshop. cutout is on the back face. and the
dry room had no floor space to
devoteto a table, I built a swing-up Wall Frame Detail
shelf that's hinged to the wall. It
swings quickly into position for 90- -- lr 3/8'\

use, or drops against the wall

when not needed.
The shelf is built of pl1'wood,and
covered with plastic laminate
{ rote/nar-rap
(Swing-up Shelf Construction T
View) for easyclean-upand mainte
nance.To improve their appearance
and durability, I banded all visible
-l <-_
T (SideView)

pll.wood edgeswith solid birch.

Vorkbench I December1997
Swing-IJp Shelf Construction View What You'll Need
OVERALL 24"Wx 60"1x 32"H
E n de d g i n g
3 / q "x 1 1 2 " x 2 4 " 8 bd. ft. of rrl4rrbirch
3 / q "x 2 3 Y a "x 5 9 1 / q " 1 4x8 sheet.of3/+rrpl)ryvood
FronVBack edging
3/q"x1lz" x60" Hardware
t ir. 1tl2rr-widecontinuoushinge
(8) #6" 5/s"flat-headscrews
! t (60) #4 * 1/zrrflat-headscrews
\S 1 % "x 1 / 2 " x 4 "
(12) #10, 3rrflat-headscrews
10 sq, ft. plasticlaminate
hinge, -._E
60"lons ECA?|

1Yz"-wide Support Arm Detail

I continuous
Wallframestile A
3/r"x3" x12" Wallframerail
' Support l'13/4"
3 / a "x 1 4 3 / a x" 1 1 3 / q "

upper half-lapcutout is on the front Support Arms > 2 3 / q "<
face. This joinery arrangement Begin making the support arms by
counteracts the force of the fully cutting a ply.wooclrectangle for Following the gluing sequenceI
loadedshelf pulling on the frame. each arm and laying out the 35' used will minirrize the number of
Rip your rails and stiles to width angled edge (Support Arm seamsthat show (Figure 3).
and cut them to length. Then Detail). Then cut the angles on
clamp a stop block to an extension your table saw Again, use a long Mochining fhe Sfop Blocks
on your miter gauge, and set up a miter gauge extension and stop To properly position the support
:J/+"dado blade to cut the half-laps block to hold the pieces securely arms, I n'radetwo stop blocks and
(Figure 1). But before cutting during the cuts (Figure 2). rnounteclthern to the unclersicleof
your frame material,I suggestyou Solid woocl banding on the for- the shelf. The notch in each block
make test cuts in scrao wood of ward-facingedgesthe support arms fits over the support ann, anclthe
the same thickness. neatlyconcealsthe edgesofthe ply- angleclenclhelps easethe arm into
After cutting the halfJaps,spread wood. Rip the banding from solid position (Stop Block Detail).
glue on the joints and assernblethe stock ancl glue it to the plywood. I For safety,I machineclthe small
frame. Make sure the frarne is found using clamps on the angled blocks as one piece. Glue two
square before drilling pilot holes edges was awkward, so instead I :r/.r"-thickpieces together to make
and driving two #6, s/s" screws used electrical tape, which stretch- a 1r,/,rr-thickblank. Then rip the
through the back of eachjoint. es enoughto pull the bandingsnug. blank to 1llsilwide and crosscutit

Usea 3/+"dadobladeto cuthalf-laps

in the Usea longextensionandstopblockto Gluebanding to thebottom edgeof the
fnme nils andstiles,Clampa stopblockto holdthesupportarmssecurely.Setyour armsfirst,thento theanglededge,and
anextensionscrewed to yourmitergauge. mitergaugeto cuttheedgeat a 35"angle, to thefrontedgelastto coverthejoints.

26 WorkbenchI December1997
Stop Block Detail

1316"13/4" I
| 3/4"|
Note:Blockis 1/2"-wide.

10rllong,which is enoughfor both

blocksplus a little extra.
Once you have the over-long Insblla 13/ro"
dadobladein yourhble Usinga smallhandsaw,cuttwostoP
stockin hand,cut a 13/rorlwidedado saw,andcuta 3As"deepdadoneareach blockfiomtheovenized piece.
neareachend(Figure 4). Next,cut endof he wenizedpice. theleading
angle edgeofeachblock.
the blocks to length and use a fine
toothedhandsawto cut the angled Assembling rhe Shelf for me. You may want to alter this
endof eachpiece(Figure 5). The backbonesof this project are height for your needs.
the continuous hinges used to To positionthe shelf 32rroff the
Moking rhe Shelf mount the shelf and arms to the floor, I marked a level line l3Yzrl
I made the shelf the sameway I frame.Continuoushinges are very belowthat idealheight andnaileda
madethe counterfor the laundry sfong, andkeepthe shelffrom sag- cleat to the wall, keeping its top
center. Begin by cutting the ging when ifs loadedwith clothes. edgeflush with the line (Figure 7).
plywoodto size (Swing-up Shelf First cut two l2rllong hingesfor Since the shelf assemblyis fairly
Construction View), then bond mounting the arms to the frame. heavy,I located three studs and
the plasticlaminateto the top sur- Hold eachhinge in position(flush securedthe cleatto them.
face following the techniques with the inside edge of eachframe Next, a friend and I lifted the
describedin lnying La.minateson stile)anddrill the pilot holes.Then shelf assemblyand set the frame
page28. screw the hinges to the frame. on the cleat.I drilled a pair of coun-
Once the laminate is secure, Repeatthese stepsand securean tersunk pilot holes through the
rout a tongueon all four edgesof arm to eachhinge. frameat eachstud location.Driving
the shelf (see Edging lnminated Now cut a 5 ft.Jong sectionof a screwthrough eachhole secured
Surfaceson page22).Tte tongues hinge to attach the shelf to the the shelf assemblyto the wall.
providea solid connectionfor the frame. Screw the hinge to the After removing the cleat, I
birch edging, which you can undersideofthe backedgingonthe swung the support arms straight
machineto fit now. shelf (Figure 6). Mount the hinge out from the frame (usinga fram-
After ripping the edging to to the frame so the knuckle over- ing square for accuracy), and
width,miter it to length.Then glue hangsthe frame'sface. screwed the stop blocks to the
the edgingto the shelf,and sanda undersideof the shelf.
3/arrradius on the front corners. Instolling rhe Shelf Without a doubt.the additionof
Routing 1,/srrcharnfersalong the I found that installingthe shelf so this shelf makesit easierthan ever
edges is a safety feature, and the top surfaceis 32rroff the floor to keep the laundry room neat and
dressesup the edging. providesa good working position organized,especiallywhen com-
bined with the laundry center.And
it doesn'teat up
valuable floor

Tackcleatto wallto
holdframein position.

Mounthingeb undenide of shelf,flushwitt Measurcdown13%"fiomdesircdshelf

rcard backed$ng,Mountb fiamesohinge lBightandnaila cleatb wall.&t fie frame
knuckleovefiangsfrontfaceof frame. onthecleat,andscrcwfiameinb studs.
Woodal,wayranhsa,rnong nty leorning fhe Bcsics Even though the core of "plasdc"
The first hurdle you'll encounter laminate is really layers of lrraft
topmaterialchoi,ceswhenit with decorativelaminateis cutting paper (similar to brown shopping
cornestoprojects,butI often the material to size. For most pro-
bags, and also made from wood
ingredi,ents or ,;Jj#*Jffi? ffh1",:1",::
- steet fiber), conventionalgluing meth.
ods don't work very well. Thaf,s
brasshardware,maybeeuen once ifs glued to the substrate becausethe kraft paperis impreg.
(the panel you use as a gluing
ceramictile, glass,or someni,ce base). I like to leave the laminate
granite or marble. Working with at least ilr oversize along each
most of these alternativematerials edge to give me a comfortable
requires tools and techniquesthat margrnfor trimming.
depart frr from my normal wood- You can cut the rough laminate
. worklng routine, but plastics and blank freehand with a router, as
highgressure decorative lami- long as you provide support to
nates are an exception.They can keep the laminateflat (Figure 1).
be machinedwith normal carbide The table saw also works fine, but
blades and cutters. The differ- you'll need a kerfed wood guide to
ences?I-dminatesare thinner and keep the laminate from sliding
more brittle than wood. Cutting under your rip fence @igure 2). Wft he rcughsirema*edonthefac ol
takes some care, and adhesives Your next challengewill be mak- fte laminab,suppoilhe mabdalnear:
and gluing methodsalsovary. tng the stuff stick where you wanl $e lineandruutit wiilra stalghtbit.

28 Vorkbenchr December1997
nated with phenolicplastic resin. Oncethe positioningis correct, blank to an oversize substrate,
large furniture and cabinetshops remove the center spacers and then cut the panelto size on the
with fuIl-sheet presses can use pressthe laminatedown,working table saw (always with the lami-
ordinarywhite or yellowglue,but towardeachendandremovingfhe natesideup to avoidchipping).
for the rest of us, contactcement spacersas you go (Figure 4). To High pressurelaminatesoffer a
works best. ensure a good bond, I also use durable and easy-to-clean surface
light hammer blows on a wood for a lot of projects,not to mention
Glue-up: One Shot block, or pressurefrom a J-roller, a wild variety of colors and tex-
You'll find contact cements with to seat the laminate completely fures. They're easy to apply, and
either solvent-basedor water- (nigure 5). Be carefulnot to crack you can opt for different edge
borne formulas, and application the overhanging laminate at the treatments,includingwood mold-
methodsincludebrushing,rolling, edges- you want b cleantrim. ing thatmatchesyour project.I
and spraying. On really porous
materialsyou may needtwo coats Trimming ond Edging
to provide adequatecoverage. With mostlaminatedpanels,you'll
The best substratesare engi- want to trim the excess laminate
neeredwoodpanels,suchasparti- flush with the edges of the sub-
cleboard, plywood, or medium- strate.A bearing-guidedflush-trim
density fiberboard (MDF), that routerbit is the surestwayto get a
don'tmoveasmuchassolidwood. clean edge (Figure 6). The bit s
Apply the adhesiveto both sur- carbide flutes shear the laminate
faces to be joined, but don't put from the edge so there's none of
them together right away.Allow the tearout commonwith sawing
the cement time to air-dry (the through the face.
sheenwill changefrom glossyto There'sanothertechniqueI use Laminates slideundelmostfences,soif
matte) and to developa slight tack. when I don't have a flush-trimbit youcutthemateilal onthetablesaw,use
Don't be fooledby the weak grab handy.I bond an oversizelaminate a kerfed woodfenceto guidetheedge.
on your finger,though contact
cementis designedto cling tena-
ciouslyto itself, bonding instanfly
when the two coated surfaces
make contact (hence the name).
You don't need clamps,but you
haveto get it right the first time.
After the cementhas set up on
both the laminateand the panel,
you can put the piecestogether.I
use thin wood strips as spacersto
hold the materialapartuntil I posi-
tion the laminate (Figure 3).
(V'enetianblind slats and wood Afteryouapplycontact cement to boththelaminate andsubstrateandletit dry,set
dowelsare alternatives.) cleanspacen Thenposition
onbthesubstrate. thelaminate in place.

ofthepanel,remove A J-ruller
Sbrtingatthecenter helps
a strcng cement Aflush-trim ruuterbit,guidedbya bear-
thespacen andprcss
thelaminab down, bond. rcller(inback-
A double.wheel ing,willshear
thelaminab offalong
Theconbctcement willbondinstantly. grcund)candotheedgesaftertrimming. edges.Watchforvoidsin thesubstrate.
I December1997 29
Eaeryyearat thistimeI try to Prairie Style was an offshoot of the way you decideto go, you'll end up

comeup with a projectthatI futsAlthough

and Crafts movement.
crisscrossing grids are
with beautiful results.
For the panels, I used three
caneasilymassproduce for one hallmark of the Prairie Style, materials that are closely tied with
they're optional in this project - a Prairie Style traditions (Panel
holidaygifts.SinceI uswally box without them is still very hand- Options). These are just sugges-
endup bwildingsix or senen, some. Making the grids isn't diffi- tions - I know there are other
cult, but it does take time. Either choices that will work just as well.
it'simportantto keepthe
machining setups simple and con-
sistent so that parts for every unit
G, Panel
t f i l c 0 P P E R I experimented
#t with threepanelmaterials,
can be made at the same time.
This year I made treasure boxes
r'ft ' W$ #- 'fq"
and I knowthereareothenthatwill cre-
f - atean appropriate lookfor this project.
for storing jewelry, photos, letters, -f
r" 1 'f
and other collectibles. As one i SII/NfD
Copperis availableat manyhardware
stores.To imitatethe traditionallook of
friend pointed out, these boxes
hammeredmetal, I tapped my panels
look like a house. I supposethat's
natural since home designs are with, of all things,a trailerball hitch.Try
strikingyourcopperwith differentobjects
always on my mind. Inspiration for RICE
PAPER untilyou createa patternthat suitsyou.
this design came from Prairie
As for stainedglass,minecamefroma
Style architecture, made well-
localstainedglassshop,and I foundthe
known by Frank Lloyd Wright in
' '3!ft#"#6t ricepaperat an art supplystore.
the early part of this century. .d#;*#/-

30 W'orkbenchI December1997
Prairie Box Consffuction View
SIZE:9"Wx14"Lx 57/a"H
/- ctossbal
x/2" x11/q"
Upright72" lz" xVz"x4"
(halfofcompleted I n ,-fop
-+ffi t--rlfr U 3/4"xg"x14''
tf Stile
Front rail l z " x 1 % "x 4 "
# Panel / 2 "x ' l % "x 1 2 "-
screw l i z,,xro,,
- ovalhead / variesdepending
/r" x/a" x5' Retaining
strips 0hickness;;;---,-' on material
molding) /-t
-7 $l

Gridstile -
Panel altJ Gridrail(front)
/q" x%" x2,,
2 "x 5 " \ Vq"x%" x'10"
(lhickness \ Brad
variesdepending ]
onmaterialchoice.) 17gauge,
Peg )
-/ \ siderail
1 A x" % " x l z
% " x 1 % "x 7 "

% "x 6 % "x 1 1 % "

(per box)
Geiling Frqmed extension, cut sample half-lapsin
With simplicity of construction in pieces of the extra frame material Ltrmber
mind, I designed each wall of the (Figure 1). Once the blade height 2 sq.ft. of l/2rr-thick
box as a frame (Prairie Box and fence setting are perfect, cut a 1 sq.ft. of l/4rr-thick
Construction View). The four half-lap in both ends of your rail 1 sq.ft. o:fr/4tt-thickhardboard
pieces in each frame are held and stile stock. ll/zbd. ft. of 3/nrr-thick
together with half-lapjoints, which Once you're done cutting the
you can cut easily on your table halfJaps, replace the dado blade Hardware
saw with a dado blade. with a standard saw blade and rip (2)#6* 1%rrbrassovalhead
Becausethe joinery is identical your rails and stiles to width woodscrews
in all the frame pieces,and the size (Figure 2). Be sure to use a push (2) 2tt" 10rrpanels*
of the pieces is rather small, I block so you can keep your hands (2)2tt" 5rrPanels*
decided to machine extra-wide well away from the blade while rip- *materialof your choice
stock - a kind of gang-cutting ping these narrow pieces.
operation. I machined the half-lap
joints into 6rLwide stock, then
ripped this stock into 1tl4tt-vi6"
pieces for the rails and stiles. This
practice increases safety and saves
a lot of time.
So to begin, joint one edge of
some 6llwide, r/ztt-thick stock for
the frames, then crosscut pieces to
length for the rails and for the
stiles. In addition, you'll want to cut
some extra material to use for test-
ing your half-lap setups.
Now install a 3/+rr-widedado Makeseveral passes
to forma half-lapat Aftermachiningthehalf-laps,ripthewide
blade in your table saw and, using eachendof the5"-wide piecesof stock stockintotherailsandstiles.Test-fit
your miter gauge and a wood you'vecutto lenghhr therailsandstiles. piecesbgetherbefuregluinguptheframes.

WorkbenchI December1997 3r
Frame Details SideFrame
> 11/q"* (OubideView) > lVn"F

1Y4" -t 'K
Jtt ln'

T I --/l
t T
l+2" +l
(lnsideView) (lnsideView) I
4" 1A"deepxl/t" wider with a chisel.
Souare allcorners
witha chisel.

-J/ )
i 'J

Rqil ond Srile Assembly ought to be square.After fine tun- Moking the Grids
Now you can put the rails and ing, glue the rails andstilestogeth- As with the frames, making the
stilestogetherto makethe frames er (Figure 3). You'llwantto clamp grids is all about half-laps(Grid
(Frame Details). Don't use any each corner to press the halflap Details). And this is another
glue until youVecheckedthe fit of surfacessnug.Srhenthe squeeze- instance when I preferred to
each assembly- if the machine out becomesrubbery, shearit off machinethe stock before ripping
setupswere accurate,the half-lap with a chisel. it into the narrowstrips.
joints will be tight and the frames Measure your frame openings
Mochining Smoll Stock - in caseyour dimensionsvary
Sincethe fit of so manyupcoming from mine - and cut your stock
steps dependson the l/+rrstrips Yzrrlongerto allowfor the half-laps
usedfor the grids and pegs,I sug- at the endsof the grid pieces.
gestyou makethis stocknow Next,installar/+ttdadobladein
First set the bladeand the fence your table saw and clamp a setup
on your table saw,and rip into the block to the fence. Cut l/srr-deep
edge of your r/zrlthick stock dadoesin the stock at the appro-
(Figure 4). Continueraising the priate locations (Figure 5). To
blade and making several more check your setup,I suggestmak-
passesto cut the kerf deeper. ing cuts in scrapstock first. Cut a
Whenthe kerf is about234rrdeep, rabbet in both ends of eachpiece
andclamp lower the blade,set the fence23/ttl aswell (Figure 6).
Make suretheassem- from the blade, and cut the thin Replacethe dado blade with a
bliesan quarebefure
leavingthemto dry, stockfree of the board. standardblade and rip r/att-*i4"

Youcaneasilymake%"-thick stockfrom Working withthe %'-thickx 231+"-wide Onceyou'vecutthedadoes, resetthe

by rippinga deepkerf, stock,cut %"-deepdadoes at theoverlap fenceandsetupblockto cuttherabbetat
thenrippingthethinstockflomtheboard. locations eachendof the gridstock.

32 \TorkbenchI December1997
Grid Details FrontandBackGrid
t\y2!L y2'irl *

\"\*-{ 3tu+"
T- /4
Iril, tl
t l%"

strips for the grid pieces and for Grid Mortises the mortise locations (Figure
the pegs (Figure 7). To ensure Now that you have the hang of l1). Drill out the mortisewaste
that these strips can't be kicked forming square holes you can with a r/qnbit, but this time drill
back, use a push block that passes move on to forming mortises in only 1/6rrdeep. Squarethe holes
through the blade with the strips. the frames for the grid installation. with a chisel, making sure to
Now carefully glue each grid Before you can form these mor- checkthefit ofthe gridsasyougo.
assembly together. tises, however,you must rabbet the When everythingfits, put a spot
back of each frame opening of glue in eachmortiseand press
Squore Peg Holes (Frame Details). Use your router the grids into position.After the
Forming square holes for the pegs table and a rabbeting bit, making glue sets,rip l/srr-deepgroovesin
is a snap if you have a hollow chisel sure the bit's bearing limits the the framesfor holding the bottom
mortiser. This tool drills out most width of the cutto 1/+rr
(FigUre 1O). (Frame Details). You'Il need to
of the waste and squares the sides Rout the rabbets and square the make two passeswith a standard
of a hole in one step. Fortunately, corners with a chisel, then lay bladeto cut grooveswide enough
you can get the same results with each grid into its frame and outline for the |/ 4n-thickhardboard.
a drill and sharp chisel.
Iay out the peg hole locations
on the frames (Frame Details).
deep, centered
Then draw lines from corner to Tq"Forstner
corner to mark the center of each orbrad ,^.:^..:^
layout.Chuck a1/qt'bitin your drill
and bore a r/arldeephole at each
layout (Figure 8). Square the
holes with a very sharp l/+rrchisel,
taking your time to keep every-
thing crisp and even (Figure 9).
As you proceed, dry fit a peg
strip in the holes - you want a Usea pushblockthatcantravelthrough Beginformingsquareholesforthe pegs
snug fit, but not so tight that you thebladewhilerippingthegridstockto bydrillingwitha %" bit. Besureto align
need a mallet. width.Thiswill prevent
kickbacks. thebit withthecenterof eachlayout.

/+" Chisel Rout/4" deepx 7n"

Square upthepegholeswitha sharp Setupyourroutertablewitha rabbeting Theeasiestandmostaccurate wayto

chisel.Asyouworkon eachhole,testits aroundthe
bit,thenrouttherabbets locatethegridmortises
is to position
sizewitha %" Pegstrip, openingon thebackof eachframe, gridanddrawaroundtheends.

W'orkbenchr December1997 33
Clamping Detail

Sothateachpairof framesis exactly

samesize,clampa stopblockto thewood
beforemiteringtheframeends. Besureassembly squareasyoutightentheclamps.

Mitering the Fromes once the brads are driven and the Now you can filI the square
Simplici[' is the key to this project, frames are assembled,apply a cou- holes with pegs. Cut \/')tt-long
and one of the simplest joints I ple of coats of wiping oil varnish pegs, and glue them into position.
know is the miter. That is how I on all the parts now. But definitely later, after the glue sets, use a
joined the corners of the frames. avoid getting any finish on the fine-toothedhandsawto cut off the
Even though mitering is sirnple, miters or in the grooves for the excess,leaving the top of each peg
accuracy is essential. Set up the bottom. Finish in these areas will just proud of the frame surfaces.A
miter gaugewith a wood extension prevent the glue from bonding pieceof plasticlaminateis ideal for
and a stop block, then take plenty well with the wood or hardboard. positioning the saw for these cuts
of time to tilt your blade precisely (Figure 13).
at 45". Make test cuts in pairs of Assembling the Frqmes File and sand the ends of the
scrappiecesuntil you can set them Install the panels and quarter- pegs to remove the saw marks,
together to form a 90' angle.Once round molding, and cut the bottom then use a rag to apply several
you're satisfied,miter the frames to size. Then glue the frames coats of finish to them.
(Figure l2). But don't glue them together.I found that band clamps
together just yet. worked well for clamping the Moking rhe Top
frames together (Clamping Choosing stable wood for the top
Instolling the Ponels Detail). Spreadglue on eachrniter reduces the chance of warpage
Because the box is rather small, and put a small amount in the over time. hok for quartersawnor
installing the panels can be diffi- groovesfor the bottom, then apply rift sawn (straight-grained) stock,
cult after the frames are glued pressurewith the band clamps. and use material you know is dry.
together. Instead, I recommend Shearoff any glue before it hard- To further reduce the chanceof
installing the panels now. ens,then give the box a good sand- warpage, make the top with two or
The method for installation ing to 180-grit after the glue dries. more piecesglued edge-to-edge.
dependson the panel material you Be careful sanding the grids - After sandingthe glued-uppanel
choose.To hold in the copper and aggressive sanding can cause a and cutting it to size,tilt your saw
rice paper, I used 1/+rrquarter- depressionin these fragile areas. blade 26" and bevel each edge
round purchased from The
Woodworkers' Store (l-800-279-
4441).Since stainedglass is thick-
er than copper or rice paper, and
doesn't leave room in the frame
rabbets for retaining strips, I used
very thin beads of clear silicone
caulk to hold them into the frames.
If you do use quarter-round
strips, miter the piecesto fit in the
frames. Then set the panel and
pieces into position and drill very
small pilot holes for 1/2tt-1eng
brads You'llhavea perfectcutoffgaugeif you to yourtablesaw
Clampa tallextension
- don't drive the brads just yet. protecttheframeswithplasticlaminate fenceandripthebevels,firstontheends,
Since finishing will be difficult whileyoucutthepegsto length. thenontheedgesof thetop.

34 VorkbenchI December1997
(TopView) Handle Details
Tbp Details
V (SideView)
l\ crossbar upright
26" 1/0"r
bevel -.-r-l---\--L- {
T[ l--___l [ur
(End Y4'-\ ,-tY2"
View) (BottomView)
l< 4" tY
Y T-l rl:-
(EndViews) iv/'
t/4 alil Ir: E-]
lll ll Yr"ll ll
u_r-t Tll li
]| F!>l \ ,' /, 4, ,
.r_ /a,, NOTE: piecesfor uprightsto do all machining.

(Top Details). Always cut bevels and, using your miter gauge, a
or.rthe ends first, where tearout iswood extension and a stop block,
rnost likely to occur (Figure 14). cut the dado in each upright. Fine-
Following with the edge grain cuts tune the fit of the uprights around Brassscrews are
should remove any tearout. the crossbar stock, then cut the soft and break
Sandthe bevels,then use a dado uprights to length. Use the miter whenbeing
blade to rabbet the underside of gauge setupfor this operationtoo. drivenin hard-
the top so it nests nicely into the Cut the crossbar to length and wood.To avoid
box (Figure 15). glue the uprights into pairs around thisproblem,drill
it. After the glue dries, mark X's on yourpilotholes,
Moking rhe Hondle the bottom end of each upright, thendrivein and
Prairie Stylists drew inspiration then carefully measure the dis- remOve steel
screws thatmatch
frorn Oriental architectureand fur- tance from one center to the other andthread count ofyourbrass
niture. Although this box is not an (it shouldbe 3'r),and transferthese Thepathcutbythesteel makes
authenticreproduction,the handle locations to the top (Top Details). toinstall
it easy thebrass screws.
picks up on this traditional theme. Now drill pilot holes for #6
To make the hanclle,rip rnaterial screws in the uprights, and drill cardboard that fits down into the
to width for the crossbar and generously sized pilot holes in the box. The felt protectsjewelry and
uprights, and leave all the pieces top. Countersink the underside of other precious collectibles, and
long for now (Handle Details). the top for the screws. increasesthe "elegancefactor" of
The extra length makes machining Sand the handle to ease all the the completedproject.
safer and easier. sharp edges, then apply several Not that this project needsmore
Next, install a r/2" dado blade coats of finish to it and to the top. elegance.Simple lines and a classic
Screw the top to the handle with appearanceare more than enough.
#6" lt/ztt brass oval head screws And even more imporlantly, I know
(I used oval head screws because your family and friends will appreci-
they are more attractive than ate your craftsmanship
flat-head screws). Since brass when a Prairie
screws break so easily, I always Treasure Box
follow a two-step procedure to shows up
drive them, as described in the among their
Pro Tip above. holiday
Finol Thoughts
If you intend to keep delicateitems
Usea %" dadobladeto cuttheshallow in your box, you might want to add
on theunderside of thetop.Make one more detail. I sometimes use
suretheresulting yourbox. black felt to cover a piece of stiff
Highlightsfrom this
Year'sTbol Shows

For a lot ofAmericans,theend equipmentcostingupwardsof half ownersand small-shopwoodwork-

a million dollars- all there to see ers like you and me. Trouble is,
of summermeanssqueezing i,n and samplein the flesh. not everytooljunkie getsa chance
that long awaiteduacation, Oneweeklater,Chicago'snewly to seethem.We knew we couldn't
scrambling expandedMcCormick Placecon-
to preparefor the vention centerhostedthe National
arrange for all of our deserving
Workbench readers to attend the
comingschoolyear,or maybe Hardware Show, where manufac- events (imagine the parking and
finishingoutdoorprojects turers from acrossNorth America
showcased wares even more
name tags, for starters), but we
did do the next best thing - we
beforethe fall weatherturns cold. diverse- hand and power tools, combedthrough severalthousand
But for a coupleof long weekends building materials,electrical and exhibitor's booths, pens in hand
in August, two of the biggest plumbing supplies,paints and fin- and cameraspoised,to round up
woodworking and tool trade ishes,lawn and garden products, the latestand greatestthesecom-
showsin the country hostedover andmore.If it goesinto a home,or panieshaveto offer.
50,000 people intent on getting a home shop,odds are it was dis- Some of our favorites are fea-
down to business. The 1997 played somewhereamidst those tured in the following pages,but
Woodworking Machinery and miles of aisles. we'll be bringing you more details
Furniture Supply Fair, held in Although these shows cater to on theseand other new toolsfrom
Anaheim,CA,featuredeverything industry professionalsand retail- the shows in upcomingissuesof
from dime-a-dozen dowel pins to ers, both feafure new tools and Workbench, so staytuned.For now,
computerized manufacturing other oroducts aimed at home- here are somenewsmakers.

36 \Torkbench
r December
Havinga tablesawbladebind or a
workpiecejam againstthe fenceis
an unnervingexperience, no mat-
ter how skilled you are. If you're
fortunate enough to capture the
workpiecewith both handsbefore
it becomesa missile,you still have
to deal with a spinningsaw blade
or cutterthat makesno distinction
betweenflesh andfir.
The obvioussolutionis to turn
the machineofl but do you want
to let go of the wood now?This is
the scenario that inspired
ReiTech'sEasyOff PowerControl.
The oversizepanelhousesa stan-
dard pushbuttonstart switch,but
shutoffis accomplishedby a knee
bump to the large STOPsign.
For l2Gvolt machinesup to 15
amps, the #CR ($89.95)accepts
the machine cord plug directly
and plugs right into a wall outlet.
This is a nice safetyboostfor both
stationaryand benchtop tools.
Call ReiTechat (800)385-6161.

BesseyPowerGrip Freud RaisedPanelBits

What is the soundof one hand clamping?Try out Every sawy woodworkerknows that table-mount-
Bessey'snew PowerGripclamp and you'll know. ing a router doublesits versatility,and new cutter
Granted,one-handedclampshave been around a profileshavereallymadean impact,too.Now Freud
few yearsnow,but earlierversionssacrificedsome has adaptedthe patenteddesign of its 2+2 shaper
powerfor the convenience. Only recentlyhaveman- cuttersinto a line ofraised panelrouter bits.
ufacturers thought to combine the one-handed Freud developedthe geometryof the 2+2cutters
adjustmentwith a screwjaw,and Bessey'sversions to leavea clean,splinter-freeedgewherethe panel's
(12rrand24rrlong)yield a hefty 1,000lbs.pressure. bevelandfacemeet.Two largeup-cutwingsremove
Featuresinclude a quick-releasesliding jaw, an mostof the bevel,while the down-shear actionof the
adjustmentlever you can operatefrom either the small wings clips the fuzzy edgescommonon the
handle or rail side of the clamp, and a tempered end grain of raised panels.No more sanding!
one-piecesteel rail. Retail cost?fuound $35-$39. Offeredin sevenprofiles,the Yzrlshankbits list for (800)82&1004. $100-S125. CallFreudat (800)472-7307.

\TorkbenchI December1997 37
Changingrouter bits isn't a horrif- Tb release,just pull the collet cap
ic ordeal,but most woodworkers until'you feel the lock snap open
can tell tales of pinched fingers, and relax the steelsleeve'sgrip.
scrapedknuckles,andmissingcol- According to Jacobs,the tool-
let wrenches.Won't it be awful to free colletswill arrive first as com-
give all that up? ponents on new routers (demos
You'd better brace yourself for were done with Porter-Cableand
just that, becauseJacobs Chuck DeWalt routers, but no brands
Mfg. Co. debutedits new Hand- have been specifiedyet), then
Tite RouterChuck in Chicago. later sold as retrofit accessories.
Unlike a conventionalthreaded We saw onlyar/tttcollet, but Vsrl
collet system, the RouterChuck andr/znversionsare in the works.
features a snaplock collet that Costand releasedateschedules
requires just a firm push (toward are still being sorted out, we were
the motor) to lock the bit in place. told. CallJacobsat (864)654.5926.

Award-WinningKnife MilwaukeeSharp-Fire
Developedby a Canadianmanufacturer,the Nack Marketed almost exclusively to contractors, auto-
Ifuife is a new addition to the Tim Allen Signature feed power screwdriverssavea lot of hassleand
Tools line, and it has to be the trickest utility knife time fasteningdrywall, assemblingcabinetsandfur-
designalive. Inside the ergonomichandlelurks a niture,andscrewingdowndeckingandsubflooring.
retractableblade systemthat lets you get up to 30 Home.shopwoodworkersmight considerthem a
fresh knife edgeswithout evertouchinga blade. luxury item only,but if you haveprojectsgoing on
A rotary magazine stores 15 double-ended year-roundlike we do, they really earn their keep.
blades.You simplyretractthe dull bladeand dial in Milwaukee unveiled four versions of its new
a new one.Useup 15 edges,then reversethe mag- SharpFire system- with low rpm (G2,500)and
azine to get the hrgh rpm (G4,000)driver motors,andwith compact
other 15 blades. (shown)and extendeddriveshafthousings.Usable
The knife is $20; fastenerscurrenfly rangefrom lt/tu to 2rrin length,
a replacement with longer sizesto be addedlater. The screwsare
magazineis $5. collatedin strips of 50. The nose of the gun has
For info, call depth-of-drivecontrol and lets you install a full plas-
(888)24S5536. tic collationstrip in just a few seconds.Costfor the
systemswill start at about $300retail.
The companyalsohad new l&volt cordlesstools
on hand - ar/2ttrotary hammer,andVzt D-handle
Tbols and right-angledrills - and 12other new tools.
Porter-Cablelaunched additions to several tool For more info, call Milwaukee at (800)4l+6527.
groups this year, including pneumaticfastening
tools (a new medium-crownconstruction stapler
and a roofingnailer),three newJetStreamportable
air compressors, newcordlessdrills andflashlights,
and severalrouter accessories.Among the latter are
two dustcollectionfittingsfor Porter-Cablerouters.
These bases install on
the routers and divert
chips and dust into a
is about $39 for the
smaller unit and about
$46 for the larger. For
information call Porter-
Cableat (800)487-8665.

38 \W'orkbenchr December1997
New Quieter Helpfor the HomePlumber
ShopVacuums Most people who tackle home
plumbing jobs learn that these
- fire danger - the company
offers the Flame-Gard, a 9n l2r
Wet/dry vacuums can really help projects aren't difficult, but few heat shield made from woven
improve the breathing conditions of us feel confident soldering ceramic fiber ($9.98).
in your shop, but the noise they copper pipe joints. It's actually Other favorites are the Pipe
make is almost as annoying as all pretty easy,but we found a great Slice(s),three self-adjustingtub-
that airborne sawdust. Enter two idea at the Hardware Show that ing cutters (for 3/e", \/2", or 3/q'
new machinesto change that. makes it just about foolproof. copper pipe; $tg.gS each)) with
First is the German-made SQ SoldOmat Rapid Solder Rings spring{oaded cutting wheels,
from Wap International. The 10- give you a pre-measuredamount and the Red Line S-Function
gallon polyethylene tank features of lead-free tinlsilver alloy, i"evel ($15.95), which provides
an offset intake port that creates a formed into a ring that sticks to standardreadingsplus 1%and2o/o
cyclonic effect, separating heavy the flux-coated end of a copper slope for setting drain pipe.
dust and debris. Noise level from pipe. You simply press the fitting For info, call (800) 327-3552.
the 1.Ghp motor is only 58 deci- on over the solder ring and heat
bels (dB), versus the more typical the joint with a propane torch.
75-80dB. With hose, filter, and six The ring melts and solder flows
attachments,the SQ sellsfor about through the joint, starting at the
$500. Auto-start tool feature is inside, where the seal is critical.
optional. Call (800) 237-2368. It's simple, but oh-soclever.
The rings, sold in t/2",3/,+",and
|r diameters, start at less than
10Qeach, dependingon quantity.
Group of Wasco,IL, also has
other products designedto make
life tolerable for the plumbing-
impaired.To handle another con-
cern about soldering copper pipe

BoschCompactBelt Sander
The Skil-Boschbooth featured a Bosch has offered only larger
number of new power tools, but models of random-orbit sanders.
the newsmakerswere from one The full-featured model (S90
group especially - sanders. retail) has two speeds,a soft-grip
These included a line of palm- top, and through-the-pad dust
grip random-orbitsanders,a new extraction with a canister.
half-sheet finishing sandeq and Also new? A digital protrac-
one very different entry - a torlanglefi nder/level ($99.95).
Hitachi also introduced a new compactbelt sander. Call SB at (800)301-8255.
7.5-gal. industrial shop vacuum, This new sandersharesits size
rated at just 66 dB. The RP3OSA and basic shape with Bosch's
features both wet and dry filters, a corner detail sanders, and it's
stainlesssteel tank, roller base, a designed to get into the same
10.Gamp motor, plus a 10-ft. flex kind of tight spaces. The belt
hose and eight attachments. Retail sanding action makes stock
cost is expectedto be around $230. removal a lot faster though.
Other newcomers at the Hitachi Belt size is 172'r 12rr.Ten of
booth included a 10rr bench-top them will come in a kit with the
table saw, a 12rr portable planer, sander,a side handle. and a car-
and a prototype cordless power rying case,for about $150retail.
plane. For info, call Hitachi/Koki The palm-grip sanders aren't a (800)54G1666. new category, but until now

WorkbenchI December1997
Well-balancedHammers Drill SharpeningSystem
With all the electronic-controlpowertoolsandother If you suffer from chronic DTDS (Dull Twist Drill
high-tech fare at these shows, it was nice to see Syndrome),there's a cure for what ails you. It's a
there'sstill room for traditionalhandtoolsthat have self-containedsharpening system called the Drill
been rethought or reinvented.Two new hammers Doctor,andit tunesup drill bits withoutguesswork.
were amongthose offerings this year. The systemhas its own motor and three separate
TakagiToolsgrew ports that automaticallyindexthe bit, grind itwith a
its line of Japanese- diamond wheel, then
style woodworking "split" the point so it
tools (they make the stays on center. The
Shark Saw line) to #500SP($129)handles
include several nail bits from 3/zz"to t/2";
pullers and a hybrid the #750SP ($169)
hammerdesign. sharpens drills from
The Homing ham- 3/pt'to 32rrin diameter.
mer (top photo) has For info, call Darex
a fiberglass shaft (800)547-0222.
and cushionedgnp,
but the businessend
is the traditional
Japanese "duck's Talking TapeMeasure
head"shape.The 23- DrCrtaltape rules offer high-tech help with measur-
oz. head feels much ing, but Zirconpushedthe envelopefurther still to
lighter, and has side make one that actuallytalks back to you - or more
faces for tight nail- accurately,lets you talk back to yourself.
ing. List price is $36.CallTakagiat (800)777-5538. The Repeateris a 2Sft. tape rule with a built-in
The othernewcomeris from HartTool Co.,devel- digital voice recorder.You take a reading,but say
oper of the California Framer. Called the 'TV'oody," the dimensionout loud rather than memorizeit.
their new hammerkeepstheir trademarkhickory Press a button and it
handle, but sports a stainlesssteel head with a plays back. You can also
square face (for a bigger "sweet spot) and an record/listen in a stop
extendedtang. The tang adds strength, plus has and-startsequence(upto
shouldersthat protectthe handlefrom oversfikes. 20 seconds),and rewind
They alsoaddeda sidepull clawto the head.Costis to repeat the messages.
about$60for the 22-oz.;a 17-oz.versionis planned. Cost is under $30. Call
For info, call HartTool Co. at (800)3314495. (800)245-9265.

New ClassicEdition Unisaw

Showgoersused to Delta's stan- tipped blade, Biesemeyerfence,
dard green-gray and black color and extension table. It sells for
schemegot an eyefulof something $1,699(minusa $100rebate).
unusualat the company'sAnaheim Also new for the companyis a
booth. A ClassicEdition Unisaw. 12rrcompound miter saw (retail
deckedout in a coatof Biesemeyer around$429)with a sliding fence
white, drew a lot of stares. and a base design that allows
The white Unisaw actuallygot a direct mounting to 2x lumber
test debut last year at the (suchas a sawhorserail).
InternationalWoodworkingFair in Other new products carrying
Atlanta. But then it wasjust a teas- the Deltanameare a compactvari-
er to get the crowd'sreaction,and ablespeed stock feeder, a 121/ztl
this yearthe color schemewill see portableplanerwith a cutterhead
daylighton productionmodels. lock to control sniping,and a cart-
Delta is promoting the sawwith mounted lr/z-hp dust collector.
a package that includes a carbide Call Delta at (800)43&2486.
r December1997
"CabinetClaw"Clamp& Guide Starrett"Oops"
It's morethanfrustratingto have let you drive the assembly
installation problems undo the screws.Retailcost is $60a pair.
work you put into making cus- For info, call (312)66G0640. If youVeevergoofedup by drilling
tom cabinets. Now Adjustable too smalla clearancehole for pipe,
ClampCo.offershelp for this job or had to enlargean existinghole,
- the PonyCabinetClaw. you know how criticalthe pilot bit
This tool not only clampsadja- is for a hole saw.The L.S.Starrett
cent cabinetframes together,it Co.has a solution- an arbor that
aligns them flush and has a lets you mount two hole saws
retractableguide for drilling the simultaneouslyand use the small-
screwholes.The guide pivotsto er sawto pilot the larger one.
The "Oops"arbor lists for $6.98
and accepts Starrett hole saws
from7/s"through 6rrin diameter.
Home FiremanSystem Call Starrett at (508)249-3551.
Whenfires start,reactiontime is
critical, but most homes aren't
equippedwith real safeguards.
The Home Fireman ($199)fea-
tures a between-the-sfuds cabi-
net, installationkit, and a valve
that connectsto a supply line.
Inside is a 40-ft.hose and a S-lb.
extinguisher. Call SafeHome
Industriesat (888)662-3473.

VacuumCircleJig More to Come!
As far as precision,engineering is $399with the 6rrto 48rrcircle Much as we'd have liked to, we
qualiff, and ease of setup, the guide, or $299 without. Call couldn'tdo justice in one issueto
Micro-Fenceedge-guidesystem Micro-Fenceat (800)48U6427. all of the new items featured at
for routers still occupiesa class theseshows,sowe hadto settleon
by itself. This Vacuum Center a few of our favorites.
accessory hasthe samegenes. Don't panic,though. Workbench
Using the company'scircle- will continueto bring you newson
routing guide, the vacuum cen- the othertoolsandhomeimprove-
ter has a venfurivalveand a suc- ment productswe sawin Anaheim
tion-ring hold-downthat leaves and in Chicago.Still to come:Jet's
no mark on the workpiece.Cost new Shopline - sevenaffordable
machinesfor the home shop;new
hand tools from Veritas/ke
Valley;precisionrouter table and
Makita ElectricChainSaws table saw fences from JoinTech;
Ifyou usea chainsawaroundthe an electricmodel.There'sno fuel DeWalt's new miter saw stand;
yard morethan out in the woods, to mix and no engine to keep cordlessdrills from Ryobi; Dutch
nothingbeatsthe convenience of tuned- just sharpenthe chain. Boy's new exterior house paints
Makita introduced gas chain forrnulatedfor regional climates;
saws last year, and now offers an awesomeheavy-dutylathefrom
two electric versions (14rrand Powermatic;Keller's 1500 single
16rr),also made by the same template dovetail-routing system,
German subsidiary. Look for and much more.
retail cost around $199-S219, For now, though, this should
with availabilityby year'send. providea good start on your wish
Call (800)462-5482. list for the holidays!tE

\Torkbench I December1997 4r
Miter SawStation
When I'm getting started on a armsaw,slammed oneendagainst especiallyif you splurge for one
prOjeCt,A trip tO the IOCAIlUm- thecutoffstop,andhadtheboard with a slidingheadfor wider cuts.
Because they're designed for
beryard, iti p"r,of Hffiij:.'n*,lll.H: H:
i, usuotty portability, though, miter saws
theroutine,a stoptopick up measure.This is not exactlyunap-
pealing,I thought,but I knewa 16rl
don't provide much support for
long boards,and they don't have
thematerialsI'll need.But industrialsawand cutoff guide rails with adjustable
tableweren'tin my budget.
sometimes I getmorethan Still,I wasa changedhandyman.
stops.I've seena numberof after-
market saw stands designed to
a truckloadof wood- sometimes I knew that a modestupgradein give miter saws a little help with
I get inspiration for ideas that my tool arsenalwould let me work these features, but most of the
might improvemy projector even faster and more accurately,so I goodonescostasmuchasthe saw
changethe wayI work in my shop. went shoppingfor a power miter itself. I figured I could design
One of those revelationscame saw. With compound mitering something for less money, and
as I watcheda yard-handcrosscut capabilityand blade diametersup maybeevenaddsomefeaturesthe
some framing stock for me. He to 72t, thesemachinescan match store-boughtunits don't have,like
threw a long 2x10 onto the radial someradial arm sawscut for cut. a built-in tool trav.
42 r December
Miter Saw Station Consfruction View Starknob
SIZE: x 28"Wx 96"1 5l^'r :
Plywood top Holddownblock
*''o J 3/q"x181/2"x261/2" 3/4'1


%" x1%" x1lz" x96" - Riserblock
(aluminum -
Hex-headbolts (laminated
sla"-18x2%"-. plywood)

Support rails 3/q"
% "x 1 V zx"1 / 2 "x 7 2 " (plywood)
(aluminum angle)
Guideblocks lVz"x3/2"x163/q"


0utrigger post
Legleveler-.. (for30"sawhorse
M e n S A WS T A T I O N
A kit has beenassembledthat includesall the necessaryhardware,the toggleclamp,
and the three aluminumrails requiredfor this project.
or(lcr numb(.r:13{rriZrlr.
. . . $85.95 plrrsshippinganclhanrllirrg.
(Note: t)ue to thc long rails, therc is a shippingsurchargeof $8.00over the nonnal shippingcosts.)
To order, ell Workbench at (aOO)31 l-3994.
Build Around Your Sow long rails through the plafform (a Lumber
The features and basic layout of cantilevered design) provides (l) 3/t' x 48rrx 32rrpieceof fir plywood
this portable miter saw stationcan more support at the ends, anlrvay. 16lin.ft. of 2x4fir
work with virtually any saw, but 10lin. ft. of 1x4pine
the overall dimensionsand mount- No Foncy Mqferiols (l) t/tux gtt 23ttpegboard
ing bolt locations may have to be The lumber list for this project is
adjusted for the make and model so short you can probably salvage Hardware
you own. (l designed this one for all the materials from leftover (10)s/ra'rStarknobs
my Milwaukee #6490 saw.) stock in your shop. And you've (10)s/rorrT-nuts
First, figure out a comfortable probably noticed already that this (10) 5/ro"Flatwashers
plafform size, one that has room saw station is just a work plafform, (1) DeStaco #201hold-downclamp
for at least the saw and two riser designed to rest on sawhorses.I (4) #6, \/zttPan-head sheetmetalscrews
block assemblies (Miter Saw thought briefly about building in (1) Adjustable leg leveler
Station Construction View). some folding legs, but didn't want (1) 3/ail,2r/zu24rrUHMWplastic
r/Bttx l1'/2tt
I chose aluminum for the sup- to add the extra weight and bulk. (q x ll2rrAluminumangle
port rails for the same reason (Plans for the sawhorses shown (turo72ttlong;one96rrlong)
most of the commercial miter saw can be found in the August 1997 (10)5/16rrx 18tpiHex-head boltswith
stands use it - it's lightweight, issue of Workbench.) full-threadshanks:(four 2r/2ttlong;
strong, and rigid. At first I thought Start by cutting the3/s" plyrvood four 4frlong;two l/zttlong)
a telescoping rail system would be for the top, making sure you get (88) #8 Flat-headwood screws: (eight lVrrl
nice, but it's a bit impractical for a the corners square.Alignment of long; forty lr/ztt Iong; forty 13/+rrlong)
shop-built workstation. Extending the other parts dependson it.

'VorkbenchI December1997 43
Box & Rails Consffuction View Tool Tray Detail
Plywood top(shownin Plywood
LayoutDetail) Support rail Tray
for clarity. % "x 1 % x" 1 / 2 x" 7 2 "
7/- Rightendcap
3/q"x3lz" x28
1/2"x3/2" x2612"

x Fastener I-ayout Detail
.i" l< Go" y- Plywood

o o
Leftendcap #8 x 172"FHWS
3/+"x31/2"x2B") ! Frontbeam spaced every
6", 18Y2'
1Vz"x3/2" x26/2" 3/e"fromedge.
Tooltraybottom o o
% "x 7 % "x 2 7 % "
(pegboard) V

For the wood frame that sur- (and the extra length on the end Before you glue the rabbeted
rounds the plywood, cut the two caps) is necessaryonly ifyou want beams to the plywood, drill and
end caps from 1x4 stock, and cut to build in the tool tray. It's a fea- countersink screw holes along the
the rear. center. and front beams ture I really recommend - it lets front and back edges of the ply-
from a length of 2x4 (Box & Rails you keep a tapemeasureand other wood face (Fastener Iayout
Construction View). I should layout tools close at hand. Detail). Making sure you align the
point out here that the front beam Cut all three beams to the same ends,glue and clamp the beams to
length as the plywood top, then the plywood, then fasten with
rabbet the top inside edges of the wood screws (Figure 3).
rear and center beams so the ply-
wood will nest flush (Figure 1). If Moking the End Cops
you're including the tool tray, cut a Srtrilethe plafformassembly
is in
groove in the center beam and the the clamps,mark the 1x4 end caps
front beam to accept the tray bot- for the guide rail cutouts (End
tom (Figure 2). Run the 1x4 stock Cap Details). These openings
for the end caps through the same provide clearancefor the support
cutwith setupwhile you're at it, sincethose rails. Keep in mind that the right
piecesalso need the groove for the and left end caps are mirror
tool tray (Tool Tray Detail). Don't images,not identical pieces.
Torabbetthebeams fortheplywoodtop, worry that the groove runs the full I found the aluminum angle at a
makea cutwitheachbeamonedge,then length of the end caps - those local building supply center, and
rotatethemendforendforthefacecut. inside faceswon't show. settledon ysrr x\rf2ttx lVzrrstock.
I got two 6 ft. lengths for my sup-
port rails, plus an 8 ft. piece for the
cutoff stop rail. (If these materials
aren't available from retailers in
your area, you can order a com-
plete hardware kit for this project
from WorkbenchProject Supplies
(see page 43). Note: the dimen-
sions shown work for this size bar
Frontandcenter stock. Adjust them if yours differs.
plusendcaps,gettraygroove. The easiest way to create each
support rail cutout in the end caps
Twopasses witha standard bladewill cut Clamptherearandcenterbeams to the is to drill three holes to form the
thegrooveforthetooltray.Usethesame plywoodtop,checktheendsforalignment, corners of a triangle. Then use a
bladeandfencesettingsfortheendcaps. andfastenthetopwith woodscrews. jig saw or keyhole saw to cut from

44 \TorkbenchI December1997
End Cap Details

4{l-< 27o,' Leftendcap(FaceView) ts- 83/q"--1 "/0,,1,

View) s/e"
'" -:>

o :7
\: vo

ts- 93/e" 4 \_ centerto center


corner to corner and release the long blankfirst, then cuttingit into fin wax along the inside corners
waste part (Figure 4). Remember, individualblocks(Figure 5). Drill where the rails travel (Figure 6).
these cutouts allow the support two screw holes through each This will help them slide a little
rails to slide back and forth block,just belowthe rabbet.Add a easier.Then feedthe rails through
through the platform, so make countersink. too - the screw the cutoutsin the endcapsandfas-
sure there's plenty of clearance at heads won't compressthe hard ten the guide blocks in place -
those corners. Then drill and plasticthe way they do wood. one in the centerand one at each
countersink the screw holes, Three guide blocks along each corner (Figure 7). Don't apply a
spread glue on each end of the supportrail turned out to be plen- lot of pressureto the guideblocks
plafform assembly, and fasten the ty, and I found it easierto position or overtighten the screws - it
end caps. Once they're secure, them with the rails in place.To doesn'tadd any critical precision,
slide the pegboard tray bottom in installthe blocks,flip the plafform and anythingmore than a snugfit
and fasten the front beam in place. upside-downand rub someparaf- will makethe rail travelstubborn.

Fitting the Support Rqils

At this stageyou've still got the
riser blocks and other accessories
to make,but detourfor a few min-
utes to cut and install the plastic
guide blocks for the supportrails
(Guide Block DetaiD. I chosea
high-density polyethylene called
UHN/ilV (for ultra-high molecular
weight) becauseit slidesso easily
against other smooth surfaces.
Though it's denser than most Usea jig sawto cut between thethree Cuttheshallow rabbet ona 20"+piece of
woods, it cuts well with regular holesandfreethewastepiece.Prccision UHMW plastic
first,thencutit intoshorter
carbide blades. Besides cutting isn'tcritical- justleaveclearance
room. lenghstortheindividual guide blocls.
the blocks to size, the only
machining required is adding a
shallowrabbeton one face,where
the aluminumrail will nest. I felt
safer machiningthis rabbet on a

Guide Block Detail

Wih thewoodplatftrmupsidedown, rub Lettheguidebloclsrcstnaturally

in place
waxalongtheinsidecornen asyoufastenthemto thebeams.Too
whercthesupprt railswilltrack. muchprcssurewill bindtherailaction.

\Torkbenchr December1997 +>

Outrigger Details tops of the support rails. You can't
afford a sloppy fit here, becausethe
cap t outrigger baseswon't help keep the
fop View) rail assembly square if they don't

lock tightb in place.

L Other details to add to each out-
rigger base include the notch for
the support post (cut with a dado
0utrigger blade on the table saw), the coun-
terbore in the outside edge, and the
View) 3,/srrhole drilled through for the
post bolt (Figure 9). This hole
acceptsa bolt, T:nut, and star knob
- 7e"-deep assemblyfor mounting the support
rabbetsat post - an easy-to-addoption that
en0s keeps the outriggers from deflect-
>l ing under heavyboards.
Once you have the outrigger
Outriggers Tie the Roils By fitting each outrigger base bases machined, cut and drill the
For the support rails to work prop flush with the support rails and cap plywood caps for them. Tb install
erly, they must stay aligned as they ping it with 3/a'rplywood, I kept the these, work on one end of the plat-
slide. Tb make sure this happens,I outriggers level with the main plat- form at a time. First, slide the rails
added outrigger plafforms that help form. This saved me some setup so that just over 3)'/zttis exposed
keep the ends square to each other. time later by keeping all the riser where you're working. Spreadglue
With riser blocks attached, these blocks the same height. ([he two on the outrigger base, then clamp
outriggers support the cutoff guide center riser blocks do require a the cap on top of it. Now tap the rails
rail and any long stock you cut. longer bolt for the hold-down hard- in until they're flush with the side of
ware, though - see note with the outrigger (Figure 10).
Riser Block Assembly Details.). With the clamps still holding the
Begin building the outriggers by assembly, extend the cap's 3/yrJL
cutting two sections of 2x4, each diameter holes through the top of
just long enough to fit between the the aluminum rails (Figure 11).
rails where they exit the main plat- Then switch to a smaller (3/.t2ttor
form (Outrigger Details). If your less)bit for the pilot hole in the out-
main plafform assemblyis accurate, rigger base. Even though I often
these two pieceswill be exactly the drive screws into softwood without
same length. Then, using a scrap drilling a pilot hole, I can emphati-
2x6 push block to guide them along cally warn againsttaking that short-
the rip fence, cut a shallow rabbet cut here. Fastening so close to the
Theoutriggerbases rabbet on each end (Figure 8). This cre- ends of the outrigger bases, you'll
needa shallow
oneachendwhere thealuminum support ates an offset so the tops ofthe out- likely split the boards if you drive
nils nest.Usea pushblockforsupport. rigger bases will be flush with the the screws without pre-drilling.

Drill3le" hole
through aluminum

pointbit j
-\ r\ *-Notch

Modiffeachoutriggerbaseto acceptthe Withglueandclamps holding

oneoutrig- Continue thescrewclearance holes
supportpost:cuta notchforthepostend, gercapto ib base,tapthealuminum through therails,thenswitchto a smaller
thencounterboreanddrillforthebolt. suppodrailsflushwiththeoubideedge. bitforthepilotholesin theoutriggerbase.

46 WorkbenchI December1997
Riser Block Assembly Details
sAa',x 4lz,' twomainriserblocks.

5lo" T-Nut 5/rc"


l " dia.counter- (EndView)

bore17+"deep 3Y2"
sla" tlat

#rr L
TFE N0TE:Use472"boltsonthetwo
4" boltson riserblocksonoutriggers.

Build the Riser Blocks riser block assemblies, position riser block notches (Figure 14).
Like the saw's mounting bolt loca- the saw on the platform, then Mark the placementof each riser
tions and the platform size itself, mark and drill for the mounting block base plate on the platform,
the height of the riser blocks must hardware. Bolt the saw down, and then fastenthe assembliesin place
be matched to the height of your place the cutoff guide fence or a with screws.Follow the same pro-
miter saw table. The average straightedge against the saw fence cedure for installing the riser
seems to be between 3rrto 4" (my so you can align the front of the blocks on the outrigger supports.
Milwaukee measured in at 3l/z'r),
and the stacklaminated construc-
tion of the riser blocks lets you tai-
lor them to fit (Riser Block
Assembly Details).
I started by gluing up a pl1'wood
sandwich (four layers of 3/+rr)into
a l0rlsquare block. Then I set up
the table saw to dado the shallow
notch for the cutoff fence, and cut
the block into individual sections
afterward (Figure 12).
You'll also need to counterbore Laminate a plywood sandwichfortheriser Counterbore theriser
and drill each riser block for the bloclsanddadoa shallow notchforthe blockforthehold-down hardware.
cutoff fence's hold-down hardware sections. boltslockin placewithhelpfroma T-nut.
cutoffrail,Thenrip intoindividual
(Figure 13). Install the bolts, flat
washers, and T-nuts before you
complete the assembly of the riser againstsawfence.
blocks, becausethe base plate will
block accessto the hole later.
Using solid wood base platesfor
the riser blocks allows you to fine-
tune the height to match your saw
table. Fasten them to the riser
block laminations with screws
only. If you ever want to mount a
saw with a different table height,
you can simply remove the base
plate and substitute a thicker or Afteryoumountthesawandmarkib position, to alignib fencewith
usea straightedge
thinner one. Before you install the thenotches andscrewthemin place.
in theriserblock.Ma* theriserbasepositions

WorkbenchI December1997 +/
Hold-down Block Details Cleat Details
3/e" dia. (SideView)
(BottomView) 1r/r"
OopView) t\<;;7Y2'
' -/4

| ^.. Approx.
3' --------> round-over
Y l+
-t-l Fasten
with#8x /2" FHWS
u,"l ii onedses'
^ (SideView)

Hold-down Blocks Cinch lr Stop Block Details

Using someof your remaining1x
stock, cut and drill the four hold- FF_ 2,' +l
down blocksthat clampthe cutoff
fence to the riser blocks (Hold-
Down Block Details). These
securethe fenceto both the main
plafformand either outriggersup-
port, giving you a repeatablestop
setting of over 8 ft. in length.
They'll alsohold the fencein place
if you're not using the workstation If I'm cutting framinglumber or removedthe saw This is why you
and want to store it out of the way other heavy stock, I use the 2x4 need the slightly longer bolts in
or hang it on your shop wall supportpost as a boosterunder- the main (center)riser blocks.
(minusthe saw,of course). neath the outrigger (Support Compared to some of the
The last built-in components- Post Details). Thin moldingsare anodizedaluminum work stands
the 1x2 cleatsmountedunder the light and flexible enough to do I've seenon the market,my shop
pladorm- alignthe sawhorsesso without this added support, but built miter sawstationis decidedly
they'll both sit underneaththe the extra strengthhelps keep the low-tech.Still,the basicfunctionof
workstation with plenty of clear- stationaccuratefor cutting heavy all theseworkstationsis a simple
ancefor the legs (Cleat Details). materials.If the outriggersdeflect, one,and I got a reliablesystemat
I alsousedsome1x stockanda they can throw the cutting angle a totalcostof well under$100.It's
small toggle hold-downclamp to off by allowing the workpieceto still portable enough to hang on
make a stop block for the cutoff lift off the miter sawtable. the wall or tossinto the backof my
rail (Stop Block Details). To fit the notch in either outrig- truck, and it gives me a little
ger base,I cut a rabbetinto the top bench space when I'm working
Support Post Details end of the post,then drilled for the away from the shop. The miter
mountinghardware.A leg leveler sawmaybe the starwhenit comes
1,/^tl adjusts the height, and two 3ftrl to providingdead-onaccuracy,but
holes makeit easyto store on the this workstationsure has a great
platformriser blocks,onceyou've supportingrole.tffi
flat washer

48 'Workbencht December1997
A New Look at Circular Saws
For 50years,portablecircularsaws lar saw.I had to get usedto
havebeenwidely usedby professionals usingthe window,but
andhome improvemententhusiasts foundit did makecutting
alike.Many smalldesignchangeshave easier.Insteadof cock-
beenmadealongthe way,and the lat- ing my headto one
est entry belongsto the folks at Black sideandwatchingthe blade,I could
& Decker,who haveintroducedthe look straightdownon my cut andfol
WoodHawkCircularSaw. low my layoutline.
Accordingto Jeff Cooper,Black & OtherWoodHawkfeaturesintend-
DeckerProductManager,"market ed to solveconsumerfrustrations
researchrevealedconsumerswant a saw includea 2-lb.weight reduction
that givesthem greatercontrol and con- (comparedto competitors'saws),
fidence."He saidmanypeoplefind circu- and a 40%quietermotor.The large
lar sawsintimidating,loud, andhard to handleis designedto makethe saw
handle,making straightcutting dfficult. easierto hold. Eachsawcomeswith
To makethe saweasierto use,the a carbidetippedblade.The blade
WoodHawkhas a windowon the blade alsohas an anti-stickcoating.
guardthat lets you seethe bladeand The Woodhawksellsfor under
cutting line while the sawis operating. $70,and comeswith a hard plastic
I recenflyhad a chanceto try out the case.For more informationcontact
saw,sideby-sidewith a taditional circu- Black & Deckerat (800)544-6986.

Television's Tool Man Introduces line of Real World Tools

The first time I sawa Tim Allen But like the characterhe plays,Tim fits a varietyofbolt and nut sizes.
SignafureTool, I wasskeptical. Allen is a big fan of qualitytools.So Unlike a standardsocket,this oneis
After all. on televisionTim Tavlor he hasgatheredtoolsfrom various filled with spring-loaded pins.When
doesn'texactlycomeacrossas manufacturersandbrought them you pushthe socketonto a bolt, any
the man I'd mostwant tool togetherunder the Tim Allen or all of the pins retractas needed,
advicefrom. SignatureToolsname. leavingthe remaindersurrounding
Two new items in the bolt. functionslike
Tim's line caughtmy any other socket.One limitationof
eye-anewratchet the universalsocketis that the pins
set calledthe retractonly aboutl/4", so the socket
RoboticWrench,and can'tbe slippedover the end of a long
the Megapro1$in-1 bolt to reachthe nut.
Screwdriver. If you needto turn screwsinstead
The Robotic of bolts,you canusethe Mega Pro
Wrenchcomesin a l$in-l Screwdriver.Bits with straight-
set with a 3,/arr
ratch- blades,Phillips,Torx, and square
et, extensions,a drivesare all storedinsidethis
drill adapter,and a driver'shandle.The double-ended
uniqueT-barhan- bits snapsecurelyinto the driver'stip.
dle, all in a carry- You'll find the RoboticWrenchfor
ing pouchthat can around$30andthe Mega Pro
be attachedto your Screwdriverfor about$20in hardware
belt. storesandhomecenters.A portionof
In addition.the profits from Tim Allen SignatureTools
set includesa uni- is donatedto children'scharities.Call
versalsocketthat (888)862-5536 for more information.

50 'WorkbenchI December1997
r "J- : ,'"..i.:;$lt
. iri)

CraftsmanWrenchesHave a New Twist PowerGrip Knife

It never fails. Vlhenever I'm working Fiskars Incorporated has intro-
on my car, the nuts I need to loosen duced an improved version of their
are the most difficult to see or reach. PowerGrip Utility Knife. It features
With a typical open-endedwrench, an ergonomic design and the ability
this kind of situation means I have to to change blades without using
tediously slip the wrench on the nut, tools or disassembling the knife.
turn the nut a bit, then reposition the The PowerGrip's handle positions
wrench again. your hand at a natural angle, and
Tb make tasks like this easier,Sears the wraparound guard provides pro-
has introduced the Craftsman Quick tection. The knife's tip flips out of
Wrench combination wrenches.Their the way for blade changes with the
specialdesign on the open end allows press of a releasebutton, and extra
them to "ratchet" around the nut. A The wrenches are designed to help blades can be kept in the handle.
recessedarea in one lobe lets the reduce the likelihood of rounding off The PowerGrip Utility Ifuife is
whole wrench slide around the nut on a nut or bolt head. Both the box and widely availablefor around $9. Catt
the backstroke. Then the wrench open ends of the wrenches grab more Fiskars Inc. at (800)500-4849.
grabs again on the power stroke. of the fastener's flat sides, instead of
The new design works well. But the corners. And, for increased lever-
since the wrench has to be oriented age these wrenches are up to 30%
differently for tightening than for loos- longer than other wrenches.
ening, I found myself sometimes start- Quick Wrenches come in standard
ing out backvrards,then having to flip and metric sizes.A Gpiece set is about
the wrench over.After I learned to pay $20,an &piece set sells for around $30.
attention to how I held the wrenches, You'll find them in Searsstores or the
I found them easy to use. Craftsman catalog. Call (800)377-7414.

'WorkbenchI December1997
WindowShield V/A Master Blades
Paintingwindowsis not one of my VermontAmericanhas introduced
favoritechores.Keepingpaint off a new line of MasterSeries
the glassusuallymeansmasking blades,eachdesignedto offer
beforehand,otherwiseI end up optimumperformancein specif-
scrapingafterward. ic woodworkingapplications.
The WindowShieldis designedto The engineersat Vermont
makepaintingeasy.By puttingpres- Americansurveyedsawusers
sureon the tool'shandleyou flex its and did extensivetestingto
plasticbladeto conformto the win- determinewhat attributesare
dow'sshape,evenif the sashisn't importantin a goodblade.
perfectlysquare.A sharpedge They realizedtrim carpenters
keepsthe bladeagainstthe glass. with circularsawshavedifferent
The tool sellsfor around$3.99in requirementsthan cabinetmakers
paintandhardwarestores.Or call with tablesaws.
WindowShield at (800)46&7704. For example,a portablecircular
sawis oftensubjectedto moreabuse,
so thosebladeshaveexpansionslots
to preventwarpingandto speedcool-
ing. Differenttoothgrindsandangles
allowyou to choosebladestailoredto aremadefrom a newpatentedcarbide
fastcuttingor to smoothedges. designedto staysharplonger.
The bladesall sharea thin-kerf MasterSeriesbladepricesrange
designthat reducesdragandwaste, from around$12to $90dependingon
anda "GoldKote"finishto minimize the bladesizeandstyle.CallVermont
frictionandpitchbuild-up.The teeth Americanat (704)73*7 464.

Revolutionary IRONWOOD ItrLL. RIGHT
3-AxisRbuter Milling Center!
Mountvirtuallyanyrouter- eventhemostpowerful
or plunge
t).pe- in thenew.heavy-dutv
andjoin woodwithtotalprecision,total
. Fast,repeatableset-up
Professional quali ty tool
at h homesh6ppn-ce!

ItW Product

. High-qualitycastIron for stabilitv,

Moisture such
. PrecisionGuides& Positioner give asshrinking
to 0.001in. canruinlhebestpiece
. Yougetcontrol& accuracywithprecision everbuilt.Measure
ACMEleadscrewsandGuideRods. lhemorsturewitha
o Simply attach your router in bitdown moisluremeterlo
besurethewood is
or bifup position. dry.Callfornew
- Lignomat
PoBox301 45

Number185 ProductInformation
52 \i(rorkbench
r December1997
Vinyl Floors witfi Real Wood I-ook Watertiglrt Outlets
If you'd like the look of real wood Forum flooring is designedto look Tb meetnew NationalElechic Code
floors.but want the convenience and like real wood,and comesin 3rrx36rl requirementsdemandingthat out-
easycareofvinyl, CongoleumCorp. planks,rather than the large sheets door oufletsbe watertightwhile in
may havea solutionfor you.The that are typicalofvinyl floors.Each use,leviton Mfu. Co.hasintroduced
companyhas addedColonialCherry wood type is availablein a variety of RainfuhtWhile
and American Pine to its Forum "finish" colors.In cherry, for exam- In-UseCovers.
Vinyl Wood Plank flooring line. ple,you'll find four colorsranging They're avail-
from deepred to bleached.The pine ableto fit sin-
flooring has knots to give a nahrral, gle, duplex,
rustic appearance. and GFCI
The synthetic planks are made (Ground
with a variety of grain patterns,and Fault Circuit
they're cut randomly so the grain lnterrupter)
variesfrom plank to plank. Small outlets.
tone variationsare also allowedto To makeinstalling
further simulatenaturalwood. the coverssimple,
Planksalsoallow more versatility in they canbe mountedto standard
floor designthan sheetflooringdoes. boxeswithout removingthe ouflel
You can run planksin any direction RaintightWhile-In-Usecoversare
andevencut miteredcorners. madeof impactresistantpolycar-
This flooring featuresa satin sheen bonatein clearor gray.To ensure
finish, and is warrantedfor five years watertight installation,they havea
againstpermanentscuffs.The floors gasketon the back of the cover.A
also carry a ten year warranty cord pluggedinto the outletpasses
againstmanufacturingdefects. through an openingin the cover's
Forum Wood Plank flooring retails underside,wherewatercan'tenter.
for around$4 per sq.ft. For more The coversare availablefor
information,or to find your closest around$15to $20at elecfricalsupply
Forum flooring retailer, call stores.Call LevitonManufachring (800)934-3567. (800)32X8920.

Real Wood Grid Covers Dress Up a Suspended Ceiling

A suspendedceilingis a suspended Oncethe grid strips
ceiling. There's not much more to say are in place,you can
about it. Except that recenfly I ran installstandardfiber
acrossa systemwith a new twist. tiles, or Chicago
ChicagoMetallic Corp. has intre Metallic'swood panels.
ducedits ExecutiveCollectionfor cre- There are two profiled
ating droppedceilings with real wood wood panel styles avail-
grids and panels. able, and one plain flat
With this systemyou don't haveto panel style.
removeyour old metal grid. Each pre, Currently,the
cut wood strip slips directly over your ExecutiveCollectionis
existing metal grid. The wood stips availablein oak. All systemcompo- ceilings at home centers.Grid covers
comeprecopedto fit togetherat the nents are prefinished in one of three sell for $1.30per lineal.ft. Panelsare
joints.You canalsopurchasewood shades.Otherwoodscanbe custom- $2$$79,dependingon the styleand
trim to cover thq intersectionof the orderedat additionalcost. size. Call ChicagoMetallic at
ceiling with the walls. You can find ExecutiveCollection (800)323-7164.

54 \Torkbenchr December1997
':: a1 :.
r'{ :r

Sears Offers Home Security Systems

Like it or not, there seems to be an different phone numbers that the
increasingneed (or at least demand) system dials automatically if a break-
for home security systems. Many in, power failure, or other predeter-
home security systems, though, are mined alarm triggering event occurs. C\
hampered by complex installation and With the system's latch-key mode,
operationprocedures,or expensive you can also keep track ofkids arriv- *a **
monthly monitoring fees. ing home from school.If a sensor-
Two new Honeywell Home Security equippeddoor hasn't been opened
Systems sold through Sears stores by a certain time of day, the system
offer simplified installation and use. will call an assigned number.
Plus, these "smart" systemscan be For 5399.the basic unit comes with
programmed to notify the homeowner the control panel, two window/door
or authorities if the alarm is tripped. sensors,and a keychain remote. You
Both systemshave sensorsand can arm and disarm the system, and
remote controls that send radio fre- control lights, from outside your
quency signals to the control panel, so home. This unit can dial up to four
there's no wiring to run. The control phone numbers for notification.
panelsfeature an electronic voice that An even more sophisticatedmodel
talks you through installation and sys- shares all the featuresjust mentioned, You can purchaseadditionalsen-
tem use, and notifies you of any sensor- plus has a computer interface and soft- sors and appliancecontrol modules
equipped doors or windows left open ware that allows the use of any for both units, allowing you to protect
when you activate the system. Windows 9$equipped computer to more doors and windows.
The voice capability also enables automatically control lights and appli- Both systemsare availablein Sears
the system to notify you or others if ances,as well as manage a wider array stores. Check your local yellow pages
an alarm is set off. You can program of phone numbers.It sellsfor $599. to locate a store in vour area.

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\Torkbenchr December1997
The GambleHouse
Architecturalwoodworkingis alwaysa bit more complicated of Mission-stylewoodwork.The result is 8,100sq. ft. filled
than furniture-making - the scale is larger, and the with teak, mahogany,ebony,and other woods- all milled,
demandsof climate,setting,and sfucfural integTityrequire sculpted,and joined with the precisionof a master cabinet-
an engineer'scritical judgementas much as a designer's maker. Built originally for David and Mary Gamble (of the
imagination.As a tradeofl the detailedjoinery commonin Procter & GambleCo.), the house also featuresGreene
fine furniture is often simplifiedor absentin buildings. designedfurnihrre, hardware,light fixtures, andglasswork.
The GambleHouse,a 1908futs and Craftsresidencein Though once offered for saleby family heirs, who nixed
Pasadena,CA" is the definitive exception.It offers a look at the dealuponhearingthe would-bebuyervoiceintentionsto
howtwoAmericanarchitects- brothersChadesandHenry "paint all of this [woodwork] white," the house was later
Greene- managedto blend both fine joinery and living deededto a tust heldjointly by the City of Pasadena
spaceinto onemasterpiece. Universityof SouthernCalifornia'sSchoolof Architecture.
Like their contemporaries, the Greene Publictours - a must for any seriouswoodworkervisiting
brothersdepartedfrom overlyorna- the Ins Angelesarea- are offeredyear-round.For details,
mentalarchitecture,but their useof callthe GambleHouseat
organic forms, and of design ele- !Y) (818)793-3334.
ments from Japan and Switzerland,
softened the austere

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