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Appendix 7 - Inspection Test Procedure Page 1 of 14

Table of Contents
A. PERFORMANCE TEST PROCEDURE......................................................................................................... 3
A.1 PERFORMANCE FIGURE.................................................................................................................................3
A.2 APPLICABLE STANDARDS USED.......................................................................................................................3
A.3 MEASUREMENT ACCURACY...........................................................................................................................3
A.4 PERFORMANCE TEST PARAMETERS.................................................................................................................4
A.5 EVALUATION OF TEST RESULTS......................................................................................................................4
B. RELIABILITY TEST RUN (RRT)................................................................................................................. 5
B.1 GENERAL....................................................................................................................................................5
B.2 RELIABILITY RUN PROCEDURE........................................................................................................................5
C. NET POWER OUTPUT TEST.................................................................................................................... 5
C.1 GENERAL....................................................................................................................................................5
C.2 TEST PRELIMINARIES....................................................................................................................................6
C.3 TEST PROCEDURE........................................................................................................................................6
C.4 CALCULATIONS............................................................................................................................................7
D. NET HEAT RATE OF THE PLANT.............................................................................................................. 7
D.1 GENERAL....................................................................................................................................................7
D.2 TEST PRELIMINARIES....................................................................................................................................7
D.3 TEST PROCEDURE........................................................................................................................................7
D.4 CALCULATIONS............................................................................................................................................8
E. SPECIFIC LUBRICATING OIL CONSUMPTION TEST OF THE PLANT............................................................9
E.1 GENERAL....................................................................................................................................................9
E.2 TEST PRELIMINARIES....................................................................................................................................9
E.3 TEST PROCEDURE......................................................................................................................................10
E.4 CALCULATIONS..........................................................................................................................................11
F. EXHAUST GAS MEASUREMENT OF THE PLANT.....................................................................................11
F.1 GENERAL..................................................................................................................................................11
F.2 TEST PRELIMINARIES..................................................................................................................................11
F.3 TEST PROCEDURE......................................................................................................................................12
G. NOISE MEASUREMENT OF THE PLANT.................................................................................................12
G.1 GENERAL..................................................................................................................................................12
H. TESTS OF STEAM TURBINE.................................................................................................................. 12
I. LIST OF AUXILIARIES........................................................................................................................... 13
J. CORRECTION VARIABLES FOR COMBINE CYCLE....................................................................................13
K. Final Performance Test Procedure................................................................................................................13

Appendix 7 - Inspection Test Procedure Page 2 of 14

A. Performance Test Procedure

A.1 Performance Figure

The objective of this Performance Test Procedure is to define the methods used to
validate the following performance:

 Net Power Output of the Plant (Simple Cycle/Combined cycle)

 Net Heat Rate of the Plant (Combined Cycle)
 Lubricating Oil Consumption of the Plant (Simple Cycle)
 Exhaust Gas Emissions of the Plant (Simple Cycle)
 Noise Emission (Combined Cycle)

If the specific site conditions differ from the reference conditions the performance
measurements obtained shall be corrected in accordance with the included
equations, prior to being compared to the performance guarantees.

All the performance tests shall be carried out in accordance with this contract.

A.2 Applicable Standards Used

 General Performance Test Methods/Requirements ISO 15550:2002/Equivalent
 Power Output of the Generating
Sets ISO 15550:2002 / ISO
3046-1:2002/ Equivalent
 Power Output of the Combined
Cycle ASME PTC 46 -2015 /
ISO/ equivalent
 Fuel Oil Consumption (Heat Rate) ISO 3046-1:2002 / equivalent
 Lower Calorific Value DIN 51900-1:2000 / equivalent
 Specific Gravity/Density of Fuel
Oil ISO 3675:1999 / DIN
51757:1994/ Equivalent
 Exhaust Gas Emissions ISO
8178:1996 / VDI 2066/ US EPA
17/ Equivalent/ OEM standard
 Thermal Acceptance Tests of Steam Turbine
BS EN 60953-2: 1996, IEC 953-
2: 1990/ Equivalent/ OEM

 Noise Emission As per

ESIA/International/ local

A.3 Measurement Accuracy

Uncertainties of individual measurements depend on the precision of the instruments
used. Instrument precision will be provided with the final test procedure.

Appendix 7 - Inspection Test Procedure Page 3 of 14

The uncertainty of the total measurements will be calculated by considering the
uncertainties of the individual measurements. It is taken as “the square root of the
sum of the squares of the separate measurement uncertainties each multiplied by an
appropriate factor, equal to the exponent of its parameter in the formula”, as per ISO
Measurement uncertainty shall use and only use to verify validity of the test, shall not
be used as tolerance. Any negative tolerance shall not be allowed.
Performance Test Parameters
The performance test shall occur when the equipment is in new and clean condition
with all necessary units operating at the manufacturers specifications, or as set forth
in this test procedure. Steam Turbine shall be operated at the inlet steam pressure
control settings.

All functional tests on equipment relevant to the performance test and any system
adjustments must be finished before starting the performance test. Sufficient
operating media must be available and continuously supplied by the EMPLOYER.
The EMPLOYER must secure the power demand of the grid.

The Generating Sets shall have reached normal steady state operation before any
performance tests can begin. Steady state operation is assumed to be achieved
when the variation of power output reaches stability (as defined below) for a period of
15 minutes and the lube oil and facility components have reached thermal stability as
per ISO 15550:2002.

If during the performance test the ambient temperature exceeds the maximum
temperatures stated in the technical specification, test results may not accurately
represent the normal operating performance of the Power Plant. In this circumstance,
the validity of the test results must then be considered by both the customer and
supplier and corresponding correction curve will be applied to calculate the

Here fluctuation means the difference between the highest and lowest value of a
series of measurements for any single test point compared with the average value
recorded for that test point.

All measurements shall be taken by representatives of both parties and must be

signed at the end of the performance test. The combustion pressure of the engine
will also measure after the engine has reached normal steady operation. Automatic
readings will be recorded and provided with the final test report. When evaluating
plant performance, average values of the measurements shall be considered.

Mass flow meters installed at fuel oil Booster Module shall be used for measurement
and any by-pass valves around these meters must be closed during the test.

Mass flow meters, power meters and other instruments used during the test must
have their calibration certificates or measurement precision declarations checked
before the test. These calibrations should not be older than three year.

During testing, the Generating Sets, Boilers, Turbine are normally operated by the

Appendix 7 - Inspection Test Procedure Page 4 of 14

A.4 Evaluation of Test Results
The Contractor confirm that the performance guarantees have been met, when using
the measured results corrected to suit the contract conditions. This also considers
the measurement and product tolerances are within their guaranteed values where

A Performance test report shall then be issued stating the operating conditions, the
method and results of all measurements, the equipment used with their calibration
certificates and the results of the fuel analyses.

B. Reliability Test Run (RRT)

B.1 General
There will be two separate RRT, one for simple cycle and other for combined cycle.
The Reliability Test Run shall begin first, and requires the Generating Sets to operate
at full capacity for duration of 100 Hrs for Simple Cycle and 100 Hrs for Combined
Cycle, to demonstrate the proper function of all equipment and systems within the
plant, and to prove the reliability of the plant as a whole. The Reliability Test Run and
Dependable Capacity Test with BPDB to fulfill PPA requirement can be done
together while The Contractor will perform the tests with the Employer for Simple

B.2 Reliability Run Procedure

As a minimum requirement to demonstrate the reliability of the Facility, the
CONTRCATOR shall carry out a reliability run for a period of continuously one
hundred (100) hours during which time the Facility shall operate for first seventy-two
(72) hours of RRT and remaining twenty eight (28) hours of the test will be as
requested by the EMPLOYER to also demonstrate the Dependable Capacity.

This test shall have been satisfactorily completed if the reliability run continues
without interruption (arising out of factors internal to the Facility) for not less than one
hundred (100) hours. In the event that the reliability run is interrupted for reasons
external to the Facility, the accumulated testing time prior to such interruption shall
be deemed acceptable for testing purposes. The CONTRACTOR shall be required to
carry out the reliability run only for such remaining period after such interruption
ceases and the reliability runs carried out during the period prior to the interruption
and the period after the interruption shall be deemed as one continuous period as if
such interruption had not occurred.

C. Net Power Output Test

C.1 General
To confirm the guarantee of Net Power Output for the Plant, a live assessment will be
performed while the Generating Sets are in full operation for net power output test
(simple cycle/combined cycle).

Appendix 7 - Inspection Test Procedure Page 5 of 14

The delivered capacity of the Facility shall be measured at the Delivery Point
(adjusted to Reference Site Conditions and Power Factor Adjustment), using
calibrated test metering equipment mutually agreed upon. The test (“Dependable
Capacity Test”) will be conducted for a minimum of 6 (six) consecutive hours. The
tested capacity shall be calculated by taking energy meter reading (electronically
obtained) for each half an hour interval and correcting by correction factors
corresponding to Reference Site Conditions. Dependable Capacity shall be
determined by dividing summation of twelve (12) corrected capacity data by 12 and
thereafter corrected to Power Factor Adjustment as PPA guideline (Means 0.85
divided by average lagging power factor during Dependable Capacity Test which
shall be applicable if power factor adjustment < 1.0). Throughout the test period, the
EMPLOYER shall Dispatch the Facility at the maximum generating capability of the

C.2 Test Preliminaries

The load on the Generator Set(s)/Plant shall not be adjusted during this test except
to prevent damage to equipment or respond to the system’s needs. If the load is
adjusted during the Performance Test to prevent damage to the equipment then the
test for that Generating Sets shall be stopped and a new test shall commence at a
later time. If the load is adjusted to respond to the system’s needs, the test can only
continue once the system has reached steady state again.

All auxiliary equipment according to the Technical Specification, Chapter “Own

Consumption List” shall be in operation during the test and any additional auxiliaries
in operation must be taken into account when calculating the Own Power

The following equipment shall be used for the test:

 Gross Power Output: Zimmer LMG450 / Tariff Meter.
 Ambient Pressure: Ahlborn ambient pressure measurement device
 Other converters or sensors: installed or temporary equipment to be used

A list of further instrumentation to be used during the test and the corresponding
calibration certificates or measurement precision declarations shall be provided with
the final test report.

C.3 Test Procedure

To begin the test, the installed power-meter must be started. The power-meter will
run automatically a defined time to the end of the test, after this the readings must be

The readings of the Ambient Conditions (which include temperature and pressure)
must also be taken at the beginning and end of the test manually and the plant
operating values must be taken either from the line recorder of the EDS system or
the control system, and must include time references.

Appendix 7 - Inspection Test Procedure Page 6 of 14

C.4 Calculations
Net Power Output

D. Net Heat Rate of the Plant

D.1 General
To confirm the guarantees of Net Heat Rate of the plant, a live assessment will be
performed while the Generating Sets, Boilers, Steam Turbine are in full operation
running at rated plant capacity with a positive tolerance of 500kW. The heat rate test
will take One Six (16) continuous hours to complete and comprise of measurements
of the energy produced, the Fuel Oil consumed and the ambient conditions unless
recommended otherwise by the OEM.
Test Preliminaries
The load on the Generating Sets shall not be adjusted during this test except to
prevent damage to equipment or respond to the system’s needs. If the load is
adjusted during the Performance Test to prevent damage to the equipment then the
test for those Generating Sets shall be stopped and a new test shall commence at a
later time. If the load is adjusted to respond to the system’s needs, the test can only
continue once the system has reached steady state again.

The following equipment shall be used for the test:

 Power Output: Tariff Meter
 Fuel Oil Consumption: Endress + Hauser Promass mass flow meters.
(Calibrated, installed in the fuel oil booster module)
 Fuel Leakage: Scale (Calibrated )
 Ambient Pressure: Ahlborn ambient pressure measurement device
(Calibrated )
 Other converters or sensors: installed or temporary equipment to be used

A list of further instrumentation to be used during the test and the corresponding
calibration certificates or measurement precision declarations shall be provided with
the final test report.

D.2 Test Procedure

To begin the test, installed power-meter must be started. At the same time the
readings of the Fuel Oil Counter have to be taken while at the same time the
stopwatch will be started. The power-meter will run automatically a defined time to
the end of the test, after this the readings must be taken. After the test period is
finished the readings from the Fuel Oil Counter will be taken again and stopwatch will
be stopped and the time will be noted.

Appendix 7 - Inspection Test Procedure Page 7 of 14

The readings of the Ambient Conditions (which include temperature and pressure)
must also be taken at the beginning and end of the test manually and the plant
operating values must be taken either from the line recorder of the EDS system or
the control system, and must include time references.

Furthermore the Leakage Fuel Oil from the leakage fuel oil tank will be measured by
an accurate scale. At the beginning of the Specific Fuel Oil Consumption test the
tank will be drained and the level will be checked and noted with the time. After the
consumption test is finished the tank will be measured again and the level will be
noted with the time. This amount will be calculated as leakage fuel oil which will be
transferred to the day tank.

To determine the specific gravity of the fuel and its lower calorific value, three fuel
samples (each no less than 0.25 liters) shall be taken for analysis immediately before
and after the test. One of these 3 samples shall be sent to the certified chemical
laboratory of MAN Diesel & Turbo SE in Augsburg for analyzing. The other two
samples are for the Employer and the Contractor. Fuel shall only be taken from the
fuel oil supply line at the fuel oil booster module during the test.

D.3 Calculations
Power Output

Fuel Oil Consumption

Appendix 7 - Inspection Test Procedure Page 8 of 14

Waste Gate Closed

Waste Gate Open

E. Lubricating Oil Consumption Test of the Plant

E.1 General

To confirm the guarantees of Lubricating Oil Consumption of the engines, a live

assessment will be performed while the Generating Sets are in operation running at
between 80-100% load. The test will take 72 (Seventy Two) hours to complete and
comprise of periodic measurements of the energy produced and the lubricating oil
consumed, with which specific values will be calculated.

In case guaranteed values for lubricating oil consumption are not met during
performance tests, the Contractor shall be entitled to repeat such tests after a
running-in period of 1000 running hours. Until then, no liquidated damages shall be
applicable, and this repeated test shall not be a reason to delay provisional receipt of
the plant, but shall be part of the punch list.

E.2 Test Preliminaries

The following equipment shall be used for the test:
 Engine operating hour counter
 Lubricating Oil flow meters
 Lubricating Oil Temperature sensors located at flow meters

Appendix 7 - Inspection Test Procedure Page 9 of 14

 Lubricating Oil Service Tanks high and low level indicators

If an engine is stopped during the test, the operating counter and energy counter
must be recorded.

E.3 Test Procedure

Before commencing the test, the lubricating oil service tank is to be manually filled
until the high level signal stops the filling by closing a solenoid valve. Once this is
done, the lubricating oil replenishing control must be switched off in order to facilitate
proper consumption measuring. If for any reason during the test the service tank
signals a low level alarm, the reason must be investigated and the tank must be
refilled in order to establish a safe level.

At the beginning and end of the test, the following measurements shall be taken:
 Time [hh:mm]
 Engine Operating Hours [hrs]
 Lubricating Oil flow Counter [m³]

Twenty (20) minutes before ending the test, the lubricating oil service tank refilling
shall be manually triggered then stopped after a short period. This shall be repeated
until the high level indicator stops filling by closing a solenoid valve. This is meant to
allow the fresh oil to reach the same temperature as that within the service tank.
During any tank refilling, the temperature of the fresh lubricating oil taken at the flow
counter shall be recorded.

Once the test time has ended, the mass of all lubricating oil leakage must be
measured. This includes oil lost from filters and oil contained in return lines to the
leakage tank.

Only lube oil that has been returned to or will be returned to the lube oil reservoir is
allowed to exclude from the calculation.

Appendix 7 - Inspection Test Procedure Page 10 of 14

E.4 Calculations

F. Exhaust Gas Measurement of the Plant

F.1 General
The Exhaust Gas Emissions parameters for the Generating Sets, a live assessment
will be performed while the Generating Sets are in operation running at 100%
capacity. The test shall determine the levels of Nitrogen Oxides, Sulphur Oxides,
Carbon Monoxide, Oxygen and the total solid particulates contained within the
exhaust gas.

F.2 Test Preliminaries

Depending on the local situation, the actual test procedure may deviate from that
described here.

Before any measurements are made, all test equipment shall be calibrated using
nitrogen gas to set the zero points and using calibration-gases for the span points.
The exhaust gas sampling point shall be determined by both the Contractor and the
Employer, and must comply with ISO safety standards. The sampling pipes used
must not contaminate the exhaust sample and must be heated for proper analyses,
according to ISO.

Test measurements shall only be taken after the appropriate time has elapsed (as
shown here) to ensure steady state conditions:

 Two (2) hours after an engine load change of more than 7.5%
 Twelve (12) hours after a “cold” start (engine has been stopped for more than 3
 Six (6) hours after a “hot” start (engine has been stopped for less than 3 hours)
 Two (2) hours after boiler “blow down”

F.3 Test Procedure

The following gas emission levels shall be found:

Appendix 7 - Inspection Test Procedure Page 11 of 14

 Nitrogen Oxides: Determined using the chemiluminescence’s method according
to ISO.
 Sulfur Oxides: Calculated from the fuel consumption, the sulfur content of the fuel
and the exhaust gas mass flow according to ISO. A 100% sulfur conversion to
SO2 is assumed.
 Oxygen: Using a paramagnetic detector according to ISO.
 Solid Particulates: Using a quartz wool filter to collect and measure the mass of
dust contained within a specified amount of exhaust gas. The filter cartridge is
then dried at 160°C and the dust collected is weighed in an air conditioned room.
This procedure is in accordance with VDI, DIN, EN and US EPA.

In addition to these, the following exhaust gas characteristics shall be found:

 The Flow Velocity and Static Pressure

 The Air Pressure at measuring point.
 The Exhaust Gas Temperature.
 The Exhaust Gas Moisture Content.
 The Exhaust Gas Density.

G. Noise Measurement of the Plant

G.1 General
For Noise Measurement Procedure, international standard will follow.
The Contractor shall ensure the compliance with the Applicable Laws including but
not limited to the requirements imposed by the relevant environmental authorities of
Bangladesh in relation to the noise measurement of the Facility and obtain all the
necessary clearances, certificates, licenses and permits on behalf of the Employer
and ensure compliance of the terms and conditions included therein. Noise data shall
collect at 1 meter distance from plant property line, every 100 meter interval to get
average value.
Tests of Steam Turbine
The steam turbine shall be tested as per the standard ISO/DIN/ASME PTC/BS EN
with all the diesel engines operating on predefined load and temperature.

The following tests will be performed also during Commissioning,

STG Startup Test
STG Full Load Rejection Test
STG Load Run back during Engine Trip/ Bypass condition.

Appendix 7 - Inspection Test Procedure Page 12 of 14

H. List of Auxiliaries
Auxiliaries listed below will be considered during the Performance Test (other than

No. of
S/L Equipment units Status
A Engine Auxiliaries
1. Lube oil separator module 6 ON
2. Oil mist eliminator 6 ON
3. Two-circuit radiator cooling system 6 AUTO
4. Fuel oil booster module 6 ON
5. Nozzle cooling water module 6 ON
6. Heavy fuel oil supply pump 1 ON
7. Engine Hall Ventilation Fans 12 AUTO
B Secondary Cycle Auxiliaries
8. Cooling Water Pumps 3 ON
9. Cooling Towers 1 AUTO
10. Feed Water Pumps 2 ON
11. Condensate Extraction Pump 1 ON
12. Air Blower Motor 1 ON
13. Vapor extractor Motor 1 ON
C Plant Loads
14. All Lighting except non plant building and street lights 1 ON
Air Conditioning (Control Room, MV & LV Switchgear
15. 1 ON
16. Hydrophore Pump for purifiers 1 AUTO
17. Fire Water Jockey Pump 1 AUTO

I. Correction Variables for Combine Cycle

The following variables will be considered during the Performance Test as Correction
Factors compared to reference condition. The applicable correction curve or formula
will be provided during detail design stage.
Ambient Temperature (Dry bulb)
Relative Humidity / Wet bulb temperature
Ambient Pressure
Power Factor

Any correction caused by degradation shall not be allowed.

J. Final Performance Test Procedure

Contractor shall provide pre-test uncertainty analysis with Final test procedure 3
month before the Performance Test. The test procedure shall include followings but
not limited to;
: Reference Condition which basis of performance guarantee
: Test Preparation / Conduct
: Evaluation / Calculation Method
: Performance Correction Curve / Equation
: Instrument / Measurement List
: Auxiliary Load List

Appendix 7 - Inspection Test Procedure Page 13 of 14

: Pre-uncertainty analysis
: Valve Isolation List

Tests mentioned in the schedule 3 of the PPA shall be conducted.

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