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x2 y2

25. C the centre of the hyperbola – = 1. The tangents at any point P on this hyperbola meets the
9 16
striaght lines 4x – 3y = 0 and 4x + 3y = 0 in the points Q and R respectively. Then CQ . CR =

26. Find the locus of the mid points of the chords of the circle x 2 + y 2 = 16, which are tangent to the
hyperbola 9 x 2  16 y2 = 144.

1. C 2. A 3. A 4. D 5. D 6. A 7. A 1
12. 2 : 1 13.  = – tan–1 2, t = 
8. D 9. C 10. B 11.A 12. B 5
1 
13. D 14. D 15. C 16. C 17. D 18. C 19. B ;  =  + tan12, t = ;  =  , t = 0
5 2
20. B 21. C 22. B 23. C 24. B 25. B 26. C

14. a2p2 + b2q2 = r2sec2 = (4 – 2 2 ) r 2
27. C 28. A 29. B 30. B 31. B 32. D 33. D 8

34. A 35. B 36. AB 37. AC 38. AC 39. B 19. 0025 20. 0022 21. 0007

40. AB 41. AD 42. BC 43. BCD 44. CD 23. 11x2 – y2 + 4x – 16xy + 38y – 61 = 0

45. ACD 46. AB 24. 0030 25. 0025 26. (x2 + y2)2 = 16 x2  9 y2


11. A parabola is drawn to pass through A and B, the ends of a diameter of a given circle of radius a, and
to have as directrix a tangent to a concentric circle of radius b; then axes being AB and a perpendicular

x2 y2
diameter, prove that the locus of the focus of the parabola is + =1
b2 b2  a2

12. Points A, B & C lie on the parabola y² = 4ax. The tangents to the parabola at A, B & C, taken in pairs,
intersect at points P, Q & R. Determine the ratio of the areas of the triangles ABC & PQR.

13. If tangent drawn at a point (t², 2t) on the parabola y² = 4x is same as the normal drawn at a point
( 5 cos  2 sin ) on the ellipse 4x² + 5y² = 20. Find the values of t & 

x2 y2
14. Find the condition so that the line px + qy = r intersects the ellipse  = 1 in points whose
a2 b2

eccentric angles differ by .

15. Prove that the minimum length of the intercept made by the axes on the tangent to the ellipse

x2 y2
2 + = 1 is equal to a + b.
a b2

16. A point moves such that the sum of the square of the distances from two fixed straight lines intersecting
at angle 2 is a constant. Prove that the locus is an ellipse of eccentricity

cos 2   cos 2 
if  < and if  >
cos  4 sin  4

17. Prove that the sum of the eccentric angles of the extremities of a chord of an ellipse, which is drawn in
a given direction is constant and is equal to twice the eccentric angle of the point at which the tangent
is parallel to the given direction.

18. If the normals at , ,  , on an ellipse are concurrent, prove that (cos)(sec ) = 4

19. If the distance between the centres of the hyperbolas :

x2 – 16xy – 11y2 – 12x + 6y + 21 = 0 ..... (i)
9x2 – 16y2 – 18x – 32y – 151 = 0 ..... (ii) is d then 125 d2 = .................

x2 y2
20. If m1 and m2 are slopes of the tangents to the hyperbola – = 1 which passes through the point of
25 16
contact of 3x – 4y = 5 and x2 – 4y2 = 5 then 32(m1 + m2 – m1m2) = ................... .

21. Find the radius of director circle of the conic, which is locus of the point intersection of straight lines
x y x y 1
– = m, + = .
25 24 25 24 m

22. If a chord joining the points P (a sec , a tan ) & Q (a sec , a tan ) on the hyperbola x 2  y2 = a2 is
a normal to it at P, then show that tan  = tan  (4 sec2   1) .

23. Find an equation of the hyperbola whose directrix is the normal to circle x2 + y2 – 4x – 6y + 9 = 0 having slope
is 2 and eccentricity is equal to radius of given circle when focus of hyperbola is centre of the given circle.

x2 y2
24. If the tangent on the point (3 sec , 4 tan ) (which is in first quadrant) of the hyperbola – = 1 is
9 16
perpendicular to 3x + 8y – 12 = 0, then the value of  is (in degree)


44. A point moves such that the sum of the squares of its distances from the two sides of length 'a' of a
rectangle is twice the sum of the squares of its distances from the other two sides of length 'b'. The
locus of the point can be :
(A) a circle (B) an ellipse (C) a hyperbola (D) a pair of lines

45. Which of the following equations in parametric form can represent a hyperbolic profile, where 't' is a
a  1 b  1 tx y x ty
(A) x = t   & y = t   (B)  +t=0& + 1=0
2  t 2  t a b a b
(C) x = et + et & y = et  et (D) x 2  6 = 2 cos t & y2 + 2 = 4 cos2
x2 y2
46. The value of m for which y = mx + 6 is a tangent to the hyperbola – = 1 is
100 49

 17   17 
(A)   (B) –  
 20   20 

 20   20 
(C)   (D) –  
 17   17 


1. Prove that the circle circumscribing the triangle formed by any three tangents to a parabola passes
through the focus.

2. A chord is a normal to a parabola and is inclined at an angle  to the axis; prove that the area of the
triangle formed by it and the tangents at its extremities is 4a2 sec 3  cosec 3 

3. If from the vertex of a parabola a pair of chords be drawn at right angles to one another and with these
chords as adjacent sides a rectangle be made, prove that the locus of the further angle of the rectangle
is the parabola y2 = 4a (x – 8a).

4. TP and TQ are tangents to the parabola and the normals at P and Q meet at a point R on the curve ;
prove that the centre of the circle circumscribing the triangle TPQ lies on the parabola 2y2 = a(x – a).

5. A pair of tangents are drawn which are equally inclined to a straight line whose inclination to the axis is
 ; prove that the locus of their point of intersection is the straight line y = (x – a) tan 2.

6. Prove that the normals at the points, where the straight line x + my = 1 meets the parabola y2 = 4ax,
 2
4am 4am  
meet on the normal at the point  2 , 
on the parabola.

  

7. Prove that the equation to the circle, which passes through the focus and touches the parabola y2 =4ax
at the point (at2, 2at), is x2 + y2 – ax(3t2 + 1) – ay (3t – t3) + 3a2t2 = 0.
Prove also that the locus of its centre is the curve 27ay2 = (2x – a) (x – 5a)2.

8. Two tangents to the parabola y² = 8x meet the tangent at its vertex in the points P & Q. If
PQ = 4 units, prove that the locus of the point of the intersection of the two tangents is
y² = 8 (x + 2).

9. Show that the locus of the middle points of normal chords of the parabola y2 = 4 a x is,
y4  2 a (x  2 a). y2 + 8 a4 = 0.

10. Prove that the orthocentre of any triangle formed by three tangents to a parabola lies on the directrix.


x2 y2
33. If AB is a double ordinate of the hyperbola – = 1 such that OAB (O is the origin) is an
a2 b2
equilateral triangle, then the eccentricity ‘e’ of the hyperbola satisfies
2 2 2
(A) e > 3 (B) 1 < e < 2 (C) e = (D) e >
3 3 3

x2 y2
34. If x cos  + y sin  = p, a variable chord of the hyperbola – 2 = 1 subtends a right angle at the
a2 2a
centre of the hyperbola, then the chords touch a fixed circle whose radius is equal to
(A) 2a (B) 3a (C) 2 a (D) 5a

More than one choice type

35. The set of values of ‘a’ for which (13x – 1)2 + (13y – 2) 2 = a(5x + 12y – 1)2 represents an ellipse is
(A) 1 < a < 2 (B) 0 < a < 1 (C) 2 < a < 3 (D) none of these

36. If (5, 12) and (24, 7) are the focii of a conic passing through the origin then the eccentricity of conic is
386 386 386 386
(A) (B) (C) (D)
38 12 13 25

37. Let F 1, F2 be two focii of the ellipse and PT and PN be the tangent and the normal respectively to the
ellipse at point P then
(A) PN bisects  F1 PF2 (B) PT bisects F1PF2
(C) PT bisects angle (180° –  F1PF2) (D) None of these

38. Let A() and B() be the extremeties of a chord of an ellipse . If the slope of AB is equal to the slope of
the tangent at a point C() on the ellipse, then the value of , is
     
(A) (B) (C) + (D) –
2 2 2 2

39. A common tangent to 9x2 – 16y2 = 144 and x 2 + y2 = 9 is

3 15 2 15
(A) y = x+ (B) y = 3 x+
7 7 7 7

3 2 15
(C) y = 2 x + 15 7 (D) y = 3 x–
7 7 7

40. The equation of a hyperbola with co-ordinate axes as principal axes, if the distances of one of its
vertices from the foci are 3 & 1 can be :
(A) 3x2  y2 = 3 (B) x2  3y2 + 3 = 0 (C) x 2  3y2  3 = 0 (D) none

41. Circles are drawn on chords of rectangular hyperbola xy = c2 parallel to the line y = x as diameters. All
such circles pass through two fixed points whose co-ordinates are :
(A) (c, c) (B) (c,  c) (C) ( c, c) (D) ( c,  c)

42. The tangent to the hyperbola, x2  3y2 = 3 at the point  

3 , 0 when associated with two asymptotes
constitutes :
(A) isosceles triangle but not equilateral (B) an equilateral triangle
(C) a triangles whose area is 3 sq. units (D) a right isosceles triangle.

43. The equation 16x 2 – 3y2 – 32x + 12y – 44 = 0 represents a hyperbola

(A) the length of whose transverse axis is 4 3 (B) the length of whose conjugate axis is 8

(C) whose centre is (1, 2) (D) whose eccentricity is
22. The eccentricity of the hyperbola with its principal axes along the co-ordinate axes and which passes

through (3, 0) & 3 2 , 2 is :
1 13 5 2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
3 3 3 3

x2 y2 x2 y2 1
23. If the foci of the ellipse  2 = 1 & the hyperbola  = coincide then the value of b2 is :
25 b 144 81 25
(A) 4 (B) 9 (C) 16 (D) none

24. The points of intersection of the curves whose parametric equations are x = t2 + 1, y = 2t and x = 2s,
y = 2/s is given by :
(A) (4, 1) (B) (2, 2) (C) ( 2, 2) (D) (1, 0)

25. The tangent at any point P(x1, y1) on the hyperbola xy = c2 meets the co-ordinate axes at points Q & R. The
circumcentre of OQR has co-ordinates.

 x1 y1   2x1 2y1 
(A) (0, 0) (B) (x1, y1) (C)  ,  (D)  , 
 2 2  3 3 

26. The locus of the mid points of the chords passing through a fixed point (, ) of the hyperbola
x2 y 2
 = 1 is :
a 2 b2
     
(A) a circle with centre  ,  (B) an ellipse with centre  , 
 2 2  2 2
     
(C) a hyperbola with centre  ,  (D) straight line passing through  , 
 2 2  2 2

x2 y2 x2 y2
27. From any point on the hyperbola H1 :  = 1 tangents are drawn to the hyperbola H :  = 2. The
a 2 b2 2
a 2 b2
area cut-off by the chord of contact on the asymptotes of H2 is equal to:
(A) ab (B) 2ab (C) 4 ab (D) 8 ab

28. If two conics a1x 2 + 2 h1xy + b1y2 = c 1 and a2x 2 + 2 h2xy + b2y2 = c 2 intersect in four concyclic points, then
(A) (a1  b1) h2 = (a2  b2) h1 (B) (a1  b1) h1 = (a2  b2) h2
(C) (a1 + b1) h2 = (a2 + b2) h1 (D) (a1 + b1) h1 = (a2 + b2) h2

29. The equations of the transverse and conjugate axes of a hyperbola are respectively x + 2y – 3 = 0,
2x – y + 4 = 0, and their respective lengths are 2 and 2/ 3 . The equation of the hyperbola is

2 3 2 3
(A) (x + 2y – 3)2 – (2x – y + 4)2 = 1 (B) (2x – y + 4)2 – (x + 2y – 3)2 = 1
5 5 5 5
(C) 2(2x – y + 4)2 – 3 (x + 2y – 3) 2 = 1 (D) 2(x + 2y – 3)2 – 3 (2x – y + 4) 2 = 1
30. The chord PQ of the rectangular hyperbola xy = a2 meets the x-axis at A; C is the mid point of PQ & 'O'
is the origin. Then the  ACO is :
(A) equilateral (B) isosceles (C) right angled (D) right isosceles.

x2 y2
31. If P is any point common to the hyperbola   1 and the circle having line segment joining its
16 25
focii as diameter then sum of focal distances of point P is :
(A) 6 2 (B) 2 66 (C) 16 (D) 8

32. The transverse axis of a hyperbola is of length 2a and a vertex divides the segment of the axis between
the centre and the corresponding focus in the ratio 2 : 1, the equation of the hyperbola is :
(A) 4x2 – 5y2 = 4a2 (B) 4x2 – 5y2 = 5a2 (C) 5x2 – 4y2 = 4a2 (D) 5x2 – 4y2 = 5a2
11. A tangent to the parabola x 2 + 4ay = 0 cuts the parabola x2 = 4by at A and B the locus of the mid point
of AB is:
(A) (a + 2b) x2 = 4 b2y (B) (b + 2a) x 2 = 4 b2y
(C) (a + 2b) y = 4 b x
2 2
(D) (b + 2x) x2 = 4 a2y
12. The equation of the other normal to the parabola y2 = 4ax which passes through the intersection of
those at (4a,  4a) & (9a,  6a) is:
(A) 5x  y + 115 a = 0 (B) 5x + y  135 a = 0
(C) 5x  y  115 a = 0 (D) 5x + y + 115 = 0

13. If ,  are eccentric angles of the extremities of a focal chord of an ellipse, then eccentricity of the
ellipse is
cos   cos  sin   sin  sin   sin 
(A) (B) (C) sec  + sec  (D)
cos(  ) sin(  ) sin(  )

x2 y2
14. If circumcentre of an equilateral triangle inscribed in +
= 1, with vertices having eccentric
a2 b2
angles , ,  respectively is (x 1, y1), then  cos cos +  sin  sin  =
2 2 2 2 2 2
9 x1 9 y1 3 9 x1 9 y1 9 x1 9 y1 3
(A) 2 + 2 + (B) 9x12 – 9y12 + a2 b2 (C) + +3 (D) 2 + 2 –
a b 2 a b 2a 2b 2

x2 y2 y2 x2
15. If radii of director circles of + = 1 and –
= 1 are 2r and r respectively and ee and eh be
a2 b2 a2 b2
the eccentricities of the ellipse and the hyperbola respectively then
(A) 2eh2 – ee2 = 6 (B) ee2 – 4eh2 = 6 (C) 4eh2 – ee2 = 6 (D) none of these

16. The distance of the point ( 6 cos  , 2 sin ) on the ellipse x2/6 + y2/2 = 1 from the centre of the ellipse
is 2, if
(A)  = /3 (B)  = /6 (C) = 5/4 (C)  = 5/3

17. The eccentricity of the ellipse which meets the straight line 2x – 3y = 6 on the x-axis and the straight
line 4x + 5y = 20 on the y-axis and whose axes lie along the coordinates axes, is
1 4 3 7
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 5 4 4

18. The distance of the point of contact from the origin of the line y = x – 7 with the ellipse 3x 2 + 4y2 = 12,
(A) 3 (B) 2 (C) (D) none of these

19. The locus of extremities of latus rectum of the family of ellipse b2x 2 + y2 = a2b2 where b is a parameter
(b2 < 1), is-
(A) x2 ± a2y2 = a2 (B) x 2 ± ay = a2 (C) x ± ay2 = a2 (D) none of these

20. A series of concentric ellipses E1, E2, ......, En are drawn such that En touches the extremities of the
major axis of En –1 and the foci of En coincide with the extremities of minor axis of En – 1. If the eccentricity
of the ellipses is independent of n, then the value of the eccentricity, is
5 5 1 5 1 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
3 2 2 5

x y x y 1
21. If m is a variable, the locus of the point of intersection of the lines – = m and + = is
3 2 3 2 m
(A) parabola (B) ellipse (C) hyperbola (D) none of these


Single choice type
1. Through the vertex 'O' of the parabola y2 = 4ax, variable chords OP and OQ are drawn at right angles.
If the variable chord PQ intersects the axis of x at R, then distance OR:
(A) varies with different positions of P and Q
(B) equals the semi latus rectum of the parabola
(C) equals latus rectum of the parabola
(D) equals double the latus rectum of the parabola
2. Set of values of m for which a chord of slope m of the circle x2 + y2 = 4 touches parabola y2 = 4x, is
  2  1 
2  1  
(A)   ,    ,  (B) (– , – 1)  (1, )
2 2
   
(C) (– 1, 1) (D) (– , )

3. From the focus of the parabola, y2 = 8x as centre, a circle is described so that a common chord of the
curves is equidistant from the vertex & focus of the parabola. The equation of the circle is:
(A) (x – 2) 2 + y2 = 9 (B) (x – 2)2 + y2 = 6 (C) (x – 2) 2  y2 = 4 (D) (x – 2)2  y2 = 18

4. In a parabola the angle  that the latus rectum subtends at the vertex of the parabola is:
(A) dependent on the length of the latus rectum
(B) independent of the latus rectum and lies between &
3 5
(C) independent of the latus rectum and lies between &
4 6
2 3
(D) independent of the latus rectum and lies between & 4
5. A parabola y = ax 2 + bx + c crosses the x  axis at (, 0) ( , 0) both to the right of the origin. A circle also
passes through these two points. The length of a tangent from the origin to the circle is:
bc b c
(A) (B) ac2 (C) (D)
a a a
6. Number of normals drawn from the point ( 2, 2) to the parabola y2  2y  2x - 1 = 0 is
(A) one (B) two (C) three (D) zero

7. If a normal to a parabola y2 = 4ax make an angle  with its axis, then it will cut the curve again at an
angle is
1    1 
(A) tan1  tan  (B) (C) – (D) cot–1  tan  
2  2 2 2 

8. Locus of a point P if the three normals drawn from it to the parabola y2 = 4ax are such that two of them
make complementry angles with the axis of the parabola is:
(A) y2 = a (x + a) (B) y2 = 2a (x  a) (C) y2 = a (x  2a) (D) y2 = a (x  a)

9. From an external point P, pair of tangent lines are drawn to the parabola, y2 = 4x. If 1 & 2 are the

inclinations of these tangents with the axis of x such that, 1 + 2 = , then the locus of P is:
(A) x  y + 1 = 0 (B) x + y  1 = 0 (C) x  y  1 = 0 (D) x + y + 1 = 0
10. If two normals to a parabola y2 = 4ax intersect at right angles then the chord joining their feet passes
through a fixed point whose co-ordinates are:
(A) ( 2a, 0) (B) (a, 0) (C) (2a, 0) (D) none

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