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Green Dragon: Reside in Lay-Breenor, attack with poisons derived from forests, are inclined to
hibernate if left alone until awoken. During this time the green dragons typically remain so still that
forestry begins to grow on their bodies making them into part of the forest and very hard to spot. These
dragons will typically speak in riddles. These are the only dragons that can speak full and clear language.

White Dragons: Live in the clouds and instead of wings and legs they have 2 pairs of wings and no
limbs. They have a multitude of attacks that include lightning, thunder roars, and powerful winds.

Blue Dragons: Live underwater due to their intolerance to long term sun exposure. They attack with
frozen water that they absorb then freeze using their unique glands in their mouths. They can spit large ice
spikes, small shattered shards of ice, and freeze enemies where they stand.

Red Dragon: Red Dragons emerged from the depths of Mt. Vevon many years ago after being defeated
by the Black dragons in a 100 year war for dominance of the world under the surface. The “Red Dragons”
used to also be black but after many years of the sun’s rays and atmospheric changes from the
undergrounds to the surface their skin and abilities changed to adapt. They now have a dark red tint to
their scales and began to breathe fire as it was much more effective above ground. They were driven by
other dragons across the black sea to where they now reside in the Lost Lands as gods.

Browned Dragons: Dragons that have been tanned brown by the merciless sun of the desert. Having no
wings and not being able to project any kind of ranged attack, the brown dragons burrow themselves
underground and wait for prey to walk over their delicate traps. By the time you would realize you were
being dragged under, you would probably be dead.

Black Dragon: Live underground in long, intricate tunnels that range for mile after mile. If ever attacked,
these hostile dragons use white magic that causes an explosion on impact. The effects resemble a mixture
of fire and acid. These Dragons also have no sight ability and their eyes are pure white.

Lunar Dragons: These dragons are made of pure silver and came to earth in the mass invasion of
Eleanor god-eater. They are near impossible to kill and attack with a white mist that turns whatever it
touches to stone. These dragons currently reside in Terra and battle constantly against Dardallo dragons.

Dardallo Dragons: These dragons are not actual beings but more of an evil conjuration of Dardallo metal
connected through ancient demon flame. These dragons are very hard to kill by a man, almost impossible.
They breathe the fires of hell and volcanic death upon their foes.

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