Detailed Lesson Plan Grade 3-Art (1 Quarter) I. Objectives

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I. Objectives:
In 45 minutes of discussion the pupils may be able to:
a) Identify the different elements of arts does, the clouds have.
b) Draw the clouds using the different elements of the clouds.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Different elements of arts of does the clouds have.

B. Reference: Pilot School MTB MLE lesson 3 *Musika at Sining 3.Junico,Paul al.2000
C. Materials: Pictures,cartolina ,marker,crayons,cotton balls,glitters for lightining and
rain,paper,glue,tape and scissors.
D. Value: Cooperation and Creativity.

III. Procedure:

A. Preparatory Activities

Good morning class! Good morning Ma'am.

Everybody please stand up and let us pray. (The pupils stand up and pray)

Before you take your seats,look around you (The pupils will pick up garbage and will
and pick up papers or trashers and put it on throw it on tha garbage back)
garbage sack.

"Okey,you may now take your seats properly" "Thank you Ma'am!"

Who are absent today? "The pupils will name those pupils who are
not around)
The teacher will identify those that are not
inside the classroom and mark them absent.

B. Motivation

Class, I want you to observe the sky outside Yes Teacher!

and write what you have observed on your
paper, I will give you 5 minutes to observe
So what you have observed outside in the Teacher I have observed the sky is blue
sky? Teacher I observed the sky is different
formation of clouds. Teacher is clouds have
different color gray and blue.

Yes!all of you were right. So what do you Teacher is about sky?

think the lesson for today? Teacher is about clouds?

Yes! Good job because our objectives for Me teacher! I love to see the color of the sky
today is to draw and describe the basic types because it is like a cotton candy.
of clouds. Who among you loves to see the I like the clouds teacher because i see the
clouds. different formation on it.

"Ok! very well said pupils"

C. Presentation

Based on your observations. What can you Teacher clouds is contains water teacher.
say about clouds? Teacher clouds is white.

Yes, your answer are right, because a clouds

is a large collection of very tiny droplets of Answers may vary.
water or ice crystals.

I will introduce the main types of clouds,

STRATUS with picture.

D. Discussion

What can you say about the first picture? Answers may vary.
(Show a picture of Cirrus Clouds.)

Very good.

Cirrus clouds are the thin, wispy clouds seen

high in the sky. They look as if someone took
a cloud, stretched it, pulling pieces off, like a
cotton ball when it is pulled apart. A blue sky
and a few cirrus clouds high in the sky, Answers may vary.
usually means it is going to be a nice day.
The next picture is a cumulus cloud, what can
you say about its color, shape and line?

Cumulus clouds are the puffy clouds that are

usually scattered throughout the sky. Cumulus
clouds can be white or gray. White fluffy
clouds means no rain, but when they form
into dark or gray clouds, it is going to rain.
The last kind of cloud is stratus clouds. What
can you say about its color, shape and line?

Stratus clouds look like a huge thick blanket

covering the sky. These clouds are a sure sign
of rain if it is warm and snow if it is cold. If
stratus clouds are near the ground, they form

E. Activity Proper

Before we will proceed to our discussion .I

will be divided into 3 group and each group
will choose a representative to be there in
their group.
So class, what are the standard in having a Ma'am.
group activity? 1 .Choose your leader.
2. Choose your secretary.
3. Choose your reporter.
4. Cooperate with the group and minimize
your voice.
(Each group will do their task)
Very good
Students task is to draw on the board the kind
of clouds that teacher describe. The group that
will show the best drawing that fits to the
description and identify what kind of cloud is
it, will be the winner.
(The teacher will read the description of each
Cirrus clouds are the thin, wispy clouds seen
high in the sky. They look as if someone took
a cloud, stretched it, pulling pieces off, like a
cotton ball when it is pulled apart.
Cumulus clouds are the puffy clouds that are
usually scattered throughout the sky.
Stratus clouds look like a huge thick blanket
covering the sky.


What are the element of arts use to identify

the different kind of clouds? Ma'am, color, shape and line.
Very good.
What is the color of the clouds? Gray, black and white.
How about the common line used to describe
each clouds? It's a curve line.
How about it's shape? It's like a cotton balls, Ma'am.
Very good.

G. Application

The teacher will let the pupils draw the

different types of clouds (The student will draw the different kinds of
Cirrus clouds, Cumulus clouds and Stratus clouds.)
IV. Evaluation:
Draw the clouds that you have seen outside and identify what kind of clouds is it.
V. Assignment
Create a model of a cloud that you like the most using the cotton balls. Color it with the
appropriate color according to its description.

Prepared by.

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