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Slide Number: 1

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).

The disease was first identified in 2019 in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei, China,
and has since spread globally, resulting in the 2020 coronavirus pandemic,
wave 3 has come with a more severe delta variant still ravaging.

The first confirmed case in Nigeria was on 27 February 2020.

A number of measures have been introduced by the Nigerian Government

authorities to manage and reduce the spread.

For latest information and


Slide Number: 2
Access to Nigeria and Site – Testing Requirements
❖ Incoming personnel must have tested negative for COVID-19 not more than 72 hours before departure to
Nigeria (3 days)
❖ Personnel are to register online and fill Health Declaration/Self-reporting form on the portal.
❖ Personnel will present print outs of the negative PCR test result and Permit to Travel/QR Code prior to boarding
(Passengers from outside Nigeria must show evidence of payment for 2nd (post-arrival) PCR test; choice of Lab
being Medbury Port Harcourt or Bonny via the NCDC website)
COMING ❖ Personnel are to upload negative PCR test result, pay for 2nd PCR test on the portal and download the Permit
INTO to Travel Certificate/QR Code.
NIGERIA ❖ On arrival, personnel will present the negative PCR test result and the Permit to Travel Certificate/QR code and
Call your Contract will exit airport and proceed to Bonny (Passports will not be retained).
❖ On the 7th day of arrival, sample will be collected for 2nd PCR test and sent to designated laboratory for
Holder for any
testing. Passengers will remain in strict self-quarantine in Bonny until a negative result is confirmed.
❖ Please note that Inbound non-Nigerian travelers from Brazil, India, Turkey or South Africa shall be denied entry
into Nigeria.
❖ However, Nigerian passengers from the above countries OR non-Nigerians who visited these countries within
Fourteen (14) days preceding travel to Nigeria, shall be made to undergo mandatory government–supervised
quarantine for 7 days and their passports taken from them. Those tested Negative thereafter shall be
Note: Testing does discharged with their passports; but those Positive or ill will be managed according to local protocols.
not eliminate the
❖ Incoming vendors into Bonny from other parts of Nigeria must have tested negative in a
risk of contracting
LOCAL government licensed laboratory for COVID-19 not later than 72hours at departure to Bonny.
the virus!
VENDORS ❖ Test Results with valid QR Code will upon submission, be verified and cleared by CMO Team
before allowing such party(ies) into Bonny
❖ On arrival in Bonny, vendors will undergo PCR test and stay quarantined till a negative result is
❖ If test is positive, personnel remain in quarantine and will be rescheduled for follow-up test.

❖ All local residents involved in the shutdown are to undergo testing within 2 weeks before
commencement of Shutdown.
LOCAL ❖ Personnel are to stay quarantined in their homes till the confirmation of a negative test result [If
❖ If test is positive, personnel remain in quarantine and will be rescheduled for follow-up test
RESIDENTS ❖ Personnel to return home immediately after testing and won’t report at sire except when
cleared by the CMO Team via email
❖ Fully vaccinated vendor personnel with verifiable evidence will undergo PCR testing before
resuming at site. Residents to proceed to work upon clearance
Slide Number: 3
We Care
Nigeria LNG Limited is committed to the safety and health of its people, its vendors and its partners, along
with the safe operation of our plant. We have reviewed our processes especially with regards to site
maintenance and further introduced adequate measures to keep safe amidst the global COVID-19
pandemic. We will be embarking on a series of major Turnarounds and we would like to assure you that
the NLNG site is poised and ready for safe maintenance operations.
NLNG has successfully executed 3 major Turnarounds with each of them in excess of 1 Million manhours
(LTI free) and zero outbreak of COVID due to the mitigations it has in place. We ask that you collaborate
with us in ensuring your safety and the safety of others by adhering to the COVID-19 measures and
intervening when non-compliance is observed.

The following key measures have been taken:

❖ The Nigerian Government has expressly designated NLNG as a “critical” business vital to the country
and our license to operate during this period remains valid.

❖ All personnel working on the Shutdown will be tested for COVID-19. Only those with negative results
will commence work.

❖ All our staff, contractors and partners are obligated to follow the basic measures: keep the minimum
distance of 2 meters to each other as much as possible and to avoid physical contact, frequently
wash hands intensively with soap, and avoid touching your face.

❖ Face masks are mandatory throughout the site, even when the distance between personnel is greater
than 2 meters.

❖ Hand tools and communication devices will be cleaned frequently.

❖ Safe distancing will be applied to commuting, housing and canteen services.

❖ Additional precautions will be taken as more guidelines are released locally and from the Nigerian
Centre for Disease Control (NCDC).

We are determined to do all we can to ensure that the Turnaround is executed in a safe and successful
manner, because we care.

General Manager, Production,

Nigeria LNG Limited
Overview of COVID-19 Mitigation Efforts


Social Protective Recovery

Site Hygiene & Measures
Sanitation Distancing Wear
Covid-19 Awareness
• • Keep
Keep 2m
distanceif if  Designated holding
Awareness ••Availability
wash • Use
Use of
of face
face area for personnel
Training/Videos possible
Training/Videos basins
(non-touch) allall
over masks/bandanasis is
masks/bandanas displaying symptoms
Follow PTF
• PSCguidelines the
thefor frequent
site for hand Floor markings
markingsinin mandatory (before evacuation

guidelines canteens, cabins, rest from site).

on entry intoon entry
Nigeria washing
frequent hand washing canteens, cabins, rest •For distances less than 1m
areas, arenas.  Communicate
into Nigeria
•Mandatory •Cough etiquette to be areas, arena. for more than 10 minutes,
Cough etiquette to
• •Staggered lunch to • Use of hand gloves. protocol for
•testing/clearancefor encouraged Staggered lunch to respirators with P95 filters
be encouraged prevent

crowding management of
ALL vendors before
testing/clearance for •Frequent cleaning of prevent crowding will be used suspected person of
Frequent cleaning •Expanded shelters on site
ALL workbefore
•common surfaces – of •Use
• of hand
Use of nitrile gloves
gloves. interest (PoI).
common cleaning
surfaces regime
– Expanded shelters
• on
and choke
•resuming workHealth Enhanced when
of cleaning
•Use nitrile gloves when  Functional 24 bed
Enhanced cleaning site
points eliminated treatment center in
declaration •Cleaning of shared tools cleaning
•Questionnaire/ Health Bottlenecks and
tool choke
••Decentralized box talks Bonny town
• Signage regime
•Availability of hand •Use of P95 respirators for
declaration points eliminated  Functional 28 bed
•Use of Temperature Cleaning &ofsanitizer
•sanitizers shared critical work isolation center in RA
• Signage
scanners dispensers
tools Decentralized tool box

 Contact tracing
Use of Temperature

Availability of hand  Availability of

sanitizers & sanitizer Molecular Laboratory

for testing
Your Responsibility
❖ Ensure you get tested to know your status before the Shutdown and resume only
if confirmed negative.

❖ DO NOT come to work if you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms:

Vaccination remains a sure mitigation • Common symptoms are fever, dry cough, body aches and shortness of
towards eradicating the spread of
breath. May also include loss of taste and loss of smell
COVID-19, get information and decide
• Call your supervisor. It is your duty to report promptly.
to get vaccinated. • Note: There will be no loss in terms of pay/salary for absence due to ill
• If someone in your household is experiencing COVID-19 type symptoms,
contact your supervisor before coming to site.

❖ Stay at least 2 meter away from other people wherever possible

❖ Wash your hands often with soap and water and for at least 20
seconds every time.
• If you don’t have access to soap and water, use alcohol-based
hand sanitizer.

❖ Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.

❖ Cough and sneeze inside of your elbow or with disposable tissues. If tissue is
used, dispose it in a closed bin.

❖ Continue to follow all preventative screening measures and health guidance

previously communicated. Pay attention during inductions/briefings.

❖ Intervene if you see unhealthy practices or non-compliance. Your health is at risk.

❖ Treat everyone with respect and respect each person’s right to privacy, in
particular their health privacy.

❖ Do not spread unverified (fake) news or rumors. Slide Number: 6

NLNG Responsibility:

❖ NLNG will ensure that all personnel are tested for COVID-19 before they resume work on site.

❖ NLNG will facilitate the process for sample collection & processing at the Port of Entry for
fly-ins in conjunction with relevant government agencies.

❖ NLNG will accommodate and cater for vendors throughout the period of

❖ NLNG will maintain clean workspace in line with the NCDC guidelines.

❖ NLNG will ensure proper onboarding and discipline around COVID-19 rules are

❖ NLNG is equipped to test, manage and contact trace in the event that any personnel falls ill
in line with local protocols.

Slide Number: 7
Access to Site
❖ Covid-19 HSE Inductions/Videos and Site Onboarding: On-boarding
inductions will include COVID-19 awareness information.

❖ Communication: The COVID-19 protocol document will be sent to

all vendor companies.

❖ Questionnaire: Personnel to fill and sign a medical self-declaration

form before entry to site.

❖ Signage: Signage and posters (on detection, prevention & protocol) will
be displayed at conspicuous areas around the work site and site

❖ Eliminate bottlenecks:
• Use of dressing rooms will be discouraged. Personnel will be
dressed ready for site work and taken straight to the site.
• Where entry into site constitutes a choke point, workers are to
enter in single file 2m from each other
• Choke points will be managed – turnstiles bypassed, multiple
entries and exits

❖ Temperature checks will be carried out at random within the working


❖ Encourage self isolation: Any person that displays symptoms of High

fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties will be
required to self isolate. Such personnel are not to come to the site at all
but should follow escalation protocol.

Slide Number: 8
Hygiene and Sanitation
❖ The virus is transmitted via small droplets released when
people sneeze or cough, or talk in close proximity.
Depending on surfaces, studies shows that the virus stays
active as viz: Metal/Glass/Ceramic – 5days, Wood – 4days,
Plastic/Stainless – 2-3days.

❖ Keeping hands clean:

• Regularly wash your hands with soap under running water. Sufficient hand wash basins will be
• Hand sanitizers is to be used when water is not available.

❖ Cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you sneeze and cough. Dispose tissue
properly and sanitize your hands.

Slide Number: 9
Hygiene and Sanitation contd.
Frequent cleaning of common surfaces:

• Wipe down of cabins, locker rooms, toilets, chiller units, hand

washing bays etc.
• Drivers to clean common areas in vehicle using anti-bacterial
wipes or wet cloth with soap after each trip.
• Windows stay partially open for ventilation in vehicles.
• Continuous housekeeping around work area – shutdown village
and meeting rooms/shelter

Cleaning of shared tools: Hand tools are to be cleaned after use with
water & soap solutions.

Cleaning/Use of Face masks:

• Replace face masks if they become damp, damaged, soiled or

difficult to breathe through

• Cloth face masks are washable and reusable.

• Facemasks for disposal should be discarded in general waste bin.

• At the end of shift, personnel are encouraged to use disposable

wipes to wipe down and clean all surfaces (inside and out)

Slide Number: 10
Social Distancing at site

❖ Keep 2m distance: Personnel are encouraged to

maintain 2m separation where possible.

❖ Floor markings: Around printers, workstations,

dispensers in the offices to enhance distancing.

❖ Meetings: The Shutdown face to face meetings will be

limited to only those that need to be there with
appropriate distancing in mind. Meetings will be held
online if effective. Use of megaphones will be used to
enhance safety briefings on site or in the open.

❖ Canteen/Rest areas:
• Staggered lunch breaks/rest periods to limit the
number of persons at the canteen/rest areas at any
• Seating arrangement will ensure 2m spacing

 On-site permit revalidation: Based on scale and

criticality, permits will be revalidated on site to
decongest the permit office.

Slide Number: 11
Social Distancing - Transportation

❖ Expanded shelters/rest areas and muster points on site.

Proximity @ Work – On the Job Site
❖ Accommodation: Company controlled lodging will
be on one man per room basis. ❖ Ask others working on the task if they are
feeling well and if they are ready to work
❖ Appropriate distancing in vehicles: Seating
❖ Ensure you understand the work plan
patterns in vehicles and buses will be such that the
2 meters distance will be maintained as much as before starting close proximity work
possible. ❖ Minimize the time you are in close
proximity with other workers
❖ If you need to cough or sneeze, step
or turn away from others and cough
or sneeze inside of your elbow or
face covering
❖ If you are wearing PPE or a face
covering, ensure it’s clean & fits well
– this helps avoid adjustments or
touching your face
❖ Wash your hands with soap
and water thoroughly before
and after the job
❖ Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer
frequently on the job site

Slide Number: 12
Protective Wear - off and on site

❖ Note: Protective wear worn for COVID-19 does not

substitute job specific requirements for PPE.

❖ Use of face masks is mandatory everywhere – on site & in

• Face masks may be the disposable or the reusable
(after washing) type.
• Facemasks shall be distributed using gloves.
• Not to be touched by anyone except the
intended user.

❖ Use of regular hand gloves to prevent skin to skin


❖ Use of nitrile gloves especially when:

• Cleaning surfaces or tools
• Issuing out PPE

Slide Number: 13
What to Do if you develop symptoms

∙ Stay at your accommodation if you have symptoms of common cold

∙ In the event of the onset of symptoms of the Covid-19 virus, you should
self-isolate immediately and call ext. 2019 for advice/consultation.
∙ You should self-isolate immediately in the event of confirmed or
suspected contact with people who have tested positive for the virus.
∙ If you have previously tested positive for the Covid-19 infection,
communication of a “negative test result” must be received from the
hospital before you return to work.

At Work (On site)

∙ In the event of the onset of symptoms of the Covid-19 virus, you should
self-isolate in the holding area on site immediately and call ext. 2019 for
∙ On the advice of the doctor, the person will be evacuated from site by
the Shutdown management.
∙ While awaiting laboratory test results, employee should be on self-
isolation. Business owners in liaison with CMO should carry out a risk
assessment to ascertain whether there is a need to close the office or
business premises.
∙ Leaders should ensure affected person continues to stay at home until
the outcome of test results is known. They should also continue to ensure
basic hygiene advice is followed.

∙ Contact tracing should follow in accordance with the CMO guidelines

Slide Number: 14
Mandatory Forms:

❖ Note: Mandatory Forms for all personnel

- To participate in the forthcoming shutdown, every personnel MUST fill the:

A. CIF Online to be used in scheduling everyone for a PCR Test. See hyperlink to CIF below:


• NO Online Form Fill, No Testing!!!

B. Filling the MS Word Evaluation & Declaration Form (see document icon insert)

• For further clarification(s), please call the undersigned or contact your Contract Holder
- Yemi Adeyemi-Ojo (Ext. 5702, Radio – 5702, Cell – 234 8035350273
- Ben Urama (Ext 3590), Cell – 234 8039053590

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…helping to build a better Nigeria

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