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Latihan Soal - SIMAK 1

Doc. Name: XPING0199 Doc. Version : 2016-05 | halaman 1

Text 1-2. Text 3-7

Is it a mistake to run in rain if you want to With quicksand, the more you struggle in it,
stay drier? One idea is that you should run the faster you will sink. your body will float
because you spend less time in the rain so in it because your body is less (3) … than the
you will stay drier. On the other hand, this is quicksand.
true only if the rain lands only on the top of How many times have you watched a movie
your head and shoulders. If you run, you will where the hero (4) … down into a pit of
end up running into more raindrops on the quicksand, only to be saved at the last
larger surface around your face, chest, and minute by grabbing a nearby tree branch and
front of your legs. pulling himself out?
Two North Carolina researchers looked If you believed what you saw in movies, you
into this question with one walking and the might think that quicksand is a (5) …
other running over a measured distance creature that can suck you down into a
while wearing cotton sweatsuits. They then bottomless pit, never to be heard from again.
weighed their clothing and found that the But no -the actual properties of quicksand
walking person’s sweatsuit weighed more. (1) are not quite those portrayed in the movies.

Quicksand is not quite the fearsome force of
nature that you sometimes see on the big
01. …
screen. In fact, the treacherous grit is rarely
(A) that is why accidents usually happen to deeper than a few feet.
people who run in the rain
Quicksand can (6) … almost anywhere if the
(B) this means whether you run or walk in
right conditions are present. It is basically
the rain, your clothes will absorb the
just ordinary sand that has been so saturated
same amount of raindrops
with water that the friction between sand
(C) Why didn’t the researchers investigate
particles is reduced the resulting sand is a
other cloth materials, such as nylon or
mushy mixture of sand and water that can
no longer support any weight.
(D) this means you should run in the rain to
stay drier If you step into quicksand, it won’t suck you
(E) this means you should not walk or run down. (7) …, your movements will cause you
in the rain if you want to stay healthy to dig yourself deeper into it.
02. What is the best title for the passage? environmental/earth/geology/quicksand.htm]
(A) Walking in the Rain Makes You Stay
Drier 03. …
(B) Should You Run or Walk in the Rain? (A) density
(C) Walking and Running (B) denser
(D) Cotton Sweatsuits and Running in the (C) dense
Rain (D) densely
(E) A Research about Rains (E) dent

04. …
(A) sucks
(B) sucked
(C) is sucked
(D) will suck
(E) sucking

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Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
Xpedia Bahasa Inggris, Latihan Soal - SIMAK 1
doc. name: XPING0199 doc. version : 2016-05 | halaman 2

05. … Similarly, a reduction in perception of effort

(A) lived would be very helpful to the many people
(B) lively who find exercise difficult because they are
(C) living overweight and/or exercise after work in a
(D) life state of mental fatigue.
(E) alive Professor Marcora also states that whilst
there is no strong ethical opposition to the
06. … use of psychoactive drugs to help quit
(A) live smoking (nicotine) or treat obesity (appetite
(B) present suppressants), the negative perception of
(C) continue doping in sport may prevent the use of
(D) be found stimulants and other psychoactive drugs to
(E) suffer treat physical inactivity.
Given that physical inactivity is responsible
07. … for twice as many deaths as obesity, he hopes
(A) therefore that psychopharmacological treatment for
(B) consequently physical inactivity will be considered fairly
(C) otherwise and seriously rather than immediately
(D) however rejected on the basis of unrelated ethical
(E) hence considerations about doping in sport.
Professor Samuele Marcora is Director of
Text 8-12 Research at the University of Kent's School
of Sport and Exercise Sciences. His paper
Endurance expert suggests drugs could help
Can Doping be a Good Thing? Using
'lazy people' exercise In what has been
Psychoactive Drugs to Facilitate Physical
described as 'doping for lazy people' a
Activity Behaviour has been published in the
University of Kent endurance expert has
journal Sports Medicine.
advocated the use of psychoactive drugs to
encourage sedentary people to exercise. [
Together with lack of time, physical exertion
is one of the main perceived barriers to
08. Which one is NOT TRUE according to the
exercise. This is not surprising because
humans evolved to be 'lazy', i.e. to conserve
energy. Professor Samuele Marcora suggests (A) walking is an example of moderate-
that reducing perception of effort during intensity exercise
exercise using caffeine or other psychoactive (B) modafinil is one of psychoactive drugs.
drugs (e.g. methylphenidate and modafinil) (C) treating nicotine addiction may require
could help many people stick to their fitness psychoactive drugs
plans. (D) physical inactivity is more fatal than
Whilst acknowledging that such an
(E) there is no ethical opposition to the use
intervention is both drastic and
of psychoactive drugs to help smoking
controversial, Professor Marcora points out
that perception of effort is one of the main
reasons why most people choose sedentary
09. What is the reason behind physical inactivity
activities for their leisure time. Compared to
stated in paragraph 3?
watching television (zero effort), even
moderate-intensity physical activities like (A) the amount of effort seems too high
walking require considerable effort. He says (B) people don’t have enough time
finding a way that makes people with very (C) people are overweight
low motivation to do even moderate (D) people can’t exercise after work
exercise, like walking, could be particularly (E) the phychoactive drugs are still illegal
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Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
Xpedia Bahasa Inggris, Latihan Soal - SIMAK 1
doc. name: XPING0199 doc. version : 2016-05 | halaman 3

10. Why does the use of psychoactive drugs to The study concludes that the pattern of
treat physical inactivity may be rejected? brain development is similar if you learn
(A) because physical inactivity may be re- one or two language from birth. However,
sponsible for deaths learning a second language later on in
(B) because the use of psychoactive drugs childhood after gaining proficiency in the
are not tolerated, as we can see in nico- first (native) language does in fact modify
tine addiction and obesity cases the brain's structure, specifically the brain's
(C) because there is negative perception of inferior frontal cortex. The left inferior
using psychoactive drugs related to sport frontal cortex became thicker and the right
(D) because the real culprit is obesity inferior frontal cortex became thinner. The
(E) drug treatment of physical inactivity has cortex is a multi-layered mass of neurons
been considered fairly and seriously that plays a major role in cognitive
functions such as thought, language,
11. The underline word “sedentary” (paragraph (15) …, and memory. (c).
1) most likely means … (d). The study suggests that the task of
(A) mobile acquiring a second language after infancy
(B) compulsory (16) … new neural growth and connections
(C) agile among neurons in ways seen in acquiring
(D) unhealthy (17) … such as juggling. The study's
(E) inactive authors speculate that the difficulty that
some people have in learning a second
12. What is the topic of the text about? language later in life could be explained at
the structural level.
(A) misperceptions of effort in exercising
(B) the arguments for using psychoactive "The later in childhood that the second
drugs to exercise language is acquired, the (18) … are the
(C) the reasons why laziness is harmful changes in the inferior frontal cortex," said
(D) why psychoactive drugs manipulate peo- Dr. Denise Klein, researcher in The
ple’s minds Neuro's Cognitive Neuroscience Unit and a
(E) tackling addiction in physical exercise lead author on the paper published in the
journal Brain and Language. (e).
Text 13-20 Using a software program developed at
The Neuro, the study examined MRI scans
(a). The age (13) … children learn a second
of 66 bilingual and 22 monolingual men
language can have a significant bearing on
and women living in Montreal. The work
the structure of their adult brain, according
was supported by a (20) … from the
to a new joint study by the Montreal
Natural Science and Engineering Research
Neurological Institute and Hospital -- The
Council of Canada and from an Oxford
Neuro at McGill University and Oxford
McGill Neuroscience Collaboration Pilot
University. The majority of people in the
world learn to speak more than one language
(14) … their lifetime. Many do so with great [h t t p s: / / www. sci en ced a i l y. com /
proficiency particularly if the languages are releases/2013/08/130829124351.htm]
learned simultaneously or from early in
development. (b). 13. …
(A) which
(B) where
(C) who
(D) with which
(E) at which

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Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
Xpedia Bahasa Inggris, Latihan Soal - SIMAK 1
doc. name: XPING0199 doc. version : 2016-05 | halaman 4

14. …
(A) during
(B) when
(C) while
(D) where
(E) whenever

15. …
(A) conscious
(B) consciousness
(C) consciously
(D) conscientious
(E) conscientiously

16. …
(A) stimulates
(B) stimulated
(C) stimulating
(D) stimuli
(E) stimulation

17. …
(A) complexity motor skills
(B) complex motor skills
(C) skill motor complex
(D) skilled motor complex
(E) skill complex motor

18. …
(A) great
(B) greater
(C) greatest
(D) greatly
(E) greatness

19. The sentence “Our results provide

structural evidence that age of acquisition
is crucial in laying down the structure for
language learning”. Should be put in …
(A) a
(B) b
(C) c
(D) d
(E) e

20. …
(A) salary
(B) price
(C) grant
(D) fee
(E) cost
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