Proctor Forms and Analysis: Department of Information Technology

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Project Synopsis On



Insha Mulla (31)

Harshita Madane (24)
Mrunmayi Patankar (38)

Department of
Information Technology

Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology

University of Mumbai


Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology

Department of
Information Technology

This is to certify that the following students

Insha Mulla (31)
Harshita Madane (24)
Mrunmayi Patankar (38)

have submitted project report entitled


as a part of their MINI-project-work in partial fulfilment of III semester

course during the academic year 2020-2021.

Internal Guide : ________________________ ( )

Internal Examiner : ________________________ ( )

External Examiner : ________________________ ( )

_____________________ _____________________

Introduction: -

a. Problem statement:- Every college have a proctor system to analyze

students. Our college too have the same. But it takes lots of paper work
to preserve information about each and every student. The paperwork
also leads to manual error. To eradicate those hectic works and errors, we
came up with an idea of digital proctor system.

b. Scope:- This project will preserve all the necessary databases and they
are accessible anytime. This will reduce paper work as well as human
error. Also it will provide perfection and will save time. Information of
any student will be available just on one click.

Description: - As it is a web based project, a link will be provided. After clicking on

that link, a page will open. That page will consist of 2 types of login (Admin and
student). When admin will sign in, a new window will be opened. In this window,
admin is able to see and edit information of all students. When a student will sign in,
student will be able to see and edit only his/her information. An option of proctor form
will also be provided to the student, wherein student can update his/her data. Both
Admin and student can login themselves just by providing their username and
password. Apart from all this there are more options provided on site, such as "About"
and "Contact us".


1) ER Diagram:-

Student Guided by Proctor

Stu_id Add Stf_id Add

Name Phone Name Phone

Rollno Batch Pro_id Batch

2) Flowchart:-

Home page Contact Us, Sign in
Sign in

Username Student /
Main page
& Password Admin

3) Algorithm:-

Step 1:- Start.

Step 2:- Go to main page.
Step 3:- Click on “About” for information or click on “Contact us” for any kind of
query or complaint.
Step 4:- Go to login page by clicking on “Sign in”.
Step 5:- Login as Student or Admin(proctor) as per requirement. If student, go to step 6
else go to step 8.
Step 6:- Fill the candidatures for logging in successfully as a student.
Step 7:- Once logged in, fill the proctor form carefully.
Step 8:- Fill the candidatures for logging in successfully as a Proctor (Admin).
Step 9:- Stop.


 Main page:-
 Contact us page:-

 Sign in page:-

 Student login:-
 Admin login:-

 Student portal:-

 Proctor form:-
Conclusion and further work: - This project provides ease to access student's data and
update/edit them. By this, record of each and every student can be maintained and used
feasibly whenever required. Main objective of this project is to provide ease to our
dignified teachers (proctors) and students as well. Further we’ll try to make this system
more efficient and feasible.

Prof Maryam Jawadwala Dr. Ashish Vanmali

Project Co-ordinator HOD, INFT

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