Dr. Burzynski Antinewoplastons Cancer Treatment

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2013 0525

Contact the Burzynski Clinic
“antineoplaston therapy”
by Dr. Burzynski

Mailing address:
Burzynski Clinic
9432 Katy Freeway
Houston, Texas 77055

Phone: (713) 335-5697 

Toll-Free: 1 (800) 714-7181  
Fax: (713) 935-0649

Patient Scheduling & Patient Information (USA & International):
Cancer Information Specialist: 1 (800) 714-7181  
International Callers: +1 (713) 335-5697  


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*Dr. Burzynski
*antineoplaston therapy

Treatment OptionsIdentification of genetic markers enables our medical

team to assess a patient's response to different medications and select the
most optimal treatment.

Conventional Therapies
In some cases conventional therapy is the most appropriate treatment for a
patient. Our Clinic offers customized combination therapies consisting of
conventional and other therapies to maximize effectiveness while
minimizing the impact of traditional therapies.

 Read more about chemotherapy (National Cancer Institute).

Surgery, radiation therapy, and specialized imaging such as MRI, CT and

PET scan, are provided at other local medical facilities.

 Read more about radiation therapy (National Cancer Institute).

Approved Targeted Therapies
Targeted medications are drugs that selectively block the growth and
spread of cancer without affecting the healthy cells. Targeted therapies
interfere with cancer cell growth differently than cytotoxic chemotherapy
and at various points during the development, growth, and spread of
cancer. By switching off the signals that make cancer cells grow and divide
uncontrollably, targeted cancer therapies can help stop the growth of
cancer cells.
Targeted medications may be easier to tolerate than standard
chemotherapy and radiation. Several targeted therapeutics have been
approved by the FDA and are available for treatment at the Burzynski

 Read more about approved targeted therapies (National Cancer


Individual Patient Care and Continuous Follow-Up

We believe the quality of the treatment is determined not only by the
effectiveness of the cancer therapy but also by the quality of the patient's
life during and after the treatment.
Burzynski Clinic provides a wide range of services to assure the comfort,
convenience and well being of our patients, including 24-hour
monitoring, dietary supplements and nutrition counseling.
We take pride in offering the highest quality of personalized patient care.
Each patient receives personal attention of a medical team assigned to
them for the duration of their treatment.
Our supervision continues after the patient returns home and resumes care
under their local physician until the treatment is completed.


A birthday, an anniversary, a graduation, a wedding, the birth of a new child.  New memories...

When we hear at Burzynski Clinic that our patients are celebrating new milestones, just enjoying
life, well... it brings smiles to our faces. We believe so strongly in what we do for our patients. It is
not just about the concierge care we provide when they come in the door scared about their
evaluation and treatment.  It is about helping them fight every day, helping them fight to win the
battle.  That is why we share some of the stories from our large family of patients:


Kelsey and her family celebrated at this year's Christmas party. Her mom and dad have a lot of
reason to celebrate. They never thought they would celebrate Christmas with Kelsey in 2012.
Kelsey had kidney and adrenal (adrenocortical) cancer with metastases to the lymph nodes and
lungs. You don't have to be a cancer expert to know that means big trouble.  Kelsey was only
seven months old, and her family had little hope. She was in Stage IV when she began her
treatment. She is now 7 years old.  Her dad confirms she is cancer-free. And Kelsey... she says
she wants to be a doctor.


21-year-old Dustin Kunnari is planning a wedding. We were so excited to hear

about Dustin's engagement to his girlfriend Calah. We wish them a long and happy marriage.
Dustin and his parents never thought this day would come.  When he was just 2½ years old, there
was horrible news. Dustin was diagnosed with medulloblastoma of the brain. Even if you don't
know the medical term, you know its horrible news... Shortly after he began treatment at the
Burzynski clinic, Dustin's tumor began to shrink.  Initially, doctors did not hold out hope for
Dustin. That was more than 18 years ago. Today, the tumor is gone.


In April of 2004, Jim was diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme grade
IV (GBM brain tumor).  Other doctors told Jim he had only 3 to 6 months to live. Imagine the shock
for this tough, retired US Marine Corps Lieutenant Colonel. After two unsuccessful surgeries,
failed radiation and chemo treatments, Jim started treatment at Burzynski Clinic.  He knew his
military fighting days would be nothing compared to his fight to beat cancer. He thought the
Burzynski Clinic would probably be his last chance at life. Today, 8 years later, Jim wanted us to
know that life is VERY good, and that he is tumor-free.


Paul is 31 years old. A young man with his whole life ahead of him. A life that
could have ended so differently. When he was just 4 years old, his parents were told the bad
news. It had a long medical name, optic-hypothalamic glioma. Other doctors said surgery wasn't
possible. Since his treatment at our clinic, Paul has been cancer-free.



Sophia was only 11 months old when her parents got the devastating news.
Sophia had a potentially fatal brain tumor. A parent's worst nightmare is having to watch
helplessly as your child dies. Doctors told Sophia's parents she wouldn’t make it to her second
birthday. That was back in 1996. Today, 16 years after her treatment Sophia received at the
Burzynski clinic, she is living her life the way we want to see all our patients live. HAPPY and

To connect with any of the these patients contact our Cancer Information Specialists.

More patient stories are posted on the website of the Burzynski Patient Group.


Scientific Publications

Dr. Stanislaw R. Burzynski and associates continuously publishes

scientific reports. Below is a list of published work (non-exhaustive).
Interim Reports on Clinial Trials:
1. Burzynski, S.R., Weaver, R.A., Bestak, M., Lewy, R.I., Janicki, T.J.,
Jurida, G.F., Paszkowiak, J.K., Szymkowski, B.G., Khan, M.I. Phase
II study of Antineoplastons A10 and AS2-1 (ANP) in
children with recurrent and progressive multicentric glioma. A
preliminary report. Neuro-Oncology. 2003; 5: 358. View PDF Here
2. Weaver, R.A., Burzynski, S.R., Bestak, M., Lewy, R.I., Janicki, T.J.,
Szymkowski, B., Jurida, G., Khan, M.I., Dolgopolov, V. Phase II
study of Antineoplastons A10 and AS2-1 (ANP) in
recurrent glioblastoma multiforme. Neuro-Oncology. 2004; 6: 384.
View PDF Here
3. Burzynski, S.R., Weaver, R. Bestak. M., Lewy, R.I., Janicki, T.,
Jurida, G., Szymkowski, B., Khan, M., Dolgopolov, V. Long-term
survivals in phase II studies of Antineoplastons A10 and
AS2-1 (ANP) in patients with diffuse intrinsic brain stem glioma.
Neuro-Oncology. 2004; 6: 386 View PDF Here
4. Burzynski, S.R., Weaver, R. Bestak. M., Janicki, T., Jurida, G.,
Szymkowski, B., Khan, M., Dolgopolov, V. Phase II studies of
Antineoplastons A10 and AS2-1 (ANP) in children with
atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumors (AT/RT) of the central nervous
system. A preliminary report. Neuro-Oncology. 2004; 6: 427. View
PDF Here
5. Burzynski, S.R., Weaver, R. Bestak. M., Janicki, T., Szymkowski, B.,
Jurida, G., Khan, M., Dolgopolov, V. Treatment of primitive
neuroectodermal tumors (PNET) with Antineoplastons
A10 and AS2-1 (ANP). Preliminary results of phase II studies. Neuro-
Oncology. 2004; 6: 428. View PDF Here
6. Weaver, R.A., Burzynski, S.R., Janicki, T.J., Burzynski, B., Jurida, G.,
Szymkowski, B. Long-term survival in patients with glioblastoma
multiforme treated in phase II studies with ANP. Neuro-Oncology.
2005; 7:299. View PDF Here
7. Burzynski, S.R., Weaver, R.A., Janicki, T.J., Burzynski, B., Jurida, G.
Targeted therapy with ANP in children less than 4 years old with
inoperable brain stem gliomas. Neuro-Oncology. 2005; 7:300. View
PDF Here
8. Burzynski, S.R., Janicki, T.J., Weaver, R.A., Szymkowski, B.G.,
Khan, M.I., Dolgopolov, V. Treatment of multicentric brainstem
gliomas with Antineoplastons (ANP) A10 and AS2-1.
Neuro-Oncology. 2006; 8:466. View PDF Here
9. Burzynski, S.R., Weaver, R.A., Janicki, T.J., Jurida, G.F.,
Szymkowski, B.G., Kubove, E. Phase II studies of
Antineoplastons A10 and AS 2-1 (ANP) in children with
newly diagnosed diffuse, intrinsic brainstem gliomas. Neuro-
Oncology 2007; 9:206. View PDF Here
10. Burzynski, S.R., Weaver, R.A., Janicki, T.J., Walczak, M.,
Szymkowski, B.G., Samual, S. Phase II study of
Antineoplastons A10 and AS2-1 (ANP) in children with
optic pathway glioma: A preliminary report. Neuro-Oncology 2008;
10:450. View PDF Here
11. Burzynski, S.R., Weaver, R., Janicki, T., Burzynski, G., Samuel,
S., Szymkowski, B. Phase II study of Antineoplastons A10
and AS2-1 (ANP) in patients with newly diagnosed anaplastic
astrocytoma: A preliminary report. Neuro-Oncology 2008; 10:821.
View PDF Here
12. Burzynski, S.R., Weaver, R., Janicki, T., Szymkowski, B.,
Burzynski, G. Phase II study of Antineoplastons A10 and
AS2-1 infusions (ANP) in patients with recurrent anaplastic
astrocytoma. Neuro-Oncology 2008; 10:1067. View PDF Here
13. Burzynski, S.R., Janicki, T.J., Weaver, R.A., Szymkowski, B.,
Burzynski, G.S. Phase II study of Antineoplastons A10 and
AS2-1 in patients with brainstem glioma. Protocol BC-BT-11.
Neuro-Oncology 2009, 11:951. View PDF Here
14. Burzynski SR, Weaver R, Janicki TJ, Szymkowski B, Acelar S,
Burzynski GS. A Phase II Study of Antineoplastons A-10
and AS-1 Injections in Children with Low-Grade Astrocytomas.
Neuro-Oncology 2010; 12, ii95. View PDF Here
15. Burzynski, S.R., Weaver, R., Janicki, T.J., Burzynski, G.S.,
Szymkowski, B., Acelar, S. Preliminary Results of a Phase II Study
of Antineoplastons A10 and AS2-1 (ANP) in Adult
Patients with Recurrent Mixed Gliomas. Neuro-Oncology 2010;
12:iv72. View PDF Here
16. Burzynski, S.R., Lewy, R.I., Weaver, R.A., Axler, M.L., Janicki,
T.J., Jurida, G.F., Paszkowiak, J.K., Szymkowski, B.G., Khan, M.I.,
Bestak, M. Phase II Study of Antineoplastons A10 and
AS2-1 in Patients with Recurrent Diffuse Intrinsic Brain Stem
Glioma. A Preliminary Report. Drugs in R&D 2003;4:91-101. View
PDF Here
17. Burzynski, S.R., Weaver, R., Lewy, R., Janicki, T. Jurida, G.,
Szymkowski, B., Khan, M., Bestak, M. Phase II study of
Antineoplastons A10 and AS2-1 in children with recurrent
and progressive multicentric glioma. A Preliminary Report. Drugs
R&D 2004;5(6):315-326. View PDF Here
18. Burzynski, S.R., Weaver, R.A., Janicki, T., Szymkowski, B.,
Jurida, G., Khan, M., Dolgopolov, V. Long-term survival of high-
risk pediatric patients with primitive neuroectodermal tumors
treated with Antineoplastons A10 and AS2-1. Integrative
Cancer Therapies 2005;4(2):168-177. View PDF Here
19. Burzynski, S.R., Janicki, T.J., Weaver, R.A., Burzynski, B.
Targeted therapy with Antineoplastons A10 and AS2-1 of
high grade, recurrent, and progressive brainstem glioma.
Integrative Cancer Therapies 2006;5(1):40-47. View PDF Here

Review Articles on Clinical Trials:

1. Burzynski, S.R. The Present State of Antineoplastons

Research. Integrative Cancer Therapies 2004;3:47-58. View PDF
2. Burzynski, S.R. Treatments for Astrocytic Tumors in Children:
Current and Emerging Strategies. Pediatric Drugs 2006;8:167-178.
View PDF Here
3. Burzynski, S.R. Recent clinical trials in diffuse intrinsic brainstem
glioma. Cancer Therapy 2007; 5, 379-390. View PDF Here

Case Reports:
1. Weaver, R.A., Szymkowski, B., Burzynski, S.R. Over a 10-year
survival and complete response of a patient with diffuse intrinsic
brainstem glioma (DBSG) treated with Antineoplastons
(ANP). Neuro-Oncology 2009; 11:923. View PDF Here
2. Burzynski, S.R., Weaver, R., Szymkowski, B. A case report of a
complete response and 20-year survival of a patient with a
recurrent diffuse intrinsic brainstem anaplastic astrocytoma.
Neuro-Oncology 2007; 9:536. View PDF Here
3. Burzynski, S.R., Weaver, R.A., Szymkowski, B., Janicki, T.J., Khan,
M.I., Dolgopolov, V. Complete response of a diffuse intrinsic
brainstem tumor and von Hippel Lindau (VHL) disease to
Antineoplastons A10 and AS2-1 (ANP): a case report.
Neuro-Oncology. 2006; 8:439. View PDF Here
4. Burzynski, S.R., Lewy, R.I., Weaver, R., Janicki, T., Jurida, G., Khan,
M., Larisma, C.B., Paszkowiak, J., Szymkowski, B. Long-term
survival and complete response of a patient with recurrent
diffuse intrinsic brain stem glioblastoma multiforme. Integrative
Cancer Therapies 2004;3:257-261. View PDF Here

Basic Science Studies:

1. Sonali, S. Patil, Stanislaw R. Burzynski, Emilia Mrowczynski,
Krzysztof Grela, Sridar V. Chittur. Phenylacetylglutaminate and
Phenylacetate in combination Upregulate VDUP1, cause cell
cycle blockade and Apoptosis in U87 Glioblastoma cells. Journal
of Cancer Therapy 2012;3:192-200. View PDF Here
2. Patil, S., Burzynski S.R, Mrowczynski, E., Grela, K. P.003.
Phenylacetylglutaminate in combination with Phenylbutyrate
effectively inhibits growth of brain tumor cell In Vitro. Neuro-
Oncology 2012;14(Suppl. 3):iii16. View PDF Here
3. Patil S, Burzynski SR, Mrowczynski E, Grela K. Targeting
MicroRNAs in Glioma Cells with Antineoplastons. Neuro-
Oncology 2010; 12, iv10. View PDF Here
4. Patil, S., Burzynski, S., Chittur, S., Mrowczynski, E., Grela, K. The
ingredients of Antineoplastons AS2-1 down-regulate
glycolysis pathways in glioblastoma cells. Neuro-Oncology 2008;
10:1148. View PDF Here

5. Patil, S., Burzynski, S., Chittur, S., Mrowczynski, E., Grela, K.

Antineoplastons AS2-1 affects cell cycle checkpoints,
leading to apoptosis in human glioblastoma cells. Neuro-
Oncology 2008; 10:786. View PDF Here
6. Patil, S., Burzynski, S.R., Mrowczynski, E., Grela, K.
Phenylacetylglutamine (PG) and phenylacetate (PN) interact
additively to produce detachment-induced apoptosis/anoikis in
glioblastoma cells. Neuro-Oncology 2007; 9:482. View PDF Here
7. Waldbillig R, Burzynski SR. Mechanism of action, uptake, and
gene array studies on the Antineoplastons agent
phenylacetylglutamine (PG) in human glioma cells U-87. Neuro-
Oncology. 2003; 5: 309. View PDF Here

Publications on Targeted Therapy:

1. Burzynski, S.R., Marquis, A., Nagy-Kubove, E., Janicki, T.
Successful Treatment of Recurrent Triple-Negative Breast
Cancer with Combination of Targeted Therapies. Journal of
Cancer Therapy 2011, 2, 372-376. View PDF Here
2. Burzynski, S.R., Nagy-Kubove, E. Treatment of
esthesioneuroblastoma and nonsmall cell lung cancer with
phenylbutyrate. Journal of Cancer Therapy 2011;2:518-522. View
PDF Here
3. Burzynski, S.R. Targeted Therapy for Brain Tumors. In: Brain
Cancer Therapy and Surgical Interventions. Columbus F, ed. New
York (NY); Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 2006; 77-111. View PDF

Publications by Japanese Doctors:

1. Ogata,Y., Shirouzu,K., Matono,K., Ushijima,S., Uchida,S., Tsuda,H.
Randomized Phase II Study of Hepatic Arterial Infusion with or
without Antineoplastons as Adjuvant Therapy after
Hepatectomy for liver Metastases from Colorectal Cancer. Annals
of Oncology 2010;21:viii221. View PDF Here
2. Tsuda, H., Sata, M., Ijuuin, H., Kumabe, T., Uchia, M., Ogou, Y.,
Akagi, Y., Schirouzu, K., Hara, H., Nakashima, Y. A novel strategy
for remission induction and maintenance in cancer therapy.
Oncology Reports 2002; 9: 65-68. View PDF Here
3. Tsuda, H., Sata, M., Kumabe, T., Uchida, M., Hara, H. The
preventive effect of Antineoplastons AS2-1 on HCC
recurrence. Oncology Reports 2002; 10: 391-397. View PDF Here
4. Ogata, Y., Tsuda, H., Matono, K., Kumabe, T., Saitsu, H., Hara, H.,
Akagi, Y., Araki, Y., Sata, M., Shirouzu, K. Long-term survival
following treatment with Antineoplastons for colon
cancer with unresectable multiple liver metastases: report of a
case. Surg Today 2003; 33: 448-453. View PDF Here
5. Matono, K., Ogata, Y., Tsuda, H., Shirouzu, K. Effects of
antineoplaston AS2-1 against post-operative lung metastases in
orthotopically implanted colon cancer in nude rat. Oncology
Reports. 2005; (13): 389-395. View PDF Here
6. Fujii T, Nakamura AM, Yokoyama G, Yamaguchi M, Tayama K, Miwa
K, Toh U, Kawamura D, Shirouzu K, Yamana H, Kuwano M, Tsuda
H. Antineoplaston Induces G1 arrest by PKCa and MAPK
pathway in SKBR-3 breast cancer cells. Oncology Reports 2005;
14: 489-494. View PDF Here


*Dr. Burzynski
*antineoplaston therapy

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