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What is a low sperm count?

Ways to improve Sperm Count



increase sperm count
How to increase sperm count

How to increase sperm count by food

How to increase sperm count naturally
Fruits to increase sperm count and motility
improve sperm count
improve sperm motility
increase male fertility

15 Ways To Increase Sperm Count

If having a low sperm count is one of your worries, you are not alone. Studies have
found that the average sperm count has been decreasing universally in the male
population though doctors have not been able to pinpoint why. On the bright side, there
are multiple ways and in this article we shall discuss how to increase sperm count. [1]

What is a low sperm count?

Low sperm count (oligospermia) is one of the major reasons for male infertility. The
World Health Organisation defines low sperm count as the presence of fewer than 15
million sperms/mL of semen or fewer than 39 million sperms/ejaculate. [2]

As a thumb rule, it is recommended to get yourself checked for infertility by a trusted

doctor if there is no conception after one year of having regular unprotected sexual
A male could also get checked if there is
I. a lack of sexual desire
II. issues with sexual stimulation or ejaculation
III. pain or swelling in the testes or groin
While low sperm count could be an indicator of male infertility, a few other factors
related to semen have a direct influence on fertility.
● Concentration – amount of sperm in semen
● Motility – ability of sperm to swim and reach the egg
● Structure – ideal shape for a sperm
● Volume – amount of semen per ejaculate

Ways to improve Sperm Count

Let us look at lifestyle changes and dietary habits which could help to improve sperm
count and quality, directly improving the chances of extending your family.

1. Weight loss
Shedding those few extra kilograms has been proven to increase semen volume, sperm
count and motility. If you have always been wanting to lose some weight, this finding
gives you more reason to do so. [3]

2. Physical exercise
If weight loss is something that you cannot pursue, spending time to keep yourself
physically fit by engaging in physical exercise at regular intervals is one way to improve
sperm count. [4]

3. Reduce stress
A study conducted in Europe shows that high stress levels were related to lower semen
volume, sperm count and sperm health. Men who admitted to having high levels of
stress in their daily lives were found to be the most severely affected. Take a chill pill.
Calm down and let life take its course. [5]

4. Get the right amount of sleep

Excess sleep or extreme lack of sleep may affect semen quality. An average night’s
sleep of 7-7.5 hours would be the optimal amount according to one published study. [6]

5. Do not keep phones in your trouser pocket

Long term exposure to the electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones can decrease
the number of healthy sperms in your testes. Prolonged exposure might also cause
genetic defects in the sperm. Keep your phone in your pocket only when necessary. A
simple lifestyle change that could go a long way in curing infertility. [7]

6. Exposure to heat
Frequent exposure to higher temperatures can decrease sperm count. The testes
operate efficiently when slightly lower than the body temperature. By habit, you might
unwittingly increase the heat directed at your groin area. Two common examples of
such habits are wearing tight lower garments and laptop usage.

Tight underwear or pants tend to increase the temperature in your groin area and can
adversely impact sperm production.

Though they are named laptops, using these devices by placing them on your lap for
long hours is not advisable. Like the usage of tight garments, laptops too increase the
temperature in your testes.

If your daily job involves exposure to significant heat for long periods of time, it could be
a direct cause of low sperm count and infertility. [8]

7. Minimise the impact of air pollution

Total sperm count has been found to be much lower in males living in severely polluted
industrial areas compared to males in lesser polluted areas. If you do not have the
luxury of relocating to a cleaner environment, wearing masks could to an extent
minimise the impact of air pollution on infertility. [9]

8. Quit Smoking
One of the widespread trends in this generation, the prevalence of smoking has been
rising off late. Cigarette smoking has a negative effect on several semen parameters.
Stubbing the butt could not just improve your lung capacity but also help in improving
your sperm quantity. [10]

9. Say no to alcohol and drugs

One of the most widespread titbits of information is that excessive drinking of alcohol
lowers sperm count. This is not a myth and has been backed up by research studies,
with results confirming that too much alcohol decreases sperm count.

Anabolic steroids and recreational drugs like marijuana, when used in extreme levels
affect your reproductive health. If you are a drug user and are having problems with
fertility, you should stop this habit at once to improve your chances of becoming a
parent. [11]

10. Avoid certain prescription medications

If you have been taking regular medications for any other medical condition, consult a
qualified doctor and discuss whether these medicines could have any impact on your
sperm count or affect your fertility.
The medicines listed below can inhibit healthy sperm generation, but normal sperm
production should resume once these medications have been stopped. [12]

● anti-biotics
● anti-androgens
● anti-depressants
● anti-inflammatories and
● artificial testosterone

11. Utilise Ashwagandha

An age-old Indian tradition and Ayurvedic medicine, Ashwagandha is an aphrodisiac. It
is known to increase semen volume and sperm motility. Additionally, it is also believed
to cure infertility and sexual dysfunction. An all-in-one solution. [13]

12. Eat fenugreek seeds

Extracts from fenugreek seeds (Methi) are a safe way to boost testosterone levels.
Testosterone is directly linked to fertility and can help increase the quality and quantity
of sperms, while also improving cardiovascular health and mental alertness. [14]

13. Increase antioxidant intake

Antioxidants actively remove potentially damaging oxidising agents inside the body.
More antioxidants will help the human body to function much more effectively and
remove toxic substances from the body.

Vitamin C and Zinc are common antioxidants. Vitamin C increases all factors of sperm
quality and improves the chances of conception. [15] Poor Zinc nutrition may be an
important risk factor for low quality sperm and male infertility, so have a healthy dose of
Zinc in your diet. [16][17]

This is a list of foods rich in Vitamin C and Zinc. Try to include them in your diet.

● Citrus fruits like lemon, orange

● Green leafy vegetables like broccoli
● Dark chocolate
● Pumpkin and sesame seeds

14. Exotic foods and supplements you should include in your diet
Though not common in Indian cuisine and culture, listed below are some foods widely
available and having proven results to increase sperm count and quality.

● Walnuts [18]
● Maca roots [19]
● Folate-rich foods [20]
● D-aspartate Amino Acid [21] [22]
● Omega-3 fatty acids [23]
● Foods rich in Vitamin D [24] [25]

15. Foods you should avoid

A balanced diet has been a commonly advised cure for infertility and there are a few
food items which increase chances of infertility. If it is not possible to avoid these foods,
minimise the proportion of these items in your diet.

● Soy-based foods [26]

● Full-fat dairy foods [27]
● Foods high in trans fatty acid [28]


Low sperm count is a problem plaguing a large number of people across the globe. You
should try to incorporate lifestyle changes to improve chances of better sperm quality
and quantity or try to change your diet by increasing antioxidant rich foods and avoiding
a few sperm inhibitors.

“Be the change you wish to see”

Most of the methods suggested above can be incorporated into your life without much
difficulty and it is on you to make these subtle changes to your life to improve your
chances of becoming a father.

In case you would like to make use of artificial reproductive technology with a low sperm
count, Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection is the procedure followed. <Link to ICSI page>
Chances of success via this method will depend on the quality of the sperm and the
health of your female partner.

Making attempts to increase sperm count before opting for IUI or IVF will improve the
chances of fertilisation and pregnancy. But the first step would be to talk to a trusted
doctor who will guide you to the right treatment method and put you on your way to
becoming a parent.



[2] Speroff’s Clinical Gynecological Endocrinology and Fertility - 2019


























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