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Iklil Kaya Yildirim

Fall 2021-2022
PHIL 243 English Component
Five Dialogues by Plato
“Apology” Study Questions

Read carefully the Apology and answer the following study questions which are
intended not only to help you better understand but also to identify the stages of the
argument in this dialogue:

1. Who are Socrates’ first and later accusers?

2. What is the point Socrates made about the he god Delphi and his oracle? What is
the significance of this point he made for his defense?
3. How does he explain the reason behind his “search for truth”?
4. Why did Socrates visit people from different occupational groups; namely poets,
politicians and craftsmen? What is the outcome of all the elenchus he had with
5. Does he reach at an ultimate definition of wisdom? If so what is it?
6. Explain the points he raised for his defense against his earlier accusers and his
later accusers.
7. Why does Socrates claim that Meletus is contradicting? What is the contradiction
8. Explain Socrates’ point about spirits and gods. Why does he make that point?
9. Explain his saying “Wealth does not bring about excellence, but excellence makes
wealth and everything else good for men, individually and collectively.”(30b)
10. Explain the “Horse & gadfly metaphor” and how this metaphor helps him make
clear his understanding of Justice.
11. How is virtue defined?
12. How does Socrates explain why he was not involved in politics and,why he does
not ask for pity?
13. What is he trying to show about the irrelevant conduct of justice/corruption of
judicial power?
14. What is the verdict of the jury and what is Meletus’ penalty?
15. How does Socrates’ counter-assess his penalty? Note his usage of ironic/sarcastic
tone at this stage. Underline the parts in which you detect the use ironic
language. Comment about the function of ironic language and its significance for
his argument.
16. What is his final prophecy about?
17. How would you interpret his thoughts about “death”? Why?
18. Explain his last words about “his sons and virtue”.
19. What is the final message/s you got out of the Apology about virtue? Justice?

* For all of your answers make sure to note the paragraph number & letter across the
related topic/question for us to be able to directly refer to in-class.

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