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Grammar Pattern 1: Yes/No Questions

[Note: Use the first question word in your answer!]

Pronunciation Practice - Repeat each question and answer out loud!

1. Do you have a pet? Yes, we do. / No, we don't.

2. Does she like to study? Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't.
3. Did you see it? Yes, we did. / No, we didn't.
4. Can you speak English well? Yes, we can. / No, we can't.
5. Is she from here? Yes, she is. / No, she isn't.
6. Are you from a big city? Yes, we are. / No, we aren't.
7. Are they going to come? Yes, they are. / No, they aren't.
8. Will you go with us? Yes, we will. / No, we won't.
9. Were you at home last night? Yes, I was. / No, I wasn't.

Grammar Pattern 2: W Questions

["W" word + part of "Yes/No" Question]

Model Sentence:
What languages can you speak?

Grammar Pattern 3: Basic "How" Questions

Model Sentence:
How do you study English now?

Grammar Pattern 4: How much / How long / How many

Model Sentence
How many English sentences do you know?

Grammar Pattern 5: Tag Questions

Model Sentence
This is a good book, isn't it?

Grammar Pattern 6: Simple Polite Questions

(Use these sentences only in special situations.
They are not so useful for conversations.)
Model Sentence
Would you like to have some coffee?

Grammar Pattern 7: Longer Polite Questions

(Use these sentences only in special situations.
They are not so useful for conversations.)

Model Sentence
Would you like to go out for a drink after work?

Grammar Pattern 8: Conditional Questions

(These questions use "would" and "could" but they are NOT polite questions! Instead, they are
questions about "possibilities". These questions are VERY good for starting interesting

Model Sentence
Would you like to travel to the moon some day?

Grammar Pattern 9: "Have you ever...?"

(This is one of the best ways to start interesting conversations in English! Learn them well, listen
for your speaking partner's answer. Finally ask follow-up questions to keep on talking on any
topic in English.)

Model Sentence
Have you ever been to China?

Grammar Pattern 10: Questions with "Which"

(This is a good pattern when you want to know your speaking partner's choice or what he/she
likes. After you hear your partner's answer, you can ask another question to "follow up". Have

Model Sentence
Which do you like better, fish or meat?
Grammar Pattern 11
Simple Sentences with "Be" (am / is / are)
Model Sentence
We are not from this city.

Grammar Pattern 12
Past Sentences with "Be" (was / were)
Model Sentence
We were hungry last night.

Grammar Pattern 13
Simple Sentences with "Have" (or "Has")
Model Sentence
We have a little money.

Grammar Pattern 14
Past Sentences with "Had"
Model Sentence
I had a yellow bicycle.

Grammar Pattern 15
Simple Sentences with "be" + "ing"
Model Sentence
We are studying English now.

Grammar Pattern 16
Past Sentences with "be" + "ing"
Model Sentence
We were eating dinner last night at this time.
Grammar Pattern 17
Noun + Verb + Noun
Model Sentence
My sister enjoys tennis.

This is another very basic pattern. You should try to say it as easily as your own name!
Be careful to add an "s" after most verbs if the first noun is "he" or "she". We say "I
enjoy" but "She enjoys". Got it?

Grammar Pattern 18
Longer Noun + Verb + Noun
Model Sentence
My younger brother Sam drinks beer.

Grammar Pattern 19
Noun + Verb + Longer Noun
Model Sentence
This is my favorite book.

Grammar Pattern 20
Noun + Verb + Verb + Noun
Model Sentence
She can speak Japanese.

Grammar Pattern 21
Noun + Verb + "to" + Verb + Noun
Model Sentence
He likes to sleep late.

Grammar Pattern 22
Noun + Verb + "ing" + Verb + Noun
Model Sentence
She remembers dancing under the stars!

Grammar Pattern 23
Noun + Verb + Adjective
Model Sentence
We are very busy.

Grammar Pattern 24
Noun + Verb + Time or Place
Model Sentence
Next month is summer.

Grammar Pattern 25
Noun + Verb + Manner
Model Sentence
My students are learning quickly.

Grammar Pattern 26
Noun + Verb + Long Phrase
Model Sentence
She asked me when the movie would begin.

Grammar Pattern 27
Long Noun + Long Verb
Model Sentence
The 25-year-old man in the park is trying to fly a kite.

Grammar Pattern 28
Long Noun + Long Verb + Adjective or Adverb
Model Sentence
A yellow bird was flying quickly across the sky.
Grammar Pattern 29
Noun + Verb + Noun + Movement
Model Sentence
The boss gave some advice to his workers.

Grammar Pattern 30
Noun + Place + Verb + Noun or Adjective
Model Sentence
A hungry dog in the street is looking for food.

Grammar Pattern 31
Noun + Verb + Long Noun + Place
Model Sentence
I saw a very interesting show in the theater.

Grammar Pattern 32
There is / There are
Model Sentence
There is a big dog in front of the house.

Grammar Pattern 33
There was / There were
Model Sentence
There was a big storm last night.

Grammar Pattern 34
English Articles
Model Sentence
A man jumped into the river. Who was the man?.

Grammar Pattern 35
English Determiners
Model Sentence
Those two cars belong to this company.

Grammar Pattern 36
English Sentences with "it"
Model Sentence
It is very cloudy today.

Grammar Pattern 37
Either / Neither / Too / So
Model Sentence
They don't agree and neither do I!

Grammar Pattern 38
Comparing Actions in English
Model Sentence
They must work harder. OR He can read more quickly than me.

Grammar Pattern 39
Comparing Things in English
Model Sentence
Their car is more powerful than my car is.

English Grammar Pattern 40

Comparing Three or More Things in English

Model Sentence
That book is the most interesting book in our house

English Grammar Pattern 41

Noun + "Be" + Adjectives
Model Sentence
The bread was warm, soft and tasty.

English Grammar Pattern 42

Noun + Place + "Be" + Adjectives

Model Sentence
The people in the car were hot and tired.

English Grammar Pattern 43

Long Nouns with Question Words

Model Sentence
"Whoever smiles first is the loser!" OR "The loser is whoever smiles first!"

English Grammar Pattern 44

Question + Preposition + Noun

Model Sentence
"What's the reason for doing it this way?

English Grammar Pattern 45

Very Long Noun + Verb

Model Sentence
A bicycle with blue handlebars and a red seat almost hit me!

English Grammar Pattern 46

Modified Adjectives

Model Sentence
That's a truly wonderful story.

English Grammar Pattern 47

Adverbs with "When"

Model Sentence
We like to wake up when the sun rises.

English Grammar Pattern 48

Adjectives with "Who"
Model Sentence
A good friend is a person who will help you in difficult times.

English Grammar Pattern 49

"Do you think...?"

Model Sentence
Do you think they can win the game?

English Grammar Pattern 50

"What do you think...?"

Model Sentence
What do you think is the best type of music?

English Grammar Pattern 51

Sentence + "but" + Reason

Model Sentence
We stopped by your home last night but you may have already gone to bed.

English Grammar Pattern 52

"Be afraid" + "that" + Sentence

Model Sentence
I'm afraid that I can't help you this time.

English Grammar Pattern 53

"Will be" + Verb + Time

Model Sentence
Our company will be closed during the holiday.

English Grammar Pattern 54

"Be going to" + Verb + Time
Model Sentence
Are you going to take a vacation next month?

English Grammar Pattern 55

Noun + Verb + Adverb + Time or Place

Model Sentence
My dog plays enthusiastically in the morning.

English Grammar Pattern 56

Past Questions with "How"

Model Sentence
How far did you walk yesterday?

English Grammar Pattern 57

Longer Questions with "Be" + "ing"

Model Sentence
What will you be doing when you are 65 years old?

English Grammar Pattern 58

Longer Past Questions

Model Sentence
Why did you start to learn English so seriously?

English Grammar Pattern 59

Basic Sentence + Place or Time or Both

Model Sentence
We want to find a teacher near our home next year.

English Grammar Pattern 60

Have + "decided to"

Model Sentence
We have decided to move to another city.
English Grammar Pattern 61
"Have you ever..." + Desire or Hope or Experience

Model Sentence
Have you ever travelled on a ship?

English Grammar Pattern 62

"I heard (that)..." + Sentence

Model Sentence
I heard that the Earth will come to an end in 2020.

English Grammar Pattern 63

"Have you heard of..." + Long Noun

Model Sentence
Have you heard of a story about people lost on an island?

English Grammar Pattern 64

Do you know + if (or whether) + Noun + Verb + Long Noun

Model Sentence
Do you know if we can connect to the Internet from here?

English Grammar Pattern 65

Using "Hope" with real possibilities

Model Sentence
We hope we can come here again next week.

This sentence pattern uses "Hope" with real possibilities and is different from Grammar Pattern
66 which uses "Wish" with unrealistic possibilities. Use this pattern with "Hope" when you
believe something will really happen or can realistically happen.

English Grammar Pattern 66

Using "Wish" with unreal possibilities
Model Sentence
I wish I could play the piano well enough to perform on stage!

This sentence pattern uses "Wish" with UNreal possibilities. Use this pattern when you are just
dreaming! It is different from Grammar Pattern 65 which uses "Hope" with realistic possibilities.
Use this pattern with "Wish" when you do not believe something will really happen or if it
cannot realistically happen.

English Grammar Pattern 67

"Have you always" + Verb + Adjective or Verb or Noun

Model Sentence
(1) Have you always (2) been (3) such a good student?

English Grammar Pattern 68

(1) "Have" + (2) Past Participle + (3) Noun + (4) Result

Model Sentence
(1) I've already (2) visited (3) that museum. (4) Let's not go there now.

English Grammar Pattern 67 used "been" to describe situations that continue from the past until
now. In English Grammar Pattern 68, we will learn how to use various English past participles
that show a past event's effect on a decision in the present. You can use this sentence pattern to
give reasons, explanations and excuses.

English Grammar Pattern 69

(1) "Have you ever" + (2) Long Verb

Model Sentence
(1) Have you ever (2) dreamed you were flying in a space ship?

English Grammar Pattern 69 is good for learning more about your conversation partner's
experiences and memories. Reminder: You can use "ever" in a question, because anything is
possible. However, in answers, do NOT use "ever". Simply answer "I have..." or "I haven't...". In
a negative situation, you can emphasize your answer by saying "I've never..." plus the long verb.

English Grammar Pattern 70

(1) "Have been" + (2) "ing" + (3) Time

Model Sentence
(1) We've been (2) waiting (3) for over three hours!
English Grammar Pattern 71
(1) "Have been" + (2) Adjective + (3) Time

Model Sentence
(1) I've been (2) worried about you (3) for a long time.

English Grammar Pattern 71 is similar to Grammar Pattern 70 except that we use an adjective
instead of "ing". This pattern expresses how long a feeling or situation has been going on. Do
NOT use this for feelings or situations that may change suddenly.

English Grammar Pattern 72

Describing Two Past Events - (1) "Had" + (2) Past Participle + (3) Past

Model Sentence
I (1) had already (2) eaten a big meal before they (3) invited me to dinner.

English Grammar Pattern 73

Negative Past Event + Positive Past Event
(1) "Had not" + (2) Past Participle + (3) Past

Model Sentence
She (1) hadn't (2) studied English since she (3) started her new job last month.

English Grammar Pattern 74

"If" + Verb + "Might" + Noun

Model Sentence
(1) If you (2) eat too much, you (3) might get a (4) stomachache.

English Grammar Pattern 75

If + Sentence + Might be + Long Noun

Model Sentence
(1) If (2) you feel sick, it (3) might be (4) a good idea to see a doctor.
English Grammar Pattern 76
(1) "Might" + (2) Verb A + (3) "Might" + (4) Verb B

Model Sentence
I (1) might (2) buy a car next month or
I (3) might (4) save my money for a trip.

Learn English Grammar

in 3 easy steps!

Since, Until and For to Show Continuation

a) She has been here since 2 o'clock.

Step 1:
b) We will be here until 4 o'clock.
Learn Key
Sentences c) They have been here for two and a half hours.

d) They will stay for one more hour.

Use since with have been plus a time or a day.

Step 2:
Use until with the future tense (usually) - will or be going to - plus a
Learn How time or a day.
to Use
Use for with have been or the future tense plus how long (how much

Step 3:
Conversation using Since
Learn Sample A: How long have you lived here, Mary?
Conversations B: I've lived here since June 1st.

Conversation using For

A: Hi Bob, sorry to keep you waiting
B: That's okay, Alice, I have only been here for a few minutes.

Conversation using Until or For

A: So, you will stay until next Sunday, is that right?
B: Yes, we will be here for just ten days.

Using Maybe, Probably, and Certainly

a) Maybe I will go home early today or maybe I'll work late. I don't
Step 1:
really know yet!
Learn Key
b) I will probably finish at 6:30.
c) We will certainly succeed. I'm sure of it!

a) Maybe is the same as perhaps or might but perhaps is more formal

Step 2: and might is more informal.

Learn How b) I will probably do something means the same as I am pretty sure I
to Use will do it. It is less than 100% but more than maybe.

c) Certainly and surely are the same, they both mean 100%.

Conversation using Maybe, Probably and Certainly

A: What are your plans for the weekend?

Step 3:
B: I'm not sure. Maybe I'll go for a bike ride, or I might stay home and
Learn Sample watch a DVD.
A: According to the weather report, it will probably rain tomorrow.
They are predicting an 80% chance of rain.

B: Well, it it does rain, then I will definitely stay home.

Learn English Grammar

Noun Phrases
Students must move beyond single words and start to use
longer and longer phrases
Example 1 - adding details

 boy

 a boy

 a tall boy

 a tall, slim boy

 a tall, slim boy with black hair

 a tall, slim boy with long black hair

Example 2 - giving more information

 a girl
 a girl who likes basketball
 a girl who is good at basketball
 a girl who is quite good at basketball
 a girl who is quite good at shooting a basketball
Learn Noun Phrases in Context

There are many kinds of noun phrases. By reading and listening to English as often as
you can, you will learn to use these kinds of phrases naturally and easily. Good luck!
Four Ways to Use Could
Step 1:

Learn Key Sentences

a) When I was a child, I could play the piano a little.

b) Could you close the window, please?

c) We could go to a Chinese restaurant. What do you think?

d) If we had time, we could go to see a movie.

Step 2:

Learn How to Use

Could can be used in four ways:

a) As the past of can.

b) To make a polite question.

c) To make a suggestion.

d) To talk about a possibility (using if and a past tense verb)

Step 3:

Learn Sample Conversations

Conversation using Could

A: I really enjoy the way you play the piano!

B: Thanks. I've been practicing for many years. Can you play a musical instrument?

A: No. When I was a child, I could (a) play a little, but not now. Could (b) you teach me?

A: If I had the time, I could (d) teach you, but now I'm too busy at work. Maybe in the future I'll
have more time.
B: I have an idea! I could (c) help you with your math homework, and you could (c) teach me
the piano.

A: That's a good idea. It could (d) work!

English Verb Tenses

The seven tenses in blue are the most common.
You will use these almost every day, so learn them first.
Past Tenses Present Tenses Future Tenses

Simple walked walk will walk

Continuous was walking am walking will be walking

"Perfect" had walked have walked will have walked

had been walking have been walking will have been

Perfect Continuous
Sample Sentences:

• 1) Simple Tenses describe actions that are only one moment in time.

I walked to school yesterday.

I walk to school every day.

I will walk to school next Tuesday.

• 2) Continuous Tenses describe actions that continue, then another action happens more

I was walking to school last Friday when it suddenly started to rain.

He is walking to school now, but you can find him if you hurry.

I will be walking to school this time next week, so you will be able to find me

• 3) Perfect Tenses describe TWO moments in time, with emphasis on the second one.
I had walked halfway to school before I remembered that I didn't have my books.

I have always walked to school. (Emphasis is not spoken! It is on the experience I

have now - I am a person NOW who walks, not drives or takes a bus or rides a

By the time the year is over, I will have walked a total of 300 kilometers!

• 4) Perfect Continuous Tenses describe actions that continue between TWO moments in

I had already been walking halfway to school when I remembered that I left my
book at home.

I have been walking to school since I was 6 years old.

When I finish high school, I will have been walking to school for 12 years!

How to Use Hope and Wish

a) I hope I can learn English well. [This is possible!]

Step 1: b) I hope we will go home early today. [This is possible, too.]

Learn Key c) I wish I could speak German, Russian and Japanese. [This is not
Sentences possible, at least for me!]

d) She wishes she had a better job. [But she does not, at least not

Use hope when you want something and you think it is really
Step 2: possible. Hope goes together with helping verbs such as will or can or
to be.
Learn How
to Use Use wish when you want something but you do not think it is
possible. Wish goes with helping verbs such as would, could or past
tense forms of other verbs.

Step 3:
Conversation using Hope
Learn Sample A: I hope it will snow tomorrow. Then we can go skiing.
Conversations B: The weather report says it might rain, not snow.
A: Well, I hope the weather report is wrong!

Conversation using Wish (One day later...)

A: Too bad it's raining today.
B: I wish I had a snow machine.
A: If you had a snow machine, you could make a lot of money.

How often?
Using Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Often and Always

a) I never drink coffee. I don't even like the smell of it!

b) He rarely finishes work before 6:30.

Step 1:
c) We sometimes go to the cinema, but not very often.
Learn Key
Sentences d) She often visits us on the weekend.

e) They always ask us before they borrow one of our books.

f) I will never leave you, so you will always have a friend!

Step 2:
We usually use these "adverbs of frequency" with a present tense
Learn How verb. Sometimes, as in example (f) above, we use these adverbs to
to Use talk about the future, especially always and never. a) Use never when
something is done 0% of the time.

b) Rarely means not very often, so it could be between 1% and 20%

of the time.

c) Sometimes might mean 20% of the time, or 80% of the time - it is

not so clear!

d) Often means many times, so it could be around 50% or more of the


e) Always should be 100% of the time, but sometimes we use it to

mean "too much" when we are a little bit angry - "You're always
asking me for money. Stop it!"

Conversation using adverbs of frequency

A: Do you often come to this restaurant?

Step 3:
B: Two years ago, I would always come here on Sundays, but now I'm
Learn Sample
too busy. I rarely eat here more than once a month. Are there any
restaurants you like to go to?

A: I sometimes have lunch at a restaurant at my office but I never eat

there on weekends.

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