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com/amiruldaniel Amiruldanielsabri(SMK Sultan Badlishah


Define ICT (

ICT is the technology required for information processing and sharing. In particular,
the use of electronic computers, communication devices and software applications
to convert, store, process, transmit and retrieve information from anywhere,

Describe the brief evolution of computer (

In the evolution of computers there are five generations of computer;

First Generation (1941 – 1956) is characterised by the use of vacuum tubes. These
computers were very large, slow and expensive . They used machine language for
computing and could solve just one problem at a time. Examples: Mark I, ENIAC and

Second Generation (1956 – 1963) is characterised by the use of transistors. The

use of transistors results in smaller and cheaper computers and made computers
more energy efficient. Computers belonging to this generation used punched cards
for input. Examples: IBM 305 RAMAC, IBM 1401 and IBM 1602.

Third Generation (1964 – 1970) is characterised by the use of integrated circuits

(IC). IC consists of small transistors placed on silicon chips, called semi conductors.
This increased the speed and efficiency of computers. Magnetic storage (magnetic
tape and floppy disk) was also used as the storage medium. Examples: IBM
System/360 and DEC PDP-8.

Fourth Generation (1970 – present) is characterised by the use of Large-Scale

Integrated Circuits (LSI) placed onto a silicon chip made up a microprocessor. LSI
has developed into Very Large-Scaled Integrated Circuits (VLSI) and Ultra Large-
Scaled Integrated Circuits (ULSI). Introduction of microprocessors was the
trademark of the fourth generation computers. Examples: HP 2640, Xerox Alto and
Apple II.

Fifth Generation (present & beyond) is based on artificial intelligence (AI). AI is the
branch of computer science concerned with making computers behave like humans.
AI has several applications such as speech recognition, natural language, expert
system, nanotechnology and robotics. AI tasks can be better served by parallel
processing. Examples: IBM Deep Blue, Honda Asimo and Sony Aibo.

1 Amiruldanielsabri(SMK Sultan Badlishah

ICT In Everyday Life: Education, Banking, Industry and Commerce


List the usage of ICT in everyday life. (

• Usage of ICT in Education

o Teachers use ICT as teaching aids and source of references.
o Students use ICT to search for information and complete their school
o School administrators use ICT to do clerical works and manage records
of teachers and students.
o Researchers use ICT to collect and process data.

• Usage of ICT in Banking

o Customers use ICT to make any transactions at anytime they want
using online banking, telebanking, mobile banking, Auto Teller Machine,
Cash Deposit Machine, Cheque Deposit Machine.
o Bank administrators use ICT to oversee the entire banking activities
and management of the bank such as the reconciliation, inter branch
transaction and telegraphic transfer.

• Usage of ICT in Industry

o Workers use ICT to increase production by using computerised
machines in their operation.
o Researchers use ICT to collect and analyse data to improve production
and marketing strategy.
o Administrator use ICT to oversee the entire operation in the factory
such as managing payroll, accounting records, inventory and marketing.

• Usage of ICT in Commerce

o Customers use ICT to buy products from online vendors.
o Suppliers use ICT to keep track of transaction, determine prices and
manage inventory.
o Employees use ICT to manage business records and response to
customers’ inquires.

2 Amiruldanielsabri(SMK Sultan Badlishah
State the differences between computerised and non-computerised
system (

Field Non-computerised Computerised

• transactions are done using • transactions are done using

paper and pen. computers
• transactions can only be done
during working hours • transactions can be done almost
• transactions can only be done at 24 hours
Banking the bank branches
• customers may need to wait in • transactions can be done almost
long queue in the bank branches at any place with Internet access
• customers no need to wait for
their turn by using online banking
at home
• teaching & learning process using • teaching and learning process
chalk & talk method using ICT
• teaching and learning process is
less interesting because students • teaching and learning process is
refer only to written material for more interesting because
reference students can refer to digital books
• School administrators keep and library
records on paper which take up • School administrators keep
space records using digital database
• Production is totally dependent • Production is assisted with
on human labour. computerised machines and
• Need more time for production robots.
Industry • Need less time for production.
• Low production output .
• Generate less profit due to low • Higher production output.
production output. • Generate more profit due to high
production output.
• Advertisement is in the form of • Advertisement is done via
word of mouth, billboards and Internet and mobile phones.
printed flyers • Product distribution is faster and
• Product distribution is slower and more secure.
ce less secure. • More global trading is done.
• More local trading is done. • After sales service is easily given
• After sales service is hardly given to the customers.
to the customers.

3 Amiruldanielsabri(SMK Sultan Badlishah

State the impact of ICT on society (

Positive Impacts

• Faster Communication Speed

High speed Internet connection enables faster communication and data

• Lower Communication Cost

Large amounts of data can be transferred at a very low cost using the Internet.

• Reliable Mode Of Communication

Information could be accessed, sent and retrieved from anywhere and at

• Effective Sharing Of Information

Information can be shared and exchanged effectively using mailing list and
forums on the Internet.

• Paperless Environment
Information can be stored and retrieved using digital medium instead of paper.

• Borderless Communication
Communication can be done without geographical and political restriction

Negative Impacts

• Social Problems
Fraud and theft are caused by lack of security and data protection on the
Uncontrolled website contents might lead to pornography and slander.

• Health Problems
Using computer for long hours might cause bad posture, eyestrain, physical and
mental stress.

4 Amiruldanielsabri(SMK Sultan Badlishah
Computer Ethics and Legal Issues (1.2)
Definition (1.2.1)
Define Computer Ethics, Code of Ethics, Intellectual Property, Privacy,
Computer Crime and Cyber Law (

Computer Ethics is a system of moral standard or values used as a guideline for

computer users.

Code of Ethics is a set of guidelines which are designed to specify acceptable

behaviours .

Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics

1. You should not use a computer to harm other people.

2. You should not interfere with other people's computer work.
3. You should not snoop around in other people's computer files.
4. You should not use a computer to steal.
5. You should not use a computer to bear false witness.
6. You should not copy or use proprietary software for which you have not
7. You should not use other people's computer resources without
authorization or proper compensation.
8. You should not appropriate other people's intellectual output.
9. You should think about the social consequences of the program you
are writing or the system you are designing.
10. You should always use a computer in ways that ensure consideration
and respect for your fellow humans.

Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind: inventions, literary and

artistic works, and symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce.

Privacy is the rights of individuals and companies to deny or restrict the collection
and use of information about them.

Computer Crime is any criminal activities that are related to the use of computers.

5 Amiruldanielsabri(SMK Sultan Badlishah
Cyber Law refers to legal issue related to protecting the use of computers, and
activities performed and transactions conducted over Internet and other networks.
The example Malaysian Cyber Laws are Copyright Act 1987, Computer Crime Act
1997, Telemedicine Act 1997, Communication and Multimedia Act 1998

Differentiate between ethics and law. (


As a guideline to computer As a rule to control computer
users users
To produce ethical To prevent misused of
computer users computer
Ethical behaviour is judged by Behaviour is judged by
moral standards. judicial standards or law

Computer users are free to

Computer users must follow
follow or ignore the code of Compliant the regulations and law

Penalties, imprisonments and

No punishment for anyone
Punishment other punishments for those
who violates ethics
who break the law

Depends on country and

Universal, can be applied
Legality state where the crime is
anywhere, all over the world

Not honouring computer Not honouring the law means

ethics means the person is Effect the person is committing a
immoral crime

State the need for Intellectual Property Laws (

• To established and safeguard the intellectual property which refers to works

created by inventors, authors and artists as businesses today continue to
expand globally.
• Four types of Intellectual Property protection:

• Patent for invention

• Trademark for brand identity

• Design for products appearance

6 Amiruldanielsabri(SMK Sultan Badlishah

• Copyright for material

Privacy (1.2.2)

List ways to protect privacy (

Privacy can be protected by privacy law and utilities software :-

a) Privacy law

The privacy laws in Malaysia emphasises on the following :-

• Security Services to review the security policy

• Security Management to protect the resources.
• Security Mechanism to implement the required security services.
• Security Objects, the important entities within the system environment

b) Utilities software

A service program that perform maintenance type task related to the managing of
a computer, its devices and programs. Examples: anti-spam program, firewall, anti-
spyware and antivirus.

State authentication and verification method/technologies (

Methods of Authentication

Two commonly used authentication methods are biometrics devices and callback

a) Biometric devices

Biometric device is a device that translates personal characteristics into digital code
that is compared with a digital code stored in a database. Biometric devices

• Fingerprint recognition
• Facial recognition
• Hand geometry
• Iris scanning
• Retinal scanning
• Voice recognition
• Signature verification

b) Callback system

7 Amiruldanielsabri(SMK Sultan Badlishah
Callback system refers to the checking system that authenticate a user . The
callback system (also written as call-back) occurs when the originator of a call is
immediately called back in a second call as a response for verification. It is
commonly used in the bank operation and business transaction.

Methods of Verification

Two commonly used verification methods are user identification and processed

a) User Identification

User identification refers to the process of validating the user. As an example,

assigning a unique number to a specific user (User ID).

b) Processed/Possessed Object

Processed/possessed Object refers to objects that a user has such as identification

card, security token and cell phone used to prove one's identity electronically (as in
the case of a customer trying to access their bank account). The object is used in
addition to or in place of a password to prove that the customer is who they claim to
be. The object acts like an electronic key to access something.

Controversial Contents and Control (1.2.3)

List effects of controversial contents on society (

Two effects of controversial contents on society are pornography and slander.

• Pornography
Any form of media or material (like literature or photographs) that depicts
erotic behaviour and is intended to cause sexual excitement.

• Slander
A false and malicious statement or report about someone.

Describe the process of filtering to control access to controversial

contents (

Three process of filtering to control access to controversial contents are keyword

blocking, site blocking and web rating. Filtering software is designed and optimized
for controlling what content is permitted to a reader. Content-control software
determines what content will be available.

• keyword blocking
. The filter searches for any banned words or objectionable terms. If found, it
will block the page completely or stop downloading the page

8 Amiruldanielsabri(SMK Sultan Badlishah

• site blocking
The software prevents access to any sites on the denial lists which is
regularly updated

• web rating systems

Web sites are rated in terms of nudity, sex, violence and language. Browsers
set to only accept pages with certain levels of ratings.

9 Amiruldanielsabri(SMK Sultan Badlishah
Computer Crimes (1.2.4)

Explain the need for Cyber Law (

Cyber law refers to legal issues related to protecting the internet and online
communication technologies. Many concerns and issues were raised on the integrity
and security of information, legal status of online transactions, privacy and
confidentiality of information, intellectual property right and security of government
data placed on the internet.

Examples of cyber law are:

• Digital signature Act 1997
• Computer crimes Act 1997
• Telemedicine Act 1997
• Communication and multimedia Act 1998

Explain briefly the computer crimes below: (

A computer crime is defined as any criminal activity that is related to the use of
computers. These activities include computer fraud, copyright infringement,
computer theft and computer attack.

• Computer fraud

Computer fraud is defined as having an intention to take advantage over or causing

loss to other people, mainly on monetary basis through the use of computer. There
are many forms of computer fraud which include e-mail hoaxes, investment
schemes, sales promotion, using spyware to gather information about people and
illegally using someone else’s computer or posing as someone else on the Internet

Copyright infringement

Copyright infringement is defined as a violation of the right secured by a copyright.

It involves illegal copy or reproduction of copyrights material by the black market.
For example, open commercial sale of pirated item.

Computer theft

Computer theft is defined as the unauthorized use of another person’s property with
the intention to deny the owner’s rightful possession of that property or its use.
Computer theft can take the form of:

• the theft of money, for example, the transfer of payments to the wrong
• the theft of information, for example, by tapping into data transmission lines
or databases at no cost
• the theft of goods by their diversion to the wrong destination

10 Amiruldanielsabri(SMK Sultan Badlishah
• the theft of computer time, for example, use of an employers computer
resources for personal work

Computer attack

Computer attack is defined as any activities taken to disrupt the equipment of

computer system, change processing control or corrupt stored data. For example,
physical attack that disrupt the computer facilities or its transmission lines, denial of
service attack ,penetration(hacking) and sabotage.

Computer Security (1.3)

Definition (1.3.1)

Define Computer Security (1.3.1)

Computer security includes protection of information and property from theft,

corruption, or natural disaster, while allowing the information and property to
remain accessible and productive to its intended users.

Three types of computer security:-

• Hardware security
• Software security / Data security
• Network security

Security Threats(1.3.2)

Explain briefly the different threats to computer security (

Four threats to computer security; malicious code, hacking, natural disaster and

• Malicious code/malware

Is a term used to describe any codes in any part of the software or script that is
intended to cause undesired effect, security breaches or damage to a system..

There are various kinds of malicious code :-

• Virus –is a computer program that can copy itself[1] and infect a
• Trojan Horse – or Trojan, is malware that appears to perform a
desirable function for the user prior to run or install but instead facilitates
unauthorized access of the user's computer system. A Trojan does not
duplicate viruses do.

11 Amiruldanielsabri(SMK Sultan Badlishah

• Worm – a program that copies itself repeatedly into a computer’s

memory or onto disk drive through a network.
• Trapdoor and Backdoor – In a computer system is a method of
bypassing normal authentication, securing remote access to a computer,
obtaining access to plain text, etc, while attempting to remain
• Logic Bomb – or time bomb, goes off when a specific condition occurs
either specified time or date.

• Hacking

Unauthorized use of computer and network resources. Hackers are person

who accesses a computer or network illegally. They write program referred to
as hacks. Hackers may use a modem or cable to hack the targeted

Hackers use a variety of methods to break into computer system :-

• Sniffing – refers to finding a user’s password

• Spoofing – alter an e-mail header to make it appear that it
request for information originated from another address
• Phishing- Hacker may use any number of frauds to con victims
out of their passwords

• Natural Disaster

Computers are also threatened by natural or environmental disaster.

Example of natural and environmental disasters such as flood, fire,
earthquake, storms, tornados, excessive heat and inadequate power supply.

• Theft

Theft is the illegal taking of another person’s property without that person’s
freely given consent.

There are three types of computer theft; software theft, hardware theft and
information theft

o Software theft occurs when someone steal software media ,

intentionally erases program or illegally copied the program.

o Hardware theft is the act of stealing computer equipment.

o Information theft occurs when someone steals personal or

confidential information.

Security Measures (1.3.3)

12 Amiruldanielsabri(SMK Sultan Badlishah
Security measures means the precautionary measures taken toward possible
danger or damage. Techniques enforce to restrict access to data and condition in
which data is obtained.

Select the appropriate security measures to overcome the identified

computer threats (


• Antivirus
Malicious Code
• Anti-spyware

• Firewall (Hardware/Software)
• Cryptography

Natural Disaster • Data Backup

• Human Aspects

o Security Personnel
o Training/motivation

• Lock & Key , Smartcard, Password

Apply the correct security procedures (

a) Antivirus

An antivirus program protects a computer against viruses by identifying and

removing any computer viruses found in the computer memory, on storage media
or incoming e-mail files. An antivirus program scans for programs that attempt to
modify the boot program, the operating system and other programs that normally
are read from but not modified. Examples of antivirus programs are Kaspersky
Antivirus, Norton Antivirus, Avira Antivirus and etc.

b) Anti-Spyware

Spyware is a program placed on a computer without the user’s knowledge. An anti-

spyware application program sometimes called tracking software or a spybot is
used to remove spyware. It secretly collects information about the user. Examples
of anti-spyware are Ad-aware, Spyware Blaster and etc.

c) Cryptography

13 Amiruldanielsabri(SMK Sultan Badlishah
Cryptography is a process of hiding information by altering the actual information
into different representation, for example an APA can be written as *%*.

d) Firewall

Firewall is a hardware or software which functions in a networked environment to

prevent some communications forbidden by the security policy. It permits limited
access from inside or outside the network perimeters. Examples of firewall are
screening routers, proxy gateway and guard.

e) Data Backup

Data Backup is a system of file duplication. Data backups are necessary so that
they can be accessed in case the original copy is lost or damaged. Depending on
the importance of the information, daily, weekly or biweekly backups from a hard
disk can be performed.

f) Human Aspects

Human aspects refer misuse of hardware and software by the users. The security
procedures to prevent the problem from arising are:

• to give self awareness talk and motivate the employees to be honest,

responsible and trustworthy users.

• to train employees to follow the rules and procedures of the organisation

• to ensure that the computers and important data can only be accessed by
authorised personnel by using lock, password and smartcard

14 Amiruldanielsabri(SMK Sultan Badlishah
Teaching Courseware CD
Teaching courseware – lesson 14
References : CD courseware
Books – Information and Communication Technology (ICT)(2007) , Ibrahim
Ahmad, Venton Publishing (M) Sdn. Bhd
Discovering Computers 2007 a Gateway to Information (2007), Shelly Cashman
Vermaat, Shelly Cashmant Series.


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