Republic of The Philippines Palompon Institute of Technology Palompon, Leyte

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Republic of the Philippines

Palompon Institute of Technology

Palompon, Leyte


Payo, Whenan Faith O.

BSED English I-A

Directions: Read carefully and answer comprehensively the following items below.

1.  Identify & discuss the stages (4) of Language Acquisition in a child's language

- As everyone knows, Language acquisition is the process by which humans gain the
ability to be aware of language and to understand it. In child’s language development,
there are four (4) significant stages to acquire language. The first one is the
Language Infancy or is what we called Babbling stage in which infant seems to be
trying different things with expressing articulate sounds, however doesn’t create any
recognizable words. The second stage is the Toddlers or the One-Word stage that
contains single word expressions, for example “play” for “I want to play now”. Infants
utilize this essentially to obtain things they want and need, but sometimes they aren’t
obvious. For instance, they say “mama” or may cry when they wants attention. Next,
we have Two- word stage in which children used to pronounce from one word to two
word sentences. These sentences contain 1 word for the predicate and 1 word for the
subject. For example “Dog walk” for the sentence “The dog is being walked”. During this
stage we see the appearance of single modifiers. Lastly, the fourth stage, Telegraphic
stage.  In this period, children start producing expressions with more than two elements.
The expressions of children are longer than two words and meaningful characteristics.
2. Cite and expound the impact of the First (L1) Language Theories to L1 Acquisition
and Learning of a child/learner.

-There is great impact of language theories to the language acquisition and learning of a
child. Bandura (1977) described the importance of observation and imitation of others in
learning language. According to him, there must be at least some truth to the idea that
language is learned through environmental interactions or nurture or in some ways we
call it as natural communication. Children learn the language that they hear spoken
around them rather than some other language. Likewise, supporting this idea is the
gradual improvement of language abilities with time. It appears that children modify their
language through imitation and support, such as parental applause and being
perceived. For example, when a two-year-old child requests for juice, he might say, “me
juice,” to which his mother might respond by giving him a cup of apple juice.

3. Point out and elaborate very notable differences between L1 and L2 acquisition.

- Language is a fascinating and unique aspect to the human species. It empowers

communication using a set of sounds and written symbols. L1 normally procured
during the time spent growing up with the people who communicate in a similar
language. L2 alludes to two things; first, the study of people or gatherings who are
learning a language ensuing their L1, which they have learned as children and
second, the process toward discovering that particular language. Another big
difference between L1 and L2 acquisition is that when learning a second language,
people already mastered their L1. The first language can be the basis for learning the
second language.

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