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Time: 1:45 hour Total Marks: 48

NOTE: Attempt any 15 questions from Q# 2, 3 and 4. Do mention the question number for each

PART 1 15x2=30

Q #2. Answer the following short questions.

i. What are the important conditions for diffraction to be observed clearly?

ii. What is wavelength and how it is represented?
iii. What is meant by resonance?
iv. What is the function of external ear?
v. What is chromatic aberration?
vi. What is meant by totally reflecting prism?
vii. What is a variable capacitor?

Q #3. Answer the following short questions.

i. 10µC charge is equal to the charge of how much electrons?

ii. What is potential difference?
iii. Resistance of an electric bulb is 500Ω and is provided with a potential difference of 250V.
Calculate the power dissipated by the bulb.
iv. How voltmeter is connected in the circuit?
v. What is meant by shunt?
vi. Explain specific resistance and also give its unit.
vii. What is the working principle of A.C. generator?

Q #4. Answer the following short questions.

i. What will the E.M.F. of the coil when it has completed ¾ of its revolution?
ii. What is meant by controlled fission reaction?
iii. What is meant by transistor?
iv. What is the important function/use of diode?
v. What are the important sources of the word communication?
vi. What is word processing?
vii. Write any two characteristics of simple harmonic motion.
NOTE: Attempt any two questions. 2x9=18


(a) What is meant by loudness of sound? On which factor does it depends? 4

(b) A stationary wave is making five loops. The distance between two consecutive stationary points is
10cm and its velocity is 10ms-1. What will be its frequency? What will be the fundamental harmonic
frequency? 5


(a)What is Coulomb’s Law? Explain it. 4

(b) An object 2cm high is placed in front of a convex lens of focal length 4 cm. where should the object
be placed so as to get a real image 4cm high? 5


(a) Write the properties of Gamma rays. 4

(b) 500mA current is passing through a wire. Find the amount of charge that will flow through it in one
hour. 5


Time: 15 minutes Total number: 12

Q#1. Encircle the correct option (CUTTING AND ERASING IS NOT ALLOWED)

i. Bending of the waves after passing through an obstacle is called

a) Interference b) Refraction c) Diffraction d) reflection
ii. Intensity of whispering sound in
a) 0db b) 10db c) 20db d) 30db
iii. Focal length of convex mirror is
a) Positive b) Negative c) Neutral d) None of these
iv. Distance between two point charges is reduced to 10cm from 20cm. Coulomb’s force
a) Half b) Double c)4 times d) 1/4
v. Resistance of a conductor _________ with an increase in temperature.
a) Increases b) Decreases c) Remains same d) None of these
vi. When resistors are connected in series, current through them is
a) Different b) Equal c) Increases d) Zero
vii. Magnetic lines of force are _______ in case of straight current carrying conductor.
a) Elliptical b) Triangular c) Rectangular d) Circular
viii. Data of digital electronics is in which form?
a) 0 to 1 b) 0 and 1 c) 0 to 0 d) 1 to 1
ix. Half life is the period in which the No. of atoms of an element becomes
a) 1/4 b) 1/2 c) 1/3 d) none of these
x. Alpha rays causes ______ of the gas through which they pass
a) Evaporation b) Ionization c) Excitation d) Conduction
xi. When a diode is forward biased then width of the depletion region
a) Increases b) Decreases c) Remains same d) None of these
xii. Majority carriers in an N-type crystal are.
a) Free electrons b) Protons c) Holes d) Positrons

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