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What is Grammar?

Grammar means roughly the rules for constructing and analysing

sentences out of words. It is the mechanism according to which language
works when it is used to communicate with other people speaking the
same language. One way of describing this mechanism is as a set of rules
which allow us to put words together in certain ways, but which do not
allow others. English Grammar for instance does not allow adjectives to be
placed after nouns; thus a black hat but not a hat black. Speakers of a
language must know the rules of that language; otherwise they would not
be able to put words together in a meaningful way.

Grammar is the central part of language which relates sound and meaning.
This means that the meaning of a message (or idea) is converted into
words put together according to grammatical rules, and these words are
then converted into sound.

Meaning↔ Grammar↔ Sound

Grammar is a mechanism for producing both speech and writing.

The process of analysing sentences into their parts, or constituents is

known as PARSING (taking sentences to pieces). In this module, we shall
gradually build up a simplified technique for parsing and describing the
grammatical structure of English sentences.

Chapter I deals with word classes; followed by phrase classes in chapter II.

Chapter III is concerned with the structure of simple sentences. Concepts

such as elements of the clause and their function will be introduced and
discussed. Finally, in chapter four we will study complex sentences.

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