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Amira Gamal

1st Case “Unused or Fully Open Ticket “

PAX did not use any of the ticket coupon (s)
 1st stage
1) Display the ticket by “TWD/TKT + TKT NBR”

2) Check the ticket is eligible to be reissued or not by identifying

the following:
a) Flight Coupon must be “O”open /”A”airport control/”C”checked.
b) The date of issuance the ticket must be valid (i.e. “Unused ticket is valid for
one year from its issuing date.”
c) Check the type of ticket (whether its partially used or unused ticket)
d) COC “city of commencement or origin” (identify the beginning of the
route from fare calculation to determine the city pair of the FQD.

 2nd stage
Check the penalties:
3) “FQD CAI DXB/D-10 AUG19” → for identifying Change fees/No-Show fees.
 “FQD” → transaction code
 “CAI DXB” → city pair from the beginning of the route.
 “D-10 AUG19” → date of issuance the ticket/ date of travel
Result: “500 CP” (Change fees to be collected from the PAX)

4) Retrieve PNR by the entry “RT*E” or create NEW PNR & put the ticket in
“FHE” element.
5) Book the new segment according to the PAX request
“SS1M2” → check the availability and book on same fare or higher.
Amira Gamal

 3rd Stage
Check if there is any difference in fare or taxes
6) “FXX/S3, 5” → to price the new segment + the unchanged
Segment (if any).
7) “FQQ” → to display the details of the fare (basic + taxes)
8) Compare between the new basic fare amount from “FXX” &
the old basic amount on the ticket.
 E.g. (new basic on “FXX”) 5200 – 3600 (old basic on TKT) = 1600
(difference basic fare to be collected from the PAX.)

9) Compare between the taxes on “FXX” & the old taxes on the ticket.
 E.g. (New Tax on “FXX”) 400 EG – 150 EG (old tax on TKT) = 250
(difference in taxes to be collected from the PAX.)

After comparison if the new basic fare = old basic fare and the old taxes = the
new taxes therefore, the change fees/No-show fees only must be collected.
All details of the ticket (old basic, fare calculation old taxes must be copied
in new TST of the new segment.

 4th Stage:
Create and build up TST (Ticket pricing page)
1st method of reissuing unused ticket
10) “TTE/ALL” → to delete the old pricing of the old segment.

11) “TTC/S3, 5”→ to create TST for the new requested segments.
12) “TQT/T1”→ to open TST NBR (1) if there are more than TST
13) “TTI/L1/A 2PC/B LREEG/V 10OCT 10OCT”
→ to add baggage allowance of coupon 1 in TST
→ to add fare basis of coupon
→ to add travel in validity (all fields from FXX)
14) “TTI/L2/A 2PC/B MREEG/V 20NOV 20NOV”
→ to add baggage allowance of coupon 2 in TST
→to add fare basis of coupon
→ to add travel in validity (all fields from FXX)
15) “TTI/C ”→ add NEW fare calculation from “FXX” starting from
country of origin till ROE.

16) “TTI/R EGP5200/OEGP150 YR/OEGP 50 JK/……….etc/XEGP 500

 “R” → to add NEW basic fare amount from “FXX”
 “O” → to add original tax paid on the ticket.
 “X” → to add fees & taxes (if any) that will be collected from the
 “CP” → stands for Change fees/NO Show fees code.
 “11 XL” → tax should be collected upon reissue for a ticket
commencing from Egypt.
 “ 75 E3” → tax must be collected upon reissue for a ticket have
a sector in Saudi Arabia.
 “T” → to add the total which must be collected (including difference in fare +
penalty + difference in taxes.)

 
Old New
 “FPO/” → transaction code for old form of payment
 “CCVI” → stands for the type of the old payment which was VISA
 “+/CASH” → stands for the type of the new payment which is cash

18) “FO*L14” → L14 stands for TKT line NBR whether in “FA” or “FHE” +
press enter.

19) Printing reissued ticket (if we collect the penalty in CP code).

“TTP/T2/RT” → to print the ticket with a specific TST NBR
Amira Gamal

2nd method of reissuing unused ticket

Check if there is any difference in fare or taxes
a) “FXP/S3, 5” → to price the new segment + the unchanged segment (if any) and
save it.

b) “FQQ” → to display the details of the fare (basic + taxes)

c) Compare between the new basic fare amount from “FXP” &
the old basic amount on the ticket.
 E.g. (new basic on “FXP”) 5200 – 3600 (old basic on TKT) = 1600
(difference basic fare to be collected from the PAX.)

d) Compare between the taxes on “FXP” & the old taxes on the ticket.
 E.g. (New Tax on “FXP”) 400 EG – 150 EG (old tax on TKT) = 250
(difference in taxes to be collected from the PAX.)

e) “TQT”→ to open TST (ticket pricing page)

f) “TTI/EXCH” → to make the total in TST to be Zero

“TTI/EXCH/T2” → if there are more than one TST
g) “TTK/O” → to remove all taxes created in TST

h) “TTI/R EGP5200/OEGP150 YR/OEGP 50 JK/……….etc/XEGP 500

 “R” → to add NEW basic fare amount from “FXP”
 “O” → to add original tax paid on the ticket.
 “X” → to add fees & taxes (if any) that will be collected from the PAX.
 “CP” → stands for Change fees/NO Show fees code.
 “11 XL” → tax should be collected upon reissue for a ticket
commencing from Egypt.
 “ 75 E3” → tax must be collected upon reissue for a ticket have
a sector in Saudi Arabia.
 “T” → to add the total which must be collected (including
difference in fare + penalty + difference in taxes.)
2nd Case “Partially Used Ticket “
PAX used one of the ticket coupon (s)
 1st stage

1) Display the ticket by “TWD/TKT + TKT NBR”

2) Check the ticket is eligible to be reissued or not by identifying the

a) Flight Coupon must be “O”open /”A”airport control /”C”checked.
b) Date of issuance the ticket must be valid (i.e. “Partially used ticket is valid for
one year from using the 1st flight coupon.”
c) Check the type of ticket (whether it’s partially used or unused ticket)
d) COC “city of commencement or origin” (identify the beginning of the route
from fare calculation to determine the city pair of the FQD).
3) Retrieve PNR by the entry “RT*E” or create NEW PNR & put the ticket in
“FHE” element.

 2nd stage
Check the penalties:
4) “FQD CAI LON/D-10 MAY19” → for identifying Change fees/NO show
fees/Minimum & Maximum Stay/Black out dates/Surcharges ………etc
 “FQD” → transaction code
 “CAI LON” → city pair from the beginning of the route.
 “D-10 MAY 19” → date of issuance the ticket/ date of travel
Result: “950 CP” (No show fees to be collected from the PAX)

5) Book the new segment according to the PAX request

“SS1K2” → check the availability and book on same fare or higher.
Amira Gamal

(1st Scenario)
 3rd Stage (if there is different class on the new date)
Check the difference in fare for an adult fare on partially used TKT:

Flown Sector Part 2nd Sector including the NEW

class & the NEW DATE
 “CAI.CAI”→ place of issue.
 “ 10APR19” → date of issue ticket.
 Check the difference in fare for a child fare on partially used TKT:
 Check the difference in fare for an infant fare on partially used TKT:
 For the surface sector or Arank (- -) :
7) “FQQ1“ → to display the details of the fare.

8) Compare between the new basic fare amount from “FQP” & the old basic
fare amount on the ticket.
 E.g. (new basic on “FQP”) 3800 – 2425 (old basic on TKT) = 1375
(Difference basic fare to be collected from the PAX.)
Note: In case of changing to business class, the difference in taxes must
be collected.
 4th Stage:
Create and build up TST (Ticket Pricing Page)
9) “TTE/ALL” → to delete the old pricing of the old segment.

10) “TTC/S3”→ to create TST for the new requested segment.

11) “TQT/T1”→ to open TST NBR (1) if there are more than TST


→ to add baggage allowance in TST from “FQP”
→ to add NEW fare basis from “FQP”
→ to add travel date in validity

13) “TTI/C ”→ add NEW fare calculation of “FQP” starting from country of
origin till ROE.

14) “TTI/R EGP3800.00/OEGP150.00 YR/OEGP 50.00

JK/……….etc/XEGP 950 CP/ XEGP 11XL.00/TEGP2336.00
 “R” → to add NEW basic fare amount from “FQP"
 “O” → to add original tax paid on the ticket.
 “X” → to add fees & taxes (if any) that will be collected.
 “CP” → stands for Change fees/NO Show fees code.
 “11 XL” → tax should be collected upon reissue for a ticket
commencing from Egypt.
 “75 E3” tax must be collected upon reissue for a ticket have
a sector in Saudi Arabia.
 “T” → to add the total which must be collected ( penalty + tax+
difference in fare)
Amira Gamal

(2nd Scenario)
 3rd Stage (if there is same class on the new date)
 Additional check must be carried out first if we re-book on the same class on a
new date for partially used ticket to guarantee that there is no difference in fare
on the new date due to different reasons like minimum & maximum stay/black
out dates/travel restrictions …..etc even if we booked on the same class.

a) Use the following long entry (FQP) with adding all the details of the flown
sector and the same class of the original ticket on the new date for the unused

Flown Sector Part 2nd Sector including the SAME

class & the NEW DATE
 “CAI.CAI”→ place of issue.
 “ 10APR19” → date of issue ticket.

b) “FQQ1“ → to display the details of the fare to check if it’s the

same of the ticket or not.

 3rd Stage: (if it’s the same fare)

Create and build up TST
c) “TTE/ALL” → to delete the old pricing of the old segment.

d) “TTC/S3”→ to create TST for the new requested segment.

e) “TQT/T1”→ to open TST NBR (1) if there are more than TST
→ to add baggage allowance in TST
→ to add old fare basis of the ticket.
→ to add travel date in validity (all fields from TKT)
g) “TTI/C ”→ add OLD fare calculation of the ticket starting from
country of origin till ROE of the ticket.
h) “TTI/R EGP3800.00/OEGP150.00 YR/OEGP 50.00
JK/……….etc/XEGP 950 CP/ XEGP 11XL.00/TEGP2336.00
 “R” → to add OLD basic fare amount of the ticket.
 “O” → to add original tax paid on the ticket.
 “X” → to add fees & taxes (if any) that will be collected from the PAX.
 “CP” → stands for Change fees/NO Show fees code.
 “11 XL” → tax should be collected upon reissue for a ticket commencing from
 “75 E3” tax must be collected upon reissue for a ticket have a sector in
Saudi Arabia.
 “T” → to add the total which must be collected ( penalty + tax+ difference in
Amira Gamal

Create “PENF” EMD Manually

If Auto reissue does not work & it’s required to add Change fees/No-show
fees in “PENF” EMD

 “PENF” is under EMD-Standalone type.

1) After updating new TST for reissuing the ticket, add the service for “PENF”
EMD to refund the unused taxes of the old destination as the following:
 “IU MS NN1” → transaction code for EMD-S.
 “PENF” → 4 letter codes for penalty EMD.
 “JED CAI” → city pair of the new travel.
 “/10 MAY” → date of travel.

2) “TMC” → to create TSM ( EMD pricing page)

3) “TMI/DEGYPTAIR LON office/A LON”→ indicates that this service is

presented to LON MS office and in LON city.
4) “TMI/CV-500” → to add penalty in the coupon value.
5) “TMI/F EGP500” → to add basic fare with having the penalty in TST

6) ”TMI/FP- cash”→ to add the form of payment.

7) If the change fees/No-show fees are added in Penalty EMD

a) “TTP/T2/RT” → print the ticket first
b) “TMI/IC-TKT0772403452233” add the new ticket NBR in the
penalty TSM
c) “TTM/M1/RT” → to print “PENF” EMD with a specific TSM
Change Route on Unused (Fully Open) Ticket

 Some examples of changing the route for fresh unused ticket.


Status: O
2nd e.g. CAI JED CAI → JED CAI
Status: O
Status: O

 For unused ticket use “FXX” with specifying the new segments to get the new
fare due to changing the route.

 In case of rerouting, the difference in taxes or new taxes must be collected for
the new destination.

 In case of rerouting specifically, the unused taxes for original destination must
be refunded in “Residual Value” EMD.
Amira Gamal

Change Route on Partially Used Ticket


Flown Open Flown New segment

Round trip Open Jaw (surface sector)

Flown Open Flown New Segment

Round trip One way

 For partially used ticket use “FQP” to get the new fare due to changing the

 In case of rerouting, the difference in taxes or new taxes must be collected for
the new destination.

 In case of rerouting specifically, the unused taxes for original destination must
be refunded in “Residual Value” EMD.
Create “Residual Value” EMD Manually
Due to changing a route and refunding unused taxes of the original

 “Residual Value” is under EMD-Standalone type.

1) After updating new TST for reissuing the ticket, add the service for “Residual
Value” EMD to refund the unused taxes of the old destination as the following:
 “IU MS NN1” → transaction code for EMD-S.
 “RSVR” → 4 letter codes for “Residual Value” EMD.
 “MED CAI” → city pair of the new travel.
 “/10 MAY” → date of travel.

2) “TMC” → to create TSM ( EMD pricing page)

3) “TMI/DEGYPTAIR LON office/A LON”→ indicates that this service is

presented to LON MS office and in LON city.
If the original ticket was issued in travel agency in EGYPT, the service must
be presented to BSP in Cairo as
4) “TMI/CV-0.00” → to add coupon value with zero.
5) “TMI/REGP00.00/OEGP 1574 GB/OEGP 941 UB/WEGP00.00”

 “TMI” → transaction code for adding in TSM

 “REGP00.00” → to add basic fare with zero in TST as no refund for basic fare
 “OEGP 1574 GB/OEGP 941 UB” → to add the unused taxes of original
destination in detail to be refunded.
 “/WEGP00.00” → the total must be zero in TSM as the PAX will not pay any
fees otherwise he/she will refund the EMD after 24 HR from its date of
Amira Gamal

6) ”TMI/FP- O/CCVI”→ to add the old form of payment of the

original ticket in the EMD.

7) Copy the “FO” line of the original TKT in the PNR

8) “TMI/FO - paste the FO line” and press enter.

9) “ TTP/T2/TTM/M1/RT”→ to print the new ticket + EMD at the same time &
retrieve PNR (they must be printed together)

A new ticket with new segment + “Residual Value” EMD are issued against
original ticket NBR.

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