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Cambridge iGCSE 0654 (Biology Units)

TOPIC I can …….   

List and describe the characteristics of
living organisms.
Be able to give definitions (and understand them) for:
 Nutrition
B1. Characteristics of  Excretion
living organisms  Respiration
 Sensitivity
 Reproduction
 Growth
 Movement
Identify, describe and explain the differences between plant
and animal cells (under a light microscope (LM) )
Relate the structures of animal & plant cells to their
function (and do this along with identification under a LM)
B2. Cells Relate the structures of red blood cells (to transport) and
root hair cells (to absorption)
Define diffusion and osmosis
Explain how osmosis is involved in the uptake of water by
Describe enzymes as proteins that act as biological catalysts
Describe the effect of changing
 Temperature
 pH ….on enzyme activity
B3. Enzymes Explain the reason pH and temperature affect enzyme
Link to chemistry  understand catalysts.
 basics of protein polymerization
(condensation reaction)
Describe the structure of large bio-molecules
 sugars to starch (and glycogen)
 amino acids to proteins
 fatty acids and glycerol to fats and oils
B4. Nutrition To know the chemical elements that make up the above.
B4.1 Nutrients Know the chemical tests for starch, sugars, protein & fats.
List sources of, needs and deficiency symptoms for
Carbohydrates – Fats – Protein – Vitamins C & D – Calcium –
Iron – Fibre - Water
Know how microorganisms are used to make yoghurt
Definition, word equation, symbol equation, role of
chlorophyll, intake of raw materials (CO2, H2O, light),
B4. Nutrition Labeling of a leaf under a LM. (Label the chloroplasts,
B4.2 Plant nutrition stomata, mesophyll, xylem and phloem)
of light
Fertilisers Know the need of nitrate and magnesium ions
and the effects if the plant doesn’t get these!
Eutrophication Describe the effects of overuse of fertilisers
TOPIC I can …….   
Define ingestion and egestion
B4. Nutrition Describe the functions of the alimentary canal and be able
B4.3 Animal to label: Mouth, Salivary glands, Esophagus, stomach, S
nutrition intestine, duodenum, ileum, pancreas, liver, gall bladder, L
intestine, colon, rectum and anus.
Relate chemical digestions to the idea of small molecules
being produced that can be absorbed (enzymes)
Recall functions of amylase, protease and lipase and where
they are produced.
Small intestine
 It’s adapted structure (villi and microvilli)
 What happens in absorption
Role of fat, and the role of bile in digesting fat.
Identify the xylem and phloem and give their function
 Give definition for
B5. Transportation  How does temperature, light and humidity affect this?
B5.1 plants  Explain how transpiration “pulls” water up by a tension
force between water molecules
 Give definition for
 Explain the direction of in terms of areas of storage
and areas of growth
Describe and explain the heart structure in terms of:
Muscular wall – septum – atria – ventricles - valves
Discuss the path blood takes and by which vessels as it
B5. Transportation
moves to and from the heart, lungs, liver and kidneys.
B5.2 humans
Identify and give functions of:
White blood cells – red blood cells – platelets - plasma
Link structure and function in veins, arteries and capillaries
Define respiration
Give word and symbol equation for aerobic respiration
Give word and symbol equation for anaerobic respiration
Compare aerobic and anaerobic respiration
Describe the role of anaerobic respiration in causing muscle
fatigue and in yeast during bread making and brewing.
State the difference between inspired and expired air
B6. Respiration.
Test for limewater
Features of gas exchange surfaces in animals (e.g. lung
Role of mucus and cilia in gas exchange
Effects of smoking on the lungs
Explain the effects of physical activity on breathing
Identify features of lungs on diagrams (bronchi, trachea etc)
Structure and function of the eye features.
B7. Co-ordination Identify motor neurons, relay neurons, and sensory neurons
and response in diagrams
…Nerves etc Describe a simple reflex arc
TOPIC I can …….   

B7. Co-ordination and

Compare nervous and hormone systems
response Role of insulin
… Hormones etc Role of adrenaline
B7. Co-ordination and Geotropism
response Phototropism
… Tropic responses Role of auxins
Define homeostasis
B7. Co-ordination and Understand and communicate the idea of negative
… Homeostasis
How the body maintains a constant temperature
Vasodilation, vasoconstriction
How the body maintains a constant blood sugar level
Insulin, glucagon hormones
Sexual and asexual reproduction
 Advantages and disadvantages
 Give definitions for both
Adaptations of plants to asexual reproduction (wind etc)
Label the features involved in plant and animal
B8. Reproduction reproduction
Communicate the events of pollination
Gametes (sperm and egg), zygotes  when formed?
Role of the placenta and amniotic fluid in pregnancy
Compare breast feeding with using bottled milk
HIV and it’s affects
Understand cell division (mitosis and meiosis)
Define and use the terms haploid and diploid.
 Gene
 Chromosome
B9. Inheritance  Allele
 Genotype/Phenotype
 Homozygous/Heterozygous
 Recessive/dominant
 mutations
Calculate and predict results from genetic crosses (punnet
Discuss the difference between continuous and
discontinuous variation
Natural selection (and evolution concept)
Natural selection in formation of drug resistant bacteria
Food chains/webs and terminology (consumer, producer,
trophic level, energy transfer)
B10. Energy flow in The Carbon cycle (and role of combustion)
ecosystems Explain why a food chain will not often have more than 5
B11. Human Deforestation (causes and effects
influences on the Pollution (causes and effects)
ecosystem Air pollution and Water pollution
B11. Human influences Need for conservation
on the ecosystem Overuse of fertilisers  Eutrophication
Causes and effects of acid rain
Link between greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4 and H2O) and
global warming

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