T1.2 Assessment Task Human Reaction Times

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Science Assessment Task

Human Reaction times
Student Name: Le Tuy Ngoc - Maple Form:

Teacher: Mr Matthew Set:

Learning Objective: This task will enable you to develop this skill
● Experimental

Skills Learning Journey:

I can design a fair test to test a

I can plan an investigation in I can design a fair test when
hypothesis that I have come up
which I identify the given the aim for an experiment. I
with. I plan for the control and
With assistance, I can plan independent, dependant and can explain why a particular
Planning monitoring of variables where
simple investigations. a control variable. I can control variable should be kept
possible. I can carry out a
suggest a possible risk in the constant. I can carry out a basic
detailed risk assessment.
investigation. risk assessment.

With lots of help I can I can independently follow

With some guidance, I can
carry out an investigation. I can carry out an investigation
select appropriate apparatus instructions to carry out an
I can use some science completely independently and
Carrying out and materials to collect some investigation to collect enough
equipment. skilfully to collect enough data to
data in an investigation. data to make a conclusion. I can
ensure reliability.
use most equipment with skill.

With assistance I can I can make and record I can design tables with
Recording make readings and observations and averaging and units for a I can record data to an
Results observations and record measurements in a table that particular investigation and appropriate degree of precision.
results in a table provided. I have designed. record the data systematically.

I can look at tables and I can analyse data and use the
Describing I can analyse data to describe I can identify similarities and
graphs and identify simple gradient of lines of best fit to
trends the trend. differences between trends.
patterns. describe trends in detail.

Look at the feedback from your previous required practical and write it here so you remember to act on it.

Hypothesis: what do you think the link between reaction time and practice will be?


Independent Variable (What did - Drop test attempt

you change?)

Dependent Variable - The distance that is caught by participants

(what changed as a result?) - The reaction times

Control Variables - Ruler

(What did you keep the same in - Paricipants
each test) - The distance from the hand to ruler (height of drop test)
- Temperature/environment
What did you use? Add more rows to the table if you like.

Equipment What it is used for

Ruler >20cm - Used for measuring the distance that the person caught the ruler

Partner - To do the ruler drop test together

Paper - To record the result that you investigate (draw conversion table)

Pencil - To write the result into paper


This is what you did in lesson:

1. I find a person to do with.

2. I holds my weaker hand out with a gap of the first finger and thumb.
3. Then, my partner will hold the ruler in my thumb with zero.
4. I have to catch the ruler without telling of my partner.
5. The mearsurements that I just catch on the ruler will be recorded in the conversion table.Repeat it 10 times.
6. Then, swap places and record my partner’s results.

Risk assessment: do not complete

Hazard Risk Control

Copy out or upload a picture of your results here

[Write your response here]

Reference Times
Reading Reaction Reading Reaction Reading Reaction Reading Reaction Reading Reaction
from ruler time (s) from ruler time (s) from ruler time (s) from ruler time (s) from ruler time (s)
(cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm)
1 0.05 21 0.21 41 0.29 61 0.35 81 0.41

2 0.06 22 0.22 42 0.29 62 0.36 82 0.41

3 0.08 23 0.22 43 0.30 63 0.36 83 0.41

4 0.09 24 0.22 44 0.30 64 0.36 84 0.41

5 0.10 25 0.23 45 0.30 65 0.36 85 0.42

6 0.11 26 0.23 46 0.31 66 0.37 86 0.42

7 0.12 27 0.23 47 0.31 67 0.37 87 0.42

8 0.13 28 0.24 48 0.31 68 0.37 88 0.42

9 0.14 29 0.24 49 0.32 69 0.38 89 0.43

10 0.14 30 0.25 50 0.32 70 0.38 90 0.43

11 0.15 31 0.25 51 0.32 71 0.38 91 0.43

12 0.16 32 0.26 52 0.33 72 0.38 92 0.43

13 0.16 33 0.26 53 0.33 73 0.39 93 0.44

14 0.17 34 0.26 54 0.33 74 0.39 94 0.44

15 0.18 35 0.27 55 0.34 75 0.39 95 0.44

16 0.18 36 0.27 56 0.34 76 0.39 96 0.44

17 0.19 37 0.28 57 0.34 77 0.40 97 0.45

18 0.19 38 0.28 58 0.34 78 0.40 98 0.45

19 0.20 39 0.28 59 0.35 79 0.40 99 0.45

20 0.21 40 0.29 60 0.35 80 0.40 100 0.45

Upload a picture of your graph here. Make sure it is clear!

Describe the trend shown by your graph in as much detail as you can.
[Write your response here]
- The more distance, the more reaction time it could be.

What could you have improved in your investigation

- Repeat the investigation 2-3 times

- Maintain the same temperature/environment factors
- Measure exactly the centimeter when you catch

Questions and analysis

Answer all the questions to the best of your ability. If you don’t know some answers, you can use the website linked below to help, or any other website you like.


1. What is meant by the term “continuous variable?”

[Write your response here]

- Continuous variable is data that can change continously. Although we can’t count each one separately, we will observe the changes to figure out the trend.

2. What is meant by the term “categoric variable?”

[Write your response here]

- Categoric variable represents types of data which may be divided into groups or category.

3. Is your independent variable categoric or continuous?

[Write your response here]

I think my independent variable is countinuous because the values of the distance can take on any value at any point along the length of ruler depending on the moment we catch the ruler.

4. Why was a bar chart most appropriate for this data?

[Write your response here]

Bar chart was most appropriate for this data because it is easier for us to compare how long the distance measurement between person 1 and person 2 in every drop test attempt.

Teacher Comment

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