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Dear Andrew ,

It was great hearing that you will went for a vacation in my country next Saturday! So here I want to
suggest some places you should visit during your vacation..

Im sure you will get starving when you arrived at my country ,so I think the first place you should go
is to the fast food restaurant to fill up your tummy and get some rest before continue the vacation.After
that ,since you’re attracted with photography, I think you should gp to the heath park because there’s a
lot of cheery trees and the scenery are so stunning and astonishing to take some photos.The heath park
just 100m from the restaurant.The main entrance is on Park Road, so you just have to walk along the
Park Avenue then turn right and continue walking until found the main entrance on your right.Last but
not least you also can watch a group of boys playing skateboard beside the heath park. Im sure you will
enjoy your vacation next week!

Im gonna off now,if there’s problem during your vacation, don’t forget to call me as soon as possible
okay. Bye!

Your friend,


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