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DEADLINE: October 8, 2021, Friday (11:00pm)

NAME: Joliff Rykiel H. Jumawan

GRADE and SECTION: Grade 11 STEM Peace

Work should be word processed (Microsoft Word)

Activity 1. (5 points for each box filled with correct answer, equivalent to 30 points for this
Arrangement Definition Compose your own paragraph with at least 7 or more
of Details sentences. (Choose your own topic)
1. the arrangement of An unforgettable experience in my life was a DOTA
Chronological things following one tournament in our place.I was with my team eating in
Order after another in time  the restaurant.Suddenly, some team wanted to battle
us first.At first, none of us got scared because we
know that we’re the strongest.After eating, we came
up with a plan on how to beat them.Meanwhile, we
didn’t know that one of our enemy’s members is my
friend.Then I felt a sense of nervousness because I
know that he is strong. After that the tournament
started.Next, we really did our best to win with the
help of teamwork.We felt very lucky to beat
them.However I felt bad for my friend.
2.Spatial Order an organizational There so many things in my bedroom.The first thing you
structure in which notice is a double deck bed on the corner.In front of my
details are presented as bed,there is a green carpet on the floor.Above the bed, there
they are (or were) is a onepiece anime poster and a small clock.As you turn to
located in space the left, you will see a wardrobe.In front of the wardrobe is
my gaming place.To the right of the wardrobe is a
mirror.To be honest my bedroom is just a small place but
there is nothing to worry about.
3. Emphatic requires you to arrange There are several things you can do to be a pro gamer. First
Order your ideas according of all you should practice daily or you must choose a game
to their importance that you want to play.In addition, it is a good idea to have a
gaming pc or phone that can handle big games.And it is
also important to have friends and team to practice
with.Moreover, set a time to play and have a good sleep
time. Finally, you must focus on 1 game to be good at it.
However, don't forget your school works and set a time to
Directions: Complete the table below with necessary information about the lesson.
Activity 2. (10 points)
Directions: Differentiate coherence and cohesion in your own words. Plagiarism is not

Coherence. If something is coherent,you can understand it, it makes sense.To be coherent,

something must be clearly stated or explained.The ideas are not jumbled. Cohesion on the other
hand, if something holds together, it is cohesive. It refers to the flow from one sentence to the
next.In other words, when you are reading, does one sentence flows smoothly to the next
sentence? Or isn’t it little rough ? 

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