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Hazel Mae B.

Toleza September 30, 2021


Mathematics in the Modern World

Ms. Christine Joy Hill


Chapter III in Mathematics in the Modern World is all about Problem-solving in a different
mathematical process. Before encountering this topic in Math, I am not a fan of solving problems in Math for I
always ended up experiencing difficulties in analyzing the problem and formulating a solution. But then, this
lesson shows some strategies in solving problems that are effective in applying unto different problems.

Problem Solving also contributes to mathematics itself. It is part of one whole area of the subject
that, until fairly recently, has largely passed unnoticed in schools around the world. Mathematics consists of
skills and processes. The skills are things that we are all familiar with. These include the basic arithmetical
processes and the algorithms that go with them. They include algebra in all its levels as well as sophisticated
areas such as the calculus. This is the side of the subject that is largely represented in the Strands of Number,
Algebra, Statistics, Geometry and Measurement. On the other hand, the processes of mathematics are the
ways of using the skills creatively in new situations. Problem Solving is a mathematical process. As such it is to
be found in the Strand of Mathematical Processes along with Logic and Reasoning, and Communication. This
is the side of mathematics that enables us to use the skills in a wide variety of situations.

I have encountered the Importance of Logical Reasoning Wherein Inductive and Deductive
Reasoning are the common concepts in Logic. Mathematical reasoning is important as it helps to develop
critical thinking and understand Math in a more meaningful way. The concepts of reasoning not only help the
students to have a deeper understanding of the subject but also helps in having a wider perspective to logical
statements. At this point, it taught me how to justify statements and arguments made about in mathematics
concept. But the most important here in this whole chapter is the Problem-solving. It helps me fully understand
the concept of solving a problems despite of all the confusions and difficulties that I encountered. I am not
really into this but I am trying to embrace the whole body of mathematics.

My realization to this chapter is that, some problems are too hard so it is necessary to give up.
Now you may give up so that you can take a rest, in which case it is a ‘for now’ giving up. Actually this is a
good problem solving strategy. Often when you give up for a while your subconscious takes over and comes
up with a good idea that you can follow. On the other hand, some problems are so hard that you eventually
have to give up ‘for ever’. There have been many difficult problems throughout history that mathematicians
have had to give up on. I believe that, the more mathematical we are in our approach, the more successful we
will be. Mathematics offers rationality to our thoughts. It is a tool in our hands to make our life simpler and
easier. Let us realize and appreciate the beauty of the subject and embrace it with all our heart. It is a talent
which should be compulsorily honed by all in every walk of life.

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