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INTERLOCKING CONCRETE BLOCK ROAD PAVEMENTS September 1988 INTERLOCKING CONCRETE BLOCK ROAD PAVEMENTS A Guide to Design & Construction Scope This document provides guidance on thickness design, material requirements and construction and maintenance procedures for interlocking concrete block pavements for public roads, and for other pavernents used by vehicles not ‘exceeding statutory load limits for on-road vehicles. This document is not intended to serve as a standard design specification and itis inappropriate to refer to it in this way. Pavements for heavy duty, offroad or specialised materials- handling vehicles are beyond its scope. For brevity this document does not fully detail all aspects ofthe topic. Additional information can be found in “interlocking Concrete Block Pavements" (J B Tait 1987) 6), in the selection of papers given in the relerences on page 21, and in the selection of papers presented at the 2nd international Conference on Concrete Block Paving (Delt, April 1984) and the Sra International Conference on Concrete Block Paving (Flome, May 1988). ‘This document has been based on, but extensively modified from, the Cement and Concrete Association of Australi publication “interlocking Concrete Road Pavements, A Guide to Design and Construction” (5). ‘This document is intended to provide guidance to Engineers experienced in pavement design, materials selection and ‘construction. The information provided needs to be supplemented by the Engineer's own knowledge of local condor reaching design and construction decisions for individual projects. Cover: LPG Depot, Manukau City CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 11 Application 12. Research 1.3. Paving Unit Manufacture 14 Pavement Structure 15 Block Colours 1.6 Stiffening Under Traffic 1.7 Freeze Thaw Situations 1.8 Drainage 1.9 Sound Practice 1.10 Block Shapes 2 THICKNESS DESIGN 2.1 Procedure 2.2 Traffic Loading 2.3 Surface Layer Design 2.4 Subgrade Investigation 2.5 Basecourse Thickness Design 2.6 Design for Lower-Strength Subgrades 2.7 Cost/Performance Evaluation 2.8 Design EDA: Examples 3 MATERIALS 3.1 General 8.2 Paving Blocks 38. Joint Filling Sand 3.4 Bedding Sand 3.5 Basecourse Material 3.6 Sub-Base Material 3.7 Stabilised Materials 8.8 Cement Bound Materials 3.9 Geotextiles 4 CONSTRUCTION 4.1 General 42. Setting out 4.3. Drainage and Subgrade Construction 4.4 Compaction 4.5 Sub-Base/Basecourse Construction 4.6 Planning the Paving Operation 4.7 Placing and Screeding Sand Bedding 4.8 Edge Restraints 4.9. Laying the Paving Blocks 4.10 Compacting the Sand Bedding 4.11 Sand Filling of Joints 4.12 Opening to Traffic 5 MAINTENANCE 5.1 General 5.2 Weed Control 5.3. Joints 54 Cleaning REFERENCES LINTRODUCTION 1.1 Application 1.2Research Pavements have been surfaced with stone blocks since ancient times and even up to the end of the 19th century surfaces of dressed stone or hardwood blocks were com- mon. Developments in concrete technology and improved plant for block manufacture led to acceptance of small ‘concrate blocks for pavement surfaces in Western Europe about 30 years ago. This has developed to a major usage which has now spread to many parts of the world including New Zealand, ‘Two of the major advantages of concrete block pavements are their aesthetic appeal and their high strength. In addi- tion the riding surface of good quality concrete offers high durability, skid resistance, abrasion and scuffing resis- tance. ‘Thereis a trend towards housing-estate streets (and shop- ping malls) having a complex curvilinear layout with irregu- lar carriageway widths to restrict traffic speed, maximise land use and to add visual appeal. interlocking concrete pavements enhance these developments, particularly with ‘heirabilty toacoommodate varying geometry andiindicate function by colour differentiation. In traffic-management schemes aimed at controling trafic flow in established areas the visual and texture differentiation offered by Interiocking paving assists in redefining the character of street and pavement usage. For bus stops and parking ‘bays interlocking paving provides positive demarcation of the area with a pavement surface resistantto Gamage by oil drips and with extra resistance to the forces of braking and acceleration. For allthese uses permanent colour androad markings can be incorporated at the time of construction. Block pavements may be opened totratfic immediately on completion of construction. Thesurfaceisnotas smooth as asphalt or cast insitu concrete so interlocking pavements are generally recommended for where trafic speeds are less than 50-60kph. Because ofits segmental nature, inter- locking blocks can be recycled. Once the pavement has beenbroken nto, pavingblockscan belted and recovered for re-use and only a small stock of replacement blocks needs to be maintained. This facilitates access to under- {ground services and permits the subsequent restoration of, the pavement with litle material cost and no discontinuity of the surface. Pavement shape correction if required can ‘also be accomplished at low material cost. ‘Since the mid 1970s there has been extensive worldwide documentation of research, development and perform= ‘ance evaluation of Interlocking conerete paving. In addition to the material directly referenced in this document major international conferences dealing exclusively with inter- locking paving have been held in Newcastle-upon-Tyne in +1980, in Delft in 1984, in Melbourne in 1986 and in Rome in 1988, 1.3 Paving Unit Manufacture Most of the manufacturers of concrete paving blocks in New Zealand are members of the Concrete Masonry As- sociation (CMA) and comply with New Zealand Standard NZS 3116: 1981 (18). With the continuing development of ppaving blocks and construction methods, designers are advised to consult CMA members for detalis on specific ‘paving blocks and recommended construction procedures. 1.4 Pavement Structure Interlocking concrete block pavements usually consist of three layers: surface, basecourse and subgrade. On low- strength soils 2 further layer, ie: a sub-base or working platform, may be included. The layers are described as follows and are shown in Figure 1. Conse pana bo {SUB EASEORGNG RATION 20 4x10 108 x10? 5 | | minor Access ° <100 | 6x10"03x 108 5) tears is 0.6 EDA per HCV. Effective number of days per year (estimated) = 300 daysyear Growth factor = (1.02791 tog, (1.02) = 245 Design EDA = 190x0.6x300%245 = 84x10" EDA/Iane Note: the formulato calculate the growth factor for adesign period of n years and a growth rate of ris: (3). Growth factor = (xed too, (19) 2.8.2 Estimation Method Estimate the design EDA for a residential street to provide ‘access to an existing housing estate. Wiath of street am Wicth and parking reduce street to one trafic lane Hev 95 per week day (rom obesrvaton) Effective number of ‘days per year 300 Growth factor 224 (assume 1% growth rate) EDAperHCV = 08. Design EDA = 85x 300x221 x08 = 114x108 EDA 13 3 MATERIALS 3.1 General ‘A pavements only as good as its constituent materials. To ‘ensure good performance from an interlocking concrete pavernent itis essential to use good quality materials. It ‘should not be assumed that a layer of interlocking paving ‘blocks can compensate for. or in some way bridge over, a poorly prepared basecourse or subgrade, or a basecourse: built using inferior quality or poorly compacted materials. 3.2 Paving Blocks ‘Concrete paving blocks should comply with New Zealand ‘Standard NZS 3116:1981 “Interlocking Concrete Block Paving” (18). The requirements of the standard include: The sides of the block to be perpendicular to top and bottom faces, except the top edge may be chamfered, a. The blocks to be shaped to close dimensional toler- ances and to nest together without gaps (not to imply that blocks can be laid without the necessary 8mm gap for joint filing sand). 2 Length not greater than twice mean width, minimum thickness 60mm, maximum length 260mm, minimum width ‘75mm, maximum chamfer 10mm. 2 Top surface free from laitance with a microtexture for skid resistance, Characteristic compressive strength at least 4OMPa. AA prudent adcitional requirement for blocks that will be ‘subjected to road traffic or significant pedestrian trafic is abrasion resistance. The Australian “CMAA Specification for Concrete Segmental Paving Units (MA 20 - 1986)" includes an appropriate abrasion index test. Suggested abrasion index values are: (5) Situation ‘Minimum 28-day Abrasion index Public roadways and industrial 15 hard-standings Car parks with vehicular 12 traffic up to 3.5 tonne Malls and areas with 20 intense pedestrian traffic Blocks of 60mm thickness have been eslablished to be suitable or light evels of traffic but 80mm thickbblock should bbe used in pavements designed to cary 3x 10° EDA or more. For pavements designed to carry 3 x 10* EDA or ‘more, blocks should be laid in herringbone pattern; not all blocks produced in New Zealand can be laid to this pattem, 4 ‘The upper edges of paving blocks used for pavement con- struction usually are chamfered or have edges purposely abraded by a rumbiing process. The principal benefits of the chamfer are to reduce any risk of block removal by vehicle tyres and the creation of a funnel which facitates joint sand filing, Parts of blocks to fil gaps at edge restraints or around ‘manholes or similar are usually purpose cut on site. Very small spaces which should require ess than about 25% of afull unit (which may loosen under trafic) can be filled with a fine aggregate asphaltic concrete or good quality con- crete (80MPa) or sand cement mortar. (See Clause 4.9.5). 3.3 Joint Filling Sand 3.3.1 General Quality ‘The small gaps orloints between paving units are filed with jointing sand, The joints are typically 2-mm wide and require a relatively fine sand, having a diferent grading to that required for bedding sand. ‘The oint-filing sand should be non-plastic and well graded with at least 90% passing the 1.18mm sieve. Rounded sand particles are preferred. The following grading has been shown to give good results: Sieve Size % Passing 2.36mm 100 118mm 90-100 800 microns 60-80 300 microns 30-60, 150 microns 10-20 75 microns 0-10 The use of cement in the joint-filing sand is not recom- mended as a general practice as it makes it dificult to completely fl the Joints and the cemented sand will not easily accommodate pavement flexing or deformation, and is likely to crack into segments which are easily dislodged, 3.3.2 Inclusion of Fines Inciusion of fines, such as clay or sil, can restrict water ingress via the joints during the ear life of the pavernent. Howaver excessive fines can make filing of the joints very dificult so the quantity of fines (< 76 micron) should be not ‘more than 10%, 3.3.3 Soluble Salts ‘The joint filing sand should be washed free of soluble salts or other contaminants which can cause or contribute to efflorescence. Such salts can lead to “halo” efflorescence around the perimeter of paving blocks, which in turn can Jead to temporarily reduced skid resistance. 3.3.4 Moisture Content To ensure complete filing of the joints the filing sand should be as dry as practicable when spread, otherwise bridging within the joints can oocur and prevent complete filing. 3.4 Bedding Sand 3.4.1 General ‘The quality of the bedding sand - and the uniformit of thickness of the bedding layer (see Clause 4.7) - has a significant influence on the performance of the pavement. ‘Ashas been demonstrated (20) where these requirements ‘are not met localised differential surface deformations (eg, wheal track rutting) may occur early in the Ife of a pave- ment. 3.4.2 Grading ‘The term “sand” should be intorpreted in the general soils- ‘engineering sense. The bedding sand should be graded within the following limits: Sieve Size % Passing ‘.s2mm_ 100 475mm, 95-100 238mm 80-100 118mm 50-95 600 microns 25-60 300 microns 10-30 160 microns 0-18 75 microns 0-10 Single sized gap-graded sands or those containing an excessive amount of fines should NOT be used. The bed- ding sand should be free of significant quantities of delete- rious materials such as coal, ignite, pumica, sooria, and organic or soluble materials. The sand particles may be either sharp or rounded. Sharp sand has greater strength and better resists migration under the blocks to less fre~ ‘quently tricked areas. However sharp sands are more ficult to compact evenly (see Clause 3.4.3) than rounded sands. Sharp sands are preferred for the more heavily trafficked pavements. 3.4.3 Moisture Content ‘The sand should have a uniform moisture content, Mois- ture contents in the range 4-8% have been found to be ‘suitable, Saturated sand should not be used. Crushed sands or sharp sands, particularly those with the maximum permitted fines content, are vary susceptible to ‘water content changes in respect of loose density and are ‘consequently more dificult to use with good results. 3.4.4 Soluble Salts ‘The bedding sand should be washed tree of soluble salts cr other contaminants which can cause or contribute 10 ceftlorescence (see Clause 3.3.3) 3.4.5 Cement-Bound Bedding ‘The use of a cament-bound sand or groutin lieu of bedding sand is not recommended as flexure under wheel loads and ong term pavement deformations may cause cracking of this layer. 3.5 Basecourse Material 3.5.1 General ‘The performance of an interlocking concrete block pave- ment will reflect the quality of the basecourse materials Uusedin ts construction. Drainage considerations apart, the basecourse is required to spread the trafic loads to reduce thestresses on the subgrade, and maintainits own intogrity under these loadings. 3.5.2 Unbound Basecourse ‘While any basecourse conforming to NRB specification (Mia (21) or approved NAB M/S (22) will be suitable, there may well be local materials available of slightly lesser standard that will be suitable. Selection of such lesser quality materials needs to be carefully considered; NRB specification notes M/3 (17) will assist in this selection. Additional requirements of this basecourse are: 2 Aminimum soaked CBR of 50 2 Ability to resist infitration of the bedding sand, ie diSbase < Sand 450 base < 25 (85 sand 650 sand (Note: dxisthe sieve size which x%of the material passes.) For pavements over low strength subgrades where no ‘sub-base is used the basecourse grading may naed to be selected to resist subgrade intrusion, see Clause 3. For basecourse with a significant percentage retained ona 19mm or larger sieve a crushing resistance of at least 1OKN (test 14 NZS 8111:1980) is required. 3.6 Sub-Base Material For the lower portion of the granular layer on weaker subgrades Section 2 gives the option of using unbound ssub-base, which can be lower quality material than the unbound ‘basecourse as the trafic stresses are lower. ‘Selection of this sub-base material naeds to be carefully considered: NRB specification notes M3 (17) will assistin this selection. 18 ‘Additional requirements of this sub-base material ae: (6) @ Aminimum soaked CBR of 20. Ititis to be constructed on a soft wet subgrade where there is arisk of sub-grade intrusion the grading should be selected fo resist thi, ie: d1S sub-base <5, 450 sub-base <25 85 subgrade 80 subgrade or for subgrades of medium to high plasticity G15 sub-base <6, 60 subbase < 20 dB5 subgrade di subbase 3.7 Stabilised Materials Where materials complying with Clause3.5.2 0r3.6arenot avallable economically, lesser quality materials may be upgraded by the addition of a small amount of lime or portland cement. These small quantities should modiy the Properties of the fine particles - particularly with regard to reducing theirplasticty and their general moisture sensitv- ity - without giving significant tensile strength. Again the suitability of these materials needs to be carefully consid. ‘ered, and appropriate lime or cement content confirmed by laboratory and/or field trials. The cement or lime can be incorporated by mixing the material in a pugmill or in place Using purpose-built road stabilisation plant. AAs the purpose of the lime or cement modification is to improve material properties by reducing fines plasticity and activity and reducing moisture sensitivity, rather than to achieve tensile strength as such, these modified materials should be considered as equivalent (on a1:1 basis) to un- bound basecourse forthe purposesof thickness design. AS noted in Clause 2.6.3 they may be considered to replace 1.2 times their thickness of unbound sub-base. 3.8 Cement Bound Materials For situations with high trafic loadings and low strength subgrades reductions in pavement thickness can result ‘rom the use of cement bound (cemented) materials; these materials having a higher modulus than unbound materials land having significant tensile capacity. In areas where ‘subgrade moisture levels are high, cemented materials are Jess susceptible to the effects of moisture than unbound materials, ‘To achiove the required properties in a cemented material both the properties of the untreated material and the amount of addtve are important, Not all granular material is suitable for this purpose. Cement should comply with NZS 8122: 1974 “Portland Cement (Ordinary, rapid hardering, and modified) (25). ‘The engineer should define the required properties of the ‘cemented materials. The strength of the comented mate- fial as measured by a 7-day unconfined compressive- strength test should be uniform and not less than 3MPa. Many authorities also specify an upper 28 day compressive strength limit of 10-12MPa. The required cement content should be confirmed by laboratory testing. Equipment used for mixing the cement with the unbound ‘material should be as for stabilised materials (Clause 3.7). ‘The moisture content after mixing should not exceed the ‘optimum required to achieve full compaction in the field. Excessive amounts of added water lead to undesirable shrinkage in the material as well as creating difculties in achieving full compaction. 3.9 Geotextiles In the selection of a geotextie for separation and filtration ‘over soft wet subgrades there is aneedto balance between retaining subgrade fines and allowing water to drain out of the subgrade through the geotextle (8) (9) (10) (11). One method is to use a geotextile with pore sizes in acoord with the fitration/piping criteria for one directional flow and accept there may be some fines migration (13) (14). If ‘complete prevention of subgrade instrusion is required ‘such a geotexte used in conjunction with 2 sand or ‘granular fiter may well be effective (8) (12) (13) ‘The geotextile must have sufficient integrty to withstand constuction stresses. The geotexile manufacturer's rec- ‘ommendations should be folowed. The geotextlo covered with a thicknoss of sub-base or basecourse aggregate may well facitate truck movement ‘onsite during construction. The geotextle functions wl be ‘mainly soparaton and fitration, with the possiblity of some reinforcement (28) (24). With care to preserve the geotex- tile's and the aggregates integrity, these layers canbe later incorporated as part ofthe fl block pavement. However, ‘to reduction in aggregate thickness from those given in Figures 6 and 7 should be allowed on the basis of any geotextila reinforcing. 4 CONSTRUCTION 4.1 General ‘This section provides guidance on planning and execution of the pavement consiruction. As a block pavement is & type of flexible pavement, customary pavement construc- tion skills are needed. Construction procedures may vary between small and large projects, between lightly or heavily trafficked pave- ‘ments and between manual or mechanised laying. The ‘advice of the paving block manufacturer should be sought priorto construction, particularly ifmechanical laying is pro- posed. 4.2 Setting Out ‘The completed pavement surface must have crossfalls of at least 3% towards drainage channels to ensure the ‘complete drainage of stormwater. After compaction the Pavement must finish with the blocks at least 5mm above adjacent drainage channels and edge restraints. Figure 11. Kerb and channels and edge restraints must be prop: «erly located as these form the datum to which the pavement is constructed. The surface of the subgrade, sub-base and bbasecourse layers must be finished within tolerance to the specified levels and grades; these grades should not be Jess than 3%. String lines from surveyed pegs are usually Used for levei control of all these. ‘The sand bedding course is normally screeded to tompo- rary templates. String lines assist in ensuring good block joint alignment, Figure 13, 4.3 Drainage and Subgrade Construction ‘The provision of surface and sub-surface drainage and ‘preparation of the subgrade for an interlocking concrate block pavement shouid follow normal road-building prac- tice. The layer of paving blocks will not compensate for shortcomings in underlying and preparatory pavement orks. Particular attention is needed for the proper resto- ration of any trenches, grubbing of tree roots, and removal of unsuitable subgrade material within the cariageway. Drainage will normally comprise perforated pipes encom- passed by a granular fle, or a gootoxtile drain, and Is normally installed after completion of subgrade prepara- tion. Care should be taken to avoid contamination of the filter material including construction of independent sur- face channels with adequate falls to suitable outlets to take surface water runoft. ‘The compacted subgrade should provide a stable working platform for subsequent construction and shouldbe graded and trimmed to within tolerance of + 0, - 20mm of the nominated levels, within 15mm of a 3m straight edge (18), anddrain freely o the side of the pavement withoutponding ‘The finished subgrade should be subject to inspection and ‘approval before commencing the construction of tha sub- base or basecourse. Proof rolling or Benkleman beam measurements in a grid patter can be used indicate any areas that require removal and replacement or strengthen- ing. For moisture sensitive subgrades once the subgrade is prepared and approved water penetration should be pre- vented by a bitumen membrane or by construction of the ‘sub-base or basecourse then blinding the surface ifneces- sary. For low strength subgrades consideration should be given to one of the options to provide a sub-base/working plat- fotm discussed in Clause 2.6. Where the lean concrete option (Clause 2.6.4) is adopted, the concrete is placed as mass concrete without crack: Contraljoints orthe use of steel reinforcement. The width of individual pours within the overall subgrade area is limited only by site constraints. Longitucinal or transverse con- struction joints are formed by form-boards which are simply ‘butted to adjacent previous pours. Typical practice isto trim the sub-grade as accurately as practicable but (50 as to maintain equilibrium conditions in the subgrade) not to ‘appiy rolling which may be difficult in any case. Other than vibration then screeding to the finished surface profile, no Particular surface finishing or texturing methods need to be ‘employed. The concrete should be cured prior to traffick- ing. 4.4 Compaction ‘Compaction isa vita part of pavement construction. Effleo- tive compactionimproves subgrade, sub-base, basecourse andbedging sandbearing capacity and stability, decreases ermeabilly and reduces long term setiement and rutting. ‘Compaction is particulary important for the more heavily tracked pavements. Vibratory compactors are usual, but vibratory equipment ‘needs to be carefully selected. A heavyweight high ampi- tude roller can affect sensitive subgrades or buried culverts of cables and loosen the surface of the material being compacted (compliance with (28) will usually adequately control this). A lightweight low amplitude vibrating roller or plate may well require many passes and stil may not ‘Compact the full depth of the layer. Cohesive soils require more compactive effort than non-cohesive soils Construction of sub-base and basecourse is normally in layers of not more than 150mm compacted thickness; this should be reduced to not more than 100mm for plate ‘compactors or for vibrating rollers of static weight ess than ‘tonne per metre of roll width After completion of vibratory compaction the top surface of the basecourse should be blinded with suitable aggregate if necessary and given at least four passes of either the roller with vibrations off, ora ‘pneumatic tyred roller, o compact the upper portion of the basacourse and tighten it to remove any risk of loss of bedding sand. 4.5 Sub-Base/Basecourse Construction Consruction of sub-base and basecourse layers should follow normal road constuction practice (eee Cause #4). Each ayer shoud be subject fo Indiv nepecton and approval Patcular points to not ned: 2 Ifacoarse granular basecourse material is used which {is potentially capable of infiltration by bedding sand, the surface must be blinded with intermediate material. Simi- larly for any coarse areas resulting from minor segregation of the basecourse. 2 Where the layout of the site creates dificuty in compac- tion of base material adjacent to fixed features addition of ‘a small amount (not more than 2%) of cement wil allow ‘compaction with small manually operated equipment. @ The surface shape and level tolerances of the asecourse are oritical to the shape of the finished pave- ‘ment, The basecourse should be finished to within +0 and 10mm of the designated levels (doubling of these level tolerances may be necessary on larger jobs), not pond water, and deviate not more than 8mm from a 3m straight- edge. Firm stable support should be provided for edge re- straints. The basecourse should extend beneath all new ledge restraints for at least their full width (Figure 5). 4.6 Planning the Paving Operation Ininteriocking concrete paving work, as with other forms of construction, benefits can be oblained when careful con- sideration is given to jobsite planning as well as to the use Of proper techniques in the actual work. A major part ofthe onstruction cost for interlocking paving is the on-site handling of materials; co-ordination of materials handling, paving and compaction teams can greatly enhance efi- Gienoy and economy on the site Figure 8. An important requirements the employment of an experienced supervi- sor. 18 Key factors in job planning and cost control include: Ensuring edge restraints are located to minimise cut- {ing of paving units 2 Spreading of bedding sand to a uniform thickness with uniform moisture content, 2 Carefully locating paving start lines and subsequent development ofthe laying face to ensure that a laying face continues in one general direction. Use of string lines to control regularity of bond and ‘maintain orientation of paving blocks. Figure 14, 2 Anticipating and planning the detaliing of the pavement atperimeters and obstructions and the apronsto manholes and drainage pits, etc. Positioning of bedding and jointing sands and pav- ing unit deliveries to minimise rehandling. 2. Use of suitable trolleys or buggies to ease transport of paving units from delivery points to the laying face. Location and phasing of paving and compaction teams to facilitate orderly progress of the work. 4.7 Placing and Screeding Sand Bedding Paving units are placedon a bed of sand. Although in effect a construction expedient, the quality and uniformity of thickness of the sand layer have an important influence on pavement performance, Its essential that the sand layer when compacted be as thin as practicable, preferably in the range of 20-25mm. At this thickness the risk of any localised precompaction ofthe sand bedding adversely affecting completed surface pro- files is reduced. Other than to cope with permissible toler- ‘ances in the basecourse surface, itis imperative that sand should not be used for filing local depressions in the surface of the basecourse. tis a necessary condition prior to block laying that the bedding sand must be of uniformly Joose condition of uniform thickness and uniform moisture content. Pavement surface deformation will almost cer- tainly result ifthe above practices are not followed. ‘The sand spreading and screeding operation usually fol lows ong of two methods. Either: Spreading and maintaining the full depth of the sand in ‘as loose a condition as the screeding operations wil rea ‘sonably permit until the paving blocks have been placed Usually with this method the sand is spread by shovel and’ cr rake and finally screeded. This method is suitable for manual block laying butis not usually suited to mechanised block laying; or Q6 Figure 9 Typical Site Layout/Construction Sequence Q Partially or fully compacting the sand with only the top 5-10mm in @ loose condition. This may be achieved by spreading, screecing and compacting the sand layer, then raking the surface or adding a further uniformly thin layer of loose sand. This method may be used for manual or ‘mechanised block laying. ‘The job spectication should usually make provision for ‘both loose and partially compacted sand bedding methods. ‘Analternativeto these two methods is mechanised spread- ing and screeding by an asphalt paver. Damp sand handled in a reasonably uniform way will achiave a reasonably uniform, loose density, after screed- ing. Variations in water content will alter the loose density ‘80 sand stocks and sand prepared for block laying should be protected from the rain or wind and sun, ‘The screed can be guided to level by: Using an edge restraint or adjacent pavement, pro- vided line and level are suited to the pavement profile. The provision of screeding rails of metal or wood set at the appropriate levels. Screeding rails are typically set out 2-3m apart. The use of tensioned stringlines set above the base- ‘course (eg: when using paving machines) [At the time of screeding the thickness of the sand must allow for the amount by which it will be subsequently compacted. A small test area of paving blocks laid on some 30mm of loose sand which is then compacted witha plate compac- tor gives an indication of the required loose thickness. Altematively place one block on the screeded bedding sand and lightly tamp ito refusal wth a mallet or wooden pole (27), Figure 10, Tests should be repeated as neces. sary for new deliveries of sand or changes in its moisture Content. The continued vibration and loading trom traffic running over the completed pavement will cause further settlement which must be allowed for. To minimise the risk of alterations in bedding sand and density by rain wetting, sun or wind drying, or physical disturbance, screeding ofthe sand should not proceed far in advance of block laying operations and not more than ‘one metre beyond the planned end of paving block laying fn that day. Figure 10 Determining Bedding Sand Surcharge Required by Tamping 4.8 Edge Restraints Edge restraints are a nocessary feature of block pave- ‘ments; one oftheir purposes is to confine the bedding sand, Edge restraints should be founded at least SOmm below the underside ofthe sand bedding course. The face ofthe edge restraints which the edge row of paving units will abut must bbe vertical. The lips of edge restraints adjacent tothe paving biocks should be atleast Smm and preferably 10mm below the invert ofthe blocks chamfer after traffic compaction, par- ticularly where the edge restraint also serves as a drain or gutter. Figure 11. All junctions of edge restraints, or basecourse to edge restraint should be biinded and compacted in such a manner as to ensure that no penetration by the bedding sand is possible, even when the bedding sand is water- saturated. 20 4.9 Laying the Paving Blocks 49.1 Planning ‘Two planning procedures which will facilitate efficient and economical paving whether by manual or mechanised methods are: Scheduling the delivery of pallets of paving blocks and their placement close to the laying surface. Paving on as wide a frontage as site conditions will perm ite LUTE Ss SS REQ RRA’ BAAAAKQAK 1S ORAm Teena a CHAR SSR SSS S|EEKVKVKE SSS ESSN Figure 11 Edge Restraints ‘Where the transport of paving blocks to the paving layer may be possible only by barrow or hand-troliey, the post tioning of pallets can significantly affect production rates. Storage of pallets only one-high will ease subsequent handling. Placing of blocks on previously laid paving, near the layersuch thatthey are within arms reach, isp Figure 12 Starting at a Curved Feature NOTE: Laying proceeds in SternateGractone sna ony tne operator ean workon me LAS, leynatace 2) AXIS OF UNITS NOT PARALLEL TO EDGE RESTRAINTS NOTE: Laying proceads none 7 ‘oct onybut more ‘/ANIS OF UNITS PARALLEL TO EDGE RESTRAINTS: Figure 13 Typical Laying Sequences 4.9.2 Selecting a Start Line ‘Wherever possible paving should commence adjacent to ‘or against an edge restraint. The location of the starting line ‘shoUld take into account: The alignment of the edge restraint and its likely influ- ‘ence on achieving and maintaining laying bond. The laying pattern and preferred orientation of the paving units. The desirability of working away from principal materi- als-acoess points to facilitate orderly progress of the work. The need to pave uphill whenever possible to avoid downhill creep in incomplete areas. @ The possibilty of starting trom a string line if edge restraints are irregular in shape. Figure 12. Paving should not commence from opposite ends or adja- Cent sides. An unsightly join involving much cutting and infiling of paving blocks - and one which could adversely affect the performance of the pavement - will almost cer- tainly result. Where staged construction renders such practice unavoidable, a cast insitu, flush edge restraint should be provided to separate the two areas of pavernent. 4.9.3 Establishing the Laying Pattem Positioning the fist few rows requires care, Paving blocks ‘need to be placed atthe correct angle tothe start line to achieve the final orientation of the laying patter. With a straight and sulably oriented edge restrain, the fst row can abut. For curved or unfavourably oriented e0ge re- straints, astringine shouldbe estabishedafewrowsaway to position the fist row. Figure 12 The frst few square metres should be’carefuly placed and checked to ensure that the block alignment is correct and the gaps between adiacentblocks arebetween ang mm. The contractor should be equipped with a set of feeler gauges and monitor compliance withthe joint wath spect fication. The laying pattem and face should be established to permit fast easy laying such that itis never necessary to force a ppaving block between biocks already placed, see Figure 13. To commence, only full Blocks should be used; cutting and infiling at edges shouid follow. The biocks should be placed on the sand bed and no attempt should be made to force the blocks into the bed by hammering or otherwise at this stage. Maintenance of control over alignment and the laying pattern and joint widths can be assisted by the use of chalked stringlines set at about 5m intervals. Figure 14. If these are tensioned and fcked they will deposit a coloured chalk line on the sereeded sand which reads clearly 49.4 Laying In manual laying there willbe some slight variations in joint widths resulting from differences in the work of individual layers. The effect of these variations can be minimised by the supenvsor requ rotating the layers atthe lying Paving blocks must not be tightly butted. Blocks which are ‘butted may be subject spaling and even fracture, and will resultin loss of uniformity in the laying pattern. Joint widths ‘must not be less than 2mm to alow filing by the jointing sand. Nominal joint widths of 2-4mm wil usually be main- tained using the normal practice of holding a paving unit lightly against the face of an adjacent unit and allowing ito slide into postion a ‘The job should be organised so that all work, materials supply, and trafficking occurs from adjacent features or on previously laid blocks. Maintaining an adequate supply of paving blocks to the laying face for manual paving is important. Insufficient attention to this can seriously slow the work. Where only fone or two layers are operating, hand trolieys may be adequate. However, for large projects with a number of laying teams the use of powered trolleys is preferable. in this way few personnel willbe required to maintain supplies, at the laying face. Mechanised laying requires the use of specialised equip- ment for transporting and placing clusters of paving blocks. Mechanised laying must be co-ordinated with the manufac- turer, the blocks must be stacked on the pallets in the required pattern, in some cases spacing ribs may be cast ‘on the block side to preserve the required joint spacings. Mechanised laying can speed up the laying process, however the basic principles set out above stil apply, as does the need for manual laying adjacent to edge re- straints. It should be recognised that where pavement profiles call for a series of concave areas discharging to surface inlet pits to control surface run off, maintenance of precise straight lines and uniform joint widths is more dificult because of the varying surface profiles between ridges. 4.9.5 Cutting and Infllling at Edges Cutting paving units for infiling against edge restraints, etc. should be deferred until sufficient work has been com- pletedto allow a reasonably continuous operation. Hydrau- lic or mechanical guillotine biock cutters or power saws are ‘typically used for this purpose. The debris trom block ‘cutting should be kept off the pavement suriace. ‘The use of cut units less than about 5mm minimum dimension is unlikely to be successful, as smaller seg- ments are difficult fo cut accurately and they can be isloged under traffic. Where space does not permit the se of a larger segment, the use of either premixed or dry- packed concrete ora sand cement mortarisrecommended. © Use sungines at about Smee sere ‘maintain onion 1 paving blocks 4 ee Saat Sed oy ARR ARK oe SE leg ee A aS SS a5 oe iS ERR 2B Kz parry. B ee PEL beers ESS anal ® Use iecal svinglines to maintain algnent sound pensions TOS OS NOS Figure 14 Maintenance of Orientation/Alignment of Pavir 2 ing Units 5 MAINTENANCE 5.1General 5.3 Joints ‘Awall designed and constructed concrete biock pavement ‘should perform well for many years. A reguar inspection of the pavement al about yearly infevas is recommended. This section touches only on the more routine maintenance items. 5.2 Weed Control ‘The sanded joints ultimately acquire a content of dust which may permit germination of airborne seeds. Traffic ‘should control weed growth in many situations. If, however, ‘weed growth does become apparent spraying with a herbi- cide willbe necessary. (nee filed and after dust has had time to accumulate the joints should remain filed. Joint sand can sometimes be lostby rain on steep slopes, or vigorous hosing, particularly inthe early life ofthe pavement. Ifthere Is evidence of sand loss the affected joints should be topped up by sand brooming and vibration. 5.4 Cleaning Block pavements can generally be cleaned with normal ‘equipment. The exceptions are vacuum equipment and water basting which may remove joint sand. Inthe course ‘of ime dust acts as a binder in the joints and vacuum ‘equipment may be used. “The block surfaces can become stained with ol or food- stuffs. Commercially available concrete cleaning com- ‘bounds can be used but care is needed when hosing them off Need for additional drainage apparent Install additional drainage if required Design ‘additional drainage on Top up joint sand if needed’ Frequent inspection of joints. ‘Yearly inspection. Maintenance if required. Figure 15 Flow Chart for Construction and Maintenance REFERENCES 1. Shackel, B. “An Experimental Investigation of the Response of Interlocking Block Pavements to Simulated Traffic Loading”. Australian Road Research Board, ARR 90. 1978. 2. Giford, J.M. "Segmental Block Pavements Optimising the joint width and joint materiat’. Proc. 2nd. Int. Conf. on Concrete Block Paving, Delft. 1984. 3. ~ “State Highway Pavement Design and Rehabilita- tion Manual’. National Roads Board. July 1987. Clark, Awl. ‘Water Penetration Through Newly Laid Concrete Block Paving”. Cement & Concrete Asso- ciation (UK). Technical Report 529. 1979. 5. ~"interlocking Concrete Road Pavements. A Guide to Design and Construction’. Cement and Concrete Association of Australia. July 1986. Tait, J.B. “interlocking Concrete Block Paving’ National Roads Board, ARU Technical Recommends- tion TR10. 1987. 7. Sharp, K.G. and Armstrong, P.J. “interlocking Con crete Block Pavements”. Ausiraian Road Research Board, SR'No.31. August 1985. 8. Ayres, D.J.“Geotextiles or Geomembranesin Track? British Railways Experience’. Geotextles and Geomembranes. Vol 3, No.2 & 3. 1986. Hoare, 0.J. “Synthetic Fabrics as Soil Filters: A Review", ASCE Journal. Vol. 108. GT 10, October 1982 Ingold, .S., and Crowcrott, P. "The Notion of Geotex- tiles as Separators In Roads". Ground Engineering. January 1984. Hoare, 0.J. “Laboratory Study into Pumping Clay through Geotextiles under Dynamic Loading’ ‘Second International Conference on Geotexiles. Las, Vegas. 1982. Hudson, K.C. "Geotextiles in Road Pavements” National Roads Board, RR U Newsletter. NL 78. November 1983. Bell, AL, McCullough, L.M. and Gregory, BJ. "Clay Contamination in Crushed Rock Highway Sub- bases’. Second Australian Conference on Engineering Materials. July 1981. 44,Bell, A.L., McCullough, LLM. and Snaith, M.S. “An Experimental investigation of Sub-base Protection Using Geotextiles’. Second international Conference ‘on Geotextiles. Las Vegas. 1982. 18. Brickell, .G. "Geomechanics for New Zealand Roads", National Roads Board, R RU Technical Recommendation. TR1. 1985. 10, " 12, 13, 28 16. Tonkin & Taylor Lid. “Clegg Hammer Evaluation. Stage ll’. National Roads Board, RR U Project PE/14,. September 1987. 17.~ "Notes on Sub-base Aggregate". Specification WS Notes. National Roads Board. 1986, 18. “Interlocking Concrete Block Paving’. NZS 3116. Standards Association of New Zealand, 1981 19. Dowson, B.A. “The Effect of Mix Design on the Durablity’. Second International Conference on Block Paving. Delft. 1984. 20, Shackel, B. “An Experimental investigation of the Roles of Bedding and Jointing Sands in the Performance of interlocking Concrete Block Pavements’. Concrete Beton. No. 19. 1980. 21.~ "Specification for Crushed Basecourse Aggre- gate". Spectication Mid National Roads Board, 1985. 22. 'Noteson Regional Basecourse Aggregate Specifi- cations”. Specification M/5 Notes. National Roads Board. 1984, 28. Giroud, J.P. and Noiray, L ‘Geotextile-reinforced Unpaved Road Design’. Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE. 107. GTS. 1981, 24. Holtz, R.D. and Sivakugan, N. "Design Charts for Roads with Geotextiles’. Geotextiles and Geomem- branes. Vol. 5. No. 3. 1987. 25. "Portland Cement (Ordinary, rapid hardening and modified)’. NZS 3122. Standards Associaton of New Zealand. 1974, 26.— “Specification for the Construction of Unbound Granular Pavement Courses”. Specification 8/2. National Roads Board. 1987. 27. Barnard, D.P. “Concrete Block Paving”. New Zealand Concrete Construction. August 1985, 28. Brennan, G.H. "Selection of Marginal Aggregates Sealed Road Construction’. New Zealand Roading ‘Symposium. August 1987. 29.~ “Code of Practice for Design of Urban Land Subdivision". NZS 4404. Standards Association of New Zealand. 1981. 30. “Traffic Volumes 1983", Ministry of Works and Development. 31.~ “Franklin County Heavy Traffic Survey”. 1985. “Saddle Hill Heavy Traffic Survey” 1985. Evansdale Heavy Traffic Survey” 1985. National Roads Board. 82. Sharp, K.G. et al. “International Workshop on Interlocking Concrete Pavements”. Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. 1986. F Notes Notes Mount Maunganui Borough Municipal Offices Kowhai Court, Kawerau ISSN 0111 - 851% September 1988 Cement & Concrete Association of New Zealand, 13 Wall Place, Private Bag, Porirua New Zealand Concrete Masonry Association Inc, P.O. Box 50-341, Porirua, Telephone: (04)328-379 “The information in this bulletin was prepared by the Cement & Concrete Association of New Zealand in conjunction with the New Zealand Concrete Masonry Association, \While this information is provided in good faith no legal responsiblity of any nature is accepted by either Association for its accuracy or suitability for a particular project.

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