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Yoga Niketan Trust, 1972, Science of Soul: A Practical Exposition of

Ancient Method of Visualisation of Soul, YogeÅ›varÄ nanda SarasvatÄ«

(SvÄ mÄ«), 1972
Soul Science offers a genuine Spiritual concept; the first grand exposition of the
Divine Law as known to those Masters of menâ “the Initiatesâ “a concept handed
down to us of today who believe that the Law demands reimbursement for every
act that is not cooperativeâ “to the benefit of both actor and those acted upon.Â
Soul Science offers you a practical religion, a true Spiritual concept, not a creed; a
workable everyday philosophy. You will be taught Divine Laws. These Laws are
absolute and cannot fail. Soul Science places power at the disposal of all true men
and women; grants them the means for gaining wisdom, strength and sufficiency
(prosperity in the activities of life). It leads them to the realm of love and
harmony. Within this ancient soul dualism tradition, every living human has both
a hunspiritual, ethereal, yang soul which leaves the body after death, and also a po
corporeal, substantive, yin soul which remains with the corpse of the deceased.
Some controversy exists over the number of souls in a person; for instance, one of
the traditions within Daoism proposes a soul structure of sanhunqipo 三é
‚ä¸ƒé „; that is, â œthree hun and seven poâ œ. The historian Yü Ying-shih
describes hun and po as â œtwo pivotal concepts that have been, and remain
today, the key to understanding Chinese views of the human soul and th Modern
Scientific Experiment on Science of Sound and Vibrations. An interesting modern
day experiment on how our words influence our minds and even body structure
was conducted by Dr. Emoto. ŚvetÄ Å›vataropaniá¹£ad is the earliest textual
exposition of a systematic philosophy of Saivism, for the first time elevating
Rudra to the status of Īśa (Lord), a god with cosmological functions such as
those later attributed to Siva. balagra sata bhagasya satadha kalpitasya ca bhago
jivah sa vijneyah sa canantyaya kalpate || Svetasvatara Upanishad (5.9). A soul
can take birth in any form of life out of the 8.4 million and many might have
attained human form, which is stated as the ultimate one on earth. Classification
of Species on Earth. Books > Hindi > सनॠत वाणॠ> शॠरà¥
योगेशॠवराननॠद सरसॠवतॠ> SCIENCE OF
SOUL: Atma-Vijnana (A Practical Exposition of ancient method of visualisation of
Soul). Pages from the book. SCIENCE OF SOUL: Atma-Vijnana (A Practical
Exposition of ancient method of visualisation of Soul). by Shri Yogeshwaranand
Parmahansa. Look Inside the Book. Description. Introduction. Even now there
are aspirants who are qualified to receive divine grace – those who have
practiced Yama and Niyama (the moral restraints and observances), who have
attained dispassion towards the sense-pleasures of the householder's life through
study of scriptures and holy association, in whom the fire of spiritual enquiry has
been kindled so that they transcend the duties of the world Can there be a
scientific study of the human soul? (Soul blog). Share your Spiritual experiences |
Suggested reading. Such a science would be concerned with scientific
investigation of the universal human cultural feature of belief in a soul. There are
many websites (for example) and published books dealing with the idea that
there can be a science of the soul. These various approaches to a science of the
soul range from that of Francis Crick (very materialistic) to many New Age
speculations about how
Science of Soul: A Practical Exposition of Ancient Method of Visualisation of Soul

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