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Work Plan for Week 3: Day 1 (SEPTEMBER 1,2020)

Big Idea: Apply the understanding of scientific inquiry and method in solving
everyday life problems systematically especially in terms of life processes and
living things.

Overarching Question:
 What are the basic characteristics that living things share?
 What are the common features shared by organisms within the
group of plants, animals, fungi, protoctists, and virus?
 Why is classification necessary?
 What are the characteristics that distinguish one kingdom from
the other?

1. Routines: Diary, Attendance, Discuss Work Plan

2. Discussion: Cladistics and Phylogeny

- Video:
- Powerpoint Presentation:
- E-book: (pages 53-63)

3. Activity: MOODLE REVIEW
4. Processing of discussion and activity

5. Wrap-up

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